
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Ah - gotcha. Sorry, being a bit dim and didn't read my post before!!!!

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    Auto correct. Wok can you do ehimage
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Not going to pan that joke Simon!

    LSR today. Interesting! Heavy rain and cold, so decided to go on tarmac rather than off-road, and tried to use lanes rather than pavements, and so was putting together a new route. Bloody GPS battery died after 5 miles, despite showing almost a full charge beforehand! So, the rest of the run was done with no clear idea of pace or distance (or location!) After running around here for 15 years, its nice to know I can still find some new (very hilly!) bits! Eventually found my way over to Loudwater, then back into High Wycombe, up through the golf course to Penn, then home.

    I measured it afterwards as 13.8M with a Marlow Half's worth of hills, which gives 52M for the week. No idea what the pace was though. Reasonably pleased with that as I was lurgied up and didn't run until Wednesday. 

    Looks like a new battery or new watch on the cards though as I think the battery is on its way out.

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    Nice run Bus, just did my hilly one again I did last week, but from the swimming pool rather than my house, so it was about 14 rather than 16. Did it about 12 and felt better than last week, especially after swimming with the kid. Although I had 6 pints last night and I think the 2 anadin extra helped with the leg pain!! (Although my stomach is a bit iffy due to the tablets).

    So Surrey league XC yesterday at Mitcham. 3 laps of this- so start in the main flat field, round the outside of it , through woods, over a small road and into the other field. This is reclaimed land so there are a few man made hills. So into the second field, up a moderate climb of 30m, left turn along the top for about 30m and then a steep short downhill. Right turn and a flat 400m or so. Then right turn and a climb of about 40m up the second hill, flat bit and another little rise. Then almost immediately steep down to a right turn across a firm mud/gravel bit to the last hill, small rise of about 10m and a tricky cambered descent to the road again. Across the road and into the long back field, which is a flat straight 600m or so, round the bottom corner and back to the start field. A little bit of everything, I quite like it.

    Started off quite conservatively as usual, not really the best tactics on this course. Started moving through and felt quite good, know PP is going well at the moment, and wanted to do well for the SG thread so I passed him and thought I'd do my best to try and stay aheadimage not actually that much to report tbh, didn't really have any bad patches during the race and generally moved though ok. Was working hard in the last field and annoyingly got done by two to drop me to 31st in the end.

    Happy with that though, really stacked field and top 4 were Andy Maud, John Gilbert, Jon Pepper and our guy Lewis Lloyd. I reckon it would be a low 20's performance otherwise. Few pints in Tooting after, sorted!
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    Yesterday was my first "proper" Saturday XC for many years. I have been racing a Sunday league which is 600+ runners but that is a mix of all ages and sexes. Yesterday was Surrey league 3 and 4 and men only and was a much higher standard. Race went fine, set off and got into a position which felt OK, first mile was 6:17 so there or thereabouts and from then on it was just a case of consolidation. It was a 3 lapper  with each lap having 3 distinct parts so really quite easy mentally as you barely settled into one part before it changed again. Underfoot was fair but you had to pick a good path so I made up a few places here and there with a bit more experience and less bravado.

    Today a very wet 9 to make the week up to 40 and starting to refocus on getting more point to sessions and less padding.

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    Nice one PMJ! where was 3&4 held?
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    Cranford Park, which is right next the the BA running club. Never run there before, under the Heathrow flight path so bug 747s a few feet above the course. Odd, as these races tend to follow a familiar pattern so same course year after year.



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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    SC, that's not a bad front 4 is it!

    You and Phil make XC almost seem appealing. Very time I've done a XC I've been absolutely ruined.

    Solid week there Bus. It always seems that you do way more than 50 with commuting.

    I had a run at the Brass Monkey half this morning. Wasn't really sure what to expect as i think all of my sessions have been on a treadmill prob for the last 2 months, maybe more. My clubmate who I travelled with was hoping to run 73 and he's yet to beat me so I'd have happily taken that.

    I ran the first 4-5 miles with RaceJase who was running at marathon HR but I didn't want to go too soon in case I blew a gasket.

    Clubmate had a fair bit of a lead on me but I managed to claw it back then go past him around 7 miles but at this point my bowels wanted to evacuate themselves and as I went by him I said I'd be lucky to see the finish. I was certain I wouldn't see 8 miles and just kept thinking that the more miles I got in before I had to stop then at least it was a decent session.

    Went by 4-5 people over the last 6 miles still but had an almighty scare at 12.8 miles as I approached York racecourse where the finish was. The relief of seeing the finish and knowing I could make the toilet meant I nearly relaxed a bit too much!

    Thankfully the people spectating and cheering must've sent the adrenaline going and I managed to get home in time. 1.12.50 in the end but not crapping myself in full view was priceless.

    I took 2 Imodium before the race and had 2 visits but just can't seem to get round a race comfortably. It's a right chore. Stomach was in absolute bits on the near 2 hour drive home including another 2 pit stops. Not great.
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    If you don't know take a guess or just say you're not sure.  Or provide the actual workouts and we can work it out based on the paces you hit.

