
Shades Marathon Training



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    Confession time....I bought a pair of running shoes, these are for training not for racing, I do have 5 pairs very close to the end of their training life.

    Sale on at Pete Bland Sports, amazing service.   Shoes cost £30 in the sale, no carriage on orders over £25.  Order acknowledgement from Pete Bland at 12:58 yesterday, email from Royal mail at 13:09 with tracking number, so that took them 11 minutes to despatch them including collection or delivery to carrier :) 

    I've been in their shop in Kendal and they really know their stuff when it comes to running shoes, there's always a great atmosphere in the shop and I never want to leave.
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Good luck, Big G!
    And enjoy the new shoes, Shades. Money spent on running shoes is money well spent.

    We got our storm yesterday and it's much fresher today, but unfortunatley I did not get a good sleep due to the (insert expletives) next door singing drunkenly in their garden at 3am. I shouted out of the window but they only sang louder. Bastards.

    My intention for today was to tour a new parkrun, but I wasn't sure I should as I felt crap when I woke up and my achilles has been snarky since that 12 miler on Thursday morning. But I had a little test jog around the block and decided to go anyway. I'd ruled out Crystal Palace - an easy one to get to on the train - as it's rather hilly and I wasn't sure my achilles would like that much, and instead opted for Peckham Rye. I grew up between Peckham and Camberwell, and had many happy visits to the Rye as a child with my dad, specifically to visit the funfairs there, and the playground, which was full of lethal 1970s contraptions. As it would have been my dad's birthday tomorrow, it seemed appropriate.
    It's a two train journey there but not too difficult, and I met some fellow parkrun tourists on the second train so we had a nice chat before I jogged from Peckham Rye station up to the Rye (a mile). The parkrun itself goes through the park but not the common part (where the fair used to come), and the park is still lovely, although Peckham itself is still a sh**hole.
    I admit I pushed myself - ran the first mile fast but slowed down after that - there's an incline at the end of each lap and it seemd to get steeper each time. I thought I'd get under 26, but was amazed to finish in 25:07 - a new PB. My Garmin measured it a bit short but then, looking at the map, it made a bit of a mess of the paths, which are lined with trees and feature a lot of turns. Results came through quickly, confirming my time, age group 1st and 10th lady, so I'm pleased with that.
    I cocked up a bit going home. I'd missed the Overground train to Clapham Junction so I got one that meant changing at Streatham. The problem is, Streatham has three stations, and the train stopped at two of them and I got off at the wrong one. I figured it was quicker to run home from there rather than wait for another train to take me to the right Streatham where I'd have to change anyway, so did another mile and a bit. Quite tired now, though I've got to go to Pilates in a minute! Ah! (At least my flat is nice and cool now though!)
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    I didn’t sleep too great last night - the room was still warm and no aircon, but I felt rested enough when I woke up with the alarm at 6:30. It had rained hard overnight and was noticeably cooler outside, although there was a blustery wind, but it was good running conditions really. Much better than recently anyway, so I’ve been lucky today. 

    With than in mind I hoped to get a sub-4 in the bag, especially as the forecast tomorrow is stronger winds and heavier rain. I went through half way in around 1:56 and was feeling quite good and never really felt the sub-4 was in doubt today, finishing in an official time of 3:54:57.  It’s a slight positive split but I’m fine with that. 

    It’s a 7 lap event and on lap 6 it started raining heavily and the wind really picked up - I actually felt cold at this point, believe it or not!  But the rain went away again for the final lap, so no complaints really. 

    The benefit of these events is that I’m showered and have been fed at the pub within the hour. 

    Legs feel ok although right hammie is grumbling a bit, but I’m pleased with how day 1 went. 

    I’ll be watching the TdF this afternoon and celebrating Leslie’s 100th in the bar later this evening. 

    I’ll just do my best tomorrow - if I can scrape a sub-4 I’ll be delighted but if it’s not looking likely I’m not going to knacker myself too much, with other events lined up in August. 
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    Cal - well done on the parkrun PB, especially as you had to do a bit of travelling to get there.  Good news that your flat has finally cooled down, hope you get a decent night's sleep if your neighbours are quiet.

    Big G - that's a great run and you sound as if it was comfortable pacing for you.   Strange how quickly we find feeling cold an odd sensation.

