
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    Chris2304Chris2304 ✭✭✭
    Ouch. That sounds like a tough slog home Reg. Hope the ice does its trick and the injury turns out to be one of those that feels terrible at the time, but clears up surprisingly well after a few days rest.

    My 'injury' was essentially self-Inflicted. I came back from a 9 miler yesterday, ate an early lunch, then fell asleep on the sofa outside and got sunburnt down one side. Bloody stupid thing to do.

    Ric - looks like you've not customised those Asics? Have you just not got round to it, or you don't think they need it?
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2017
    Bad luck Reg. 5am is a pretty severe time to fancy a run, were you half awake, causing the turn? Hopefully just a mild one.

    Less dramatic run for me, just a 4mile cruise around, pre this evening's 5k. Moz used to schedule me a lunchtime 4mile warm up on 5k evenings, so a morning can only give more recovery. Very humid, while the temperature itself was fairly low - strange combo.
    Feel a little knackered, but that's just the usual morning feeling i suppose! You can generally see a decent 5k off, such a short race to soak it up for.

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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    I'd been running for 30 minutes so must have woken up by then. I suspect it's only a few days, it's not as bad as the last time and I seem to heal quickly. I made it a bit worse when I unclipped my foot from my bike cleat though! It was a bit stiff and then released forcing my ankle back into the same position! On the ride home I will have to take my foot out of the shoe and release it with my hands.

    Nice work on the sunburn Chris, I was having a conversation at work yesterday how I always enjoy the day after the first hot day, seeing all the lobster tans!
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    I can see the heat/humidity getting into some of our race reports going forward! Makes a change from the talk of wind!
    The amount of races done in light rain seems to be a very small percentage, and the amount of races in very heavy rain pretty much seems limited to just the Sandhurst XC from a  few goes at it!

    At the masters relays, the first 3 legs were in overcast at most light drizzle, then one of the legs was in a monsoon ;)
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    It was nice and cool at 5am
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    Rest and ice should do the trick Reg!

    Have a good run this evening SG, certainly looks like the heat is picking up throughout this week

    A day of strength exercises at the gym today
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    Yes - starting to wonder what the weather is going to be like next Monday for the BUPA 10k, hope it cools down a tad from the 30 degrees forecast for the weekend. As my sunroof is starting to open a little, I'm going to have to run with a cap I think. Backwards yeah? B)

    Probably only for Sunday runs..can get away with my bonce getting some sun for 30 mins or so in a race. Hope ankle OK Reg - Chris really settling in well with the stupid self induced injury thing..

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    Dachs said:

    However, there were plenty of guys who’ve already broken 32 behind me in that race, so maybe there was a wind factor, particularly in the last 6-7 laps when I had no shelter.

    If you look at the results on power of 10, then the first 12 home in your heat all PBed for 10,000m (which is different to 10k) and of the rest there was only one who had a sunb-32 minute PB. 

    I think one issue is the pacemaker: I do a lot of pacemaking and that means crossing the line in the stated time and not getting to 5,000m and stepping aside.  If the pacemaker crossed in 32 minutes I am sure you could have sprinted by him. 
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Just a hunch, but i can't imagine there's too many guys able and willing to do a 32min 10,000m pacing job!
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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    Highgate 10000's night is the one  place you probably could get a sub 30 yet alone a sub 32 pacer SG; there is so much quality around that night. The problem I think is more staying with the pacer not the sprint finish past them (assuming they run at consistent pace most people have enough of a spring finish to get past a pacer). If you're going for a target as tight as Dachs' I imagine even 5 seconds is a lot to make up. At a lower level of course I tried keeping up with an 18 pacer at Fulham parkrun last week but even though only I was only 23 seconds off 18'00 at the finish he seemed a long way ahead on the last lap.

    First reps session for a good while today; trusty 10*500 off 60 sec recovery and all in the 1'42-1'47 range so happy with that. Felt very hard though even with pretty good conditions but never find solo sessions easy. Problem for me in the summer is my do reps/intervals in Bracknell Forest which is crap with uneven terrain, hills, even gates and stiles in the way. Never understood why when we have a quasi track at Ascot on our doorstep. Might have to do what some clubmates are doing and join Bracknell Forest Runners track sessions but then that involves taking 2nd claim membership after a few.   
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    It's more that if they're that good, surely they want to smash a time themselves, rather than run within themselves? And pacing is an artform when it's below your ability, but perhaps not too much below. Normally seems to favour older runners.

    Nice reps, hard to do sessions with a club in some ways, unless you're happy to do the same session everyone does, defined by someone else.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2017
    Been feeling quite knackered and a little drowsy, ever so vaguely tickly throated over the day, so going to abort tonight. Sounds like a bit of an undulating offroader, so all in, probably not much drama to miss this one, and not too much to gain. Could "see it out" like i said earlier, but no real advantage in that.
    Eaten loads today, and still feel a little hungry. i think that's one of those "slightly under the weather" signs.

