
Shades Marathon Training



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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭

    I'm not ready for that yet, Ian, athough I'd like to get out there. Feet have swollen up again. Managed an hour of yoga but couldn't do some of the poses properly. To be expected.

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    TopSecTopSec ✭✭✭

    Shades, was looking at about 4:30-4:40 for London but it's a little bit in doubt at the moment as I missed the last step on the stairs on Monday and currently have a sprained foot/ankle!!  Swollen, but going down and now going black and blue!  Couldn't hardly walk on it on Monday but now getting better.  Will see how I go over the next few days, I'm sure it will be better by 24th but am worried that it may be weak and will cause me problems later in the race.  

    Will make the defer decision at the end of next week, reasonably positive I will be OK though image

    Good luck for Brighton, I did the half there in Feb, wasn't too windy image


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    Big G - glad your delivery turned up in reasonable time.   You won't be buying a hob very often so no need to boycott the supplier for crazy delivery times.

    Have you ever thought of starting a parkrun, you obviously are showing an interest?

    KK - sorry to hear about the cold, but it will soon pass and you'll be fine for your next race.

    How's the house coming along?

    SK - I checked the forecast yesterday for Brighton and Llanelli and the wind has dropped so should be fine, will be a bit cold for me in Wales though but should be sunny which will help.

    If your scared of that session because of your ITB then you absolutely shouldn't do it.   Any speed session one week before your race is not going to make you run a better marathon  but you could get injured.

    Catalin - some gentle stretching and go for a walk.   I think it's all part of the tricky time when you're tapering.

    Ian5 - great news you've been out running, your legs should feel a lot better today.   Just easy running now until you feel you've got your energy back and a bit of bounce in your legs, that may take anything up to 2 weeks, just run as you feel don't worry about pace, just enjoy it.   Then a long run of say 15 miles, then a long run of 20 miles and you should be just back to taper time again!

    Cal - I think you need to get your swollen feet looked at by doc.    It's common for ultra runners to have swollen feet after a race but it should clear quickly, not usual after a marathon and it did happen to you before your marathon too.

    TopSec - oh no, that's really bad luck.  It might be OK to run on, if it is make sure you strap it up for the race as the tendons will be weak and vulnerable.   I sprained my ankle badly in 2008 and when I was able to run again I ran all my marathons with strapping for 4 or 5 months and my ankle was fine.


    Saw the parkrun issue on BBC TV news last night.   What a pity the runners didn't do what parkrun asked them to do and not over react as the councillors have received threatening and abusive emails.  Those runners are a disgrace and bring the sport into disrepute, shame on them and their action certainly won't help towards the council changing their decision.

    Lovely run this morning, lots of bluebells and the wild garlic is flowering, saw a deer too.


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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭

    Writing abusive emails to the Council is not really the way to resolve these things.  In the worst case, parkrun will just stop being organised at that location, and I saw somewhere they have a backup location in mind.  But I think anger is probably simmering as the decision appears to be a very political/tactical thing as well.  For the Council to come out and say that people from outside the area come and use the park, and that's not fair, seems (to me) to be a bit of an odd thing to say.  It strikes as a bit of NIMBYism to me.  But I totally agree that writing to the Council in an abusive way is not the way to go and in fact parkrun themselves sent an email to runners urging people to remain calm.  I signed the change.org petition, but I wouldn't send an abusive email.  The key part of the quite long parkrun email was:

    "It has been truly humbling to see the groundswell of support and solidarity shown to the Little Stoke parkrun community. parkrunners the world over have been contacting us offering help and support, and whilst we understand how passionate you are about protecting something so important, we ask that you always act with respect and dignity when defending parkrun. We must all remain calm and measured in our actions. We are all extremely disappointed but we will do things the right way, following the proper channels".

    Parkrun will definitely not pay for the event, so the Council won't get their path maintained that way anyway.  The Council will either have to back down or lose the event, or maybe start charging for parking or something similar.  I see the event have cancelled this weekend's run, because they're worried about too many people turning up in some kind of protest.  

