
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    good parkrunning, alehouse - currently wouldn't be near that, even if I was "flat-out"  . .
    Pleasant trip to the Peak District for the Buxton Pavilion Gardens 5K this morn, where I opted not to run, but was chauffeur and bag carrier for daughter.  Excellent free event (but officially measured & certified by EA) , with cake for on sale for charity donation afterwards. You predicted correctly, alehouse - it was cold, but Ms Birch nipped round in 19:44 as a warmup for her pacing duties at Sheff Half tomorrow  . . . .    I'll be spectating, then Monday signals day one of "a new era" - running and  life . . .    


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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    That was quite nippy by Ms Birch! And do I detect an imminent birthday...although not officially old until something like November? Enjoy watching at Sheffield Half!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Ray A2Ray A2 ✭✭✭
    Alehouse-good Parkrun time on limited training.

    Dave-excellent time by your daughter,the cake sounds good.We had a lady runner do 2:54 at Manchester marathon last week,which is a new club record.
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    Graham LGraham L ✭✭✭
    Good to see things busy on here again.

    For myself I've been having a break from running and haven't been out for a couple of weeks, although I've been doing weights an stretching exercises most days. My foot's been playing up a bit again after a really good period. Can't put my finger on why. 

    Even when it's behaving reasonably well, I'm always running with my mind on it and wondering when it's going to tense up. That takes some of the enjoyment out of running. Normally I just carry on but recently I just haven't been my usual self so I decided to stop for a while.

    I've also been discouraged with my times, which came to a head in my last parkrun which was a bit slower than on the same course in September, in spite of the later one being on the back of much more consistent training.

    So we'll see how it goes. I certainly plan to run again but doubt I'll ever get anywhere near previous form, even allowing for ageing.

    On Tuesday we're going to America to visit an old friend of mine who now lives in Arizona. 
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    Ray A2Ray A2 ✭✭✭
    Graham-the foot injury is impacting on your running big time.Really hard to hold focus and enjoy if something is on your mind.Hope your holiday goes well in America.Good win by Newcastle the other day as they were totally woeful against Arsenal,when of course I was wanting so much more.

    Did 11miles along the flat towpath this morning,a really frosty start but warmed up after a few miles.
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    Graham LGraham L ✭✭✭
    Ray, perhaps I should follow Tiger Wood's example and not give up too easily! I always envy you your towpath runs as I love canals.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    Keep fighting I need you there as a 70s runner. It is getting very lonely, you and Tony are the only survivors from the over 60s LFOTM group and I don't like to see you wobble.
    I think you reach an age where previous times become total irrelevant and your glory points come from still being able to get out there. I am constantly reminded of this by younger runners when I start complaining about how slow I am.

    My running is going well despite my usual issues. If the weather would only improve I could do some more serious speed work. I have managed a few stride sessions the last couple of weeks and that felt really good. I did a couple of fartlek sessions as well and it was good to see my times were similar to last year over my usual segments.
    I usually run out of my local gym and it is disappointing to see that there are so few people of my age still running. It is a busy gym but I only know of one other over 70 runner.

    This last few weeks I have been busy with my drawing and attending various workshops but still managing my 5 runs a week plus one cross training day.

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    Graham LGraham L ✭✭✭
    Mick, don't worry, I'm just having a break and certainly don't intend to pack up. I think one difference is that you and TS are looking back 40 years or so to your fastest times whereas mine were only six or so years ago and so a more recent memory. Really pleased to hear your running is going well. 
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    Hi all

    the outlaws have arrived for a week from darn south so I am busy socialising  :)

    One part of the family live in Brighton and were spectating at the marathon there yesterday for a friend who ran 4:04.  Niece asked the fatal question to me "how fast did you run a marathon?" to which I replied 2:44 - stunned silence ensued.
    As Graham said/inferred the past is along time ago !!

    that was a very speedy run from your daughter - hope she didn't have to keep that pace up for a HM!

    good improvement on your 5K time - must have been the shorts :)
    disappointing rugby result but the football was well deserved. As one commentator put it " after being in charge for Celtic for so many years you would think Rogers would know how to play against sides that play  on the counter attack!"

    good to see you out and about = towpath sounds nice and level.....

    is the weather still carp out your way?  we often get shots of USA weather here but it doesn't feature north of the border
    I am wobbling quite a bit but managing like Mr Blobby to stay upright

    enjoy the trip and the new surroundings.  many years ago I went  to Denver on business and as usual went out for a run from the hotel.  Thought I was dying!!!  Completely forgot about the altitude
    Times are what they are - a product of what one can do

    I went out yesterday and deliberately sought out a roughish trail to keep my speed down ( that is a relative term!!) and managed to run 5.25 miles in 57:50 which was pretty pathetic but it was distance
    , HR was only av 122 so no exertion. Backed it up with 3.15 miles this morning  in 33 min - cold and sunny with a light frost to crisp up the surroundings!!
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    edited April 2019
    alehouse - end of August is the looming V65 cat . . .     

