
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    your cookies sound very good indeed  :)
     well done on cracking the Garmin data codes  -including the back door spy ones!!

    I have to take my meds daily and preferably first thing in the morning so that I have maximum benefit during the day.  I am normally up around 0600 and they need about an hour or so to get absorbed and then I am normally ready to go.  Decline is hard to pinpoint but concentration starts to go first unless I am doing something outrageously physical later in the day- which doesn't happen very often nowadays!!

    sorry to have led you astray onto new beer paths - East Coast Crush by Brewdog was the best of the citrusey ones on a hot day.................
    good to meet someone out and run together.  It must be 20 years now since I had company on a regular basis - not many folk want to be out at 0700  although I do see a good number to say "morning" to - both runners and dog walkers.
    In fact one of the latter was in the pharmacy when I was picking up my meds and she turned round, looked at me, puzzled, and then exclaimed " I didn't recognise you without your running gear on!"
    As we were socially distanced the rest of the shop heard it as well, along with my reply "The last time someone said something similar was at a dinner dance, when on being introduced to another couple, the woman had said -"oh, it's you, I didn't recognise you with clothes on!!" which had cued some startled looks from her husband and others.
    It did raise a laugh or two in what is a fairly fraught place for both staff and customers.

     excellent miles - it must be warm down your way - we have the benefit of a cooling breeze off the sea but the sun is still very strong

    I normally have a week's spare supply but had used them up this time round.
    That was a good streak of running every day - well done.

    I would have been very close to your totals had Sunday gone as planned but almost from step one I realised that there was nothing there and soon relapsed into a walk/run with the bias very heavily towards the walk bit. Nice day for it but it left me feeling very grumpy indeed
    It may have just been too much time on my knees putting in bedding plants on Saturday but my legs weren't having any of it  -not even being overtaken at regular intervals could persuade me to get up and go.

    Monthly total thus trailed off at 117.50 miles ( 189Km)  which is still more than I have done for many a long year.

    I am having another rest day today so I have started my taper week rather successfully :/
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Still a decent month, TS! You would have taken that on May 1st! Hope you get back  to things soonest!

    Started June with my longest run of the current campaign: 13k...but it was a bit of a struggle from the off. Legs just generally tired. Probably need to cut back for a few days. 

    In Dr Hill style I have run every day since last October 16th, so I think that is 229 days or thereabouts. In October and November quite a few of the runs were just a km though!

    That's a lot cooler, Mick! Early 20s when I ran this morning, although a bit of a breeze was helpful at times.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    Have you really run 229 consecutive days !!! May I ask whatever for. I know people think I am just another weird Englishman but I can see I am not alone in my eccentricities.

    Good mileage for the month, good progress towards being ready for the half.

    Don't tell me you carry your phone on your runs, but it is fun exploring new routes.
    The new watch has made me acutely aware of what my feet are doing especially as I get quantitative feedback from the display.
    An easy 7k recovery run for me, just concentrating on getting my balance right. 
    I have added a trend analysis to my Training Log software which demonstrates my balance progress.

    The top left chart is Ground Contact Time balance and the chart shows the averages for all of the runs I have done so far with the new watch.
    The blue line is perfect 50 50 balance. You can see I have managed to get to WP territory in my last couple of runs.
    Ground contact time varies but it seems more a function of how fast I run. The other metrics seem unaffected and remain more or less flat.

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Hi Mick! Interesting tables! And good work on the balance!
    I also carry my phone with me when I run, but very much for emergencies these days, although on rare occasions I might take a photo or two.
    Yes, I run every day:  years ago I found that if I missed one day that seemed to be enough to mess up the routine and I would take another day or another. Longest streak was about 13 years: I ran every day in my 40s! Don't think I will manage to match Dr Hill's 52 years and 39 days though!

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    great stats (of one kind or another  . .   nods to Mick . . . )  :)    from all  
    congrats on bagging the 8.5, WP - your photo sounds pleasing - a Welsh Poppy, by any chance ?    
    TS - couldn't get the "New England", so a "Jaipur" was the selection . .      
    alehouse - that's a very impressive streak (I suppose that's an understatement when referring to 13 years )   . . .    my longest is only 25 days !  
    I rested deliberately yesterday, so May total was a meagre 45.5 miles  :/   
    I've devised a new schedule, (after latest remote consultation with physio)  with rest days (from running) on Monday & Friday , so no running today, either. 