    I can see that to a non-runner trying to walk their dog or park their car, parkrun can be a bit of an inconvenience.  And I have to say I have witnessed some pretty bad behaviour from parkrunners when encountering other members of the public trying to enjoy the park in whichever way they want.  But these issues can be dealt with by the local run teams, and charging the runners seems shortsighted to me.  And parkrun is always *very* clear that it's not a race, how it's important to respect other park users, etc etc.  But I suppose you always unfortunately get some people who ignore these things.

    I have often thought about starting one, but not in any serious way.  Finding an acceptable route with toilets and refreshments isn't quite as easy as it may seem.  Also, getting the £3K funding was problematic when I looked into it, but this was a couple of years ago now.  I know the Trotters were approached to manage the one in Bovey Tracey before it started but they declined, and Torbay AC took it on.

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Thanks for that Shades-Do I still do a 3 week taper as I have just done one so will only have 2/3 long runs or will 2 weeks suffice?

    I have decided to make Hull my main aim for the Autumn,Chester would have been ideal but will be away.Will find some HM's before then to check my pace.
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    Ian5 - I think you'll still need to do a taper, 2 or 3 long runs in between the 2 marathons is perfectly adequate.

    Yes, make Hull your next goal race re time and enjoy running Liverpool without any pressure of trying to finish in a particular time, although you may have a plan in your headimage

    Big G - re the parkrun, the way forward is for the group to find an alternative venue, which I believe they've been working on for several months.   It's a shame that some of the runners behave so badly and unfortunately despite the organisers best efforts I don't think making a speech at the start makes any change in their behaviour, a sad reflection of lack of respect.

    I didn't realise that Torbay AC organised the Bovey parkrun, just shows that they were unable to find a venue in the Torbay area.

    Finding a venue must be the toughest part of starting a parkrun, I can't think of anywhere round here that's suitable.   I think it would be quite easy to find the £3k from grant funding.


    Just back from Pilates, such a good class.   My hip flexors have been tight for the last few days, now I'm all sorted out again now and all tightness has goneimage

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    Ian - I find it normally takes me 3-4 weeks to get fully over a marathon and just tend to run easy for a month and go on feel. Sometimes the hardest bit is getting going again post marathon.

    re the House, it's going to take years!. We've at least moved in & have a makeshift kitchen in place. So much to do at the new place, but the old place still needs emptying, tidying, painting etc. so still lots to do there before it can be let out. Just waiting for planning permission (it's a grade 2 listed) to do a few alterations as well.

    With my cold and generally feeling run down, I'll have a cut back week and see if I can get back on it next week.

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭

    Shades, since Torbay took Bovey on, there has been talk of opening up another parkrun in Clennon Valley in Paignton.  I don't know if you know, but they have a relatively new cycling track there, and the proposed route takes in that, plus a route around the ponds in the fields.  The people involved are currently trying to secure the funding for it.

    I just went out for another 10-miler.  Nice and steady at 10 min/miles.  It was going to be a rest day today, but I'm going to a beer festival tonight in Newton Abbot so it made sense to make tomorrow the rest day, in more ways than one...

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭

    Shades and KK,thanks for the advice,this is another bit that's all new to me,getting going again after such a long run.
    Will aim to run liverpool the same pace as manchester as see what happens.
    Also decided on a couple of new routes, was doing the same before as I didn't want to change anything but got boring so going to go across to the other side of the wirral and run that way.

    Just had an email off the organisers of Manchester apologising again for the bag situation,and offering £35 for entry next year when it opens.Was probably going to enter again anyway but definitely will at that price.

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    Hi there, glad Manchester  runners are recovering ok. Well, I have just entered the Leeds half on May 8th. It is less than an hour away from me and a run for all event which are generally well organised. It gives me a goal for my running for the next few weeks. I plan to enter the London ballot for next year.

    All the best to those racing this weekend.

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    SlowkoalaSlowkoala ✭✭✭
    Ian - that's a good offer for Manchester, although from the comments I've seen I reckon lots of runners may still not bother.

    Thanks Shades, you're right re the reps I think. More to lose than gain at this stage. I'm not sure whether I'm being cautious or lazy though! It seems odd to have that session so late in the taper when it's not going to add much to fitness. I get the keeping legs loose and all that but 3 1-mile reps is hard.

