
Shades Marathon Training



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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Jugula-In the summer months I found less responses,when I ran on Tuesday and it was very cold I got 100% acknowledgement back,maybe it's the respect between all weather runners.
    Big G-unlucky on Berlin,apparently they release another 1000 places next week for an extra €60 which is a charity donation.
    Groin seems to be on the mend but still no running yet to play safe,was meant to be a cutback week anyway but to 40 not 22.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    edited December 2017
    Thanks Shades.  I went out for a nice Thai meal last night, I'm hoping to do a birthday run soonish, and then going out for lunch later before the award ceremony tonight :)  

    It's a bit odd as I had kind of just presumed I was going to get a ballot place, and had looked at the flights I was going to book as soon as the "successful" email came in.....I'm not sure where that misplaced confidence came from!  I was looking on their Facebook page yesterday and I noticed most of the messages were from people who had their place early on in the day, and none that I saw were from people who didn't have a place.  So I think possibly they emailed all the "yes" emails prior to the "no" ones, but I'm not sure if I get a better chance next year.

    Ian, I saw that and was initially tempted, but it's already an expensive race (€117) so I don't really want to spend more on it at this stage (it would work out at around £160 for the race).  I'm casually looking at Warsaw which is two weeks after Berlin, but no decision yet.  Funnily enough, it's RyanAir that are putting me off Warsaw as from Bristol they dump the passengers miles out of the city.  I'll have a think about it though.  

    Iain, I just looked up that running group and the nearest to me is Plymouth which is about a 1hr drive.  It does sound a great idea though.

    Jugula, good luck with running the Halfs.  It's a great distance, but I wonder how soon it will be before you have a crack at another marathon :)  
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    edited December 2017
    Jugula - the marathon is there waiting for you when you're ready.   We won't tell your wife.  Maybe a marathon on a nice weekend away somewhere might help pave the way with your OH, but away from that 'collapse roundabout' ;)

    Ian - yes, you're right, it's the fair weather runners that are lacking the social skills, more likely to be beginners.

    Good to hear that groin niggle is improving.

    Big G - a big social whirl for you on your birthday then.

    Shame about Berlin especially as you were expecting a place :(  £160 is a bit steep for a race entry.  I've paid €84 for Frankfurt.   I don't think we get a shirt included at Frankfurt and when I did Berlin we didn't get a shirt there either.

    I've heard good reports about Warsaw marathon, it's on my to do list but only if I can get there on another airline, I won't fly Ryanair. :#   It's unlikely I'm going to Loch Ness next year but I did look at the flights and they were £55 return.  My Irish race that will probably clash will announce their race date later this month.  So for you Loch Ness might be a good alternative to Berlin, it's a week later I think.

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    Ian - I just saw a post saying Snowdonia is open for entries today but massive queue, have you entered?
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    JellyJelly ✭✭✭
    On Warsaw Marathon, a good running buddy of mine is  Polish and used to live near Warsaw if you need any local knowledge I'm sure she would help out.  I might have to talk her into it. lol ? 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Oh Gawd, Shades!  You're a bad influence.  Lock Ness does look tempting....!  I just had a quick look and flights and accommodation are well priced.  I'll have a think about options.

    Thanks Jelly - I'll let you know if I decide to do Warsaw.  

    Just a 5-mile run this morning.  I had planned a bit further, but I can't say I overly enjoyed it as I did feel ploddy today, but maybe I didn't drink enough water yesterday or this morning.
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    NickW2NickW2 ✭✭✭
    OTB - I generally don't eat very healthily. But I've found that for me, having a big meal of pasta or rice the night before a long run usually correlates very well with me having a good run.
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    Big_G said:
    Oh Gawd, Shades!  You're a bad influence.  Lock Ness does look tempting....!  I just had a quick look and flights and accommodation are well priced.  I'll have a think about options.

    Only trying to be helpful and get you over the disappointment of Berlin!   ;) 

    If you do decide to go, book accommodation very early, the prices shoot up and can be really expensive.  Also try and get a B & B within a mile or so of the race venue as early walk to get the race bus on race day, no public transport then and you'll have to walk back after the race too.  Return bus fare from the airport was about £7 or £8 I think.

    I've just had a quick look at Warsaw too, you and Jelly are just as bad an influence.   But I 'm sure that my budget won't stretch to another trip next year, so I might get no further than Barnstaple that day :D

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Thanks Shades - I've booked a decent B&B close by, which I can cancel (£100 for two nights, which is okay, although I see some are very expensive already).  I'm not decided yet, but I wouldn't want expensive accommodation to be a reason not to go, so booked it in case I do decide to go.  Also, if I rope a friend in I saw that Travelodge is still reasonable (£160 for two nights for a twin room), but that's non-refundable.

    It's not a confirmed plan at all, but I'm thinking I could go to Edinburgh afterwards; I have a couple of friends there and I haven't been for a long time, and I'm sure I could stay with them if they're around.  I just checked and even though Inverness is 3.5hrs from Edinburgh on the train, if you book in plenty of time it's only £5, and then fly back to Bristol from there.  I need to think about it though....my credit card remains securely in my wallet for now!
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    Big G - £50 a night is a good price, that's what I paid this year by booking at this time of year.   I think the Travelodge is a bit more of a walk.   There's a Premier that is just a few yards from the race venue but that will be quite expensive even with a saver rate.

    That's a bargain on the train.   I don't like the train but that is a lovely journey, scenic and slow.

