
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭
    Yeah, the Paula shot constantly had familiar faces in it.  Julian Richardson of Oxford, and some bloke from Bath I've raced alongside previously (one of the most unlikely looking 72 half marathon men I've ever seen).
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Sikora must have beaten his own stand alone half marathon pb in that race. If he wasn't always messing around with daft stuff he could get some quality pbs.
    Probably not at 5k, but everything up for certain. One of those chaps who barely slows as he increases distance.
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    Interesting "quote" from Steve Jones (can't find an original) on running: over 25 minutes for a 5k or 4 hours for a marathon and that isn't running. 

    From "Competitor" mag interview:

    Q: What bothers you about running today?

    A: The industry is huge - it's running the sport now, not the sport running the industry. There are absurd headlines, and I have to say you are just as guilty, publishing articles like "5 weeks to a faster 5k or 10 weeks to a marathon PR." It's bull$hit. It's just selling magazines - or it caters to people who are running 4 hours for a marathon or 25 minutes for a 5k. And that's not running in my mind.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    Are those the same standard?
    25mins is some fairly trundling 5k action, but 4hours while you lot would scoff, it's a lot more respectable?

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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    The lad who crossed the line holding Paula's hand is a running mate called Rob Danson. He's progressed really well over the last few years. Now a 14 min 5k and 2.28 marathoner. 

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Dachs - female athletes should definitely wear knickers. Just not as the only thing thye are wearing. Especially not in xc! Dean - Lol! Dead right! Crop tops though? Are you mad???

    Oh, did some running today, at lunchtime. Bit crap and slow. All hurt until I forced some strides in to try and shake it of - just 6 x 62 double paces (about 1/8M and 40 secs) at around 5:2x pace, but seemed to help put the hip and knee in their place! Proper day off tomorrow - not even any cycling. Actually driving to work for a change!

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭
    SG, I'm guessing Steve Jones didn't plug a 25 minute 5K into the McMillan calculator before he said it.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    It got me wondering if 8ish min miling for a 5k compared to 9min miling for a marathon IS actually a fair comparison or not.

    I could do a 5k in 5.30ish, potentially being able to do a marathon in 6.30, or somewhere up to 7. So from that it looks reasonable.

    It's just 4hours for a marathon is like a decent benchmark for many runners, whereas 25 for 5k surely wouldn't ever be?
    Who knows. Over to Phil for some analysis.

    And i'll start the Ric comeback sweepstake. 5th November.
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    You can't wear pants with cycle shorts, think of the VPL. In triathlon it's definitely no underwear but that's more to do with comfort on the bike. Plus you have your race number on a belt so it covers the junk.
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    I thought triathletes wore cycle shorts to carry their spare pair of socks tucked down the front? Certainly that's what it looked like to me.....

    I reckon a sub 4 marathon is a pretty decent benchmark to count as a runner (but only if you have downed 10 pints of cider the night before perhaps!)

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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    I reckon sub 4 is a good time for someone new to running doing their first marathon. It's clearly running but not fast running.
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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    Steve Jones may not have put it in McMillan but I am bored enough at work to and he is pretty much spot on :) 

    5k 25'00, 5 miles 41'27, 10k 51'55, 1/2 1'55'45, Full 4'03'36

    Mind you McMillan always tells me I should be capable of sub 3 which I never got near even though I was running similar times to now at shorter distances when I did FLM (as was then) back in 2009. On my sample of 1 then the 25'00 5k is indeed a lot easier than a 4hr marathon.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2017

    Nice analysis there Pete.

    Unusual day for me, ending with an evening run for the first time in forever, set off aiming for a 4mile easy, midway noticed some geezer going along alright ish pace, but realised id overtake. Did so when he stopped at a road, rather than timing it to cross (like us legends would do), then noticed he was on my shoulder, and potentially being rude enough to think he'd have a little battle with me.

    Probably wasn't, and I shouldn't, but ended up smashing away at a foolish pace, ending the run sweating like mad remembering how I used to do this, and it was stupid then!

    On another note, i'd planned to go to the Manchester footy derby in December For those not into top level footy, TV rules the roost, and they often only firm up the exact date 6 weeks before. To get a cheapo hotel room, I went with a Sat stayover, to cover the two days it could be on.

