
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    another "sensible" run - but a test, given that only 18 hours after previous outing.  
    Met marathon mentee at 7am for another 5 miles moderate pace ; knee, although some low-level discomfort to begin with, settled. Actually felt a bit stronger than recently on the couple of hills we included, so cautiously encouraged. Very dank and "close" feeling - dripping when we'd finished. 
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭

    I always have heel gel pad in my shoe and it is my left Achilles as well.After the rupture 15+ years ago I am grateful to run on it.


    Sounds like a good run with trainee today:-)

    Day 6

    Sees me leave Inversnaid and pass  Beinglas Farm and make it to Auchtertyre for the night.which was 4.5 miles run and  a walk to make 6.5 for the day.Achilles was okay but dare not risk any more gently building back up again.I have 15 miles to make checkpoint tomorrow night.....which is doubtful but I will continue till I reach the finish line  at Fort William even if I miss the checkpoint times.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    you borrowed my "sensible hat", WP - good move, as it gives you a chance tomorrow.
    Fort William holds some memories for me - the running related one is the Lochaber Marathon, which I ran in 2006, finishing on the shinty field . . .   
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    I misread the "shinty" as something else.............. :)
    very restrained this morning - who was holding whom back?

    NZ parkrun may be a bit delayed now after their fiasco over quarantine
    I made some notes on your paper and now can't find them!!  Will read it again

    I hate to ask - but what type of snake?
    Your location sounds a veritable wildlife haven

    very sensible indeed.
    I have just read that achilles problems may be related to hip and lower back problems 

    well I was feeling much improved this morning so I took myself out for a little trot to see how the land lay.

    Felt it after 1/2 mile and then someone suddenly sneaked up and stabbed me in the hip with a long bladed stiletto! 

     Absolutely excruciating pain and it took me 25 minutes to crawl home.  Unusually for me I resorted to painkillers and anti-inflammatories as I literally could not walk/stand/sit/lie - so  not many options left

    Suspect that it is a bit more than the hip flexor.  May be an inflammed bursa but it is bl**dy painful 

    I feel happier now that the GNR was called off!!

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Oh dear, TS! Sorry to hear of your crawl home etc! Hope it is soon sorted. 

    Waited an hour and a half this morning for a hospital telephone consultation re my osteoporosis. I tried to phone them and after 4 separate calls managed to find out that it was cancelled and they would be sending a letter to tell me that it was cancelled. Not happy I departed for my run and after a couple of kms warm up I pushed 2 x one kilometre (undulating, gravel, out and back on the local parkrun course) but could not even get up to my usual Saturday morning parkrun pace. The first was 5:10, the second after around 2 minutes recovery was 4:55; generally run parkruns well within myself at that sort of pace. 
    Could be Monday's long run, could be that one fartlek apart, I haven't run at that sort of speed since March 14th. Or just one of those days. 
    Anyway I got back and wasn't amused to find a message from an osteoporosis nurse, so I phoned her. The conversation turned to vitamin D. I told her that one of the GB Athletics Team doctors, (who happens to be a friend, clubmate, the spinal consultant that treated my 2 back fractures, a professor specialising in multi-skeletal injuries, and the Director of the Manchester Institute of Health and Performance) had advised that as an athlete I take a certain dose of vitamin D in the winter months. I explained this carefully and patiently.
    "But you are not an athlete. There are no athletes of your age. And you shouldn't be taking a vitamin D supplement." 
    I will report back to my friend in due course! 

    An ex-athlete.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    what a frustrating morning, alehouse !  although was relieved from here, as on first glance at your post, I saw the last line, and was quite alarmed ! 
    likewise for you, TS - hope the hip soon settles down . . .  
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    Someone should explain to her that everything in life is relative. I recall my last visit to a sports med doc who describe me to his physio as an elite recreational runner, I quite liked that.
    Would be interested in seeing your notes on Achilles issues.

    Sharp debilitating pain is not recommended for over 70s especially where hips are concerned. Please keep us up todate on how it progresses, lots of detail. It is one of my personal dreads.
    Living around here is a bit like living in a nature reserve, another bear roaming around the neighbour yesterday but people did manage to scare him off. Snakes, well they are lots of different sorts but the ones you see are mainly garter snakes, can grow quite big but are very pretty, green and yellow strips. MrsMick6 is terrified of them. The kids used to catch them and fill up a bucket with them and rush to show their mum what they had caught with the obvious result.

    I did my bike ride xtraining today, only 45k as it was 29c and very sunny. Very scenic route with lots of people out on rides.

    The green icons are the lap markers, every 5k. You can see that river is over 1m wide in places. We rode pass the rapids which you can just make out, not that spectacular at this time of year but a couple of months ago it would have been wild. Believe it or not but that ride was 95% bicycle paths.

