
Shades Marathon Training



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    Iain LoveIain Love ✭✭✭

    I'll second what Shades says, Chester is a well organised race and the route its self is fantastic.

    I did Edinburgh marathon one year in a tutu. It did raise a few comments and i was the first tutu across the line..

    Last longish run today. Possibly 17 miles but I'll see how I feel, weather is pleasant and dry so should make for good running.

    Shades - All my long runs have been with a camelbak on my back with water and a teaspoon of salt to keep cramping at bay. (one downside of this diet) would you advise for or against using it on race day? If I don't use it I was looking at getting sugar free electrolyte tablets and keeping them on me so I can get a bottle of water en-route and put one in during the race..

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    Iain - up to you if you are happy to run with camelbak, it is extra weight and there are water stations every mile from mile 3 at London.  I use electrolyte drops in races but if I do a long run in training I use those tablets and find them very good.

    What did you do at Chester?   Whatever you did it obviously worked for you. 

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭

    I once did a 5K in a Santa outfit around Xmas time -  it was a Santa run, so all runners were dressed up like that.  It was a warm day and it was dreadful.  How people do a marathon dressed as a gorilla or something is beyond me!

    MF, sorry to hear that your knee is still sore.  My foot feels fine, although I do still have a niggle in my left knee and hip (interestingly, it was my left foot as well so not sure if it's all connected).  I've been foam rollering the life out of my IT band, but there is a slight discomfort still there.  I don't think it's impacting my form though, but we'll see what happens when I get past 20 miles!  I think from now until the marathon I'm going to avoid any speed work and just run easy though.

    Beautiful day here today, and I got a nice 6-miles in.

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    Iain LoveIain Love ✭✭✭
    Shades - I ran just using the water stations. I'll probably just do that again. This will be the first test on whether removing carbs from my diet works under race conditions and I guess I don't want anything preventing me from seeing whether it's something I'll continue our go back to the traditional way of fueling..
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    Big G - it always make me laugh when I see multiple Santas running down the roadimage

    Good idea to avoid any speed work now.

    Iain - will you be having some carbs pre race and during the race?   What little I read on the thread weren't some of the runners increasing carbs pre race?

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    There's a 30 min programme of Manchester Marathon on C4 Sat 23rd April at 6:35 am and at 7:35 am on the same day Brighton Marathon, that's on for nearly an hour I think.   Nice bit of motivation for London runners to watch those.

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭

    Shades-Thanks for that,I will record that,don't expect I will be on it,but a guy next to me did get interviewed running at one stage,rather him than me.

    Think I've changed my mind about the Liverpool half and go for the full,I enjoyed it so much I want it again,especially as I don't need to go back to the start it will still give me time for Hull

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    Iain LoveIain Love ✭✭✭
    Shades - I have heard that some runners do have a few more carbs pre race then normal and they say it helps as a fat adapted athlete can use glycogen stores and then switch back to fat burning once the glycogen is depleted.

    Well I headed out for my last long run and I hope it was just one of those days and not what London is going to be like... Although I ran 17 miles @ 7:34/mile it felt like I was running through treacle and such hard work.. Possibly a result of the lack of long runs over the past 6 weeks. I guess if I keep the miles ticking over I'll find out in under 2 weeks..
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    SlowkoalaSlowkoala ✭✭✭
    Iain - better to do a rubbish run this week rather than next week. I'm sure the taper will help now.

    Brighton runners - bit of deja vu all this concern over Brighton winds!! I wouldn't worry about it as for my HM there (which was forecast as v windy) it was just fine and I can remember having a conversation with myself while running that if I was rubbish I couldn't blame the weather).
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭

    Managed a walk today. Legs hurt but I can walk normally. Stairs, however, are a real problem. I was in Sainsbury's and I bent down to get some olives off a low shelf and muttered "Jesus Christ!" as my body protested. A lady laughed and I ended up in a long conversation with her about fitness and mobility and her arthritic knees.

