
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    WoolWool ✭✭✭
    Bus - you ran 81:xx at Marlow. Jeezus! I ran it the for the 1st time in the 2012 flood in 90:xx and then went back and did it the next in 88:xx, walking the later uphills. 81 is quality - the course has got to be worth 3 mins or so hasn’t it?
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    edited October 2018
    Cheers Wool :smile:
     Just checked, and actually nearer 1:22 - 1:21:51 in 2011, so around 3 mins on a fast course is probably right.  The flooded 2012 was nearly 3 minutes down on that. Ric held back just before the line so we both finished on the same time!  Marlow was also my first sub 90 half back in 2004 - one of the most emotional finishes I've ever had and I remember actually crying!
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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭
    Lots just read. All good stuff.
    My weekend was a 5 mile run and a 35 mile bike ride averaging 19mph. Just about to head out.

    I can just imagine Ric shaking his head reading about Bus' knee popping.
    Sounds like an accident to me. Good that it's nothing Bus.

    Oh yes. Marlow 2012. One course where I lost masses of time on the steep downhills. I vaguely remember catching one S. Amend on more than one occasion, only to have her and some other guy, hurl themselves down leaf covered precipices, while I jogged down. Together at the top of one - out of sight by the bottom.

    I gave up racing after the first really steep hill. Made no difference to my speed - maybe helped. Caught Bus in the latter stages, but I'm not competitive with others - only myself, so ran in with him.

    Tough race. And my last HM.


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    KenbroKenbro ✭✭✭
    Loved the running of the Marlow Half that year. It was such an exceptional event that it has taken on a kind of mythilogical aura in local runnning circles. Running ankle deep in what felt like a river in places certainly added an extra dimension to the race. Especially remember lots of runners turning up and then heading straight back home (lighweights). Is that PMJ heading in the opposite direction in the video at 8:30ish? 
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    Kenbro said:
    Loved the running of the Marlow Half that year. Is that PMJ heading in the opposite direction in the video at 8:30ish? 
    Well spotted. I often try and plan my Sunday run that race day to go by the race so I can encourage/ discourage runners.

    I love the Marlow Half route and parts of it regularly crop up on my Sunday long runs but there is no way I'll ever enter the race. For me, there are races and events. A race has a fixed distance and you compare it to other races with the same distance so why pay £25 to "race" Marlow when you can pay the same for Wokingham? Events, on the other hand, used to be historic routes run annually over no fixed distance. Most of these have disappeared, so e.g. Cambridge Boundary Run is now the Cambridge marathon and the shadow of its former self.

    Talking about race fees, Wokingham is advertising free places and that men under 60 looks soft for Bus.

    Free places available for athletes with provable race times in the last two years e-mail us here 
    Men Under 20 – Sub 73 minutes / Women – Sub 85 minutes
    Men Under 40 – Sub 70 minutes / Women – Sub 80 minutes
    Men Under 50 – Sub 75 minutes / Women Sub – 90 minutes
    Men Under 60 – Sub 85 minutes / Women Sub – 100 minutes
    Men Under 70 – Sub 100 minutes / Women Sub – 110 minutes

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    The thing with the Marlow half course, is it often depended on which part of the route you were on. Where I marshaled, on 10miles, you were fairly high up, so saw none of the worst, whereas in some of those valleys you'd get what the chaps describe

    Who would turn up at the Marlow half, and just not bother because it was very wet? Like Phil says, it's not going to be fast anyway!

    And I can see how much of an epic experience it must be in ridiculous conditions. Like the thrill of a one of those horrible XCs where the massive rain makes it what it was. Sandhurst was often one for rain.

    Wonder why Wokingham is offering so many free places? It gets good numbers anyway. I don't think they'll be dishing out many for that under 40 one!

    Quite big gaps from 50 to 60 to 70. Probably logically based on numbers, but I agree, Bus, you've got free entry for a lot of years ahead I think!!

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2018

    Ok, today was the biggest tempo on the schedule.

    It followed sessions at Threshold like 3x10mins, 3x2miles, 15-10-5min and 4x2miles.

    All of which I wasn't 100% sure I'd be able to do, but saw all of them off nicely.
    (That's bang on what you want from coached sessions isn't it - rather than the tendency to go safe when you set your own)

    So today was 20-15-10-5mins off 4-3-2mins.

    Despite having today off, I kept to the usual routine, up at 6am, off at 7am and to the track.

    Aiming for 1.28 lapping, went quite nicely. (As always, no roundings as per strava)

    1. 20mins - 13 1/2 laps (plus a bit)

    1.26x3, 1.27x2, 1.28x7, 1.29x1 (a 1.29.01!), 42sec 200m, and 16secs bits (didn't bother making that up to a 200)

         2.  15mins - 10 and a bit laps

    1.25x1, 1.26x1, 1.27x4, 1.28x3, 1.29x1, 22secs bits

         3. 10mins - 7 laps

    1.25x1, 1.26x3,  1.27x2, 1.30x1

        4.  5mins - 3 1/2laps

    1.25x1, 1.26x1, 1.27x1 , 42secs 200m

    So quite a session, 12miles all in with the warmup and cool down! I'd have struggled to get to work anywhere near time today, think I left at 8.45!