    Ray - good 11 on the towpath - nicely bagged  

    Mick - yes, that's the reply I get (I'm always complaining about how slow I am) - and recent event has emphasised this (that I'm fortunate)  in my mind   :/    
    Graham - enjoy your trip, and hope you return refreshed and ready to go again !  
    TS - good couple of days; yes, I know what you mean re the "time" question (you trump my 2:46 by 2 mins)  :)    but your question re my daughter's pacing brings into focus differing levels of expectation/achievement - she (along with a co-pacer) did the sub 2 hour duty , executing perfectly in 1:59:27. She reported that they had many thanks from happy runners for whom a sub2 half was a big deal indeed . . .   

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    Ace of spades :)
    that was excellent pacing by your daughter 
    It is funny how expectations have changed with regard to times - the old magic barriers of 1:30 for a HM and 3:00 hrs for a marathon appear to have moved on to 2:00 and 4:00 respectively. Nothing wrong with those times btw but perhaps reflect a more relaxed attitude towards performance.

    No hash tonight as I am on relative entertaining duties - curses as it looks like being the first shorts evening of the year as the warmer air approaches
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    Ray A2Ray A2 ✭✭✭
    Mick-good to be able to run 5times a week,hope the weather improves.I will joining the over 70 club next month.

    TS-good couple of runs by you.Yes the expectations time wise have shifted I think.

     Track session last night was 4x200x3 with 100m walk/jog recovery.The sessions now will be shorter now to try and get some speed  into our system for the 10ks coming up. My legs were feeling it after only 4reps as I guess the lactic was kicking in.Reps were 5:34mm/5:26/5:41mm/5:45mm/5:44mm/5:5:42mm/5:47mm/5:54mm/5:50mm/5:56/5:52mm/5:525mm.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Hi all - 3 runs this week - 5 easy, 10 with a couple of half-mile "relaxed" efforts and a few strideouts on Thurs, then 14 today - last couple of miles was pretty warm, and legs were tiring - was pleased for it to be over, and a pint of squash consumed  . .
    good reps, btw, Ray . . . .  
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    missing in action!!

    very good reps indeed - doesn't look like you have lost any speed stamina
    Yes - far too long and I seem to be no nearer a complete solution - I am better than before but nowhere near where i should be.

    wrong refueling liquid ;) But still a good return to enhanced weekly mileage

    A week for me off when relatives came a calling and which coincided with the most glorious weather.  By the time they went back south I had almost convinced them that it was always like this here   :)

    I found it quite difficult to get back into running/shuffling as my legs had been shattered by leisurely walks which my body just can't handle and then catch up on work from time off kept me busy.

    However a lovely Hash run on Tuesday evening around, and up and down, the pretty village of Follifoot for 5.5 miles got me back in the groove - unfortunately I could hardly move the next day as running on hard rutted earth trails had shattered my legs!!
    Away yesterday on business when I had the easiest travel over the Pennines ever on the A59 - I scarcely saw another vehicle in the first 40 miles which made a nice change!!  (it was 0600 so that may have something to do with it)
    3.15 miles this morning in 30:41 (9:50m/m) avHR 133 max 141 in bright sun and cool breeze - shorts firmly on for the foreseeable future.....  I think!
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    Quietly slips in as if she has not been gone long........

    TS: It is great to see you running so well as last time I was here it was not going as good good for you..

    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Well hello Welshpoppy :)

    Did you know they have abolished the tolls on the Severn bridges so you can connect free of charge :)?
    How are you doing?

    I would not call that good running from me but thanks for noticing that one foot was going in front of another - just about!

    Where is John?  I wondered if he was coming along to thank the Toon for just about keeping Brighton up.

