
Shades Marathon Training



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    Big G - JA does a great job for the club but the race diary is useless unless you want to do Travis's/Foxy/Rik's events.  JA doesn't run road marathons and a lot are left off the diary and there's quite a few errors too.

    It's not just the 100mc runners. Many people won't go near FB, I'm only on there as my club doesn't have it's own website.  I have a lot of friends that don't/won't use FB.  In the case of the 100mc I think FB is probably what started the trail of destruction as some members with no social skills started posting inappropriate comments.  I understand that's still not under control.

    If you look at the number of members that actually post on the FB group, it's a tiny %,  others stay away.

    You're definitely not in the minority, I would think most would agree with you.  But you've just experienced what others have when you tried to put forward a sensible suggestion. You've immediately had responses from those that try to control the club and line their pockets using the 100mc club members to do so with their overpriced events. 
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    JellyJelly ✭✭✭
    Hi, I’m planning to sign up for the coastal event next April, it’s on my birthday too also signed up for Cornish marathon and bridgewater half. GHM opens Sunday night at 7pm and sold out super quick for I will be ready. 
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    JellyJelly ✭✭✭
    Watching Berkeley marathon on netflicks, the  creator of this race said some thing which really hit home and light bulb moment why DD is so special to me he said “you can’t  accomplish  Anything unless failure is a possibility” I’ve got a couple of friends doing race the stones and I’ve been willing them success all day, one had finished 12 hours 20 ish 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    edited July 2019
    Jelly, that's a great documentary.  There's one on YouTube as well.  MarathonTalk talk about the "possibility of failure" thing a lot.  One of the presenters attempted to run around the Southwest Coast Path (630 miles) in about 3 weeks, but he didn't manage it.  He takes some stick for it, but I think in all seriousness he says that he always knew it was a possibility that he may "fail", but that that's part of what makes it exciting.  On that show, they're all about the "journey" rather than the "destination" anyway.

    Shades, it's promoted a lot of discussion but now the discussion is going into what constitutes a "road marathon" in 100MC, which again is muddying the waters, as Foxy etc are saying there are lots of road marathons already.  If I go on there and say what I mean by a "proper" road marathon I'll probably get lynched and accused of being elitist or not being supportive of members' achievements, so I've not responded for quite some time now.  As you say, JA has worked very hard on this but he's posted saying he's getting fed up with the abusive personal messages :(  I'm really not sure why it seems so difficult, but as I say I'm not fully sure what's gone on before.

    It was Haytor Heller yesterday and I fulfilled my chief marshal duties :)  To be honest, on the day itself it isn't too bad as I just have to count the marshal bibs in and out to the sector leaders (Jelly is a sector leader).  But in the few days leading up to the race it got a bit stressful this year as people kept dropping out, including a sector leader.  We got it done though and the race went well in terms of no one getting lost :)  

    Adharanand Finn was there.  I was standing on the start line and he was there, and in fact he noticed me and said "thank for coming" to his book signing, which was nice.  Had a chat with him at the end as well.  He says he's going to Chudleigh too.  
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades/Big G-The discussions on there are one of the reasons I refuse to go on facebook,people ask me to now and again but I cant be bothered.
    The beetroot regime started again this morning,doesn't taste as bad this time,maybe because I was expecting it.
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    Jelly - good to see you're getting your races planned, what's GHM?  ? Half marathon?

    Big G - Sadly the 100MC is not the club I joined all those years ago, nor is the racing circuit and even worse some of the runners.   Fortunately there are still some very good marathons around.   I honestly can't ever see me re-joining the 100MC, even with a strong Chairman and committee they are going to have a hell of an job to rid the club of the reputation that it now has, social media has a lot to answer for too as that has definitely been a main cause of the toxic situation that they are in.  I think perhaps the only solution is that someone starts another 100 MC and vets all applicants and is strict with their behaviour etc.  When I left 100MC I was asked by a few people to set up another club, but I've no intention of doing so.

    JA won't stay on if he starts getting abuse as he is a kind and sensitive person and will take any abuse personally.   Even not knowing what has gone on before is no excuse for any abusive messages.

    Good that the Heller went well, did entries pick up?

    Ian - you're a wise man to stay away from FB.   Beetroot, lovely :s but glad that you're getting used to it.

    12 miles for me today, flat/undulating and hilly, but total climb was 1450 feet so the hilly bits were very hilly.   50 miles for the week so mileage building nicely, will probably be less next week as I have 2 races, so will use it as a step back week. 

