
Sub 3h15



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    G-DawgG-Dawg ✭✭✭
    edited August 2017
    Kit looks great BTW, nice one

    Track session was actually 8 x 800 with 2 min recoveries.
    Coach said to do them in the low 2.50s

    Splits were 2.55, 2.49, 2.46, 2.51, 2,47, 2.48, 2.47, 2.41
    Pretty pleased with that. Completes a solid set of midweek runs.

    Rest day tomorrow then 16 easy off-readers on Saturday.
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    Leslie HLeslie H ✭✭✭
    edited August 2017
    PMJ enjoy the surfing 
    Lorenzo that a cracking bit of canoeing.
    Slokey nice vest you have got yourself , well earned too ! Strange one with the bird thinking you are a fish but then you do swim like one .
    Gdawg sorry to hear another bike has been nicked , need to up security a bit or park it next to more expensive ones ! Good speed on the reps.
    136m last month and 3 mile walked yesterday, being a good patient for now and thinks seem to be improving quite a bit.
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    I'm a very nervous swimmer Slokey, that would freak me out-  well done to stay cool.

    I decided 2018 was unrealistic for Boston given my retirement plans. 2019 is definite, assuming I qualify. A meet up sounds great!

    I'm sure we'd all be sad (confused) by a name change Birch :( 

    My hols start today. Ibiza via the world champ- Sat/Sun morning sessions. I've been cramming miles to compensate but still 2-3lbs heavy.

    Great progress MsE!

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    Hmmmm, not sure waving my arms around and swearing and shouting "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!" at a bird in the middle of a lake at 6:30 in the morning constitutes "cool" OO....  :#B)
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    Honestly I can't imagine it. When I go in deep water I get this weird fear that something under the water is likely to attack.
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    Well I get that too and coincidentally was having those thoughts just before "the incident" because I was alone and in the absolute middle of the lake at its deepest.  I had just been telling myself to ignore the inner voices and then I was brutally attacked  :s

    i told my Mrs what happened and that I'd bravely been battling fierce, wild animals and she just laughed at me....  :'(
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    But to be fair it did stop me worrying about what was "under" the water
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    FreemersFreemers ✭✭✭

    I can't keep up with this thread, you're all moving too fast, physically and metaphorically!

    Boston would be awesome....I'd definitely be tempted if I can get a BQ in London.  I think it's relatively soft for my age group - will be 50 in 2019 so 4 hours I think.  Even in my current state of un-fitness I reckon I can do that???

    SJ - watch out for those birds.  Speaking of which anyone else see this? 


    Shocking.....calling him a jogger!

    Not much to report here - same old same old really.

    Going to the World Champs Tuesday evening.  We get the men's 400m final, hoping Van Niekerk goes sub-43.

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    Crikey Freemers - I like his comment "The ironic thing after the attack is that I did make my fastest time."

    I'm not bl00dy surprised! 

    Maybe bird attacks could be a useful training aid.... The fastest I've ever run was to get away from a couple of cows that decided to chase me across the fell but a feral bird would be easier to cart around to races 
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    MsEMsE ✭✭✭
    Gerard - if you and your boy can make it to London tomorrow evening I've got a spare adult plus child ticket that's yours. MrE and MsEsq have said they don't want to see Usain's final 100m tomorrow. I dunno. Some people don't recognise a good thing. :)  
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    Gul DarrGul Darr ✭✭✭
    Apologies for the flying visit. Finished digging the pond (not to mention shifting the soil!) Just off for a couple of nights to the coast. Back next week to sort the liner out.
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    GerardMGerardM ✭✭✭
    MsE - Thank you for your very kind offer but not possible I'm afraid. I hope you enjoy seeing Bolt in action and fingers crossed he does the business. 

    Gul - Good XT training! Enjoy your coastal break.