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    Nice XCing Simon and Philip!

    Tasty half that Matt, and well done for keeping it in!!! Any idea what is causing the issue?
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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    Good run all the same ML84.

    I used to take Imodium before races until I became aware of side effects.

    A lot of the problems I had were to do with the high fibre diet in the days leading up to the race. Cutting out the bulk apart from rice seemed to do the trick.

    The last race I did with the drug was a HM. Despite drinking a couple of pints on the start line, by 5 miles I felt as if I hadn't drunk anything at all.

    I guess the drug had done what it was meant to and stopped water being absorbed into the gut. Not much use if you need the fluid to run with.




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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    My Mrs has this issue, which really causes problems in trying to get her out running.

    Just ordered a new bike for commuting image

    One of these - seems a bargain!


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    CC82CC82 ✭✭✭

    Nice XCing Phil and SC and that's a really tasty HM Matt!

    Good long runs from SG and Bus as well.

    Matt - on the stomach issue - not to be a scaremonger, but probably worth getting it checked out.  Have you read the Ghost Runner (story of John Tarrant)?  Absolutely phenomenal runner but often got marred with stomach issues when running.  Turned out to be very serious...image

    Northern lad, tough as fuck, ran bucketloads of miles, etc.

    Anyway - I'm sure it's just a dodgy stomach in your case, but I would go and get it checked out if I was you.

    For me, the long run went definitely better than the previous week but the wind was an absolute nightmare.  I actually got in the car and drove somewhere to get a flatter route for a change as the wife was away with the kids on Saturday.  Planned a flat 6 miles along the coast.  Plan was to run 6 warm-up, turn and run 20 mins @ 6:46-6:50, turn back and do 20 mins @ 6:30-6:36, then back again 20 mins @ 6:16-6:20, then 2ish cool down for total of 17 miles.

    Headwind was pretty brutal on the way out - 6 miles @ 7:19 average, then 20 mins @ 6:48 average but with a tailwind.  I turned just before the end of that 20 to test the water going back the other way (there was a natural little loop that avoided a stop and double back type thing) and the wind was a nightmare, but I decided I'd just plough through it and see what came out.  Then the hail started and it was painful - really painful, so I bottled it and ran back the other way with a slightly different route than the way out, which was more sheltered rather than tailwind - that came out at 6:35.  I wasn't really sure what to do for the last 20 mins because turning and running into the headwind did not seem at all appealing and I'd be a bit too far away from my car...  I decided to just keep going and wing it.  I then turned right at one point and the hill was bigger than I remembered...!!  And there was snow everywhere.  I thought if I turned right at the top of the hill, I'd get a downhill section and find my way back to where I'd run the second half of the previous 20, so it would even itself out in terms of incline/headwind/tailwind.  I then turned too bloody early and got a bit lost!  Running into a brutal headwind the entire time until I found myself back where I should have been but heading up the hill instead of down.  The last few minutes were downhill but into the wind and I managed to pull the pace down to 6:51 for the final 20 mins!  The last couple of miles were pretty slow above 8 pace somewhere.  Total of 17 @ 7:09 average though.  Not bad!

    10 this morning with the middle 6 progressive.  Supposed to be 6:31 then 7 secs quicker per mile with the 6th @ 5:56.  First 3 came out on target, but 4 and 5 I was struggling with a bit of incline came out at 6:18 and 6:20 (should have been 6:10 and 6:03), then managed to push on for the last one at 6:02 (should have been 5:56).  Total of 10 at average 7:03.

    I think it's all going in the right direction again though image

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    Matt - That's my lovely German rye bread I eat now from Waitrose - finally after dropping Porridge years ago - and then dairy before races, this has finally sorted me out. its Gluten free so breaks a bit - but double toasted with butter it's lovely. Especially with bacon. Wheat free (or certainly less white flour) is the way to go for me. Experiment though.

    CC82 - Great run! Sounded exciting!

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    Matt, fast half there but some way off your PB. Any definite plans for this year? As others have said, you have loads of raw talent and any plan that concentrates on one or two distances for a period of time will surely reap big rewards, or you could just enjoy running and produce results that leave us all speechless from time to timeimage

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    Impressive Half Matt.

    CC - I have no idea what happened in that long run, it all got too complicated and I got lost as well, sounds like it went well though.

    Nice XC Phil and Simon.

    I am planning my first run this weekend but I am tempted to go earlier, It's been 5 weeks now and I don't feel any pain.

    Looks like a very well specced bike for the price, Bus. Better than mine. Every time I see someone buying a new bike I get the urge!

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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    Most probably diet (hopefully) and I think I'll try what you suggested SC. Even on training runs when I get to a certain effort level then that's when it usually happens.

    Phil, after the marathon I really think I should have another go at some shorter distances over the summer as that is the year I ran my best times. It was through doing 5k sessions trying to break 15.30 when I then ran my half PB.

    I do think i raced more then that would help too.