    Had a visit from my son today (he has a few days leave) - nice to be able to sit out and chat over a cuppa. He was telling me that on his weekend run, he was "dive bombed" by a screeching bird, which swooped and made several "passes", as he, very cautiously, went by. This was on a stretch adjacent to fields, so he wondered if it was a curlew?   
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭

    Nope I do not carry a phone normally but as I wanted to take photo's to show Mr P I had to dig out bumbag to do so!
    Nice charts and great work!


    It has been very warm here I am looking forward to it cooling down from tomorrow!!

    Your taper week is going well I hope you can run today?


    Although I love Welsh Poppies which I have in my garden no these were the big showy oriental poppy.
    It sounds a good plan with 2 rest days  in the week.

    Yesterday was 6 miles slow but to be expected at 5.30am but it is so cool it is worth the effort.
    Today I have got up a little later and very tired so we shall see it maybe a rest day.

    May's Mileage 140 miles nothing spectacular  but better than nothing.

    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    140 miles is a great number with no races in sight !! This is all self motivated so you are obviously in a good place and should feel very solid in your running.

    13 years, you have to be kidding, that is just not physically possible here unless you count the treadmill as a run. Don't you have days when your legs just need a day off.
    These days the quality of my running rapidly deteriorates if I don't take a couple of days off in a week. XTraining helps, I have a bike ride with a friend planned for Wednesday assuming the weather cooperates. I find my legs will tolerate that well.

    A rest day for me today even though I feel like going for a run.
    Just finishing off my software project with a few tweaks.
    I have noticed a big difference in my GCT balance when running on trails versus running on pavement.
    Here is my best pavement run from yesterday in a pretty picture format.

    Blue and green mean I am between 48- 52% GCT Balance, green is between 59 and 51 which is where I would like to be.

    The best I have achieved on all trail run is the following

    As you can see a marked difference given that I was concentrating on getting my balance right. BTW brown and red are not good.

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Yes, Mick, easier to run everyday in the UK due to less extreme weather. During the 13 years there were times when I would just do a token mile at a very slow pace. Less effort than running for a bus! Today was a cut back day in terms of effort with just over 30 minutes for my 5k. Which is good as a couple of months ago 30 minutes at the same  level of effort would have been nowhere near 5k. 

    Was thinking about you and the GNR, TS (and hope you are ok by the way): was listening to the CEO of England Athletics saying that there is a chance of some competition "by the back end of September"...

    And the back end of September is 18 weeks away; not sure that I can remain injury free for that long! Would be a rarity in recent years! 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Mick: Thank you I always think could do better I do like 175-200 miles.

    Very exciting news for me after 18 weeks yesterday I got my jab! when it should be every 6 weeks.So all back to normal and I have next one booked.

    Yesterday was a rest day and my goal for this month to have 4 rest days or less.
    Today will be a warm up  and cool down and 5k run.A local club runs a Summer series of 5k's this year virtual so going to give it a go will not be the same as a race especially at 5am but something to aim for.Only £2 per race.I ma going to run a 1 mile warm up , then run 1 mile back and forth so the same elevation for each mile on cycle track.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    unlikely to be a curlew - easily recognisable by their long curved bills and quite timid.  May have been a plover/lapwing, flashy white underwings, dark green upper body, who will attempt to harry anything that gets too close to a nest.

    A curlew song is for me the most evocative of all - sounds like water falling over stones - and it used to be one of the pleasures of my long runs onto the nearby moors to hear them

    a Jaipur will do - preferably two!!

    you are going to be spending more time analysing than running!!
    Great detail though and hopefully it will assist in sorting out the imbalance

    now see what you have done - it starts to rain and temperatures drop as soon as you strip off :)
    I had an email from the GNR to say that they are monitoring the situation but it's too soon to make a decision. Of course given the size of the field and the fact that people travel from all over to take part it has the potential to be a real hot spot for spread - even worse than a large football crowd - so I think it may well be off.
    Small events may have an easier time as they tend to attract only local runners and the field gets spread out a lot quicker.
    Cut back days are good!

    good news on the jab - hopefully it will sort out your fatigue fluctuations. Did you get the blood test results?

    I had 2 days off running as I could still feel an underlying fatigue but went out this morning into steady rain and much cooler conditions.
    3.1 miles done in 31:08 (10:23m/m) with avHR126 and a max of 138 so it was very conservative but still felt like it was enough for me 

    Garmin Connect appears to have forgotten me and I have to re-register.  I think it's down to Mick playing with their software!
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    edited June 2020

    I too have a feeling GNR will be cancelled too large a field and athletes coming from all over the world.
    I think it takes you a while with fatigue and your meds? so I am sure by end of week you will be back to normal?