    Enjoy the beer festival Big G!

    Another massage for me tonight. I'm not sure I need it, but I feel bad not paying the guy for the taping so booked it so I can get re-taped after!
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    Iain LoveIain Love ✭✭✭

    Evening - Shadies, Hope you are all well...

    I got out this evening for a "gentle" 5 miles. I found it incredibly tough to keep the pace above 7min/mile but it was a good run non the less. Then we went out to the carvery so all was good.

    I have just been going over the weekly mileage stats from early 2014 till now..it leaves some shocking reading...for Edinburgh marathon in May (3:17) I averaged 28 miles a week. Then Chester in October (2:58) average was 21 miles a week. London this year so far 20.14 miles a week...I shudder to think what i can achieve if I did 60+ miles a week..image

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    KK - I guess the planning for a Grade 2 property is a bit more tricky, hope you get it all approved.    You won't be short of anything to do for a very long timeimage

    Big G - I'd heard about the cycle track but not been there.   That would be a good venue though I understand they use it for cycle races and of course the cyclists may not be happy to lose their training circuit every Saturday.  Would Torbay AC give up the Bovey parkrun then?

    Don't overdo it at the beer festimage

    Ian5 - yes, run Liverpool with the same race plan.   The difference this time will be that you know you can complete the distance and that can often lead to a stronger run in the final stages, but anything can happen in a marathon, it could be hot so you just have to wait and see.

    It's a good time to go out and explore some new routes as you are not following a strict plan.

    That's very generous of Manchester, I'm sure the bag fiasco won't happen again.

    Lily - good news on your entry to Leeds Half.

    If you don't get into London will you do another marathon instead?

    SK - I think you're right to be cautious, and it's important to be as relaxed as possible at this time so just see how you feel on the day and do whatever session suits you.

    You must be getting through quite a bit of tape!

    Iain - ha ha at your stats, however you do have spells when you don't run much so that maybe makes your average mileage slower.   If I could get you on 60 or 70 miles a week you'd probably be looking at 2:30 perhaps.


    Nice drop of rain this morning, bit windy on my way out, but wind behind me on the way back.

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Just listening to this week's MarathonTALK and Tom Williams (parkrun COO) has been strangely busy this week, so isn't on the show. They've got Steve Way on to cohost instead.

    Shades, I don't think they'll stop the Bovey parkrun. Torbay Tri Club are behind the Clennon Valley bid.
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    Iain LoveIain Love ✭✭✭
    Shades - 2:30 sounds so good. I guess if I get into London next year I'll try be more diligent and disciplined with training . I'd be over the moon with a time like that... The stats are from the 16weeks prior to a marathon..
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    Can't believe how low your mileage is Iain! , guy at work 'trots' round a half in under 90m on pretty much no training. All that walking must really help though, you probably walk more miles than you run image ,all the best for London.

    Ian - Lots of good routes all over the Wirral. I'll tend to park up somewhere on the way home from work and explore different areas & always finding new bits. Good offer from Manchester, I'd definitely accept it, just don't use the baggage!, but I'm sure it'll all be fine next year. There's talk of a Wirral Way half in January next year.

    May have to listen to that Big_G, cheers.

    Felt like I'd run a marathon last night after the Footy image just wow. 

    Still got the cold, but feel the need for a run, so I'll do a few easy ones this evening I think,  and an easy parkrun in the morning.

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    KK-I read somewhere about that wirral way half next January, the only issue I can see is that it is so busy there of a weekend
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    Would have to be low numbers (

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    Weird things happening here! I typed out and posted a full reply, but it's only shown part of it. So hit edit and typed it again, it then took me back to the first page and didn't edit my post.....hmmmm

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    That one worked...

    Would have to be low numbers, around 200 max for it to work, quite narrow and a few road crossings, plus as you say it can get busy.

    I'd do it as long as it didn't clash with the 4 Villages half.