    I ran 6.1 miles this morning in 60:15 (9:58m/m) in pleasant cool conditions with all the trees newly fringed in bright green.
    Nothing remarkable in the run other than is the farthest I have run in months

    Got back to watch a remarkable display of marathon running in both men's and women's races.  i shouldn't have watched it as it brought on too many feelings of admiration and envy, and bitterness at  my current state!
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    Oh yes the tolls went in December:-)

    I am doing well broke foot last summer so 8 weeks in a boot and took me about 6 weeks to run normally again and not like a person who had run a marathon on no training;-) But been building my base up again.

    I ran my first race in 2 years last Saturday a 5k of all things whilst i was away in Llandudno. Previous 5k was 15 years ago so you can see I like them;-)

    So with a summer of 10k's okay 3, l,ots to look forward too.Oh and another 5k a week tomorrow;-)

    Well done on your furthest run in ages  , that is progress and you must be happy :)

    i ran 7 miles this morning early so i could get back to watch the marathon.It still hits me like you say admiration, envy and then I come to my senses;-)It also makes me tearful no idea why it just strikes a chord with me deep inside.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    you have been in the wars!!
    5K's are hard work when run to the limit.  Perhaps Columba was also there as she normally does any local races

    I am never happy about my running currently. Knowing I could be so much better if I could just get my body back into equilibrium - first thyroid, then vitamin B12, then vitamin D - even after corrective doses of various medicines I am still a long way off but hey at least i can get out there.

    Easy 3.2 miles this morning in 31:05 (9:50m/m) with avHR 125 and a max of 138 which was ok for me after yesterday's effort
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    Oh gosh yes it was hard work and I faded last km when around 4 people past me.I did not see Columba but I think this is not so local for her?

    I think we all have to look at positives we are out running  and that is all that matter's as the alternatives does not bare thinking about.I know the 8 weeks out seemed like my world have collapsed and I was one grumpy old woman.

    Nice 5k for you this morning:-) Things will get better and faster for you:-)

    It was torrential rain here but the same 7 miles was done what is pleasing this is my summer route(I got up late to run winter route) and I was 10 mins faster yesterday than last summer before broken foot.But then again I run better in cooler weather.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    TS - nicely bagged (almost) 10K, and well backed up today. 

    WP ( & TS)  London - yes, agree with your sentiments - was there yesterday, supporting and spectating. Forgive paternal pride, but my "boy" ran a belter - a lump in the throat when I greeted him, and also then watching the race for an hour later.  
    Quite an operation getting to different points of the course, calculating eta of the athlete and judging tube rides etc. After seeing him go by at 30K , had to hurry to the tube at Canary Wharf, then off at Waterloo, and run over Waterloo Bridge to the Embankment to see him at 25 miles.  Can I claim a mile for my training diary ?    
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    well done Dave - that sounds almost as hard as running the darn thing!!
    It looked like perfect marathon conditions - how did your son do timewise?  did he beat the ol' man's PB?
    At least half of Sheffield will be celebrating the football results yesterday!!
    I never thought I would see the day when running a near 10K felt like an achievement but it is what it is.........

    we have missed out on the rain so far and that is a huge improvement over 7 miles - it's 1:30 a mile faster!!
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭

    Good to see you on here, WP (but far to young of course!)!

    Sounds like you are heading in the right direction, TS! And I am with you at present re running 10k is an achievement: for the second week in a row I have used my bus pass to head a fair distance away and run back. Last week was 10.7; today was 11.45. Unfortunately kms, not miles. Just over 40km last week was the highest for some time whilst today's run was the longest since some time in 2017.

    parkrun again on Saturday, on one of the quicker courses. Managed to cruise around in 23:17 for a WAVA of just over 72. Well, not sure that cruise was quite the right word, but it wasn't flat out and never has been in any of my 126 parkruns. Far too early and far too unimportant. 

    Well done DadBirch! Junior's quick time was of course entirely down to the tips that you have given him over the years. And of course your running around the course counts. 

    Talking of London, my "official" PB was in 1982: 2:28 something! Unfortunately someone ran in my name, not that that sort of thing would be allowed nowadays. I had trained hard for it but decided not to run as I thought I wouldn't break 2:30 (those were the days!): gave my number to one of my slower training partners...who ran 2:28! Never did run a marathon due to injuries and also there wasn't as much of an obsession with running marathons then, certainly not for track/cross country runners.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Dave well done  on your mile supporting son and hope son had a good race?