    There were about 5 potential kick off times across the 2 days, so of course sod's law has decided to place it on the latest kick off on the Sunday, 4.30pm, meaning I have a lot of the day to wazz away.

    Any of our northern boys know of any races on Sunday 11th Dec? Could only find clubby XC stuff on the race finder 

    (tried to use the @ tagging before just giving up, but I guess aley, deano and Matt are the 3 to ask, with Stevie See not around currently.)

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    Stupid maybe, but inevitable - we all do it!

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    PhilipMJonesPhilipMJones ✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    For a 28 year old male, 5k in 25 minutes is  51.93% WAVA and a 4 hour marathon is 51.23% so pretty much equivalent WAVAs and both (by the WAVA definitions) about twice as slow as the WR. Both mean that the WR holder gets to the end as you are half way which seems a fair (if somewhat arbitrary) cut-off point.

    Odd thing was that I paced Ealing at 8 minutes per mile which is 5 minutes per km or 25 minutes 5k. Even at that pace, which many of us would say is pedestrian, the runners all looked sort of runnerish. 

    I used to dabble a bit in motorsport and a good rule of thumb was if you were within 10% of the fastest lap time then you were OKish else you were crap. If the same were applied to athletics it would mean we'd all be crap unless we could do a full marathon in about 2:12.
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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭
    Sg - Sunday 10th Dec has the Telford 10k.  Very fast coure
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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    Stevie G said:
    It got me wondering if 8ish min miling for a 5k compared to 9min miling for a marathon IS actually a fair comparison or not.

    I could do a 5k in 5.30ish, potentially being able to do a marathon in 6.30, or somewhere up to 7. So from that it looks reasonable.

    It's just 4hours for a marathon is like a decent benchmark for many runners, whereas 25 for 5k surely wouldn't ever be?
    Who knows. Over to Phil for some analysis.

    And i'll start the Ric comeback sweepstake. 5th November.
    Is he playing Guy Fawkes? 
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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    Or the Longridge (Preston) Christmas pudding 7 mile road race is on SG. 
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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    Or XC in Leigh. 
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    I think most of the stuff on FB Dean is a little "front" and just me having some fun making an alternate point, I don't think I set out to insult someone deeply though that's not who I am , reading that did suck and seeing how hard she's battled through this pregnancy and seeing then both suffer is horrible but also inspiring . She's a proper hero. My reply was hasty too but was never going to retaliate! 

    He has jaundice at the mo but things are looking up as he has started to feed without his tubes which is brilliant 
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
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    Good news Scott. Love all the stuff on 'I was a runner'. Met Rob Tudor in the pub after the national and he's alright, you can tell he's on the wind up on there half of the time..all good fun.

    I slipped on a manhole cover and bashed my knee yesterday - it's a bit stiff but will be OK for the Southern xc relays tomorrow, I can see parts of this being a little farcical into the expected gales, but we'll see. Another self induced injury like the Watford pub incident last year..same time of year too. Idiot.

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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    rob T is a top bloke, met him loads of times.

    but the I was a runner page is basically the equivalent of the corner stool in a local pub.  lots of people going on about "in their day". and how if you didn't get a sub 30 10k that you wouldn't have been in the top 200 and you were shot or made to go on jim'll fix it and run that risk.   And how their local 10k last month was won in 34mins and how the quality is dropped.  completely forgetting that there are 100's more events so the numbers are spread around and yet they never compare themselves to similar 10k races like leeds abbey dash, Trafford, telford, (& others in the south I don't know!)

    midlands xc relays for me tomorrow.  shocking weather forecast :/  my facebook did a timehop and showed a photo of us winning it 2 yrs ago.  that wont happen tomorrow!

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Simon, know that pain well. A horrifically ill designed 10k at Hotel Olympia near the Excel centre one year. Had roads to cross with no marshalls, steps and a wet metal bridge to cross!
    Managed a slip a bit like yours, but adrenaline got me through it. Pain the next day.
    Strangely DT2 was one of the few up near the front with me (largely a corporate suit race so front was very sparce). Didn't know him then. although in fairness he's disappeared for a long time so you guys might not remember. Clapham chaser guy.

