
Sub 3



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    Sounds promising Padams, any races planned?

    Likewise LMH.

    Selbs - I had a few runs like that at the end of my block, my coach always says a tempo will find you out if you are fatigued. Just forget it and move on!

    Got completely drenched last night on my 5m easy, if it had been cold as well I probably wouldn't have bothered. 4m to do tonight inc 4 x 1min, hopefully a bit drier!
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    They are all miles in the bank selbs. I'm not sure about promising - I'd forgotten how much easier it is on the treadie apart from the heat of course.

    I'm glad I was able to run inside today TR - it's still tipping it down here and the flooding is getting worse.

    Sounds as though your knee is just about sorted Padams?
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    LMH - I totally agree on the dietary side of things, but how I'm reacting to the reduction in carbs has taken me by surprise. Don't underestimate the effect of stress on your training paces, but having said that have you ruled out other causes? Stress can affect how well you absorb what you eat so you could be developing a deficiency in something. I'd second votes for shorter speed/strides, but I'd go even shorter again and do reps of 8-10s hillsprints with full recovery.

    selbs - all miles in the bank.

    Yesterday (a 6m jog / 1hr easy) was the first day where I felt a bit more like a runner again, which was a nice shot in the arm after a drop in mileage last week (stuff got in the way). Long run today backed up that feeling. 

    Progression of long runs has been: 
    Week 1 - 70mins @ 7:48 (avg 148bpm). 
    Week 2 - 81mins @ 7:38 (147bpm). 
    Today - 90mins. 45mins out @ 7:28 (147bpm) / 45mins back @ 7:02 (159bpm). Average for the easy 45mins out was actually 7:23/mile until I hit an uphill mile 6. Legs were a little tired, and there were some decent climbs on the way back, so 7:02 was a little slower than I'd expect, but still a good workout.
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    I'm wheat intolerant and have pernicious anaemia TippTop as well as usually being low in iron when I'm tested (despite being on a daily supplement) so have long standing absorption issues. Hills have been banned because of my knees. Thanks for the thoughts. Great progress. 
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Padams - you had best get some autumn fixtures arranged then.

    Selbs - you've been smashing it,  so like you say maybe its fatigue. I found myself wondering if i had ever felt so smoked a few weeks back after a big week following the IoW 1/2.

    LMH - i had to run in as my car was at work. But i was only doing another short day. Back to it tomorrow.

    TT - good to be able to see such quick improvement for the same HR.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Sorry to hear about the wetting TR, torrential up here too with a couple of local roads temporarily blocked.
    Selbs.. as others have said just bank it and carry on, a below par run was always a possibility after your recent volume & quality. BTW treadmills.. I bought mine about 12-15 years ago when I realised I was getting Raynauds, helps me train consistently through the winter.  I have TV and a decent audio system in the room to reduce the boredom factor.
    Padams.. good news about the knee.
    Stevie.. best of luck for Sunday, hope the taper isn't driving you bonkers. :|
    TT.. nice to be able to chart an improvement like that!
    LMH.. I'm only speculating but have you considered the possibility of a touch of fatigue/burnout?  This is yours (& mine!) third marathon of the year and I almost feel like I've been in perpetual marathon training mode since last November - and you run more miles than me.  I did make the mistake of getting back to running too soon after VLM and I had to re-adjust and reduce mileage for a few weeks to get back on track.  I have learned from this - the Wednesday after York I'm off to Malta for a rest and a few beers in the sun. B)
    7.2m for me today, kept a lid on it as a long run is planned for tomorrow - it does look mostly dry!
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    Rest day for me yesterday: partly always intended but partly because I turned my ankle on a conker on Monday. It feels a lot better today so I'll try some flat laps close to home today. 
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    I hope that there's no damage done Joolska.

    I have considered it Wardi but I didn't run an autumn marathon last year and I had a good break after Yeovil. RHR is fine and there are no other signs of over training. Two very light weeks before VoY didn't make any difference either.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    selbsselbs ✭✭✭
    edited September 2019

    Joolska, thought u must have mean a "corner" you rolled your ankle on, but i was running over loads of conkers yesterday as well at some points and can imagine how you could do that.  hope no lasting damage.

