
Sub 3h15



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    PoacherPoacher ✭✭✭
    No, retired from ultras. But that's not to say that the 100th Comrades in 2025 wouldn't be the bestest, most awesomest race ever. Sadly, I don't think they allow zimmers and motability scooters  :'( 

    I too have read GD's words again - super stuff.
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    G- Dawg - Fantastic report, really enjoyed reading it. Hope you are starting to recover now

    Birch - SIS Go Energy is my fuel of choice for quick fueling before a session etc. 

    4m easy tonight at 8.12/132BPM which I think is my lowest ever average HR
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    Great report GDawg so good I almost read both posts ;)
    The gutsyness comes through. Feeling strong at the end of a Mara is the best thing when you’ve suffered the opposite. Well done Sir on a fab time.
    Man flu subsided a bit today so I did a plodding 3 miler to test the legs. Will try further tomorrow.
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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    Great report, GD. Chicago is a fab race and you owned it!

    15 miles @ 8.03. The general aerobic pace is definitely getting faster. Fingers crossed that's an across the board lift in pace!
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    GerardMGerardM ✭✭✭
    G-Dawg - Loved your report. Nice rain dance/chanting! Seemed to do the trick. You gave it your all and thoroughly deserved the fantastic result you got. 3:05 baby! Yeah!!!! 

    Poacher - Poachette is very talented. They are excellent times across the distances and as you say it will be interesting to see how she would fare in a Mara. I bet it would be very good. Exciting stuff! Might join you in 2025 just for the hell of it! 

    Gul - What's the target for the half then? Sub 1:25 or quicker? 

    OO - Glad the manflu is on the mend. Parkrun this weekend? 😉

    Jools - Looking good for you! 

    Stevie - Very nice easy running. Great fitness barometer. 

    Rest day here as I was too laden down with laborious tasks. I will run tomorrow. Can't wait! 😊
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    Great report G-Dawg - super pleased for you. Amazing that after such a stellar peformance you decided to run it again, but hats off for following the same strategy and landing an equal PB. Sounds like something Badbark might be tempted by.

    Hope everyone who's racing this weekend is feeling in good shape. Surrey XC League for me as a final sharpener before Abo - just need to avoid any last minute injuries. 

    Generally easy runs for me this week with a 4 x 3min rep session thrown in on Wednesday. Run commute (2.5 miles each way) today. 

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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    Yes take care Lorenzo- no slips at the XC!
    Good miles Jools sounds encouraging.
    Rotten weather here but will try to get out later. And yes Gerard parkrun on the cards but probably a cautious one 
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    DT - I trust you and your boy had a smashing time last evening.  Did you manage to deal with the fuelling issue ok ?   Anyway, good luck on Sunday - really hope you achieve your goal (and the weather looks kinder on Sunday than it does today and tomorrow :)  
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    GD - fantastic report - almost amazing as your PB.  You must still be on cloud nine.
    Poacher - sorry, that doesn't sound tempting to me at all ;)
    Stevie - looking good.
    OO - pleased to hear you're starting to recover.
    Jools - steady progress.
    GM - target pace is 6:30/m, which would give me 47 seconds in hand for a sub 86.
    Lorenzo - yes, take care in the XC.
    DT - good luck in York on Sunday - hope you had a good day yesterday.
    4 mile recovery run this morning. Weather forecast for Sunday is now for heavy rain in Peterborough :(  Resting heart rate still elevated and got a bit of a temperature. Contemplating whether or not to keep taking paracetamol. Will keep positive anyway and get ready to throw the proverbial sink.
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭

    G-dawg- great report and running. A decent reward for a hard few months. Not sure I could manage a 7.30am mara start.

    Take care in the xc, Lorenzo. They can be dangerous places!!

    Stevie, where do you get the sis stuff from?

    Nice 15, Joolska.

    Gul, my rhr is up the last few days. It is just the pre-race anxiety. You'll smash it!!

    Yesterday was a great day for my son. I dropped him off at 5pm and they took all the kids to the stadium to rehearse etc. I was a bit worried in case he got nervous and scared but he was fine. They ended up all in wales kits and I got him a souvenir scarf which he was delighted with. He ended up coming out with Sergio Ramos who was probably the best and most famous player on the pitch and as captain they came out first so he was fully on sky sports several times in the tunnel, running out and during anthems. Sadly the result was set by about 20 minutes in. We had great seats 4 rows behind the welsh dug out and the first row behind the press officials and right by the tunnel. All in all a wonderful experience for him to remember.

    Carb wise I managed to log 400g on my sheet from everything else I ate and then had a pizza and garlic bread which cant have been too far short for the 200g I needed.

    Really stiffened up yesterday though which was worrying particularly my left glute and back. I put this down to spending all morning stood up at a work expo, getting home, 3.5 mile run then straight in the car for 2 hours, followed by sitting in a stadium for over 3 hours then back in a car. Feel much looser today thankfully. Nerves have really kicked in today!

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    Gul - Still a couple of days for it to settle down, hopefully you will be better by Sunday!

    DT - What a great experience for your son, he won't forget that in a hurry! I get my SIS stuff mainly from their website, occasionally Amazon or Wiggle if they have a deal on .

    MP run this morning was a disaster. Didn't feel great in the warm up but that didn't worry me too much. First mile came in at 7.00, managed to get that back to 6.50 ish for the next few but it was getting harder and harder. Bailed after 7 MP miles and even bailed the warm down as it would have involved running away from the car.