    Nice long run CC. I think you'll see a massive benefit in doing your sessions on some hilly terrain. Man heaters flat course will hopefully feel a breeze for you!
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    Good luck Matt, like I said I'm sure a few diet changes can sort it out, does in most cases.
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    CC82CC82 ✭✭✭

    Looking forward to Man Heaters Marathon.

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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    good racing matt - particularly with the "distraction" to deal with.

    some tidy training going on and good XC as well to simon and PMJ

    I had the birmingham league XC last sat.  the race is stacked with talent and you quickly get swallowed up if you are not on it.  I set off and at 800m in, im at 4.42 pace so i ease off to 5.21 pace and im quickly down in the 60th or worse position. i console myself that surely everyone cant keep that pace up.  i notice a few people ahead of me that i have beaten recently so i know im doing ok but not great...but the pace is still warm. Next mile hits some twisty sections and i work hard where possible, i gain a few vests but not many are coming back towards me.  that mile was 5.18.

    3rd mile and im starting to work harder but the course gets tricky i take a few more vests including a teammates who is normally faster than me (but is on the mend from injury)  a 5.32 mile.  im happy with the pace but im still in the late 40's will no sign of any group ahead coming back.  So i push on and make a break to catch the group ahead, i drag back to them and pass them so i focus on going for the next group.  im moving fast on the surface now as i take people i get into the late 30's into the last mile.  That mile was a 5.29.  i have passed a team mate and i know he will want to come back at me so im super focused and work hard.  i pass a few others and through the woods i know the sprint finish is there..i kick to give the chasing pack no chance to catching me but there is no one ahead who i can catch as they had too much gap.  Last  full mile was 5.30  and the last qtr mile came out sub 5min pace.  

    finished 35th and ave pace 5.25 so not too bad on xc.  The front was stacked with internationals and loughborough uni students.

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    CC82CC82 ✭✭✭

    That sounds like a tidy XC Dean.  5:25 miling on XC sounds ridiculous to me...

    7 miles @ 7:10 average for me today.  Lovely day for a change image

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Very solid half marathon Matt, and I cannot imagine how awful the last half must have been.  Would be interesting to know whether you were faster or slower as a result.

    Excellent working through the field there Dean, and a very handy position at the end of it.

    Nice XC PMJ, what prompted the switch to a Saturday league?

    Bus, I imagine your good lady wife must be delighted that you are discussing her past digestive issues on the internet.

    No XC for me on Saturday thanks to the traveller incursion.  Instead, I did a 11 with 5 x 1 mile (couldn't be bothered looking at the watch to see how fast the miles were), and then a 15 at 6:46 pace on Sunday morning.  Yesterday was a long tempo, 12m at what turned out to be considerably quicker than marathon pace.  Also created a storage area in my loft, which was more pleasing than all the running, mainly cos it enabled me to transfer a load of shit to somewhere I can't see it.

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    CC82CC82 ✭✭✭

    Question for the seasoned marathoners.

    I used SIS GO gels last time I ran a marathon 2 years ago and that seemed to be fine.  1 at 60 mins then at 30 min intervals.  4 in total for a 3 hour marathon.  More than likely going to do the same thing and have had a couple of gels on my recent long runs.

    My question is:  how do people carry their gels?

    I have an SIS "marathon belt" that I bought about 5 years ago and it's served me well.  It has a pocket big enough for my phone and then little elasticated eyelet type things where I've carried gels in.  For the first time in 5 years, a gel fell out on Saturday.  I had a gilet on so I just picked it up and chucked it in my pocket and it was fine.  To the point that I forgot it was there and forgot to take it at the planned time!!  I'm now doubting whether the belt is the way to go this time.  I'm not going to carry additional gels on the off chance that one falls out, nor am I going to stop to pick one up if it does fall out.

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    CC82CC82 ✭✭✭

    Oh - some cracking training running in there Dachs.  And kudos on the loft storage area.  Almost as satisfying as burning unused shit out in the back garden.

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    CC82 - the women's ones of these are much better (shorter like race shorts) but they're still quite good.

    Well done for not shitting yourself ML84: a triumph. image

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Gels - two in the pocket of my shorts, one under the strap of my Garmin and one tucked into a wristband.  Slightly annoying to begin with, but less annoying than wearing some kind of belt.

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    Don't worry Dachs, Mrs Bus has zero interest in my running life so would never read this thread!

    Dean, like cc that pace is unbelievable on xc!

    Cc, I wear shorts with a pocket that sits in the small of the back which can,take 3 gels. The Gu ones fit better I find
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    I had a couple in my shorts pocket, maybe 3 actually. The main benefit was that as I ate them it became less annoying as they weren't bouncing about.

    Worthwhile finding the best sized packets to fit your pockets. Wiggle do some decent cheap ones and I seem to remember them being quite small. Torq is probably my favourite although after about 24 of them during my last Ironman I was thinking I should have had more than one flavour.

    Tucked into the Garmin sounds annoying.


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    Some ladies like to tuck them in their bras, though that probably doesn't help you, CC.

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Double 6 today. Lace broke first thing, so had to run in thick mud in brand new shoes - that's annoying! Legs actually felt OK for once!

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