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    Torque Steer - you may be right about the delay of Parkrun as we now have 2 active cases - 2 women from the UK allowed in on compassionate grounds - left quarantine without testing then travelled to Wellington and tested positive. We will have to wait and see. Stricter controls are being put on any inbound people and hopefully will test negative before being allowed into the community.

    We have been enjoying our freedom - we don't want to go back again.

    That's not good being told you are no longer an athlete - at least we can dream!

    I had a short walk/run with our dog today - he led the way, he knows where the cafe is and will sit down and not go any further!

    Mick - 45 km is still a long way - don't like the sound of the snakes!

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Judging by today's performance I am definitely not an athlete! Got fed up of waiting for my run and as one forecast said that it won't stop raining until 9pm...and another said 11, I decided to get going. Had only run about 400 metres when I went flying. My immediate thought was stop the Garmin, and then said to myself that I was glad that I had tracksters and gloves on. Gashed knee, banged hip and ankle, bruised pride. Sitting here now the other knee feels bruised and I don't even remember hurting that one! Got up and carried on, as you do, but will be rather tender tomorrow I imagine. Anyway another half an hour logged. Half an hour of stretches completed before I ran.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    A PUBLIC RESPONSE FROM THE PRESIDENT OF INVENTION CITY TO A GUY AT THIS FORUM WHO WAS OFFENDED and sent an anonymous email to our partner. Recently I asked our marketing intern to visit the Runners World forum to get some feedback on a new knee brace that directly addresses Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome ("Runners Knee"). This is the first knee brace to physically diminish (and sometimes eliminate) the friction between the patella and femur that is the source of pain. It's an amazing solution that gets amazing results. Since its introduction it has helped runners in the USA resume running without knee pain. Some had given up running because nothing else worked. For them it has been a life changer. I made an assumption that members of the Runners World Forums that struggle with Runner’s Knee pain would be interested in learning more about this solution because it might change their lives too. I also assumed information about products like this would be welcomed here. Because of my assumptions and at my direction, our intern posted here looking for feedback. Helping injured runners is our primary mission and we would like your support in our effort to help injured runners get running again.

    Critcism of my posting here and suggestions on how to do it better are welcome.

    Please also feel free to contact me directly at mike@inventioncity.com if you prefer.

    Mike Marks
    Invention City
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    What is happening to this thread! everyone is falling apart.

    Ale: Sorry about fall and pain I hope no lasting damage.

    NZC: I heard the rumours and sorry about the 2 cases I really hope you are not retricted again and no park run:-(

    Mick: Nice bike ride but ooh snakes:-( I am with mrs Mick on them thank goodness I hardly ever see any.


    I hope hip pain has settled down? any further forward with it.I just hope it feels easier today.

    I would never put Achilles down to hip, tight calves maybe.


    Thanks for loan of sensible hat:-) How is the knee today?

    Day 7

    Stuck at Auchtertyre due to sleeping 15 hours! all the runners left me there as they left camp and torrential rain all day......Looks like I have walked a mile if that today!

    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    that was a very enlightened nurse wasn't it?
    I have had similar conversations in the past with members of the medical profession.
    However, if she had seen your performance this morning she may have thought she was right!!
    Hope the bumps disappear rapidly

    Garter snakes I can just about tolerate.  The rest...............
    49K and 29C is not a good combination to me so well done.  I hope there was coffee and cake involved?

    it appears to have been a bit of a mess all round but it just shows how easy it is for the virus to break out again
    Well trained dog :)

    15 hours sleep!!  I scarcely manage that in a week.
    Better get out there and catch up :)
    You know the old song - the knee bone is connected to the thigh bone........

    Thanks for good wishes on my hip.  It is still very painful but at least I can move a bit now.  I took an extra dose of medicine last evening (Laphroaig 10 year old)  and it helped me to sit down for a while but not to stand back up!!

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    Torque SteerTorque Steer ✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    a quick 10 mile  minute walk around the streets convinced me that sitting down was preferable :/
    this was at 0515 after I had rolled over in bed onto my sore hip with inevitable consequences
     missed the rain so it wasn't all bad................

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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    Torque:Oh dear that does not sound good at all with hip :( lucky you to miss the rain!

    I had similar with rain 1 mile run Achilles not happy so back I come totally soaked through! More stretching for me and found physio notes so 20x 3 sets of stretches and same heel raises twice a day...........
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    TS, WP,
    Well you two are depressing. 