    Enjoy the celebrations with Lesley.
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    JellyJelly ✭✭✭
    Cornish Marathon enteries are open and I’m all signed up. Kicked off my training yesterday with hilly 12, should of started last week but happy with what I did last week so not worried, this next week is going to be bit more of challenge as I’m tied up with family stuff Monday and cycle racing coaching at velo track Tuesday, with recce Wednesday and swim Thursday so work out ok. Friend has loaned me her  garmin 920xt watch for my Tri, I was chuffed with my swim yesterday considering it was after my run.  Relaxed my shoulders as they felt a little tight after run.  Not speaking too soon my food wise I’m in good place at present.  Well done Big G on race and good luck for tomorrow. I’m working all weekend so just bike for me. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Just opened another box of guide 10's I managed to get for £51 so new shoes day here also.
    Cal-sub 25 won't be far now,well done.
    Big G-Sounds like you had a good race,hope the weather eases tomorrow but can't see it looking at the forecast.
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    Jelly - thanks for the info on the Cornish, I'll get my entry in today.   If you're already doing a hilly 12 miles you've plenty of time before Cornish.

    Ian - £51 is a very good price.   I dug out a new pair of new Guide 9's from the cupboard yesterday, these are a half size bigger.  I noticed at Tenby that one of my toes was sore after the race, it was a very hot day so want to go up half a size in my next few of marathons to stop that happening again.  I still have another pair of new Guide 9's in the cupboard, still haven't bought any Guide 10's, I expect by the time I need more race shoes the 10's will have all gone and it'll be the ISO's.

    The shoes I've ordered are Saucony Swerve, which I believe replace the Jazz, these are for training only.   I was planning to get another pair of Hoka Cliftons but as I've had niggles in the achilles area recently I didn't want another pair of 4mm drop shoes right now, the Swerves are the same as the Guides 8mm.

    Big G - good luck today, hope the legs aren't too tired.

    Lots of rain here :)  I would imagine there's flooding in places, very windy too.   Lovely now that the temperature has now reverted to normal, inside and out.
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    Entry done for the Cornish marathon, brilliant race and bargain price of £25 or £27, that includes a hoodie so that's a chunk of the entry fee wasted as mine goes straight in the bin.   Unfortunately they don't offer entry without the hoodie.   We'll get a Cornish pasty too at the finish :)  
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    JellyJelly ✭✭✭
    I’m happy to pay some towards your hoody as I live in them with work.  ;) 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    I was lucky again with the weather today - the forecast bad weather didn’t really materialise. It rained for about half off it, but not torrential. The wind was an issue though and stronger than yesterday. 

    Nevertheless, I ran well today. Went though half in 1:58 so slower than yesterday but that was mainly because I was chatting a bit with others in the first half. I felt sure a sub-4 was on and on the last lap I also felt I may be able to go quicker than yesterday, so miles 25 and 26 were my quickest of the whole weekend (8:17 and 8:12) and I finished in 3:52:50 (official time), so I’m delighted!  A negative split in today’s event and today’s time quicker than yesterday’s - really, really pleased. This is my third double and my quickest overall time, so can’t ask for much more really. 

    Going into this I was slightly concerned at lack of long runs, but obviously it didn’t really impact me. I ran all of both events apart from stopping briefly at the aid stations. 

    I’m currently at Bristol having a KFC to celebrate. 
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Fantastic, Big G!  That's a hell of  a negative split.

    Yesterday I went to the hot pilates class after my parkrun and felt my calf twinge. It was in the belly of the gastroc - not near the achilles, so I was quite worried about it as I tore that calf before. Put a calf sleeve on at home and iced it and it did seem to ease over the rest of the day and was fine this morning, other than being a bit tight. I had already decided I would skip my long run today and rest, as I have the mile relays tomorrow evening. I'll do a short easy run tomorrow morning for analysis purposes but I suspect it's just really tight. I've done 32 miles already this week so I'm not too worried about missing a long run at this point - it would have been shorter than last weekend's 18 anyway as I'm only aiming to extend my runs every other week. I've a 10K in two weeks then Maidenhead half on 2nd September so I'd let to get through those in one piece!
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    Shades, London races aren't too bad, obviously the big races sponsored by virgin/ vitality/ Adidas etc are ridiculous.  There are organisers who do runs around the park for about £15-£20 a pop, however just seen their prices have sneaked up again :-1: Sounds like cornish marathon excellent value however the pasty is only ever any good if its a philps pasty! I love those things... after the ACC i got an extra large one, it could feed a family or someone who's just ran 3 tough marathons in 3 days 

    Cal know how you feel about neighbours, ours used to be a nightmare, always shouting at whatever bloke she was with at the time, loads of parties.. seems to have died down since she had a baby.  Not sure for how much longer though.  Well done on the parkrun.  That 10k at Hyde Park seems to have sneaked up on us.