    My friend is doing her 2nd Ironman today at Bolton so I'm tracking her for the rest of the day probably from my sofa :)  
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, I could be wrong but I think Jelly may mean Giant’s Head Marathon?  There were 235 finishers yesterday, and 229 the year before. There’s always 10-20% who don’t show up, and yesterday I think there were 15 entries on the day, whereas for the last couple of years there have been no on the day entries allowed. Not massive numbers but it was a good event.

    I had originally planned a rest day today but I saw there was a social group of Trotters going out to do the Chudleigh 6 course. I went along and did that, to take the weekly mileage up to 50 for the week.

    I’ve two races next week - Chudleigh on the Friday and then Frome Half on the Sunday. Not sure what I’ll do for the rest of the week but would imagine it’d be 50-60ish again. Shoulder is playing up a bit today though, on drive home, so I’ll keep an eye on that. I’d like to do reasonably well at Frome and by that I mean at least beat the 1:50 I did at Torbay. Don’t think I’ll go under 1:40 but I’ll just do my best. 

    For those tracking TdF yesterday’s was a cracking stage - I watched the highlights this morning. 
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    Big G - well that's a fair amount of runners for the Heller.  I always think Saturday night is a tricky time for a race,  it used to be on a Sunday morning.

    I've got the same 2 races as you next week.  Haven't read my Frome race info but I think it's supposed to be a fairly fast course, not that it matters to me ;) 

    I shall watch T de F highlights later. :)
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    JellyJelly ✭✭✭
    Yes Giants Head Marathon.  It will just be October Marathon to book, was thinking Eden but friend has found one in Dorset and that’s cheaper too. 
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    JellyJelly ✭✭✭
    Loved the book check point system on Berkeley Marathon. 
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    Jelly - hope you get your entry tonight then for Giant's Head.

    Do you mean Burton Bradstock as the October marathon?   I've done it twice, lovely race, quiet country roads, I've already entered.

    Big G - just looked at Frome, it must be undulating as there's a King and Queen of the Mountains timed climb during the event, website says 850 feet for whole event so not too bad.   Event is on closed roads, which will be nice.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-It will be good to see how body reacts to 2 races close together.
    10 miles for me,500ft of climb mainly across 2 hills so nice run all in all,rained a little to cool me but nothing to worry about.
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    JellyJelly ✭✭✭
    Yes. Think that’s the one, need to check with friend. 
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    Ian - nice to have a little summer rain when running.   Very dry and dusty here, not pleasant.   At the moment the next rain forecast here is with thunder and lightening just when Big G  and I do our next race on Friday night.   I like running in a storm but it would be a shame for the organisers and marshals as it's a carnival event, I expect timings/forecast will change before then

    Rest day for me today.

    Was tracking my friend doing IM Bolton yesterday, these trackers are great except when things go wrong, her swim was 2 mins slower than last year, so that was OK.   But right from the start on the bike her speed was much slower than last year and significantly slower, then nothing after 150km and then a DNF and then at 8pm last night it pinged to say she was at T2.   So I don't know what's happened, I sent her a text, she doesn't do social media so I just have to wait until she gets back to me.  I'm hoping it was just a mechanical issue with her bike and nothing more serious.  

    Big G - I watched the highlights of stage 8 TdeF and you were right, brilliant.   I was so willing that De Gendt would make it to finish line without getting caught, fabulous racing.   
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Rest day for me today too.

    GHM sold out in 15mins I think!?  I know DD is going online for next year (entries open in November) so I wonder if the entries will sell out quicker for that.

    Shades, yes it was a great stage.  The two French stars teamed up and worked well together.  It seemed Pinot in particular was on the edge, and they had to work hard to keep the pack behind them as well.  I was pleased De Gendt held on too.  G's got his work cut out to retain his title, but there's obviously a long way to go!  It's not that he's riding badly is it - he just had some bad luck on that day with the crash.  In the post race interview, he implied that if he hadn't crashed he'd have gone when Pinot and Alaphilippe made their attack, but I suppose we'll never know what might have happened.  I watched most of yesterday's live so no need for me to watch the highlights.  I'll watch today and then I'm planning a long run tomorrow to coincide with the tour's rest day :)  

    I watched Wimbledon yesterday too and was willing Federer on, as it seemed were most of the crowd.  I was aware that the cricket was on as well but I stuck with the tennis.  Great day of sport.

    For my long run tomorrow, I'm thinking of doing another section of the coast path but it's a bit of a day out if I do it!  Catch the 8:35 train down to Par, run back to Looe (19 Miles), train to Liskeard and then train back to Newton Abbot.  I have a "Devon and Cornwall" rail card so the trains are all very affordable but it's quite a long day.  It's hard to know how long the section will take me as it may be 5hrs, or it could be 7, so I have a few different options regarding the trains home depending on how long it takes me.  That Kingswear to Paignton section I did the other day (17.5 miles) took me 4:45 and it's not that I was particularly messing around.  It's just unrunnable for large parts of it, but I don't know what the Par-Looe section is like.  I have the SWCP book which has estimates for difficulty and on balance it may be marginally easier than the section I did the other day, but still very tough in parts.  Although it's a lot of walking I'm still counting it as part of my running training/mileage as like I say, I'm not messing about - I'm walking with a purpose on those hills!