    Tonnes more potentials over the next couple of months without forcing any in!
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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭
    edited May 2017
    Dachs said:

    However, there were plenty of guys who’ve already broken 32 behind me in that race, so maybe there was a wind factor, particularly in the last 6-7 laps when I had no shelter.

    If you look at the results on power of 10, then the first 12 home in your heat all PBed for 10,000m (which is different to 10k) and of the rest there was only one who had a sunb-32 minute PB. 

    I think one issue is the pacemaker: I do a lot of pacemaking and that means crossing the line in the stated time and not getting to 5,000m and stepping aside.  If the pacemaker crossed in 32 minutes I am sure you could have sprinted by him. 
    Well, if you count both road and track (and I'm not sure why you wouldn't), 9 of the 24 guys behind me have run under 32, mostly within the last year or so. That seems like plenty to me.

    Apart from in parkruns and mass participation races, pacing involves dropping out part way through. We were told our pacer would take us to 4k, but actually he stuck around until at least 7k, so he did more than expected. I don't think I'd have broken 32 had he stayed in the race - I had others to follow who did break 32, I just didn't have the legs.

    SG, the pacer in the A race was Alex Yee. An excellent runner, but not someone who would have won the full race. If they only do 3-5k, it's a good workout, and one assumes they're targeting something else.

    Dean, the obvious race for a smackdown would be Telford, but that always falls on the weekend of my son's birthday. At the moment, the next opportunity for me looks like being Cardiff in early September -either that or another punt on the track at PPs club on the same day.
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    Yee is quality isn't he. Nice lad too - disgustingly talented

    SG - I've got similar to you, first Hayfever of the summer and got the nose sorted with the spray already, but my throat has been pretty rough the last few days too - just seems to be getting better now. I don't think getting piss wet through on the warm down at the relays helped much either tbh. ...Or perhaps the day on the piss following it in Leicester? Hmm...

    Anyway - no hangovers until Denmark now. I did it leading up to Berlin, so it might help a tad...

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭
    Following a speed session comprising of 40 seconds fast, 20 seconds jog. Today was 10 miles easy, finished by around 7:30.
    The session itself added up to 3 miles, averaging 6:50 miling. If I played out such a thing at a parkrun, I'd deserve to be taken out, hard!


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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Hopefully just one of those "edge of run down" type scenarios we fend off a few a year of SC.
    Did a 6 today, felt a little harder than usual, but it was pretty warm on top anyway.
    Certainly wouldn't have been clever to race yesterday

    You're going pretty well right now Ric. Definitely need to get to a few more events.
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    Seems like Denmark is the place to go for Euros this year. Whereabouts is the athletics? We are racing in Herning.

    Well the good news for me is the ankle isn't too bad, it didn't swell up and although damaged, I feel like I could probably run on it in the next day or two. That is handy as I have a race on Monday. I got the TT bike out this morning for a bit of a spin to check it out, seems to be running ok and 20 miles done at 22.5mph in Z2 was pleasing. Time trial tomorrow to really test the legs out.
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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    reg - its in Aarhus in denmark. The athletics stadiunm looks really impressive.

    a week since hamstring injury was mended i was thrown into a session to see where i am at.  Well i found out in no uncertain way!!  im a long way off.  lactic hell.  i have time but its going to be hard. 

    session was

    2&200 (target 34, did 34) 90sec rec

    800m (target 2.16, did 2.18) 4min rec 

    600m (target 90sec, did 97! secs) 3min rec

    400 (target 60s, did 62s) 3 min rec

    300 (target 45s, did 44 sec) 3 min rec

    200 (target 30s, did 27 sec)

    the 800 and particularly the 600 showed my lack of speed endurance.  my legs fell off.  the 600, i went through 400 in 60 so last 200 was 37s!!!  at least i know what needs work now. as the last 2 reps showed even on knackered lactic filed trotters i pushed out decent speeds over shorter distances.  just need to do it over longer now!!

    What didnt help was my 10yr old son was doing 8*200 and apparently pushed most out around 32/33sec.  so he overtook me on my last 200 of the 600. 

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    On all accounts sounds like you made the best decision SG, no point racing it which could make you feel worse and then jeaopardise other races in the pipeline.

    Looking good Ric, putting in some miles at the moment B)

    Good news RE the ankle Reg!

    I suspect you knew you'd be a way off though Dean and that now gives you a marker to work from. By all accounts still mightily quick

    17 miles on the bike last night and 20 minute run this morning. Already warm enough for a vest at 7am
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    From my massively amateur eyes Dean, that's a severe ask to try and do 600s at the same pace as 200s isn't it?!