    Big G, thats great running, two sub 4s and a neg split with a strong finish is a great achievement.  You'll be booking more enigma back to backs now lol.

    Ian well done on getting the guides for £52! I managed to get a pair recently for £60 and hurricanes for £65.

    Been a busy few days left it late to put open uni assignment in (3 week extension) and didnt start it till the evening before the deadline and managed an 85% which meant no running on Wednesday for me, I was also at a 1st aid course wed/ thurs/ fri and only managed a couple of miles on a treadmill.

    Managed to force myself to parkrun on saturday as had volunteered to help set up, started and couldn't really muster any enthusiasm to get round.  Did manage a run in the drizzle today... 13 miles alternate sub 9 and sub 8 miles, felt tougher than I'd like but saw it through.

    My OH started slimming world this week, so will try to lose weight with her, we have loads of recipes in a folder that we will go through over the next few months.  Yesterday we made cheesy chicken broccoli pretty simple but delish base of chicken stock, herbs and rice and add chicken, broccoli and cheese.  Main thing is not to eat crap during the day and only eat main meals, i'm not following the diet myself.

    Also booked a week in Hayle in October, may travel to elle's sister in Wilshire after my half marathon in Peterborough to break the journey, cant see any races anywhere in cornwall  15-22nd oct, its the day after Eden Project. 
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    just seen plym trail weekend is that weekend! can get the train to plymouth from hayle 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Thanks both.  I am happy, but really tired.  I'm sat here watching the TdF yawning my head off.

    Just reading back a bit...
    Cal, well done on your parkrun PB - that's a great time.  Im hoping to do a bit of a parkrun tourism next weekend.  I'm doing a marathon on the Sunday at Forest of Dean, but saw they've got a parkrun there on the Saturday too, which I may do as I'm thinking of making the weekend of it.

    Jelly, good news on getting your Cornish entry in, and it sounds like you've got a lot on, but enjoying the different training, which is the main thing.

    Ian/Shades, I bought a couple more pairs of my marathon shoes - Asics Roadhawks.  Intersport had them for a good price (£39.99) in my size so I got a couple more pairs.  I think RRP is £99.99 but I've never paid that - lots of places have the for £49.99, but £39.99 is good value.

    My training shoes are Asics GT2000 - Ver 4 were really good, but I've found Ver 5 not as hard wearing, and also the inside/top of the heel has worn where it rubs my heel.  I won't get any more of those, but it means I'm back in market for training shoes.

    Robert, what OU course are you doing?    Ahem, funnily enough, I was thinking "Hmm, can I do the Quad around this lake??!".  Not sure about that though, in terms of if I actually want to!  
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Rob-Looks like plym trail is calling,well done on a great score,esp leaving it so late.
    Big G-Brilliant running over both days ,I think I'm talking myself into attempting a double at some point.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Thanks Ian. Do you have a particular double in mind?
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    edited July 2018
    Jelly said:
    I’m happy to pay some towards your hoody as I live in them with work.  ;) 
    Jelly - you are very welcome to  have my hoodie free of charge, saves me putting it in the recycling bin.

    Big G - I thought you'd be sending your race report from a KFC ;)   Congratulations that's a great run and an overall a very impressive double.  I don't think you need worry about your lack of long runs, do you? ;) 

    That's great value for your shoes worth stocking up at that price.  There seem to be some good deals around now on shoes.

    If you want a more interesting quad, there's one in Donegal and it's a different course every day.  https://extremenorthevents.com/quadrathon-4-half-full-marathons/   I've got a few friends that have done it and say it's brilliant, all road courses.

    Or maybe think about doing doubles that are different events which is much more enjoyable than the same course again.