    20 miles done this morning with some hills and 5 miles off road. Managed 5 miles at MP and average pace was 7:48. Was glad to see out the last few miles but felt strong for most of it. Off to watch the runners finish the Jersey Ultra now and thankfully they have a favourable tailwind for the last 3 miles. Getting warm out there now though. Have a great weekend all. 
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    MsEMsE ✭✭✭
    edited August 2017
    Gerard - no worries. Ticket has been snapped up by friend from club.  She is bringing her newborn baby so I get to sniff a lovely newborn while watching a legend in his final swansong.  The crowd reaction when Gatlin ran his heat last night was phenomenal. Nobody likes a cheat.  So it will be amazing to see how Bolt responds to the pressure to put him away.

    Well done on the LR.

    Gul - excellent x training.

    Went for a run-walk with the puppy in the woods.  Managed 5 blocks of min efforts.  The ankle felt stable.  More stable than it has felt in years.  Feeling optimistic about my return to form.
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    Freemers I just saw your man in the 400 qualifiers today- he looks tasty. I was on row 4, great to see these guys close up- they are all tall, skinny and fit. 
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    MsEMsE ✭✭✭
    Well, that was all a bit disappointing. So hard to feel anything but dislike for Gatlin.  Once is a mistake, twice is downright arrogant.  The accompanying sneering attitude to being back on the World Athletics track just adds to his overall horridness.  High time the IAAF took firmer action to drug offenders.
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    MsEMsE ✭✭✭
    I know it is a grey area.  This article spells it out.   But it is all the more reason the IAAF addresses doping for the sake of the sport we love and to give credit to the clean athletes out there.  http://www.sportsintegrityinitiative.com/demonising-justin-gatlin/
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    Leslie HLeslie H ✭✭✭
    Very disappointing race last night but did feel a little sorry for Gatlin when the crowd booed him and ignored the result, he looked a broken man sitting on the track having a cry !

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    Wow - still recovering from a fantastic couple of evenings at the athletics.

    Great performance from Mo who responded so well to everything that the East Africans threw at him. Amazing atmosphere all the way through the race, and especially on that last lap.

    Laura Muir looking strong in the 1500m, but I'm not sure that she'll have enough to take gold - hope I'm wrong.

    Extraordinary performance from Ayana in the 10,000 - I know that MsE is suspicious but for the sake of the sport, I really hope it's down to incredible natural ability.

    As for the 100m, it was almost surreal with everything having been built up to be the glorious Bolt farewell. I had a sneaking suspicion that he wasn't going to do it and tipped Coleman for gold so it was a massive shock to see Gatlin come through and pip them both. Stunned silence in the stadium for a few seconds when the result went up on the screen. I feel for Coleman whose achievement has been eclipsed by everything else. Like pretty much everyone on here, I'm not a fan of of Gatlin but I have to admire his resilience and focus to ignore all the booing.

    Decided not to head up to town for the marathon, but a superb run from Calum Hawkins.

    Back on Tuesday and already really looking forward to that.
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    Away from the World Champs, I had a great time on the Wye Valley. Poacher - in answer to your question, it was in a double Canadian canoe with enough space for barrels to contain tents, sleeping bags, rucksacks etc etc. Hard work, especially into a headwind, but good for upper body strength (not that I've got a great deal) and core (which also needs improving!) Already looking at the logistics for a similar trip next year on the Spey! :)

    No running while I was on the Wye but we then had a couple of days in a very wet Yorkshire Dales during the week - managed to get out for 10 miles before it started raining on Wednesday and then got drenched on Thursday morning. That said, it's a lovely part of the country and I couldn't resist the temptation to look in a few estate agents in Ilkley on the way back!

    16 miles with a friend on Saturday on hilly off road route taking in Holmbury Hill and Leith Hill, followed by 24 miles on the bike this morning.

    Great photos BTW SJ - I'd be so proud if I ever got the level of representing my country. Hope that the birds stay away from you in Canada!

    Another great intervals session from G-Dawg and an equally impressive long run from GM. Well done gents.
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    Agreed MsE.

    tasty result for team GB in the marathon....

    Easy weekend here - 1hr swim in lake yesterday with no animal escapades and just back from 2.5hrs ride in constant lashing rain - soggy!

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    GerardMGerardM ✭✭✭
    MsE - Glad you managed to get someone to take up your offer for the tickets. Shame Bolt didn't get the win. Good article re Gatlin. I think they should impose a lifetime ban for anyone found to be doping.