    Hill reps, 12 x300m this time, as opposed to 12x0.25miles.
    So a bit shorter, so could do a bit tastier. Not the hilliest hill, more slopey, but made sure it was in the mid 5s for pace.
    1.02 to 1.05 range. 
    Didn't look too hard, but was a good workout. Form not absolute pace the watchword.
    Some chump parking his van completely blocking the pavement was the the rep 3 and 4 challenge! Fool couldn't park 20metres further away and not block everyone's access ( including parents some with prams),. even though he had to turn into this little easy parking area to reverse his van anyway!
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    SG - Yes it's a bit painful each time I get up from the desk, will be OK though. Good to do some hill reps, shame about the general public idiot..was going to do Primmy hill yesterday but too busy at work.

    Dean - my facebook was 3 years ago when we sneaked a medal. I don't think I will be in the 4 man team this year as some good runners are up for it this year. Our course is pretty flat and really badly measured...I did 15.22 the last time I did it in 2014!

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭
    I did 14:25 last year.  I'd love to be able to claim that as a 5K cross country PB...
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    After all that activity, its gone a wee bit quiet on here!

    LSR this morning. No much sign of Brian, but plenty of hills and mud! 13.2M makes 51 for the week, and an average over the last 9 weeks of just shy of 50 mpw. Some consistency at last, just need to work on some speed!
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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    Last day of eating and drinking shite for me today. 10 miles yesterday morning including the Parkrun where I set off mid pack with a v55 mate. Similar to last week with the first mile in 6 mins plus then tried to pass as many people as possible. Good fun cruising past folk and managed to get up to second but carried on at the finish. Few miles after where I accidentally clipped the legs of my mate who took a face first fall into the gravel. He didnt get up for a good minute or so and I thought he'd popped his shoulder but just turned out he was covered in grazes and cuts. 

    Fridays run was was 7 at 5.5X pace on a lumpy loop. Noticed a mate had created a looped strava segment just shy of 5 miles which his running club use as a tempo. Like a proper strava wanker I jogged up to the start then ran round at 5.4X pace. Took 4 mins off his 31 so it'll give them something to aim at. 
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    Tripping your pal up? Getting a bit competitive matt? :)

    Setting an alias and systematically monstering segments of people who take it too seriously would be delicious.

    14 today. Windy but comfy in 7.06.
    72mile week giving a three week spell of 68-72-72.

    Watch hr could not be right.reckoned i hit 205 top end and need 3.5 days recoveryery!
    I reckon the205 i hit on an off-road hilly humid summer relay was legitimate and that took 15mins lyin down after!
    Sweat temp and
     Tightness no doubt affect wrist readings
    Decent run out bus. Doing your longs regularly on sats these days?
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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    Good training Matt, Bus and SG, yes a bit quiet here this weekend otherwise.

    Today was Fleet 10k for me, a race I had targeted for a few months as I have a good history there. Target was sub 38 (was 37'32 last year but knew I wasn't in that form after being hit by the car on the bike earlier in the year then an injury riddled summer). No proper parkrun yesterday (just jogged round Reading in 29'xx with my 11 year old daughter) to test the theory of this forum (and to be fair most runners!) that it improves your chances when racing the next day. Set off fast as the wind was behind us and 1st k is downhill through the High St. at 1k in 3.34 and 2k in 7'16 so pretty much flying and about 20th but then the long drag gently uphill starts (and against the wind now) to the 5k point. Reached that in about 18'45 but knew then I'd be struggling to get sub 38. Was trying to hang on to an AFD guy I know pretty well (one of the top 5 v60's in the country I think) but he was gradually getting ahead and then into a battle with a teammate who I have recently just beaten (albeit very narrowly each time) over 1 mile, XC and in CP 10 last week. Got back in front of him at 8k but then there is the horrible hill at about 9k to 9.5k and my climbing legs were gone by then; conceded defeat (but only by a few seconds) to both my team mate and my 38 target but 38'15 which I ended up with is ok I suppose. Good enough for the v50 prize anyway which was a nice mounted medal and £25 Sweatshop voucher.

    Overall 34th out of 995 and 1st of 98 in age cat so not a bad result. Not sure I have any more sub 38's in me but maybe on a flatter course, less windy day (although the wind wasn't bad really) and without a full effort 10 mile race the week before and xc the week before that. 

    Oh and today's result just reinforces my view it makes little or no difference to me whether I do a parkrun the day before ;)
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