    Cal - hope the calf is OK today and it was just one of those scary twinges that come to nothing.   

    Robert - not sure what the pasties are, they were Ginsters for a while.  Trust me when you've run  26 miles over the roads of Bodmin moor in all sorts of weather you don't care who made the pasty, they taste good.

    Good luck to your OH with Slimming World and the healthier eating will be to your benefit too.

    I've pencilled in Plym Trail for the 21st October in my race diary, would be great to see you there.

    Ian - a double :) 

    Very humid this morning, a little light drizzle.  It's lovely after the rain, everything looks clean and washed.  had a good run and then saw my kingfisher on my way home :)
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    I need to clean up my diet a bit, Robert - I am a healthy eater for the mostpart but I've been mainlining ice cream during this heatwave. I would like to shave off a few pounds.

    Shades, it was very humid here too. It's only 23-24 in my flat at the moment which is lovely, so I thought I could get away with long tights for my run this morning (since it was a short test run) but found it pretty sticky out there once I got going. Anyway, I did 4 miles. Lots of energy in the legs after resting yesterday so it was quicker than recovery pace. Achilles is grumpy, as per usual, but calf is absolutely fine, which is a relief. I think it just got pissy because I put it through a quick parkrun and then expected it to cope with an energetic pilates class that included some calf work and stuff like squats and burpees. Calves haven't been an issue in the past when I've done this but my sleep was very poor last week so stuff adds up.
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    Iain LoveIain Love ✭✭✭
    Morning folks, hope this weather hasn't put to much of a damper on things.. Sitting here before we start to pack the tent away after camping for 2 nights for the outlaw ironman relay yesterday ..
    Was an incredibly brutal day for all.. 
    The swim course was altered cause the water was too choppy so it became 3 laps rather than 1 out and back. The swimmer came in in 1:02. The bike set off and had fierce wind and lashing rain to deal with. He came home in 6:12 and sent me on my way. I know the course but it didn't make it any easier with the wind blowing in every direction. I had to rely on the experience I have for a completely self paced run which I found tough. I can home in 3:09:34 and the teams total time was 10:27:34 so a really good time. We stayed to the very end to welcome the stragglers home and have them a guard of honour as they crossed the line..all in all it was a great day. .
    Looks like I'll be signing up for the full IM next year. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    3-mile recovery run completed this morning.  A slight niggle around my left hip flexor I think, but hopefully nothing to worry about.  I feel pretty good - let's see if that continues tomorrow, or if the dreaded "Tuesday Legs" come and get me!

    Iain, well done - that's a great time in tough conditions!  A full Ironman, eh!?  Somehow I wondered if I might see you type that one day...

    Cal, me too.  I had two ice creams over the weekend whist in MK....  :)

    Shades, just a quick one about HA.  She went over and did Ironman Zurich on the weekend, and did the marathon in 3:43 (11:29 overall).  Do you remember last year she was hobbling around with a stress fracture(?), and then had an accident on her bike.  I haven't seen her around for a while, but what a come back, and what a runner.  Lovely person too.  I can't remember if she's done one before or not - I know she's done a Half, but I can't remember if she's done a full.  Something's telling me she has, but I could be wrong.

    Shades, interesting about that Donegal quad - I'll have to keep it in mind.  That's the thing with the Enigma races; the route is pretty repetitive, but the ease of having the hotel and pub right there is very handy, so it's a balance in some ways.  After day 1, I was showered, fed and back at my room in about an hour after the race, with my feet up for the rest of the afternoon.  It's very convenient from that point of view, and definitely helps with recovery when I compare that to travelling from North Dorset to MK for that other double I did (times do not compare as they were hot races, but the driving is still tiring I find).  But, yes, I would prefer more interesting courses if I did attempt a quad!  Also though, I'd really want to try and perform relatively well for me - I wouldn't want to have to walk for large parts of it and the aim would to be relatively consistent.  Obviously I know weather conditions, niggles etc come into play, but my plan would be to be consistent, which would probably mean different types of training would be needed (long runs, back to back, possibly?).  I don't know if that's what I want really, so will have to think on it.