    I've signed up for my next race - a local 10K on May 21st. It'll be a nice change of pace. Oh and I've finally registered for parkrun. Just waiting for the wristband (and obviously the pain to go away. I wonder which will come first).

    And now something a bit odd. I just checked out my photos (they're up now, btw) and they have me at the finish holding the hand of a random guy in a Macmillan shirt. I have absolutely no recollection of this happening! Maybe I looked as though I was about to keel over and he grabbed hold of me. It's all a blur!

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    mamafoxmamafox ✭✭✭

    Ha! That really made me laugh Cal image (The bit about holding that stranger's hand.. not about your legs hurting.. for going down the stairs try going backwards)

    Iain - It's a good sign to have a rubbish long run the week or so before - bodes well image

    Big G - Glad your foot/ knee is ok. Do you think foam rollering makes a difference? I'm not sure myself but then maybe I don't have the right technique.

    Shades - Do you have a race plan or goal for Llanelli? 

    My knee is a bit better - still hurts and even when I walk it twinges. Just on prayer mat that it will go with a couple of days rest and not turn into another epic saga.


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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭

    MF, I'm really not sure if it helps either!  But I do it as I think I should....  I think probably part of my problem is that I am very guilty of doing particular stretches/exercises after a problem occurs, but I'm not very proactive about trying to keep niggles away in the first place image

    After my run today, I went out with the step-dog (she's called Hiske) around Agatha Chritie's house, Greenway.  Beautiful day and lovely views over the River Dart.  As I'm still hoping to be a man of leisure (some might say "unemployed layabout"....) over the Spring/Summer, I can very easily see myself going up there with some food and a flask, and read a book for a few hours....



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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭

    What a lovely dog. What breed is she?


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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Cal, she's a German Wirehaired Pointer, and belongs to a Dutch friend of mine. Therefore, Hiske only really 'speaks' Dutch whereas I, however, do not. This can make things interesting at times!

    Have people seen that a council has voted to start charging parkrunners to use the park? The parkrun organisation have said that the event will have to stop if the planned levy goes ahead. Crazy decision by the council and I hope they either reconsider ASAP, or get booted out at the next election.


    I had a delivery today which will arrive sometime between 7am and 7pm. Marvellous! Once it's arrived though, I'll be out for about a 10-mile run.
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    Ian5 - that's great news about Liverpool, how many weeks away is it?

    You may spot yourself on telly.   When I ran my first marathon, a guy running front of me was interviewed by the BBC (he was dressed as the Queen), I didn't even remember seeing that interview happen, I was just running along in a world of my own, was at about 20 miles.

    Iain - I would suggest for your marathon that you carry a couple of gels or something high carb just in case you do need the sugar fix.

    Sorry to hear the run wasn't brilliant but you are still recovering from the flu, just keep healthy now and taper well and that will give you the best chance of a good race.

    SK - trust me, from having lived in Brighton I know how bad the wind can be.  I think it's OK for Brighton this weekend.

    Cal - good news that you can walk OK, but ouch to the bending down to the lower shelf in the supermarket.

    That's really funny re holding the strange man's hand on the finish line, that's the wonder of the marathon!   Maybe his wife is saying 'who is that woman'?

    mamafox - sorry to hear the knee is still troubling you.   Of course trying to rest a knee is really hard as it's impossible not to use it!

    Re my marathon this weekend, as long as it's not windy the plan is to run at about 84-85% MHR for the whole race and I'd like to improve on my time from Taunton.   My course best for this race is 4:51, which I did last year, not sure if I can improve on that yet this year.

    Big G - we're all the same, once the injury is gone it's so easy to 'forget' to do those stretches that you promised yourself you'd do forever.

    Lovely photo, beautiful dog.  I wonder if Hiske thinks 'bloody foreigners' when you have a language misunderstanding.image

    Re the parkrun, I heard that on the BBC radio news this morning.   It's a park in Gloucestershire and they're concerned about wear and tear.    I'm surprised this hasn't happened before as parkrun have been so successful they may be a victim of their own success by the number of participants.  

    Hope you don't have to wait 12 hours for delivery, that would put me off using that supplier again.