    Woke up with a slight cold this morning so maybe that was it, plus there was a huge gale blowing across the park. I've never entered a run early before but I thought it was better then flogging myself
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    BadbarkBadbark ✭✭✭
    Great reports GM and GD! Congratulations to you both again!
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    GerardMGerardM ✭✭✭
    I was just thinking last night if I can run a 3:14 off a 30 mpw average 12 week campaign on a hilly/mixed terrain course then how far could I take it if I actually got a bit serious about it. I'd love to experiment with the high mileage but I'd really have to knuckle down and do some strength training too to avoid breaking. I will have a think about what I want to do and make a plan or... just do nothing! Lol 5k lunch run with a few new work colleagues avg 7:21mm, there was a fierce wind today but the pace felt very comfortable.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    that's the spirit, Gerard - I wager you'd surprise yourself (but not me), if you did, to use your words, "take it seriously" . .   another indicator , to me, at any rate, is the fact you felt so sprightly the day after your marathon - its usually 3 days before I can go down stairs in a forward style - you must have been well within yourself.    
    Stevie - wise move - sometimes its a fine line knowing when to quit a session or not, and looks like this was a good call 
    Gul - fingers x'd for Sunday - be a shame if a virus , or whatever it is, compromised things - but yes, positivity is key - as you say, you're going armed with the kitchen sink, and even though it looks like being a bit soggy, the wind is meant to be pretty light - and most importantly - you've trained splendidly. Good luck, anyway . 

    no splendid training here - only one run this week - 9 with 4 x 800m on Wed  :/
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    Stevie - take it easy over the next week or so - you don't want to jeopardise all that hard work and the excellent shape you are in!

    No VLM for me either, debating whether to do a different spring mara (Edinburgh or Manchester), or see if I can nab a cheeky spot the way I did last year; maybe a change of scenery would be good.

    Fantastic report GDawg

    Seems I am in good company with a couple of others here with a bit of lurgy, thought it was just a stag do hangover from Malta last weekend - hoping it clears by Sunday for my stupid run in the squirrel outfit. Not been up to running much but hoping I can get round in sub 2 and beat the previous official mascot PB.

    Good luck with all the other runs this weekend everyone!
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    There is no question Gerard that you can go faster and you’re still young enough in Mara terms to decide when you are ready and able to commit. One plus in Jersey is the mild winters. You might be less keen on the bitter North East training for a Spring race ;).
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    Lucky lad DT19 he will long remember that.
    Why no running Gul?
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    he's still wearing the kit. 

    weather forecast tomorrow has deteriorated to heavy rain all morning. I'm hoping it changes again!
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    Good luck to DTGul & Nicko tomorrow! Don't stress about the weather, control the controllables!
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    good luck gul and Nicko. 

    It's 21c here and very humid right now. I'm sure it'll feel cooler when it hammers down all morning. Monday looks perfect weather.....
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    G-DawgG-Dawg ✭✭✭
    Just checked. Temperature looks good and low breeze tomorrow DT, just a bit of rain. Looks ideal to me. You've been very diligent this week and have some great sessions under your belt. Go out there and smash it. Good luck, mate.
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    PoacherPoacher ✭✭✭
    DT that is just lovely. Memories are made of this.

    Nicko - squirrel pic needed.

    Good luck to those racing tomorrow. 

    GM, +1 - you have the tools, you might just need to mix it up a bit and there is surely a significantly faster one in there, esp. if you pick the right flat boring course.  What you need is a north east training camp to put hairs on your chest.

    Slow park run today, pacing someone round - got to respect the effort people put in on a rather slow/muddy/XC course.  For the first time in almost 2 yrs, I'm off tomorrow to the dreadful sweaty gym from hell. Expecting some stories of epic failure.
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    haha yes I'll be able to advise lots of people going forward as to whether a boiling hot mara or a soaking wet one is harder.

    Temp and wind look bang on. it's one of those where if the race goes to plan you won't notice the rain. if it doesn't it'll be miserable. 
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    DT - glad your son had a great time - a special memory for him. Weather looks the same in Peterborough. All the best.
    Stevie - yes, probably the cold. Rest up and get back to 100% for next weekend.
    Nick - good luck tomorrow; hope it's not too hot in the costume!
    OO - thought I'd be better off with a good night's sleep rather than a few more junk miles today.
    Poacher - look forward to the return of #gymfail.
    Down to racing weight this morning (11st1-2lbs) but had a Chinese takeaway this evening for my father-in-law's birthday. Gardening this morning. Not ideal but managed to avoid any injury! Setting off just after 8am in the morning.
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    20:30 parkrun was a reality check. Nice to have an easy sociable one for a change though. Tomorrow’s LSR will take me past 2000 for the year.
    Good luck tomorrow’s racers. May the running gods be with you!
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    OO - save the fast times for when it counts ;)
    Looking at the weather map and there is a massive blanket of rain swamping the country - no escape this morning! Never used a bin bag before a race, but perhaps I'll try it today. Had 2 large mugs of strong black coffee, now about to have another 2 before setting off. Good luck again to DT19 and Nicko! Hopefully will have a chance to post briefly before Church this afternoon.
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    All the best to Gul and the other racers today. I'm just trying to put off a 2 hour run in the rain.
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    DT19DT19 ✭✭✭
    2.59.54!!!!! last 0.2 miles at 5.08mm pace. more tense than the most tense thing you can imagine!!!!

    Delighted and emotional.

    Report later. 
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    G-DawgG-Dawg ✭✭✭
    YES! YES! YES!! Fantastic work DT. You must be buzzing! Congratulations!!
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    Fantastic result DT! Congratulations!! All the hard work has paid off, enjoy the celebrations!! 
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