    When for 800s you have a "Luxurious" extra 2seconds per 200. ;)
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    All the way to Denmark's second city for a race? Sounds a pain in the Aarhus...

    If anyone can turn it round Dean, that's be you I reckon! (though that session still looks quick from my pov!)

    Good news Reg. Top TTing too!

    You on the mend then Scott?

    Still knocking out the double digits Ric - good work!

    SG - good choice. Lots of viruses around at the mo, some of them quite nasty.

    Pete - good session yesterday. After mine today it shows you are way ahead of me currently on the reps!

    Changed from track to canal today given the weather. Aim was a rolling 2x 4 x 0.3M off 60 secs jog, with 2 mins between sets at target 5k pace. All went OK until the 6th, when I had to judiciously slow down toward the end of the rep  as I approached a group of gosling and there rather protective and much larger parents! The effort of trying to get the pace back somewhere near target took it's toll in the 7th rep which ended with some quality retching so I knocked the 8th on the head!!! All were 1:43 to 1:45 except the last two (1:46, 1:47 I think). Not too bad I suppose as it was off-road, with the occasional canal bridge and muddy sections to negotiate, as well as protein loading from fly-swallowing at full speed. Oh it was hot too! Legs feel OK though.

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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    That looks a fantastic session Dean; 600 targeted in 90 seconds looks insane so no wonder that was the one you were a bit behind on.

    Good progress with the injuries Scott and Reg and 22.5 mph av on the bike is amazing. What routes do you use to average that high even given your ability and quality of bike? Just did the Drift Road at lunchtime and was pleased to average 17.5 even in today's fast conditions.

    Bus, assuming yours were also 500's (not the 300's you stated :) )your times are pretty much identical to mine yesterday but sounds like you were on a tougher surface and with jog recoveries compared to my walking ones. Wouldn't get at all despondent about them. Also even if I can pretty much match you on the short stuff you would wipe the floor with me over distances 10m+. 
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    Nice repping Bus, maybe you went out too fast if you were goosed near the end.

    Nice session there Dean.

    Funnily enough Pete, this morning's ride was from Twyford, through Shurlock Row and to the end of the Drift road and back again. The Drift road section I averaged 23.6mph so the other bits kill the average slowing and stopping for junctions and stuff.
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    Dachs said:
    Well, if you count both road and track (and I'm not sure why you wouldn't), 9 of the 24 guys behind me have run under 32, mostly within the last year or so. That seems like plenty to me.

    Probably very unscientific, but I reckon it is easier to do a fast 10k on the road in a big race than it is to run a fast 10,000m in a start list of 20 or 30. Look at Trafford 10k, http://chiptiming.co.uk/events/trafford-10k-2017. If you were to run that in about 32 minutes then you'd be about 100th and finishing in a big bunch. 
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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    lol Reg, Bus would be proud of that one himself!

    only had 1 way of Drift as came back on the A330 but just about averaged 20mph on that stretch   
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Very good Reg :

    Pete - they were 0.3 mile reps measured on GPS auto-lap. It wasn't until I couldn't work out why 1:45 was slower than 5:45 pace that I realised a third of a mile should have been set as 0.33 - doh! Mind you, the GPS isn't reliably accurate enough for that really anyway.   Surface might have been rougher, but you did 3 more without crashing!

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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    but I had no geese or goslings to negotiate around, not even any dogs this time!
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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Dean, speed endurance will come back easily with a bit of training.  The times look excellent for the short reps, and if you're finishing the session with a 27 second 200, that has to be a good sign.  Your 10 year old son is faster than me.

    Bus, good session.  The flies are appalling at the moment.  I made the mistake of doing a run down the Thames on Sunday evening at sunset.  Well, the air was thick with tiny flies.  They were bouncing off my face at a rate of 5-10 per second.  For about a mile, I had to run with my hands across my eyes and mouth, peeping out through a tiny gap in my fingers (which they still got through), and as you can imagine that wasn't much fun.

    What I don't understand is that the reaction time of a fly is extraordinary, seeing everything very much slower than us humans.  They are able to avoid me hitting them with stuff at about 15 mph, but can't seem to avoid my face travelling at less than 10 mph.  Explain that, boffins.

    PMJ - fine, I shall accept your analysis as meaning that, as road is faster, I ran an honorary sub 32 and therefore don't need to worry about whether or not those behind me have also broken 32.

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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    I avoid evening runs by the water at this time of year for that very reason.
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭


    I have developed a great technique of not swallowing flies (though only works at steady pace when not gasping for air! Basically, you just imagine you have the mouth of a tortoise....

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