    Was pea soup fog when I went out for my run, it cleared and then the sun came out and it was really nice, not so cold either.

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭

    Shades, I think probably Hiske uses the misunderstandings to her advantage.  I.E., "I have no idea what he's on about so I'll go over there and sniff that leaf, just in case it is actually some food".   Or, according to Google Translate "Ik heb geen idee wat hij het over dus ik zal daar gaan en ruiken dat blad, voor het geval het is eigenlijk wat te eten".  You see - I have no chance!

    Regarding the parkrun, it does seem to have caused a bit of an uproar.  There is a change.org petition that is at over 15000 now.  One thing that people are commenting on is that if 200 runners turned up outside of the parkrun organisation, then the council wouldn't charge the runners.  But because it's a parkrun, they want to charge.  Their main gripe seems to be that parkrun has paid Directors, so the parkrunners should have to pay a fee.  And parkrun can't go ahead without permission due to insurance reasons.  Let's see how it pans out.

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    Big G - I think dogs are obedient just when they want to beimage

    I read the about the parkrun from the link you'd posted, I see Paula Radcliffe has supported the runners too.  It's a tricky one as I actually think the council have a point as parkrun have paid directors and sponsors.  I knew they had sponsors but didn't realise they had paid directors.

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-It's 6 weeks on Sunday, may bank holiday weekend-I'm not expecting a much different time as will only have a few weeks training but as it's my closest race for a long time I'll give it a go and it's more experience of the distance.Probably my last chance to hit the Rio qualifying time alsoimage

    Read about that park run, felt it was only a matter of time with all the council cuts they will be looking to make money anyway they can,it's a tough one really as if me and my mates just turn up then we can play on council football pitches,but if it's organised matches then the council can charge so guessing it's the same idea as it's an organised event.
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    mamafoxmamafox ✭✭✭

    Big G - That's an idyllic photo, a summer afternoon there would be lovely (as long as there were no mosquitoes/mosquitos, can't remember how to spell that) We used to have a German Shorthaired Pointer when I was young, lovely dogs. I also really like the Italian Spinone too. On a stretching/core work note, I am exactly the same. I am either in an extremely strict routine or I do bugger all image

    Shades - Are you strict with yourself when racing to HR or do you let yourself go a bit at the end if you're feeling on form?

    My knee is still grumbling so I don't think I'll run at all this week. After that I'm not sure whether to jump back into the plan or cut down the mileage/speed work a bit. It's annoying as I've completed the first four weeks to the letter (albeit failing a bit on the MP runs) but I can tell I'm not on top form because of my foot and now knee, same side and I have a feeling the knee is niggling due to foot prob. My original goal was to try and get another sub 3:30 in June but I think this might be a bit ambitious. I think I need to be on top form for that sort of training speed and I'm just not. I would like to try and shave off a bit my PB to maybe 3:20/25 in October but just want to enjoy Carcassonne in the summer. I've a feeling that if I chuck myself back into a challenging programme I'm just going to make things even worse. Anyway, sorry for rambling on, just dithering away here.

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    LoueyLouey ✭✭✭

    Ian – you must have really enjoyed Manchester to want to do another marathon so soon! I can recommend Abingdon, its towards the end of October though. Sadly I can't do it this year as I am already on holiday. Loch Ness is also on my wishlist.

    Cal – Definitely backwards down the stairs. A gentle recovery run will help if you can face it. I'm sure that man didn't mind – what a funny memento though!

    SystemJ – how are you feeling?

    I had a look at some of the event reviews for Manchester, I have never seen a race so badly slated and with good reason.

    Shades – thanks for the heads up on that programme. Will try and remember to watch (or record it). My plan for extra sleep is not going to plan. Sunday night was totally self-inflicted as I stayed up to watch the end of the Masters. Monday night I was in bed early but then had raging insomnia and just could not sleep. Last night I was in bed early, got to sleep ok but was then woken up by smallest child for no apparent reason and then had a nightmare about the marathon which involved missing the start, forgetting the gels, getting lost and my legs just not working!!! Things can only get better. I think there is a tracking system for Brighton and rumour has it that it worked quite well last year, you may need to download their app though. However, we don't get our numbers until the Expo (Saturday for me). They are allocating corrals at the Expo too so it will be interesting to see how that works in practice. I will try and post my number on Saturday once I've got it. I hope the weather stays kind for you in Llanelli.