    Torque- The route is a little hilly and I was very slow so the improvement bring it to average 10.10 pace which is acceptable rather than embarrassing.I won't even say what pre achilles rupture the pace would have been....it was bad enough looking at what a 5k PB was in old training diaries and to see I would train at 7mm  those were the days.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    thanks, all - yes, my son ran 2:34:17, with 1:17:43 first half, 1:16:34 2nd half.  
    TS - that was 6 mins off his prev best (Manchester last year, his debut of 2:40, which itself was 6 mins quicker than my PB !! ) so, he's now 12 mins ahead  . . .   

    alehouse - you modestly understate, but fine controlled parkrunning . . .   regards marathon, I had the opposite experience to you - in my first London (3rd marathon) in 1988 , I ran with a clubmate's number, and recorded an official time of 2:59:59 - in those days, the results were printed in the Times, with Monday's edition being all the sub-3 runners - hence my time was the last in the list that day - but not my name . . . 
    not celebrating the football in this half of Sheffield  :)    
    WP - returning to action after an Achilles rupture is very commendable, irrespective of current pace  . . . 

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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Alehouse: Sorry you must have been typing and posting at same time would not ignore you.

    Dave: What a great run and time from son he must have his dad's genes:-) But 12 minutes ahead of you.......oh dear :o

    It has been hard work with Achilles and it hates lot's of things but after three days of faster running (for me) Achilles is moaning so i am going to run my slower and more hillier winter route this morning.

    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    of course all the old courses were much longer because measuring wasn't as accurate ;)
    What youth can do...................

    sorry - I didn't know which part of Sheffield you were supporting!!

    another good parkrun time - you will have to remove the protective cloak of not really running it flat out and see what can be achieved

    I ran my second fastest GNR under my milkman's name - didn't even get and free milk from him!

    easy on those hills - they actually put more strain on the achilles due to the hyper-extension on the uphill than running on the flat

    Yesterday  - a double running day!!  well almost - I volunteered to take my wife's car into the garage forgetting it was a Tuesday and even though the run back was only 2 miles it was all uphill so I started the Hash with dead legs.  5.2 miles later they were even deader despite it being a lovely evening. 

    However some Marston 61 IPA and chip butties revived me and 3.2 miles this morning  in 32:mins was just about achievable

    off for a couple of days to Crathorne Manor Hotel near to N Yorks Moors - may just sneak my trainers into the car.....................

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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    I bet the GNR was not so busy as it is these days.No free milk what a swizz and you did all the hard work.

    Do you know Torque you are right and after a faff with asthma meds I was half way up hill remembered I had not taken then back home and just easier to run through woods Another 7 miles pace was a little slower but I was tired but still good for me.As soon as I started running Achilles stopped grumbling.

    Well done on double sounds like the chip butties did the job;-)I hope you have trainers in car for your few days away:-)

    I plan on a double on Friday just 3 miles trying to find some speed:-)
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Won't be doing a parkrun flat out, TS! Not at 9 o'clock on a Saturday night after my Friday evening combination of Holts followed by Marstons. However there are three local 5k series coming up (rather too quickly in fact) so I will be doing a number of those, I hope. Flat out at 7/7.30 in the evening is a little more realistic!

    Hope you are doing more of the calf and Achilles exercises I sent you WP than I am doing! Am currently updating the article with more of an emphasis on glute strengthening and also putting weights through the Achilles on the leg press machine. And I agree with TS that hills are not Achilles-friendly. 

    3 x 3 mins hard this morning on undulating shale paths put quite a strain on my body, not least the Achilles...and the rest of me. 2 mins recovery this week. Will be less next week unless I go for 4 x 3 mins.

    Enjoy the break TS
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Alehouse: Interesting you can run flat out better in evening to morning's?

    All I can do is run less hills due to terrain and yes I am stretching Achilles.It seems back to normal .

    I also last night found a series of 5k's that is run in Aberafan which is where I go once a week for flat running.It is at 7pm  the first was last night so hoping to make the other 2 races.

    I may copy your 3 x 3 minutes for next week and see how it all goes.

    Right time to go and run :)

    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Ray A2Ray A2 ✭✭✭
    Welshpoppy-good to have you back.

    Dave-brilliant time by your son.

    TS-was the milkmans name Ernie?

    Struggling a bit with running at the moment myself.
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