    Wardi, the treadmill set up sounds good and is something i have pondered in the winter months as well, but at present can't justify (but one day i imagine i will!) especially since i can use the gym set up when needed, and i think for a proper long run, just need to get out there (with suitable hat/multiple gloves etc. for the sore hands!)

    well my legs still appear to be toast, very slow trundle to work.  slow trundling to continue today and tomorrow, and i might even bin a run to see if i can freshen up for the 5km on Friday.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Blimey jools, you are going out of your way to try to get injured lately.

    Selbs - probably why most of my running is 8mm plus.

    LMH - dont include VoY in your comparisons. Keep it easy and see how you feel next week, and then maybe a couple of sessions a week to stimulate yr legs a bit? You can still run a sub3 at York, which is good for the CV.

    Hoping to run home in the dry later !
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    Simon Coombes 2Simon Coombes 2 ✭✭✭
    edited September 2019

    TR - Those beers you mentioned are all OK, Badger have improved completely in the last 10 years, Pride is OK but hardly ever find a decent pint from the tap. Ringwood Best, 49'er and that other 3.8% one they do are all pretty good.  LMH - Agree about the recipies, will have to see if I can get a bit more time at the weekends to have a go.

    Selbs  - Where are your London runs? I'm near St Pancras, so my train gets into Euston, so for my 'long commute days (14 miles with the bits at home to the station) I go along to Baker St, up to Lords, around the top of Regents Pk then through Camden to work.

    Ridiculous yesterday - soaked to the skin getting to the station, then again doing some reps along the canal. No fair weather cyclists though which was nice.

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    Simon - the Anita Bean books are a good starting point and most of the recipes only take about 30 minutes.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    SC2 - the Joe Wicks 'Lean in 15' books are great for healthy and quick meals.

    LMH - well without hills then I'd go for standard strides personally, but the same - fast, controlled, and only 8-10s.

    selbs - will be interesting to see what you put down in a 5km after your recent training.

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    selbs - I wouldn't worry about it, you're fatigued. Still another 13.5M in the bank.

    LMH - hopefully the knee is sorted. I could feel it very slightly on yesterday's run, and won't be running today (work/family commitments).

    - nothing entered yet, although I'll do a bit of XC over the winter. I will probably do a trail HM on the south Devon coast on 1 February because a friend from the club has a house down there and it's become an annual social event.

    My other plan is to do some duathlons in the spring because whilst I don't turn 40 until November 2020, I will count as a V40 for the whole of calendar year 2020 for duathlon/triathlon purposes (they do categories based on age at the end of the year for some reason).

    Jools - that's annoying, one of the hazards of autumn!

    TT - still some very nice improvements going on. Give it another few weeks and you'll be flying again.

    5M yesterday inc. some strides, all with the dog. She was off the lead for most of it and must have run a couple of miles extra, zooming around chasing birds, squirrels etc. so she was very quiet for the rest of the evening, which was the aim!
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    Ankle seems ok, although a little tired afterwards.  Sports masseur said nothing too significantly wrong, but I do need to try and get it stronger or this will keep happening...  More time with my resistance band and wobble board required!
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    edited September 2019
    Fair enough LMH, I do wonder how much longer I can keep doing 2-3 marathons a year (I'm 62 next week :o).  I'll keep on for now though as it's about the only distance where I can still beat most of my younger club mates!
    Jools.. my 'Running Injuries' book (Noakes & Granger) doesn't mention standing on conkers strangely enough.  :)  I did have a bruised heel for a while earlier this year which I think was caused by a stone or tree root, the perils of running outdoors!
    Selbs.. I have serviced my treadie a couple of times over the years, one electrical glitch and I treated it to a new running mat last year.  Other than that it has been very solid and reliable.  Hope the legs recover for Friday.
    18.4m today, this consisted of 3m warm up on the treadie waiting for a parcel delivery then outdoors for a 15.4m out & back route.  Thankfully dry, hardly any wind at all and quite warm for the last few miles.  A beer is required.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited September 2019
    Simon - agreed, i like a few Badger beers. Boon Doggle is a weaker Ringwood ?

    Padams - you need to get in training for next yr then, you could win some big races.

    Wardi - nice one on the 18. Im in for a beer later !

    Back to it with 15m for me this evening, only rained in the first mile too.
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    Good news Joolska.

    I'm a bit the same with the marathon distance Wardi, it's that or go longer I think - not fast enough to be competitive over anything shorter! Nice midweek run.

