
Sub 3



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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    just popping in to wish young Wardi  all the best for tomorrow - fingers x'd weather-wise
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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    CD: hah!  Running royalty ignored!

    Best of luck to Joe in Kona and the Yorkshire crew.

    Gwent league for me. The weather forecast isn't great...
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited October 2018
    SJ - first one home gets rhe beers in ?

    Wardi- how is your running with an umbrella? I would wear a cap, and something like a base layer top and bike style shorts, the less wet kit to flap about the better.

    6m easy, 4 av 6.4X, 2 easy. The quicker section was a bit wind assisted early on and felt thougher than MP, but it was more about having a blow out. Abo will be run on feel, my Casio sundial just records the time, it doesnt dictate it.

    Hammy still tight, but it was happier going quicker, so thats an easy fix!
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    edited October 2018
    Yes indeed TR, the forecast has deteriorated somewhat, heavy rain from 8am-2pm.  I went out for a gentle 3.3m this morning and it's muggy and windy though dry so far.  At present it does look to be wet & cooler tomorrow though the winds are going to be much lighter so every cloud etc.  I have a poncho from the Barca Marathon to keep me dry at the start.  Yes it will be a cap for me & probably one of Dan A's Xempo t-shirts under the club vest, will decide on the day.  Can't do much about wet feet apart from lubricating them I suppose!

    Best of luck with the XC mudlarking Jools.

    Thanks for the good wishes, just want to get on with it now.  Might watch some of the Kona action while I've got my feet up.
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    saintjasonsaintjason ✭✭✭
    edited October 2018
    TR - sounds like a plan. Never run Abo before, any watering-holes close by? Good stuff with the faster miles. Likewise, faster miles doesn't seem to aggravate my Achilles's and sore knee.  

    Wardi - wind due to die down so that's the main thing. 

    First XC fixture up here too. Unseasonably warm (22 when the sun came out) so a touch warm for running. Underfoot conditions were good so no chance of going over or twisting something. A decent 40-minute blast. Cotton wool time now.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited October 2018
    SJ - yes way too warm for xc here, it was 20+ degrees here. No idea re Abo, ive never run it (despite all the entries), ive only done 8 or 9 VLMs and 1/2 of the first lap of Yeovil.
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    Thanks for the good luck wishes. Best of luck to Wardi and JB this weekend.

    I am in a hotel in Manchester awaiting the HM tomorrow. Race number is 7233 if anyone wants to track. SJ, give me a shout if you see me!

    Only two LM entries for me, both GFA. Reminds me I'm still a relative novice at this lark having run my first marathon in 2013.

    Didn't realize GFA was not open to overseas runners. Does seem anomalous.
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    Sounds like a decent session TR. Was that 90 minutes then?
    Best of luck tomorrow ES & Wardi.
    How'd you get on Joolska?
    I was at Gwent League too. I found it really warm & very humid: never overheated on a XC before so that was novel. The wind was a relief tbh although tough coming back into it each lap. Reasonably happy with my performance. Didn't go out too hard & was still overtaking people with 600m to go but I could have done with it being 2-300m shorter as I got passed by 3 or 4 on the final straight into the wind: 40:4x for 6 miles + wu/cd after 10K including wu/PR/cd this morning. I'll keep it nice & steady tomorrow.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited October 2018
    Go well, ES.

    Jooligan - luckily i hadnt cleared the casio sundial, so i was able to check just now. 30sec under 90min. I was up for anywhere between 12 and 14, and 12 seemed enough, so i stopped.

    Glad i decided to do Abo and not IoW (tomorrow), I'll save IoW for next year.
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    Perfect pacing then TR. What's the plan for next 7 days?
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Jooligan - nothing today  then 4 or 5m for a few days, reducing down to 2 or 3m by saturday, I'll do a few strides maybe every other day. How about you?
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    Similar: something like 5,5,3,5,0,3 I'm guessing.
    Not ventured out yet today but may do later for a steady 60-90 mins if the weather improves. Bit knackered after watching Kona & tracking Joe til late.
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    Quick check in. 1:18:5x for Manchester Half. Decent return off the training! 
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    Nice one ES. Can't have been an ideal day for running either.
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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    Wow, well done ES. Hope you didn't get too drenched!

    XC for me yesterday: muggy and a bit windy. I was only overtaken by one person on our 2nd lap (of 2) and my pace was about the same as last year, although we had a longer course this year: 3.9 miles v 3.5 last.