    Oh I would blame Mick tinkering around with the software ;) mind you worked fine for me this morning.

    Well I set the session up on watch 1 mile warm up, 5k, then cool down all worked well except I should have just keyed in the 5k run and start the mile as normal as my time and pace is for whole run.I had to upload and I was in bottom place....haha but at least next month will be an improvement.I have never been last before;-)

    1 mile warm up 11.25 pace


    then cool down half a mile.
    10.58 average pace
    159 max

    Time 48.05

    The course was cycle track so I just ran it  and hoped for the best nice drizzle as well for last mile or so.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    So the target is set, WP! Will you do exactly the same course next month? I can rarely get up to speed on my own; some say that I can't in a race, but you know what I mean!

    TS: good to see you back out there, if a little under par. No doubt you will soon be back to it. My run today was very much going through the motions for 43 minutes in light drizzle: back to the light rain jacket, tracksters, gloves etc. Just as I was getting used to shorts. And I remembered to do my stretches which I seem to have been neglecting. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    TS, WP,
    Would you like me to hack Garmin Connect, I could fix you some amazing results. As if I would do such a thing, but I am finishing up my software project and still stuck indoors.

    What happened on lap 2? Did you stop to check your texts.
    Is a cycle track the same as a bicycle path?

    It must be so frustrating having to cope with this inconsistency in your energy levels. I find it bad enough not having the superman qualities of my youth.

    Just love the term drizzle, not used here much, but it describes things perfectly.

    6.8k for me today, very focused on balance and foot push off.

    2020-06-03T16:02:24ZS Easy
    BR, felt really good, holding balance was easy, stride improved.
     Weather data South March , Conditions - broken clouds
      Mean Temp =  18c,  Min Temp =  17c,  Max Temp =  18c  Humidity = 84%
      Mean Wind Speed = 1.69 kph,  Mean Wind Direction = 254

    Total Non-moving Time = 0.0 secs
    Run Duration = 44:06,  Run Length = 6.86 Kms or 4.26 Miles
    Average Run Pace = 06:26 per Km or 10:21 per Mile, Age grade =  58.1 %
    Average Run WHR = 73.5 %,  Max Run WHR = 85.8 %

    Average Run Cadence = 83.4, Average stride length = 0.93 m
    Avg Vert Osc = 6.7 cms, Avg Vert Ratio =  7.1%, Avg GCT = 286 ms
    Avg GCT % = 39.8%, Avg GCT Balance = L49.3% / R50.7%

      Lap  Duration   Kms      Miles    Per Km    Per Mile    AWHR     MWHR  Cadence  Slength(m)
    #01     06:32     1.0        0.6      06:32      10:31      58.2%     65.7%      84.0       0.91
    #02     06:21     1.0        0.6      06:21      10:13      67.9%     74.6%      84.0       0.94
    #03     06:23     1.0        0.6      06:23      10:16      74.6%     77.6%      84.0       0.93
    #04     06:23     1.0        0.6      06:23      10:16      76.9%     78.4%      83.0       0.94
    #05     06:28     1.0        0.6      06:28      10:24      77.6%     79.9%      83.0       0.93
    #06     06:41     1.0        0.6      06:41      10:45      79.9%     82.8%      82.0       0.91
    #07     05:18     0.9        0.5      06:12      09:58      80.6%     85.8%      84.0       0.96

    As you can see today's run, # 10, was below the line. That is, the balance has swung the other way so I need to focus on keeping them even now.
    Look hardly any brown and no red


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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    W.Poppy - fine total for May  - and a splendid 5K effort (esp given you were posting at 3:40a.m. that day!)    
    TS - thanks for the ornithological info - I liked your description of the curlew song  . .   
    pleasing you were "back to it" today after the fatigue . . 
    alehouse - well wrapped up there - rainjacket/gloves (!) 
    just the long sleeeve top and shorts still here - enjoyed my 3.5 miles today in the cooler, damp conditions .  Was an out & back - steady out, a few increased effort sections on the return (can't call them strides, as stride length didn't noticably change )   :/  
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Yes, was 11 degrees and wet when I set off, Birch...and shortly afterwards I was too warm, on the top half at least! And that sounds a better run today! Hope there is no reaction! A little and often is the way to go to start with, I think. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Alehouse: Yes I will use the same course for each run.I also can not run at speed in training.

    You do run in a lot of clothes!It would be too warm for me.