    OH had a crap day yesterday as she had to put the elephant at the zoo to sleep.  All the keepers were there and very upset, and they even got a retired keeper in who looked after that animal for 25 years or something.  OH has got to post mortem the animal today, but has asked for help from other zoo vets as it's obviously a massive job!  Lifting the leg of, say, a zebra is one thing but doing that to an elephant is a different task entirely, with winches etc needed.  Someone from another zoo is coming down to help, and staying at ours this evening.  It's a bit grim to think about I suppose but a while ago she had to PM an adult giraffe and she said she literally had to get inside the animal to get at what she needed to see.

    It's obviously a contentious issue, keeping elephants in zoos.  This one was rescued from a circus I think, and has spent 40+ years at the zoo.  She's had a good life though, I think.  I know a few of them personally and the keepers really do care about these animals and do absolutely all they can for them - it's virtually all they think about!   This one has been on its own for a few years as its mate died, and the decision was taken to not get another one as it wouldn't be fair on her.  Also, there was talk of sending it to another collection but again not deemed fair on the animal. But as I say, I know it's contentious and I have to I wonder if the zoo will get ever any more.  
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Blimey, Jelly, you weren't kidding about Giant's Head. I saw your post this morning and went to sign up but it's already full (I put myself on the waiting list but I'm number 165 so I don't imagine I'd get in).

    Anyway, yesterday's volunteering stint was interesting. I did notice it was supposed to rain for an hour so I packed my theme park poncho, and very glad I did because it absolutely pissed down. Last year I was on the run route water station but this year I was on the mount line at the bike transition, which was a bit different since I'm not a cyclist or a triathlete, but it was easy enough and I got to use my PE teacher voice to shout at people. I was quite strict too, and made them go back if they crossed the line. :D As it was an Olympic distance tri, there were a lot of abilities and some got on and off their bikes very efficiently and gracefully and others, a good deal less so (one guy even forgot his bike shoes and had to run back for them).
    There were quite a few falls, though, with the rain making the course slippery, and a lot of them were coming in with bloody grazes. Two ended up in hospital, one needing stitches and another suspected broken wrist. There were a few DNFs too due to bikes getting damaged. Not such a good day for those folks.

    So I got out for my long(ish) run this morning. My aim was 10 miles easy but, despite going out early (5.25am) I got into a good pace quickly and ended up running all but the first mile at Chester pace. I felt fine, although achilles grumbled, but it was moderate grumbling rather than screaming.
    I'll do a slower run tomorrow and then my race on Wednesday.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Sounds like you're back to it Cal.  Shingles all cleared up?  Do you think there's anything that can be done to limit the chance of you getting them again?  Well done for volunteering at that event!
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    Big G - I think DD will sell out quickly when entries go online.   Now it's become a bit of a headache now to have postal entries, Robert had to apply for a cheque book.  :o  I'm sure a lot of places will come up for transfer as it's so easy to enter a race by a click of a button, but being oversubscribed is always good publicity for a race.

    One of the things I like best about the TdeF is that as the days go on we get to know the idiosyncrasies about so many of the riders.   De Ghendt goes off in any breakaway that he can and if he wins it will always be out there on his own, and doesn't believe in massage post race.   Pinot lives surrounded by his pets.
    Brilliant that you're synchronising your long runs with the Tour's rest day :)   Interesting run for you tomorrow.

    That's tough on OH and the others at the zoo.   The animals especially those that live a long life are far more a constant in their lives than fellow workmates so bound to be upsetting when there's a death, especially when unexpected.   Must be physically very demanding doing a PM on such a large animal.

    Cal - wow, I'd never have thought you'd have wanted to run Giants Head marathon, with the rough going, hills, heat and flies etc.    White Star have other marathons that aren't that dissimilar from Giants Head one.

    Great marshalling. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, I'd love to do more of the SWCP, but logistics are tough especially if on your own.  Along the North Coast there are very few trains and busses not always that regular.  To do more of it, you really need to do B&Bs etc.  I know quite a lot of people walk with their camping stuff and either wild camp or stay in campsites, but that doesn't appeal to me at all.  I don't mind a few days camping, but lugging my stuff doesn't appeal to me in the slightest and setting up camp and getting broken sleep after a hard day out isn't appealing.  Even the sections nearer to Plymouth are again hard on public transport.  I was looking at maybe staying in Penzance for 3 or 4 nights and travelling to the sections around there each day, but then the thing with that is if it's really bad weather I wouldn't want to do it.  This Par-Looe one seemed the most doable from here although still a long day out.