    I've put my credit cards away too for a few days at least, I've just been looking at IOM, race date not announced although I'm 99% sure when it will be and flights are £50 at the moment but I'll have to stay an extra night this time so that will be an extra £50 :(

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-Happy birthday and good luck tonight.
    Shades-I was working this nitnjng so missed It,oh well  :D
    Groin definitely feels a lot better today,hopefully get out for a tester run tomorrow 
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    mowzermowzer ✭✭✭
    Happy Birthday Big G  :) Fingers crossed for this evening.
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    Ian5 said:

    Shades-I was working this nitnjng so missed It,oh well  :D 
    Never mind, I guess that means you'll have to do Langdale as your DD training then :D
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    JugulaJugula ✭✭✭
    edited December 2017
    Happy birthday Big G 
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    E mmyE mmy ✭✭✭
    Happy Birthday Big G!
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    Big G- Happy Birthday. I had no luck in the Berlin ballot either. As I have flights already booked I'm looking at getting a place through a sports company just trying to choose which one.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    edited December 2017
    Steven-before you do that check the next release of tickets next week,€60 extra may be cheaper than a tour company.Also last year getkidsgoing offered places if you could raise 250 I think it was so might be worth a quick email to them if that is achievable for you.
    Shades-Langdale,hmm that's sold out aswell   :D
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    Just a quick post to wish Big G a Happy Birthday! :):) Have a great evening and hope all goes well at your ceremony tomorrow. Too tired to write anything now, will catch up over the weekend.
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    Happy Bday BG!
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    steven - bad luck about Berlin, hope you can get a place by another means now.

    Ian - I forgot that Langdale had to be cancelled this year, but they don't usually open up for entries this early, are you sure it's full?  I just looked and it says not open for entries yet and I can't see that they've  submitted their permit application yet.  But I think this years runners could transfer their entry to next year.

    mamafox - hope that knee is healing well.

    Pilates booked, just going to check how my friends got on yesterday in Peru, it was the longest stage, must be tough as for 68km the time limit was 32 hours!

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    I don't think they've finished updating the results yet but all Irish runners doing well, first one moved up from 24th to 20th, the girl has moved from 64th place up to 49th and my friend up one place from 59th to 58th.   Must have been tough, the girl took 11 hours to complete that stage and still moved up 15 places, she is an ultra runner and an Irish record holder for 24 hour distance.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    edited December 2017
    Morning!  I was runner up in the PR and Media category at the awards night last night.  Although disappointed not to win it, it was actually a great night, and I got a bit of insight into what else goes on in the area to help promote sport and activity across all ages and abilities.  It's not all about running - who knew!?  ;)  Seriously though, there was a chap there who was talking about the obesity crisis in young kids, and also depression in young kids, and it was great to see what goes on locally to help, mainly all done by volunteers.

    The person who won the media category deserved it as she's got her club (a tug-of-war club) into some national press and TV, whereas my reports are all local.  She has really helped raise the profile of her club, so good on her.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-You lost to a tug of war person?? Well done on getting to runner up though.Great achievement. 
    Shades-No Langdale hasn't opened yet,just used it as an excuse  :D If the year goes well my plan is to pick up a Snowdon place closer to the time as there should be plenty going.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    edited December 2017
    Ian, ha ha - yeah!  When they showed the video of what she'd done to promote her club though, I thought she may win it, as she's really pushed the media side of things and seen the club grow in size a lot as a result.  It was good evening though.

    Just did a 6-mile run, including a parkrun.  Off up to Nottingham today for a marathon tomorrow.  Not sure how that's going to go, but I'll see how I feel tomorrow....
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    Big G - well done on your runner up placing, in fairness I guess it can't have been easy for the winner to get national coverage for a tug of war club.    It is an interesting evening and quite an eye opener about how much sport does actually go on, outside of running ;) especially for the youngsters.

    Ian5 said:

    Shades-No Langdale hasn't opened yet,just used it as an excuse  :D 
    You should know that I'm not easily fobbed off with excuses and off I went to investigate!

    Good 8 mile run this morning, cold but slightly less so and it does feel like it's starting to warm up a bit.

    Running club AGM and Xmas do tonight, roast turkey, yum yum

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    Big G - good luck for tomorrow, I think conditions should be good for you, a bit warmer and not too windy,

    I just ran out on the roads at Teigngrace and saw two Caution Runners signs which puzzled me as I couldn't work out what might be going on.   On the way back I realised that they could be left over from the Templer Ten and might belong to the Trotters?

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, thanks.  I wouldn't have thought they were Trotters signs - the chap who sets up and takes down the course is very meticulous with it all and helps look after the stock room very well.  There was race (a night race called The Night Templer) in that area on 18th Nov, so it could be from that.  I don't know though.
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    Never heard of the Night Templer.  They're not in the way, tied firmly but if you were driving /running in the opposite direction you wouldn't see them to collect, didn't want the Trotters to lose any signs.

    Rest day at MdeS Peru today but some of the runners are still out there completing yesterday's 68km, I just can't imagine how hard it must be.

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    Shades- Yes it was dissapointing not getting a place, I will explore other avenues and am sure I'll get there one way or another.
    Big G- It's still a great achievement being runner up and it is good to hear someone from tug of war winning as others have said can't be easy for them promoting their sport. Good luck with your marathon tommorow.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Hope you had a good night.
    Big G-I suppose she had a lot of people pulling for her  ;) Good luck today.
    Didn't run last night so unsure how today will go,going to run to the race venue,luckily it's my local so only 2 miles,and see how it feels,not felt anything for a couple of days so should be ok.
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