    Mick:I never take my phone so no to texting   but that mile is uphill mind you I am usually faster than that.Yes it is just a path through the woods .This used to me the old Mumbles tram route and they used to shunt coal trucks up here as well.

    Nice balance and nice to see no red or Brown.

    Dave: Nice to see you out running:-) I agree with Alehouse best to be consistant with little and often.

    Well all results in and I was 6th in age group and not last due to my school girl error there were 7 people  behind me!!! but think one chap did the same as me.

    Lie in this morning so just going to go out in a bit a much cooler day 8 degrees-yay.

    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    solo 5K races sound like hard work - particularly when you add a mile to it :)!

    Your improvement will be rapid next time.

    back to normal wear for you :)
    It was 7C this morning  - I may be matching your gear very shortly.
    Well done on the stretches - something I should also be doing !!

    I have always had an eye for the birds - ornithologically speaking of course!
    Strides as well - good going.  Does it affect your knee at all when you open up a bit?

    There has been talk of folk manipulating data on Garmin and particularly Strada to set times for segments of popular routes by using ebikes and suchlike!!

    Pushing off too much now - back to gum chewing for you.

    Yes the changes in resilience for no apparent reason are more than a bit frustrating.  I too no longer run into phone boxes and rip off my shirt  :)

    Dry and chilly, the aforesaid 7C, this morning so I had to move a bit to keep warm! 
    Same 3.1 miles in 29:38 (9:50m/m) with avHR 129 and a max of 142 as I checked the recovery a bit.

    Felt slightly better when running this morning - the chill weather apart!

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    A little more like it today, TS? Is this a cutback week?

    A routine 34 minutes today, wearing similar clothing to yesterday. Felt a little more like it, perhaps as I had half an hour of stretching beforehand. Went out much later than usual due to the rain; got a nice window of opportunity and the sun even made an appearance. Still got wet in the last km though. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    I am not surprised to hear that people are cheating on segments. Strava do have software that tries to detect abnormal runs that are submitted, as one of my cycle rides where I just used run rather than bike when starting, got rejected as a run.
    7c is good running weather for me.

    We have a lot of old train tracks here as well. They go through some very interesting areas but they are soooo straight it tends to get a bit boring and some times intimidating when you are running and see 10k uphill stretching out infront of you.

    XTraining today, 28k bike ride with a friend who is recovering from a heart operation, so easy. We cycled along an old railway track to a small town and stopped for coffee and returned. All very pleasant.
    It is interesting to note that my average WHR % was below 50% whereas even on a recovery run it would be high 60s.


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    yes it was planned as a cutback week and so it has turned out!  3 miles was enough.
    Would the stretching not be better after a run as the muscles are warmed up?
    Of course, if you are like me, you are too knackered to stretch afterwards.

    sounds like a good day out.  Was there cake involved as well as coffee?
    No body weight to carry on your legs when biking so the effort is a lot less.

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    I tend to stretch before running, TS, or like you I would never get round to it! Today it was raining so there was no option but to stretch first. 

    Yes, it does sound a good day out, Mick. I won't join you though as I struggle to even ride an exercise bike! (Actually because of my prostate cancer the urologist has banned me from the exercise bike! And if you ever have a PSA test, as men of our age do, the advice is not to go on a bike for a couple of weeks beforehand!).
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    nicely back to "business as usual", alehouse, TS  . . .   
    sounds a very pleasant jaunt, Mick . . .    
    W.Poppy - congrats on the placing - more vanquished than ahead of you :)  
    TS - knee not too bad when I stride out - but did, in fact, react to yesterday's session, and gave me a restless night with discomfort.  Improved after rising, and as I moved around. Went out this afternoon with my friend, did 5 miles very steady , the first couple of which felt very laboured - not so much knee, but general leg stiffness.  Still, completed ok, and proceedings ended nicely - as I stood chatting to my friend, who should come running down the road (looking much more free-flowing than her dad), but my daughter, who'd driven over from her side of the city to run with her training buddy !  So a 4 way, distanced chat for a few mins ensued. . . . .     

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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    That sounds like a good run steady is good and how lovely to have a running pal and to see your daughter as well:-)


    How lovely to stop for coffee.......was there cake or cookies;-)

    I totally understand our path top to bottom is around  6 miles I live in the middle  and find it a little boring if I am honest.


    That was a faster run than of late great job :)

    Well yesterday did not go to plan about 2.5 miles in I got dizzy and head all spacey I stopped tried to run on but felt wierd so walked back a mile then I felt able to run so ran 1.5 miles back.I did not feel right and even had a 2.5 hour nap!