    I'll see how I get on tomorrow (if I go), but it's always at the back of my mind that I'd like to do more of the coast path.  It seems easier if there are two of you in two cars.  Drop one car off at the end point, drive to the start point in the other car, and then run back.  Then pick the first car up and go and collect the other car.  Still difficult though.  On your own with public transport and not wanting to camp is tough logistically.  There are companies that transport your stuff each day but it's very expensive and not something I'd be interested in personally.

    Yes, the look on De Ghendt's face when the interviewer asked about massages.  It was almost like he thought "What! Are you crazy?!".  It's amazing the insight David Millar has - I still struggle to pick people out of the peloton, but he just spots things I'd never see.  He noticed a kind of head nod between Alaphilippe and Pinot as if to say "Come on!  We can do this!".  It's great to watch.
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    Big G - I did a few events when I started doing ultras on the coastal path in Cornwall and it's put me right off, never want to go near there again.

    You'd be better with a non running friend that drops you off and goes off to shop/eat/sunbathe and just pick you up when you call to say you've had enough!

    Re the TdeF riders, it's their characters that I find so appealing.   Although the teams and the sport have strong rules on discipline and etiquette, it's fascinating the insight that David Millar gives us in his commentary, yet so many have strong individual characteristics.   I'm getting better at recognising some of the riders.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    I see Amazon have a deal on Garmins for Prime members.  My watch is fine though but these seem like some good deals.  I haven't compared to other sites/prices, but out of that lot, I'd get the 235 I think.


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    Big G - it's not really a bargain if you don't need it ;)    

    My Garmin was getting condensation earlier in the year, cold damp weather I think, so it's probably on it's way out but I'll resist buying until I need one.  Still on Amazon at £99, or I can buy one from a seller through amazon for £297, I just don't trust Amazon with their pricing.  
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Cal-Great work marshalling.
    Shades-Guy from my club done Bolton yesterday,said the ride was brutal and made the run really tough,hes done a few so knows the differences.
    6 miles today,will just do 2 more short ones,probably tomorrow and thursday.
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Shades....yeah, from that perspective it's not my usual kind of race. But I'm a big child and a want a medal with a willy on it. :D
    As for the shingles, I am over it although the patch is still there and will be for a while. It's sore if I press it but that's normal since shingles affects the nerves. I feel fine in myself.
    Big G, sad about the elephant - I know zoo staff get attached to their charges. I daresay the elephant had a much better life there than in the circus, and that's a good age.
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    edited July 2019
    Cal Jones said:
    Shades....yeah, from that perspective it's not my usual kind of race. But I'm a big child and a want a medal with a willy on it. :D

    Ha, ha :D

    Ian - my friend lives on or very close to the cycle course so she knows every part of it well, so there would have been no surprises for her at all.   She did Bolton last year although I think they'd changed the cycle course a bit this year.    I still haven't heard from her, I'm hoping that's just due to her usual luddite tendencies.
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    JellyJelly ✭✭✭
    I’ve done coastal path today Shaldon to Brixham 20.5 Miles. Got boat back to Torquay and waiting for daughter to rescue me. Really enjoyed it, was tough in parts and was shuffling towards the end. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    That's a good route Jelly.  When I did Kingswear to Paignton the other day (same route as the new Winding Paths 30-miler in April, which goes on to Shaldon) I got to Berry Head at around 10-milles and distinctly remember thinking "Crikey, an extra 20-miles to Shaldon is a long way from here!"...  Are you thinking of doing that new event?

    I've got the boat before or after a run a few times too.  I love doing that, but haven't done it this year yet.  Well done on the run!
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    JellyJelly ✭✭✭
    Yes as it’s on my Birthday. Did think today I’m glad there’s a generous cut off 
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    Jelly - that will be a fabulous way to spend your birthday :) 

    Big G - with your shoulder injury I guess you haven't had a chance to get out on the paddle board this year?

    6 miles for me today, lovely and cool this morning 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, that's right, no SUPing this year.  A couple of different reasons, but I can't do the actual paddling action pain free, plus I'd find it hard to get back on the board after I fell in.  Also, if I really tweaked it and then couldn't swim.....well, that would be bad!  It's a shame as I did really enjoy it last year, but I can't see me getting out on it at all this year.

    Jelly, great way to spend your birthday :)  I'm planning on doing the event too.
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