    BigG - Good idea to stay away from the speed work for the moment. What a gorgeous pic and I'm amused by your step-dog understanding Dutch but not English, although I'm sure as you say it is only used to his advantage. Hope your delivery turns up sooner rather than later.

    Iain – first across the line in a tutu is some achievement! I am feeling much like you re sluggish legs but reasonable pace, and I haven't had flu. I think it's just the build up to the main event.

    Mamafox – The cutback week has come at a good time then, hopefully a bit of rest will help your foot and knee get better. Middle child was fine although up at 5.30am (not impressed with that). Smallest child decided he didn't want to go to school. It required all my powers of persuasion to get him out of the front door…

    Jacky – glad the leg seems to be ok.

    Mowzer – so did I read that right? You did back to back marathons and the second one was quicker than the first? I don't know how you do it!

    SK – winds???? I haven't heard anything about wind. Rain I can do, wind I really don't want.

    5 mile easy yesterday, legs still feeling sluggish although the pace was again quicker than it felt. Isn't the weather gorgeous at the moment


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    Ian5 - enough time to recover from Manchester then, can't guarantee the Rio time thoughimage.

    Ease yourself back into your running when you are able and you should be able to get one or two 20 mile runs done before your taper.  

    However, it could be hot on the day at Liverpool so that might be another challenge.

    mamafox - if only I had the energy to 'let myself go' at the end of the marathon!   There are no hills at this race, just a couple of small inclines so it's easier to keep a steadier heartrate, I've found that if I'm not strict in the first half I suffer for it in the 2nd half.

    Re your knee, I think you should go back to base training until you are injury free.   It's asking for trouble doing speed sessions when you're carrying a niggle/injury.


    I've been looking on the internet re parkrun, they are a not for profit company but allegedly pay their directors.    It would appear that some of the directors are non executive, so if they get paid too then that's not very fair.  From what I can understand they charge all new parkruns a one off fee of £3,000 but expect the parkruns to be organised by volunteers.   I don't think the race directors of each parkrun gets paid.

    Will be interesting to see how other councils respond to this issue.

    IMHO now that I've found out that parkrun have a £3,000 fee for each parkrun I think they should be passing some of that fee onto the councils.



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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭

    Shades, in some cases, Councils actually contribute towards the initial £3000 set up fee, as they see the benefits in it....  The local runs are all managed by volunteers, including the Run Director.  The initial fee is for the barcode scanners, equipment, marshal bibs, finish tokens etc.  Really, it's the technology that has helped enable the success of parkrun, in my view.  Each runner has their own unique barcode which can be used at any parkrun, and when they cross the finish line they get a finishing token/barcode.  Then, the runner gets their  barcode and the finishing token scanned and once the results are processed, runners get an email and text message of their result, and it's published to the website.

    For info, from the parkrun website, there is the below about setting up an event:

    Setting up an event – things to think about

    As we grow, the challenge of helping local governments, health services and owners of open spaces understand the benefits of parkrun is becoming easier. However in places it can still be a challenge.

    The key to starting any parkrun is to find the right person to lead that event as a local volunteer, to champion its benefits to their community and to slowly but surely build a strong volunteer team to deliver the event going forwards. We will support that person and their team through help from parkrun staff and our well-established IT support system. However it’s important to remember that each of our events must be driven by a core team of committed and passionate parkrun volunteers.

    Here in the UK we operate as an independent not-for-profit organisation supported by commercial and various other supporters. To survive financially we also look for local organisations to contribute towards the establishment of events in their area. We currently seek to achieve a £3,000 (including VAT) start-up fee when establishing an event. This is always a one-off cost and we commit to supporting every event indefinitely from then on.