    SJ - Good training even if you got a soaking on the bike too.

    Lorenzo - A very eventful week for you. The men's 10,000 was a brilliant race and I bet the atmosphere was electric. 

    OO - Enjoy Ibiza! 

    A brilliant run by Callum Hawkins today and a real shame he couldn't get on the podium but he's still improving and is a great racer, lovely form too. 

    10k recovery plod for me this evening to bring the weekly total to 61 miles. That's my highest ever and the legs actually feel fine. Aiming for 50+ this week before we head off to Mallorca. 
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    excellent week, Gerard - 42 mile week here, most since January , so a reasonable start to my aim of 170 for August. Hamstring holding up.   
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    G-DawgG-Dawg ✭✭✭
    Great total, GM, really bashing them out!

    Glad you enjoyed the Champs, Lorenzo. My pal Rich (who you know) was there too on Friday and says pretty much the same as you.
    My view is that the boos are directed at the authorities as much as they are the transgressor. The 100m is the Blue Riband event and has great focus, so Gatlin has been a bit unlucky there.
    The media have concentrated on his story when in fact there are many others to tell.

    Hopefully the episode will be a deterrent to those tempted to take the dark, druggy path. 

    I have a list of names of all the others in these champs that have served drugs bans, so I'm well prepared for when I attend on Saturday and Sunday evenings.  :D

    For my own efforts, I was going to do a 15 on Saturday, decided to add a little to make it 16 but ended up overdoing the extra and it came out as an 18 at 8.15 pace. All off-road again as I can feel the benefit in strength and injury prevention.

    After a week of good quality sessions, I just rested yesterday and watched hours and hours of World Champs Athletics!! 

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    Can't wait for the Mo/Calum smackdown over 26.2 miles!

    Good news on the hamstring Birch - fingers crossed it stays OK.

    MsE - that's an interesting article on Gatlin. Some good stuff from Bolt on the issue as well.

    Good mileage there GM - are you going to be doing any running while you're out in Mallorca?

    8.5 trail miles with younger Lorenzito this morning - always great to be out there running and chatting with him, at least until he decided that I was going too slow either up the hills (in which case he ran off up the track and turned round at the top to come back to me) or in the final stretch home when he just put his foot down.
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    GerardMGerardM ✭✭✭

    Birch - That's great news, glad things are improving for you.

    G-Dawg - 18 off road miles is good training.

    Lorenzo - Nice early trail running with your son. Yes, we are there for only one week but I plan to try get a LSR done and will run most days. My sister (she rented a villa and invited my boy and I) is a runner now too, so I I'm looking forward to running with her as well.

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    GerardMGerardM ✭✭✭
    Quiet on here today. Double for me today. 5k on lunch at slightly quicker than MP, then a 16k plod tonight @ 8:19mm. Now time to catch up on the Athletics. 
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    G-DawgG-Dawg ✭✭✭
    Nice double there GM. Trying to factor the same into my plan but too lazy to get up early and too busy at work to get the extra session in.

    A busy week sees me shuffle sessions this week. Doing a slow 15 tomorrow night so went short tonight but at tempo pace. Ended up with 5 miles at 6.30 pace. Started strong with a 6.39 so tried to keep that going. Finished with a 6.17.

    Very aware that I'm in the injury danger zone as I enter the middle phase of the campaign so making sure I rest on specific days and go proper slow on the longer slow runs. 

    A handy thing, experience!  :D
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    GerardMGerardM ✭✭✭
    G-Dawg - You're flying at the mo. Any 10k's lined up? 5 @ 6:30 in training is sub 40 min shape for sure. 

    7 early miles for me this morning in the lovely warm pouring rain. Some hills and nothing silly pace wise, around 8mm.
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    Leslie HLeslie H ✭✭✭
    Gdawg cracking progression run ,sub 39 shape surely now !
    Gerard good big week for you .
    Birch a decent target there to aim for.
    Physio today run ban still in force for another week but cleared for some light xtraining .
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    Fingers are crossed for your recovery Leslie.

    Tasty pace there GD :) 

    Easy swim in the lake this morning- spent more time paddling and chatting than actual swimming I think 
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