    You get a real lift when that 20min section is done, before realising a 15min is quite a section too. However, when that's done, another lift, and by the time of the 5min one you're smashing it!

    One loss of concentration with a 1.30 on the 10min section, although followed with a 1.26, and a couple of other 1.29s, but a narrow difference really, with so many 1.25-1.27s in there too

    Good sesh - off up north now to relax

    After that, I'm glad tomorrow is a 4mile doddle :)

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    Great session SG, I think its the big tempos that make the biggest difference to my fitness. I've got a similar one on Thursday. 2 x 3m tempo with a 1 mile recovery inbetween
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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭
    edited October 2018

    It's a tragedy how much of that level of talent goes to waste.

    When I was a teenager, my club had a lad a couple of years younger than me who was consistently top 5 in national age group cross country races, winning the local leagues etc.  Got to 15/16, just couldn't be bothered anymore.  Looked him up on Po10 once to see whether he reappeared, and there's no record of him whatsoever.

    I know someone else who was competitive as a teenager on a world level.  Don't want to give details that make him identifiable, but he jacked it all in at the end of his teens.  He still came back every now and then, chucked in a few weeks training and smashed the shit out of the field at a local race, then went back to normal life again.  Great to be able to do that if you have the talent.

    You've got to absolutely love this sport to persevere with it really, 'cos there's sod all other incentives to keep going.

    Really, when you think about how much talent is out there, there is no way the likes of me in my 40s should be competitive even in local races.  When those 70s and 80s runners on certain Facebook groups that I will not name drone on and on at punishing length about how runners in those days were so much better as they worked so much harder, they are directing their disapproval at the wrong target - it's not the people who are running, who in many cases are working just as hard, it's all the talented people who aren't running at all.

    EDIT - I wrote all this after SG's post at the top of the page - just realised all the posts since then make it look like I'm burbling to myself about something totally unrelated.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2018
    Lol dachs. Thought you were mixing Phil's style to totally ignore everything that's gone on and Rics penchant for an ancedote.

    Quick crewe check in for a coffee. For some reason i feel a little knackered!
    Still, just less than 30miles drive left then some glorious food that im already fantastising about. And im no foody
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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭
    edited October 2018

    There's a preponderance of hilly halfs around this neck of the woods - Marlow, Henley, Wycombe, Windsor (apparently).  I never run any of them.  What's the point?  I will allow myself one hilly half a year, and for that I sometimes do the Frome Half Marathon, simply out of sentimentality since that where I grew up, but now I've won that I may not go back to it either.

    Didn't know about those Wokingham times.  I'm a man under 50, so my figure is 75 minutes.  But, as a man under 50, I am also surely a man under 60, and therefore it's 85 minutes.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    They have left themselves open with that strange "under" nonsense rather than ranges
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    I suspect they will be arguing the toss for some time with some people :smile:Does seem remarkably generous for anyone over 50 tbh! Probably should enter, though I'm in the Lake District for Half term that week, so unlikely to be in any sort of state to do it justice! Also - if the race time for an under 60 has to have been done as a 50-60 year old then I'm scuppered as I was 49 when I did Wokey this year!

    That's a helluva session there SG!

    Dachs - probably more of a point in doing the local hilly halves for you than most I'd have thought. You've at least got a good chance of winning them :smile:  

    First head torcher of the season by the look of things tonight - first few each year are always a bit of a novelty, but it loses its charm pretty quickly! 
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Might as well book the freebie up bus just in case they change their minds! Then no loss either way
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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    Bus/Phil (or anyone else): How strict do you reckon they would be at Wokey? I have 2 sub 85 min HM's (at least as a genuine v50 :) and 1 a sub 84) but they were both early 2016 so over 2 years ago now. Also have an 85'xx from last year but the 'xx takes it over their strict limit. Wouldn't rate my chances of running sub 85 at the moment though!
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Theyre probably trying to start the new organised version with a bang and padding the quality age groupers in. So i reckon that 2016 would get you in. While the xx one wouldn't. Unless you talked them into it.
    Should be fine on 2016 tho as it is in the cat
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    I'd agree with that Pete - worth emailing to find out :smile:

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    Good session SG, look forward to seeing the results of the race at the end of this block.

    I enjoy a hilly half, I did Marlow once as a bit of a progression run, I'd do it again. These races seem so cheap compared to Triathlons, I don't really flinch paying 20-40 quid for a race.

    Sub 75 :( not yet but that particular target has been on my mind for a long time.