    Strangely though, I did actually quite enjoy the races this time.  I just kept on thinking I needed to make the most of it, as I think if it had been the weekend before my times would have been substantially slower due to the weather (I'm talking probably 2hrs slower overall).  With the cooler conditions I felt I had a good chance to go under 4hrs for both, especially when I felt so good at the start of day 2.  I just found myself breaking the events down into sections - laps, and also different landmarks on each lap - and the time went pretty quickly really.
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    Big G, I'm doing Business Management Leadership practice, almost finished level 1 (taken 18 months) Just four years of part time study to go.  I don't separate my racing shoes and training shoes, usually have a new pair for a marathon which I'll train about 50-100 miles in before hand, then they become training shoes or will use again for another marathon.  Not too much of a problem if not doing too many marathons, but when you're doing as many as you're doing could be expensive!

    Shades, oh wanted to go to Ireland and I was looking into that race, she soon changed her mind about going to Ireland.  Can get the train to Plymouth Just looking to see if there are any ways from Plymouth to Plmm (and return) for the start, I won't ask the oh to drive from Hayle as it's a holiday for her, I'm not that confident about my driving but will defo look into it.

    Cal, I know a lot of people who have lost a lot of weight using slimming world, it isn't magic just cut down on crap and eat proper food.  It seems they try to make the food look good and encourage members to take photos which means presentation is good.

    Iain of all the weekends to be camping! Heard Ironman Hamburg cut out the swim this year due to algae in the water. 

    Legs tired today after yesterdays run, may see how they are this evening and get out for an easy run.

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-I'm not sure yet and also when to fit it in.Its just something that has entered my head a few times lately,just need to see how the achilles is after chester,ideally I'm thinking November time,but got the potential weather issues then.
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    Cal - I've only eaten ice cream when I've been out and about this year.   I know if I bought some for home I'd be tucking in more than necessary.  My fridge/freezer has been a bit wobbly lately, the fridge part not the freezer but I am expecting it to need replacing, so have been trying to eat up the stuff in the freezer as in this sort of weather I won't have any way of keeping the frozen stuff at the right temperature while I have a new one installed.   So that was another reason not to buy the ice cream.

    Great that the calf is OK.

    Iain - that's a great run in those conditions, well done.   Full IM for you next year, brilliant.  Your relay team are really going to miss you though.

    Big G - that's a great result from HA, I saw her out training on her bike a few weeks ago but didn't get a chance to speak to her.  I think that's her first IM, when she did so well in the half IM I remember asking her whether she'd do the full IM and she said unlikely as she found it very cold after the swim and couldn't warm up.  That may explain why she went to Zurich for the IM.

    I've just come home from Yogalates and I have an email from Donegal re the quad, I'll forward it to you just so you can read a few more details and maybe consider it for next year.   closing date is tomorrow for this year and I assume you're not considering a late entry ;)   It's undoubtedly one of the most beautiful parts of Ireland.  You don't need to train any more for a quad than a double, all you have to be careful of is that by Day 3 carb stores are harder to replenish so more focus on fuelling.  

    Robert - you would need to drive to Plym Trail marathon which starts at Clearbrook, if there's a bus it probably arrives on a Tuesday and comes back on a Saturday!   There isn't any mobile signal there either. 

    Ian - there are a few marathons on a Saturday so it's finding them and then pairing up with a Sunday race.   Langdale is on a Saturday, although maybe not the perfect race for a double! ;)
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Robert, I used to train and race in the same shoes, but last year I started experimenting in lighter shoes and also ones with less of a drop for racing.  I think lighter shoes make a minute's difference or so on a marathon and at the time I was hoping to get close to a GFA so it all counted in my eyes!  I haven't looked back though and the Asics Roadhawks are really comfy and also light.  I have a lighter pair still (Reeboks) for racing 5ks, but they haven't had an outing for a long time! 

    Thanks Shades. I noticed this year’s Donegal was coming soon, so definitely can’t do it this year. Credit card is remaining in my wallet ;) 

    Interesting about training remains the same for a quad. I have to say, I’m pretty sure I could have done another event today.  Obviously I can’t say what time I’d have done but I’m pretty sure I’d have got around one. Legs feel good and I feel okay in myself too, although I’m tired. I slept well last night though, which is quite unusual for me following a marathon.  