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    Iain LoveIain Love ✭✭✭
    Kk- I walk around 40miles a week so I guess that's why I can survive on low running milage.. Getting excited as the preparations are happening on the heath and greenwich park
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    Big G - The Tri club probably have more persuasive skills with the cyclists so that bodes well.   Of course parkruns are perfect for triathletes.

    Iain - it would take a lot of work and a couple of years or more and would be tough with your job but not impossible.   But one stage at a time, consistent training setting up a good base mileage over a few months, say 40-50 mpw, then into a plan for the last 12 weeks should get you in the low 2:40's.

    KK - I've had a few incidents like that where it takes me back to the previous page while I'm typing, I don't lose the posting, I thought it was me or my computerimage

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    Iain - all the walking you do is a great help to your training, and further evidence that most folk train too fast!image

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    1SteveMac1SteveMac ✭✭✭

    Iain - Incredible running on such low mileage, although I guess the walking helps keep you in shape. Would be interesting to see what you could do on higher mileage.

    Easy 4 miles for me yesterday, although did the last 2 miles slightly quicker than expected (or should!), but only 5s per mile faster than easy pace. Had a bit of taper madness yesterday, was convinced I'd hurt my knee but seems OK this morning, although did have a quick foam roll last night. Not really nailed the early nights this week, but will try to get one this evening, most likely I'll be in bed super early on Saturday night like I was for Bournemouth. Have however increased carb's slightly this week, so hoping that helps. At this stage though, I just want to run....hurry up Sunday!! image

    Hope the rest of the Brighton runners are feeling good??

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    1SteveMac1SteveMac ✭✭✭

    Thinking about ultra training, as that starts not long after Brighton. I found a plan online, running 5 days a week, but due to timing of ultra I have to join the plan at week 6 (I think) of 20 weeks. That first week has me running 28 miles which is fine, but then jumps to 48 miles. I think this is OK as I hit 44 miles in marathon training for my peak week, but is it potentially too much of a jump in miles? So after Brighton I'll be running 9 miles (recovery), 28 miles then 48 miles.

    Think I'll structure my runs similar to Shades plan, so Easy/MWLR/Tempo in the week, with back to back long runs the weekend.

    Question though, for the back to back long runs, should I keep these both at the easy/long run pace or run the second/shorter of the 2 runs at a fast pace...say planned MP (as this ultra training will also be the build up to Berlin)?

    Sorry for the long post, but I need something to distract me from the taper image

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    Steve - good to hear you're really looking forward to being on that start line on Sunday, it's always a good thing to be 'hungry' for a race.

    Re your ultra training, first you need to recover from your marathon, then easy running until the 'bounce' in back in your legs, so avoid the tempo runs until then.   28 miles then up to 48 miles is a big jump, might be better to do 28/38/48 if you can.

    Re the back to back long runs, when you start doing them I would suggest both at easy/long run pace until you get used to doing back to back long runs.   If every other week the long runs are shorter distances then you could put a bit of MP in there, but with ultra plans that would be unusual to have step back weeks.

    How much time is there between your ultra and Berlin?

    I haven't got round to writing ultra plan yet, they are tricky to write as ultras vary so much in distance, your ultra is 55 miles I think?

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭

    Another nice slow run today,4.5 miles,can still feel it in my legs so going to very slowly build up next week.

    Might not get on over the weekend as I have a lot on so good luck to the Brighton guys and also Shades in Llanelli,race reports expected please.

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    Ian5 - can't promise a report from Llanelli but I'm sure we'll have some good reports from Brighton.

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    SlowkoalaSlowkoala ✭✭✭

    Iain - can't believe your times with that millage! The walking must really help though.

    Steve - only 'slightly' increasing the carbs? Get some Soreen loaf down you! Just been on a food shop and I am stocking up already!

    Good luck to all racing Brighton, I guess you will be picking up numbers today/tomorrow. Do we have the numbers somewhere to track?

    5 miles earlier, followed Shades' advise and not doing the reps. 

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    Iain LoveIain Love ✭✭✭
    Shades - I love you belief in my abilities even when in not 100% sure. I do know I am faster then 2:50 but not sure how much so the idea of even getting close to 2:30 gives me a challenge that I don't think I can turn down...
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