
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    After 2 weeks of 5m straight MP i thought i'd develop it a little this week, with 1 lap every 5 being into HMP pace.

    Had originally intended for it to be lap 5,10,15,20, but after a too sharp lap 1, edited to 1,6,11,16

    1.30 would be 6.02 pace, so right at top end theoretical MP, but i tend to aim for that

    1.25,1.30,1.29,1.29,1.27  +9secs

    Pretty much the same overall time as last week's straight 5m MP, even including the fast lap every 5, even a 1.21 where i got ridiculously excited.

    So clearly...

    • After the fast lap, there was a drop off on the next lap
    • The overall MP slipped down a slight notch

    Reminded me of the days i'd compare the straight MP to the 5min HMP/MP sessions. You'd do the MP at top end, but would then need to drop it a bit to ensure the HMP came out right.

    Ice in the hair, legs, clothing after. Real cold. Not to mention severe mist making half the lap invisible at a time. Strange experience, but always feel good after. In fact i was startling how immediately after I felt fairly comfortable, whereas after some blazing reps, it can take a while. 


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    Reg Wand wrote (see)


    The lady you are referring to phil, that you finished just behind has just joined our club. At 16 she looks like a decent prospect.

    I had wondered about her pedigree, couldn't find her on any of the normal places. She definitely had a lot more strength and speed than those round her but less XC experience.

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    From a quick bit of FB stalkage, looks like a football background, Not spoken to her yet though. Could possibly be her first XC. Our women are doing better than our men now. I may try and bookend the season by getting back for the last one.

    I think the last thread XC meet up was at the TVT one a couple of years back. I guess there were 5 of us that day.

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    Final note from me on the race starts. As SC said about going out hard. If really fit, that's also effective. I've done two fast 10 mile races that way. The trick is to back off the pace before it buries you.

    Problem I have with races now, is knowing what pace is the right pace. I set off feeling great and after a minute I can feel some strain. I back off a bit, but the strain keeps increasing. It's slow down and down voluntarily, but three minutes in and I've blown up. 

    Went out for a run early on and got to the end of my road. Ice everywhere. Turned around and went back. No way am I trying to run on black ice. Did a couple of hours on the indoor bike instead.

    I'll try again tomorrow.



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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    Fully agree with your points about rhythm and breathing patterns etc Ric. Only once have I raced where everything seemed to click and feel easy, breathing was all in sync and felt effortless. First 2 miles of that race were my slowest so I tend to go off a little conservatively now hoping for that same feeling of being able to wind it up.
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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    ML, I'm a bit noisy with breathing in races, but if I can remember to do it, I try to get my breathing going at a good rate right from the start instead of waiting until it's forced upon me.

    That way I can alleviate or at least reduce any oxygen debt building up.

    I also try to co-ordinate the breaths with my cadence.

    As for getting a good lung full (or two) of air and escape shallow breathing, all anyone has to do is exhale as much as they can first. The body then will naturally drag in maximum amounts. 



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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    Completely agree Ric. I'm guilty of trying to keep my breathing as slow as possible for too long instead of like you say, into a good rate. When I ran the half the other week I was trying to keep as relaxed as possible and my breathing slow for some reason thinking it was aiding me. It was only later about half way when I got a breathing pattern to stride that my pace ended up increasing even though at that point I was dying for the loo.

    I tried it again on Fridays tempo and ran around 5.25s for 6 miles.
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    Impressive breathing Matt.

    Nice season back there SG.

    Did my first run for 6 weeks tonight. 1.7 miles @ 7.55 in pretty icy conditions. I was surprised it was that quick actually. It was supposed to be a run walk but it was too cold to walk. Foot seemed ok. HR was nice and low. On to the next one.

    Maybe 3 miles on Thursday.

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    Good stuff Reg - onwards and, well, onwards I guess!

    Now for one of my faves (not!) - a headtorcher in freezing fog!
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    Thanks and enjoy, Bus. Summer is coming.

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    Reg, often if you have a spell off running you come back refreshed and fast and then about 2 weeks later it all kicks in. Normal advice is to listen to your body but in these cases I'd add a caveat and also stick to a plan, so if it hurts stop, but also if it feels OK don't be tempted to push on too quickly.

    Have to have a moan about head-torches. I can understand if you are out alone then you can do whatever you want to (provided it is safe and legal to do so) but if you are running where others are doing so as well then it is not necessary to have a 400 lumen torch focussed 50m ahead of you. I had this the other morning, fricking idiot running along the Thames Path with a torch on his head looking like the Hogwarts Express and blinding anyone who was running in the opposite direction. The only thing that stopped him getting twatted is that I couldn't tell how big he was until he had passed.