    Today how ever I felt fine so back to the hills it has been 11 days!! 6 .18 miles slow as a slow thing but I was happy with it 460ft elevation.

    In other news I have entered the West Highland way 95 mile race over 10 days which you can run ,walk or crawl so it seems a fun challenge.With three checkpoints to make the cut off miles.


    That should keep me out of trouble;-)

    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    That's an interesting challenge, WP! Enjoy!

    Hope there is no reaction today, Birch. Sounds like a good meet up! Not too long ago these things were normal and we probably wouldn't comment on them! 

    MLR here, if one can call 8.5k a MLR! For a MLR I work on 0.65 to 0.75 of the "long" run, so that was about 0.65 of 13k. 
    Was very fortunate with the weather: saw that it had stopped raining so set off. Only 9 degrees and breezy. Rain jacket, thermal long sleeved top, tracksters, waterproof socks, gloves! Glad I didn't run much longer as the rain came again within minutes of finishing. 
    Have done 40k this week so far with 2 days to go, so these will be relatively short and certainly easy.
    Half an hour of stretches also completed before setting off.


    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    "keep me out of trouble" . . .     should keep us entertained, too , Poppy - great stuff !   
    nice near-enough 10K earlier, too :)   
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    I too have difficulty finding a saddle that fits!!
    you did well today to time your run today -  I could have done with one of your long sleeved tops.  Good cumulative mileage as well so it looks like a good week for you.

    gulp- that is quite challenging - and far beyond my capabilities.  A quick glance at the website shows that the actual run contains 14,710' of climb (and presumably descent!) but at least you should avoid the midges that congregate upthere.
    average 9.5 miles/day is not to be sniffed at ...............

    good run and even better meet up. As alehouse said there are things nowadays that are remarkable in their ordinariness

    Another cut back day today - same 3.1 miles in 28:53 (9:34m/m) with avHR 132 and a max of 150

    I am afraid I could not resist temptation on mile 2 as I chased down a young lady in front of me recording an 8:53 mile.  Of course most of it was downhill so as soon as I got my bulk going it was okay.
    The third mile back uphill was not so pretty :/
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Dave: I think my race will keep you entertained:-)


    I would never be able to run or walk it for real with my achilles no matter how much I fancy it.It will mean a run in morning then top up with walking to make 10 miles a day.

    Pretty good showboating on that second mile :)

    Ale:Nice miles and warm clothing!!

    Today another 6.18 miles far slower than yesterday but i was tired I have needed rest day every 3 days and today is day 4 so I will take it and run with it;-)
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    sounds like you may have overdone it a bit - give yourself a break and recover properly - says he having need a cut back week quite badly!

    Took a chance this morning and went out in tee shirt top only in light drizzle.  Thought I had miscalculated as the rain increased but then after mile 3 it slowly eased off and it was warm enough to dry out.

    8 miles done in 80:40 (10:06m/m).  I would like to give more stats but HRM stuck at 142 on mile 3 and stubbornly refused to move thereafter


    managed a bit of a lone gallop over the last mile but the rest was ok paced without HRM assistance.  I don't really need it as my pace judgment is normally right on but I just like to keep a check on peaks so that I don't overstress the thyroid.

    Despite the cut back week  it felt just as hard............
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Decent length run, TS! I managed to miscalculate the rain, also! Accuweather said it wouldn't rain for 60 minutes so I set off in tracksters, gloves, short-sleeved thermal with long sleeved thermal over...but no rain jacket. Within minutes of setting off light drizzle started and persisted for the rest of the 6.45k. Just a routine run, largely off road, to bring up a weekly total of 51.42, a new recent high. Probably time for a cut back week here after 13 weeks of gradual increases. Will certainly have an easier day tomorrow and move Monday's long run to Tuesday, or even later in the week, or not at all!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    I can only stand back in awe. I checked the route and it is scary let alone a looong way. As already said this is going to be entertaining. Will we be able to live track you?
    Cakes and cookies were available but I declined.

    Another good 8 miler in the bag. At this rate you may well do well in your race, even AG medal.

    Your weather sounds awful, where are you located? The weather here is fantastic at the moment. I ran this morning around 8:00am and it was absolutely perfect.

    My knee groans a bit when running but I never experience pain at night, remind me what is wrong with your knee.

    My last two runs have been on the trails around the pond. It is beautiful through there this time of year as the maples leaves are a bright green and there are lots of wild flowers

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