    I need to think about it some more - no knee jerk reactions of going and booking one ;) (ahem, I did check the hotel prices for Foxy’s event and they’re reasonable, but he’s full up and operating a waiting list for 2019. I told him I do not want to go on the waiting list though!!). 
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    Big G - as you mentioned 5k races before , I see that Tavistock do a monthly flat fast 5k race, might interest you in the future.  http://www.skoolrun.events/

    Glad the legs are feeling good today, once you get into multiple marathons and ultras it's the mind that becomes a more significant factor rather than the training.   Your mind was in the right place this weekend and it shows in your results.  Previously you've had a couple of difficult runs on that course but his time you nailed it.

    I agree, not good going on a waiting list.  As you might not get a place until last minute that's an event that you want to plan for, although some of them don't!

    Talking of shoes, my new shoes have arrived, great service and they look lovely.   Can't wait to try them out tomorrow morning.

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    shades yup defo need to drive unless i fancy tagging 9 miles on either side (which I don't) most likely give it a miss but now I know it's there could coincide it with future trips down.

    Big G not sure i'd be up for too many road marathons back to back myself, but did enjoy ACC in October, although after the 2nd day I was struggling a bit in the evening and just wanted to sleep, may have been the worry that it was alot tougher on the 3rd day and some dodgy terrain plus the 6000ft elevation.  Am considering a double 50k next summer if it falls right.

    Most impressed stuck to clean eating for 4 days and not slipped yet! Got out for 7 mile jaunt after work, fairly undulating also took my local parkrun in reverse and felt like a brand new run, they are also filming for a sky one drama loads of medievil tents and people dressed up in old cloaks, kept me entertained for a few seconds.
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Ooh, I wonder what they were filming? Well done on the clean eating.
    Shades, enjoy the shoes!
    Big G, I always look at weight when it comes to shoes and all my shoes are under 200g. If I tried anything heavier after running in Frees for so many years I suspect it would feel like running in breeze blocks.

    So, mile relays.  No medals, no T-shirts, only £4 to enter and one of the most fun races of the year. There were so many teams this year (Chasers alone had 17) that the organisers split the race into two - the first for slower teams the second for teams expecting to go under 18 minutes. Obviously I was in the first lot, with Ania, the ultra runner who was on my team last year, and another lady, Liz. I was on the last leg this year and it was a bit chaotic trying to see when the previous runner was coming in but I got out quite quickly (no batons or anything - just start when they finish) and ran for my life. It's an out and back course down one of Battersea Park's inner roads - down to the roundabout, around it, then back - and it's fantastically noisy with all the clubs screaming for their runners (and many encouraging everyone). Ania brought cowbells.
    Anyway, I smashed my mile time - Garmin made it around 7:26, versus 7:52 last year. Average cadence was 192 but it was over 200 at the start and finish. :open_mouth:
    So I'm happy with that, although I was coughing for the next hour (still am a little bit!) I think we were still the slowest Chaser team but we beat plenty of the other club's slower teams so we weren't so bad. Results aren't up yet - I guess they will take a bit of time to process as it wasn't chip timed or anything.

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    Cal thats a great chunk off your time, you seem to be running well despite your illness a couple of months ago.  Not had the opportunity to do a flat out mile for a couple of years, there was a free event City Mile loop by St Pauls and Bank.  Went 6.12 don;t know what I could do now if I was to train for it, at the moment 6.30 but would like to train for one and go sub 6.
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    Robert - yes, the logistics are a bit tricky and maybe deserting your OH and taking the car with you might not go down too well.  Another time, maybe plan your trip so you stop off in the Plymouth area for one night then travel down to Cornwall for the rest of your holiday after the marathon.  BTW although it's called Plym Trail, it is all on tarmac surface, disused railway line that is now a cycle/footpath.

    Good news on the clean eating  :) 

    Cal - great PB at your mile relays, that's a lot of teams especially just from your club, must have taken a lot of organisation.

    Less humid today and we've had a little more rain overnight.   2 days since we had all that rain and already I can see the green grass growing.   New shoes are lovely, very good cushioning and so comfortable.   Only when I use a pair of new shoes do I realise how much the cushioning has gone in some of my other shoes, may have to have a cull.
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    Cal - I weigh my shoes to check them, just out of curiosity.  The advertised weights on a woman's shoe are for size 3 or 4 so mine being a bigger size are always heavier.   My new shoes are advertised at 235 grams but in my size weigh 258 grams.
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