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    Interesting stuff about breathing - often a little hill towards the start can help you get your breathing going a bit. Although Ric - I do make it my aim to beat any heavy breathers i'm running against. Although that's the same for 'shufflers' and 'surgers' too image

    Worst morning for ice so far this winter - amazed I didn't stack it on the way to the station or in London.

    Decent session last night - on the paths near the golf course car park in Luton. Pretty quiet too. I was 8 x 1k and they panned out as

    3.18, 3.15,3.11,3.10,3.11,3.09,3.12,3.07.

    Was a bit late due to the trains (of course) - so Kimpton had done his 8 by the time I had done 5, so he ran with me for my last 3. I think he was just under 3 for all of his main 8 reps. Nice warm down for him image

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Phil, i don't think I've ever met anyone less likely in life to be "Twatting" someone than you. Made me laugh though.

    Usual sickeningly fast reps from Simon, bearing in mind as usual they're on glass, wearing clogs, blindfolded with hurdles to leap. Matt, fast too.

    I actually did a more sensible paced 10miler for once. Only 7.08 pace today.
    Just takes the pure lotto of what's icy and what's not to ease it! Can't actually tell by look, only when you get onto a new surface! Towards Slough, pretty much fine. Towards Burnham fairly ropey in places.

    Last mile came out 7.20, as i was being extra cautious, as well as ranting as some woman for not having her headlights on. Couldn't work out whether she had side lights on, or if both lights bulbs were gone. Either way, SORT IT!

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    Stevie G wrote (see)

    Phil, i don't think I've ever met anyone less likely in life to be "Twatting" someone than you. Made me laugh though.

    Yep, it definitely increases the element of surprise when it happens.


    Do I sense a turning in the world of silly entry fees etc? I got an early bird invite via parkrun to run the London 10 mile. I like 10 miles as a distance but £39 plus a booking fee to run 10 miles on a poor course (Richmond Park is wonderful but hilly and the route is badly picked so you have long uphill hauls followed by steep downhills).

    I then have seen a give-away of 30 places for Reading Half and also Thorpe Park Half Marathon offering free places for sub-76 men and sub-84 women.



    The event is offering free places to everyone that has run for Elite Men - sub-76 minutes & Elite Women - sub-84 minutes. Times must have been run in 2016 or 17.
    Also there will be a £100 prize for every single runner that can run under 70 minutes (men) and under 75 minutes (women).
    Please contact info@thorpeparkhalf.com to grab your free entry.
    More information on the route see here: http://www.thorpeparkhalf.com/course/

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    CC82CC82 ✭✭✭

    Good running from SG, SC, Matt.

    And nice one Reg image

    Just to fit in with the thread I had my own mini health scare on Monday night...

    Unbelievable stomach pain for 5 hours, resulting in visit to local A&E.  Long story short is that it is probably gallstones (family history, symptoms, etc. all point towards that).  As the pain isn't that far from my chest, I had to get a cardiograph done, which was fine except for a low HR - think it was in the low 40s.  To be expected from a runner obviously but it obviously throws up a flag of some sort and I've been referred for a full on heart scan.  Ace.  I saw my GP yesterday though and she gave me the all clear to keep running.  I'm 100% confident that there's fuck all wrong with my heart, so I'm not bothered at all.  I am bothered about the other actual problem though.  That pain was horrendous.  My mum had the exact same thing when she was 35 (I'll be 35 in 2 months) and her experience was exactly the same as mine, with the added bonus of a 4-5 day episode after a similar episode to my one the other night.  I've been referred for a gall bladder scan, which will probably show gall stones and I may need to then have my gall bladder removed.  Meantime, I need to try and stay away from fats as much as possible to avoid another flare up.

    Didn't get to bed until close to 5am that night, so that coupled with wanting to wait until I'd spoken with the GP before running again, meant I didn't go out yesterday.  I did go out this morning and did 5x 10 mins @ target 6:20-6:27 (all came out in that range apart from the 5th one @ 6:30) off 3 mins "brisk recovery" - not quite jogging although I kept forgetting that I wasn't doing a normal recovery and was going too slow and having to push on a bit to get the average pace down a bit!  Tough session that one at 6:30am!!

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Bad news CC, if you have any questions about heart scans, do let me know mate! Clearly i've had the lot over the last year! And don't fret if something comes back as non perfect or the readings aren't "normal". Like the low HR there's bound to be other changes due to the training lifestyle!