    The time it takes to set up a parkrun event can vary significantly – it depends on the specific challenges of your location. Typically it takes around three to six months from start to finish. We never rush a team to get started and always wait for you to feel ready, properly trained and confident that you’re fully prepared.

    Finally, you must be prepared for parkrun to change your life! Starting an event is the most amazing journey. Please don’t take our word for it, either – feel free to contact any of our event teams around the UK (their direct email is on their specific web page) and ask for their thoughts and insights around what it means to join the parkrun family.

    Thanks for your time in reading this. If you’re interested in setting up a parkrun near you then brilliant – please contact us via the form.

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    Big G - yes, I read that on the parkrun website.  

    It would seem that most of the set up fees are paid by the councils and it's great that they are so supportive.   I also read the very good update on this particular issue on the parkrun website.

    However, as parkruns are organised events why shouldn't they make a contribution for use of facilities.   If I did a parkrun I would be quite happy to pay £1 to take part.   Or the parkrun can make a claim for community funding and pay that to the council for use of facilities, I believe parkrun don't want to go down that route.

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    Louey - hope the rest of the week goes better for your planned sleeps!

    Yes I heard that Brighton allocate your pen/corral when you collect your number.   That's a much better idea as I think the day before a race you have much better idea of what time you will run, rather than 10 months ago when sitting at your PCimage 

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭

    Shades, yes at the moment I don't think parkrun want to set a precedent of going down the funding route.  Let's see what happens with it all.

    My package turned up (it was a new hob) and I got my run in, so that was good.  It's misty/hazy and quite cool in the shade, but I enjoyed my run.

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    Ian - Liverpool is a decent marathon, I've not entered this year yet but have done it for the last 2 years. Few more hills than Manchester but nothing bad. It's a week after my White Peak marathon so I'm undecided, certainly wouldn't be racing it. Chester is a better one though and I missed doing it last year, but is a week after Loch ness.

    Shades - Good luck in Wales

    Mamafox - Hope that knee clears up soon, niggles are so frustrating.

    I'm full of cold, so just sticking to shorter easy runs. I feel better for getting out rather than moping about the house image despite it's name, the White Peak isn't that hilly. It gradually climbs for the first half then goes flat ish for a bit then apart from one bit, it's downhill. - See here


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    SlowkoalaSlowkoala ✭✭✭
    Shades/Big G - re the parkrun thing, I think this is so incredibly short sighted of the council and really lacks joined-up thinking. One of the reasons for parkruns success is its simplicity and the fact it's free. I think parkrun are right to stand firm on this. Given the problems with obesity and no one exercising, councils should be opening parkruns with open arms. They are offering this service at no charge to residents who have already paid for park maintenance via council tax. I think a compromise would be for councils to charge all park users for parking, which some already do. One local one which gets 600+ per week has a 3 pounds charge for parking. In this way the council actually wins but parkrun volunteers don't have to waste time handling cash. And all users get charged the same. Rant over!

    Shades (shhhh!) - I think you'll find that Brighton is the only coastal town in the UK with no wind whatsoever. Louey, you'll be fine!

    Love the dog Big G, we are still looking.

    8 miles today with some strides on the local track. I'm supposed to do a session with 3 1-mile reps at 5k pace this week but am too scared!
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    Louey my weather app says sunny not much wind for Brighton! Hope the other brighton-ites are having a good last week. I'm hoping its taper madness but my left leg feels weird. Heavy, almost swollen, like its about to cramp. Gentle run yesterday didn't help. Think I maybe need a good go on the foam roller.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Managed my first run since Sunday today,nice slow 3 miles, legs a bit stiff at first but ok when I got going, surprised I managed it already but happy to start again.

    Shades- What long runs should I be looking for before liverpool,guess I won't be up to a good long one this week,so that leaves 6 weeks until liverpool so not sure how to run them.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭

    Latest update from parkrun.


    By the way, in case people don't know, Tom Williams quoted in the link above as COO of parkrun is also a co-presenter on the MarathonTALK podcast.

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