    Just finished a rehearsal and had a snack. Off for 22 when that has settled! 
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    It was a little wet. The worst part was waiting around at the start getting steadily soaked. The ten minute delay to the start didn't go down too well! Once we got going though it was fine, and I only noticed my vest sticking to me in the last mile. So the perfect amount of rain for a sub-79 half! Annoyed that I had a shoelace malfunction that cost me around 20s as well. Schoolboy error that.
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    saintjasonsaintjason ✭✭✭
    edited October 2018
    ES - Very nicely done this morning and a good return as you say. Is that a PB too? In the end I opted for an extra hour in bed so didn't get down to the race. Sounded like quite a few got stuck in traffic and missed it. X-post - reason for the delay then. 

    TR - nice to get that final 90 minutes out of the way. Slippers on now. I'll pack a couple of Old Thumpers for the finish - just in case :)

    Jools- great to get the first XC out of the way. Similarly I was overtaken by two people, one I got back fairly soon after but the second was in the last 500m who was obviously sand-bagging as he went on a mad finsh taking down everything in that last 500 ! He was quite young so plenty of time to get the gist of it. 

    Joolska - my week ahead looks like this:

    M 5 easy
    T 6 incl. 3@MP
    W 4 easy
    T 5 incl. 6x1min/60 secs jog
    F Rest
    S 2 easy

    12 this afternoon (glorious sunshine) in 1.27 - Just wanted to get it done tbh. Legs felt ok today after yesterday. 

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited October 2018
    ES - great news, well done. You put in a lot of miles do its well deserved. That puts you in 2.50 shape. Are you doing a spring mara?

    SJ - good stuff, an easy week will set us up nicely.

    Joolska- hope you got the long run bagged.
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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    I did. 22 in 3.00.00. For obvious reasons I'd have preferred 2.59.59 ;)
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    Nice Jools. Some effort to get that long run banked on a Sunday afternoon. Not sure I could head out that late. You weren't tempted to pick it up a touch to dip under 3? 

    Also, comment about my week ahead was meant for Jooligan! 

    Some decent results kicking about today having spent 30 mins or so snooping scores on the doors. 
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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    Unfortunately I live on top of a steep hill and although I'd been clipping along nicely at 8.05/8.06s for a couple of hours once I got going, a steep uphill half mile at 20.75 miles killed my legs!
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Good time on feet though jools, good going. Save the sub 3s for race day.
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    JooliganJooligan ✭✭✭
    edited October 2018
    Well done on the 22 Joolska.
    That's a decent dozen SJ. Your week looks pretty similar to mine since I shall probably do a few strides/short intervals Tuesday & Thursday too.
    I'm not long back from my 90 (well 88 tbh) which was 10.5M. Legs were OK but kept effort in check as there was plenty of intensity yesterday & mindful of the need to keep something in the bank for next Sunday. That's 49 this week & 68 last week so tapering down nicely.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    That's a cracking time ES, well earned on recent training.

    Well grounded (or grinded?) out Jools on the long run, good pace too. Congrats on the XC outings for you & SJ too.

    Nice MLR Jooligan.

    Not a bad day at the races for me, thoroughly wet & soggy throughout though.  5 mins quicker than last year and 10 mins quicker than VLM.
    Score on the doors 3.32.25.  Not often a runner can improve at this age however briefly so forgive me if I celebrate long into the night. :)

    I'll provide a bit more detail in due course.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Good stuff jools  nice an easy this week!

    Wardi - excellent work, you put the miles in so its well deserved. Hope the celebrations are going well.
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    saintjasonsaintjason ✭✭✭
    edited October 2018
    Jools - nice views tho I imagine? 

    Wardi - hope those celebrations are still going strong. Well done indeed sir, was it the jam butties??

    I was trying to snoop results, provisional results had Marders in 4th, I thought there's no way he'd travel up there to finish 4th. First lady was a very talented young runner from my club, taking big chunks out of her times this year. 

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    Well done Wardi and ES.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    Great stuff wardi & ES, not a fun day to be running but jobs well done.

    Also stalked JoeB in Kona.  The lad's not bad, is he?

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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    kudos, Wardi - smashing (and, no doubt, splashing, work)  -  trust you celebrated well  B)
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    Wardi - That's a good chunk of time off your 2017 run, well done, there is hope for us all.
    ES - Thats a pretty and hot time.
    Joe -stalked via instagram. Epic so pleased for you.  Looking forward to the report. 
    50m for me last week, highlight being a 14m along the coastal path on Saturday - a good for the soul run, which I needed. But sore knee (due to hip flexor issues) still there. O well, stretch, stretch and stretch again
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