    But hopefully 100% the other problem, and hopefully no lingering issues when it's sorted!

    Oh to be a teens/early 20s again eh, where you didn't worry or even think about anything...I remember turning up at the Marlow half at about 21, hands in pockets, yawning, thinking yeah this'll be comfortable....that feeling afterwards, after miles of promising myself i'd have a major junk food binge after to get me through the pain!! Took the bus there too...seems madness now.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Phil, £30-50 is outrageous pricing, it really is. 

    Interesting elite bandings there...i'd sort of call that "realistic elite" banding, the exact male band that I qualified for at Reading half. As the "quoted" band was one even the big man Dachs hasn't attained, sub 70!

    Although if they're quoting that as the entry, maybe there';s an "actual" slower figure they'd allow...who knows.

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    CC82CC82 ✭✭✭

    SG - cheers, although as I said, I'm not even remotely concerned about the heart scan.  I know where the pain was and at no point did I show any signs of heart strain etc.  Symptoms are all synonymous with gallstones.  That coupled with my Mum describing her experience to me at pretty much the same age as I am now.  It's bound to be that.

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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    Hope it all clears up soon CC.  (dont worry about the low heart reading. i went through that too and it will be because of your training)

    Sharp session Simon.

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    Doesn't sound pleasant CC, hope it gets sorted. Impressive 1k reps SC.

    I still have half an eye on Reading half, it's the club champs HM race, I could probably stroll round and pick up the vets award. Let's not get ahead of ourselves though.


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    (When I had a heart scan it was the other way round, ie they spent ages going 'now, we don't want you to worry about this because you're a runner' before they'd tell me about how ludicrously slow it was)

    Btw, CC, I sent you a PM in case you want those ludicrous shorts. Also are your club taking a team down to the national xc?

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    CC82CC82 ✭✭✭

    PM'd you back lit.

    I'm not going to the Nationals - not sure if anyone else from the club is though.

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    Oh that's a bugger CC82 - My mum had gall stones removed too, so a good reason to try and keep the fats low. Hope you are feeling better.

    SG - No drama on the reps. Although on the pavement bit the coach (as in bus type thing) decided to unload just as I was going past. Tiiiiiipical

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Simon, brings back a near miss yesterday down some back street.

    Some massive oaf of a woman THREW her door open when i was on the pavement passing. If i'd not been on the left side, i would probably have a door shaped imprint on me now,

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Good to hear you’re coming back to it Ric, and very much enjoyed your fish photo.  Nice to see that on the day of Trump’s inauguration, you showed solidarity with the protesters by wearing a ‘pussy hat’.

    Tough luck on the ankle spraining Pete.  This is the problem with so many parkruns, you’re tempted to run through the pain rather than can it like you might have had it just been a training run.

    Some good runs from CC82, particularly the MP session.  Hope you can get your health issues sorted ASAP.

    Great silver medal from Dean

    Simon, how many ‘shufflers’ do you typically find yourself up against?  They shouldn’t really be in your bit of the race…  And yes, the other kind of coach ‘unloading’ when you run past would make for a grim spectacle indeed.

    I’ve done some running over the last few days.  It wasn’t terribly interesting though, so no need to tell you about it.  Managed to “run” in to work this morning without falling on my arse, with the pavements slippier than ever thanks to the freezing fog, which arrived yesterday and whose presence was about as welcome as a Gary Glitter comeback tour.

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    That's not good CC - hope you get it sorted as soon as....

    SG - you didn't take me to that Marlow Half....

    Even off-road was treacherous this morning - sporadic bits of ice on any compacted surfaces! Would definitely have been a morning for the Orocs.

    Cracking reps Simon. Should have just sworn at the runner with the head torch Philip (btw SG, bear in mind Philip has been trained to kill with his bare hands!)

    Another head torcher home tonight. Luckily I never see a soul so can have it as bright as I like image


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    The Bus wrote (see)

    (btw SG, bear in mind Philip has been trained to kill with his bare hands!)



    My preferred weapon is in fact a helicopter, but if not heavy artillery is fine or at a push a  7.62 mm rifle.

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    None of whihc is easy to carry with you whilst running though image

    'orrible run home tonight - mud, wet, cold and visibility down to about 3 feet in places!

    Thank goodness for beer....

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    The Bus wrote (see)

    None of which is easy to carry with you whilst running though image

    If you watch my running style you can see my arms have developed to carry a rifle as I run i.e. no arm swing at all.

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    I thought that was from carrying your books as you ran 20 miles to school across the savannah each day.....

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