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    You'll definitely go sub 75 reg, but if you do it at Marlow first I'll buy you a pint :smile:
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    Don't know about definitely, my so called casual half at Windsor has put some fatigue in my legs!
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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭
    How does anyone come to terms with the reality that their chosen sport/activity is out of their price range?

    That's the thing with Triathlon; especially the longer versions, it's the cost. The time training on one hand and the price of the races on the other.

    Still, it's cheaper than motor racing, show jumping...ocean yacht racing. 


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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Some of us know it's out of our reach Ric, having never learnt to cycle and barely being able to swim
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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭
    SG, you'll find that the laws of physics allow the riding of a bike without requiring a learning aspect. However, to ride a bike like say, Reg. That's takes a bit of experience.

    Whether or not he can chuck a 'wheelie' on his road bike is open to question. I myself won't attempt such a stunt even on my mountain bike.

    On the other hand, the other day I saw a kid come down a hill at speed doing just that - holding a phone to his ear!


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    I keep meaning to learn to do a wheelie whilst clipped in actually, along with a backflip (not on a bike) and a decathlon. Oh and juggle 4 balls, not joggle though. I actually saw someone joggling a few weeks ago.

    Learn a language was another one, I did French lessons for a year before we had our first child. I was getting reasonable at it but now it's mostly forgotten again. It resides in a pile with 99% of my school education, a disjointed mess of incomplete facts. Occasionally something will resurface in the form of a blind guess whilst watching university challenge. If in doubt go for Mozart or cheese.

    I agree riding a bike is easy but to ride one competently, in traffic, takes a lot of experience. 

    I found out I am 'at risk' of redundancy in my new job! Four months in is impressive going. Most of my department is going. This is when having running/Triathlon comes into it's own as a coping tool. Yeah that's shit but I'll have more time to train. 

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    Reg - There was actually someone juggling at Cheltenham half! Was very impressive at 6.20 pace. Sorry to hear about the redundancy threat
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Reg bad news there. Are you in a type of job prone to this as think you mentioned one or two before?

    Either way how were they able to take you on? No foresight this might happen?
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    Oh that's positive thinking Reg. Bit of a bugger though! Wokey half - hmm, presuming my 73.50 at MK will be ok, but there's loads of 40-49's with sub 75's! About 100 in 2018 going on RunBritain, acknowledging it's UK wide.

    So back at the windy rugby club last night - they started a bit early, and the session was 5 x 2k, so I had to do 1200, 4 x 2k and 1 x 800. Bit of a struggle, but the 2k's were 6.40 down to 6.25 and a 2.35 800, obviously with 100m of slope in each of the 2 laps. Had to get the bus home at 7.30 from Luton, which decided to go early too! So had to get dinner in a pub and get the 8.30 :)

    Long commute run a real struggle this morning. Decided to get the orange Brooks Mach18 xc spikes. Was going for the Adidas but they look a bit clumpy, the Brooks looked a bit more nimble..we will see. First ever Brooks purchase, big moment after going to watch my dad run in the 80's where they seemed to be so much more popular?

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    Not really SG, just a bit of bad fortune. Basically when I joined the share price was £5 and now it's £2. They've cut 20% of the workforce in one day. My problem is I basically don't know what I'm doing yet so I'm of little value and a cheap head to chop.

    Still, it might get me out of Slough.

    Nice session SC.

    So in light of my predicament and the fact I have no work to do, I came in to work at 11am and then went for a run at 1pm. I decided to run to the end of the Jubilee River path at Taplow, then promptly turned round and cam back. 9 miles in total, maybe the last time I do that run though as I have a consultation meeting in a minute and I am hoping to get the green light to see out my time not working from home.
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    That's not good Reg. Hope it works out ok.

    Wheelies seem to bethe thjng with yoofs these days. I can do a crap one, but not for any distance, whereas I see them cycling around Ayelsbury with the front wheel never touching the ground! Recently, a group of them saw me getting my bike out of the cage at work, and one of them, in a rather neanderthal tone, shouted "DO A WHEELY!" to which I repled "why would I want to do that, my bike has two wheels and I've paid for them both"

    I can juggle 4 balls. Used to be able to do 5, but can only managae a 5 ball flash now.

    No running today. Work and bad back got in the way.
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    WoolWool ✭✭✭
    Oh, I can wheelie, get air, cherrypick, the lot. I used to be in to breakdance and BMX. When SG talked about ‘his gang’ the other day I wanted to say that I preferred the word posse, a great term that some of mates liked to spray paint on walls in the good old days.

    Sorry to hear that news Reg. Where do you work / what’s your speciality?

    Just recovering from my MLR with my 2nd Peroni. Happy days. Could be better through, I’m in Scotland and my new vaporflys are at home and I’m pining!

    I am defo not recovered from Windsor yet but I’ve now gone and entered the glorious Slough HM. This might be the time to sneak the most unlikely of PBs (given the year of injuries I’ve had) so it’s worth a roll of the dice even if I’ll still have to pay for my Wokee entry.
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