    Are you planning another of those next week TR?
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    TR - Razorback. Great session beer as only 3.6%. Quite a claim too..


    Thanks for the book ideas LMH & TT

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    selbsselbs ✭✭✭

    SC - my work is near Marylebone Station, so i run alot around Regents park, or i tend to head west on the canal as opposed to east (too busy).  I live about 4 miles north west from work so either jog straight in if not doing much, or head to the canal to turn it into 5 or 6 miles for the commute.  Long runs on weekend tend to be mixture of RP and canal, or Hamstead heath early in the campaign if want some slower/hilly runs.

    nothing of note to report today.  very easy slow treadmill jog watching england thump USA.  legs might be coming to life, lets see how 5km goes tomorrow!

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    LMH - yes, 15m either mon or weds, 2 sessions (or tempos), a long run and then drop the 3 "off" days down to 5 or 6m.

    Simon - ooh i forgot razorback. I had a hopping hare last night seeing as you mentioned Badger.

    Selbs - rather your legs than mine, i havnt run a 5k for around 5 or 6 years i guess.
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    Go well tomorrow selbs - far too short and painful for me!
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    Oops dropping a bit behind here. One full day of Lakes hol left tomorrow, meeting LS21 hopefully. I've not been managing to hit my 'usual' 100M/week being slightly lurgied until a couple of days ago, and I think the big mountain walks are taking it out of my legs a bit too (maybe some positive training effect, who knows). But I've been getting some generally slow miles in, with two 20s this week.

    TR -- great work in the half, bodes well for Abo indeed.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    CW - i think the running and walking mix will do your running legs good. I spent a week in Sussex walking on legs that had run already, and then some more the next week on the sth downs.

    12m today.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Sounds like you've had plenty of exercise one way or another Charlie, enjoy the last day.
    Another decent double digit run TR, I now see Abo is same day as York so still time to build a bit more endurance.
    After yesterday's long run a less lofty 5m + 5m double for me today.  Managed to avoid the downpours in mid-afternoon which was a bonus.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited September 2019
    Wardi - yes, there will be lots of us in action on the same day. You, sj, lmh, cw and al p at york, selbs, tick tock and me at Abo. Shame we're not all in the same place as its probably only vlm that would get more threaders running on the same day.
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    Hope you get to meet up with LS21 and have a good last day Charlie. I feel the same as TR - the walking miles will help and your endurance isn't really in question.

    Sounds like a decent day to me Wardi and good rain dodging skills.

    Solid miles still TR. I'd have liked to be on the bus at Abo really rather than getting loss amongst the national vest runners at York but there you go. I'd have missed Wardi if I'd chosen to run darn sarf instead  :)
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited September 2019
    LMH - sj is your man, he will no doubt be aiming sub 255 and is a very sensible pacer.

    Was in two minds wether to womble 10 or do the 10 inc 6 tempo, as wasnt sure if id be fully over Sunday, and id rather not try than bail. But i decided to give it a bash and shaved a few seconds off last weeks time, which was my best time in a long while. Id like a few more sessions of what seems to be working well.
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited September 2019
    Wishing StevieWh best of luck in Berlin, conditions look good.
    More than can be said for the UK, took another absolute drenching this morning whilst reflecting this is the first September for a while I haven't run a marathon (Barnstaple 2016 Valencia 2017 , Berlin 2018). Hopefully Berlin again in 2020.  
    LMH - I reckon racing amongst the national vest runners will be a real positive, plenty of faster folk to run with and then pick-off. 
    TR - Good work, getting quicker. 
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    edited September 2019
    Jools - positive with your ankle.

    Wardi - nice midweek long.

    selbs - good luck today.

    TR - nice one on the 10m. You're in great shape!

    StevieWh - good luck in Berlin.

    This week I'm definitely starting to feel more like a runner. I've still got a lot of weight to come off, but I'm not rushing it (4lbs down in 2.5 weeks, probably about another 12lbs to go). I've got my basic (eventual) structure pretty much refined (working on a 2 week rota), and the change in diet is continuing to make a huge difference to inflammation and energy levels. I even had a big jump in pace yesterday (no doubt temporary, and due to the cooler temps and inhaler use - I've been experiencing catarrh build-up as my body clears itself) as my 1hr easy came out as 7:09, against the 7:2x I've been getting the rest of the week. Should be on for decent volume this week hopefully too!
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