    I was up early and out for a very slow 6k. Two laps of the beaver pond in the shade of the trees. More wild life around at 7 am, I saw a large snapping turtle on the bank of the pond laying her eggs. You don't mess with these creatures they have a very nasty bite.
    The weather here has become tough 34c with a humidex over 40c. Not the weather for running. I do not have access to a treadmill but the shaded woods help.
    We have major problems with the house internet and tv, some kind of cable problem. I have had to tether my laptop to my mobile to get access to a different network.
    I want to watch the spurs game this afternoon and the only way is streaming on the internet but the tethering seems to be working well. I have a big screen attached to my high end laptop in my office so it is a decent picture. I need this for my software development as it is hard to do on a small screen as I need to see lots of different windows at the same time.

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Yes, sorry to hear your tales of woe, WP, TS. Hope you are soon sorted. 

    Mick, that is warm! About 13 degrees here and I have the heating on. Has rained pretty well all day, just like yesterday and Tuesday. Decided to put my kit on (plenty of it!) and head out for a walk to loosen up during a dry spell; it can't have been five minutes before it was drizzling and then within minutes it was pouring, despite the forecast saying it wouldn't precipitate for 90 minutes. Anyway I broke out into a slow jog, with lots of aches and pains from yesterday's disaster and felt better at the end than the beginning. 25 minutes banked. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Mick - like the look of the cycle route and particularly that its almost all on cycle path.
    Hope you got sorted for the football; didn't see here (not on free to air) , but did see Southampton outclass Norwich earlier.   
    alehouse - nasty fall there - well done for completing (and getting out again yesterday)
    TS/WP -  hope you both feeling better (or at least getting there) . . .    
    after last week's "long" run of 8 miles, increased to 9 today (3 laps of the loop).  Knee still causing a bit of angst - not during the run - still aches at night, but no increase in discomfort whilst running - but driving back was really painful (its the right knee, so leg more or less held in one position). Only a 10 mins drive, but on verge of having to stop. 
    Now "ok" walking around at home . . . . was mid-March when this (pain driving) started.
    Of course, not done much driving since then.   

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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Mick:That was humid for run! Good luck with football viewing!

    Dave: I am so pleased to see improvement that is great news slowly slowly catche Monkey,Quickly quickly Deady Donkey :)
    Sorry about pain driving back, it is a shame it plays up   on way home.

    I am pleased to say 3.70 mile run up till 2 miles all okay then it starts to make itself known.I am stretching and doing exercises numerous times a day.As well as wheel of doom and a 21 day arm challenge....today is day 2 and a rest day :) weekly mileage 18 miles speaks for itself.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Sorry to hear about your injuries Torque Steer and Welsh Poppy.

    Mick - I wouldn't be able to run in that heat - what extremes you have over there.

    Birch - sounds like you are having problems too.

    I'm pleased to report I've done another long run - 21 kms this morning - pretty happy with myself.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    Maybe NZ would have been a better choice but then again earthquakes can be a bit scary.  Today is no better, another slow jog around the Beaver pond for 6k. Before 8 and it is already 26c. It is surprising but you do get use to it.
    Well done on your half marathon it has been a while since I did 21k.

    Saw another mummy turtle doing her thing on the water bank. I guess it must be the season to lay eggs.

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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    I am happy to report today 5.20 miles Achilles still a pain but the rehab exercises and stretches are helping! 15 miles left to get to Fort William....slowly getting it done.

    Nice wildlife Mick:-)

    NZC: A long time since I have run 21k well done!!
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    really pleased to hear that, WP!  nearly there :)
    NZC - yes - had this since late Feb :/  nice 21K there  :)  
    ventured out for 3 miles at lunchtime - knee not bad, but in same vein as driving gyp yesterday, hurts as I sit typing . . .    
    22 miles for the week.   
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    Well done, NZC

    Be careful, Birch (and WP)!

    26 is warm for 8 in the morning Mick. We might just reach that as a peak later in the week. 

    5k easy yesterday, and 6 to day, although today was harder work yet slower. Need to remind myself: "Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead."

    By coincidence I bumped into my consultant friend and his family out for a walk on the river bank; he was not amused by the comments of the nurse above re vitamin D and said there is no reason not to take vitamin D from September to March (he actually said equinox to equinox). He also said at least 80% of people in this country are vitamin D deficient in the winter months.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    Dave: I really hope the knee eases off for you post run.Are you doing your exercises? good miles for week, I only managed 18!

    Ale: I take vit D as I hate the sun.I like that as progress is never a straight line in the road!

    Day 10 I am at Kinlochleven I arrived yesterday and set out towards  Lundavra 6.14 miles run leaving  7 miles for tomorrow to arrive at Fort William.

    I am doing all my stretches and rehab exercises and I do a set pre run 6 miles today last 2 uphill are painful about a 6-7.I will be happy when under a 5 uphill. but progress and no longer limping at end of day with stiffness.

    We are forecast 30 later in week I will be inside the house with fan on me!!

    Wheel of doom is done daily and my 21 day arm challenge day 3 a rest day:-)
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    Limping at the end of the day doesn't sound like a lot of fun.

    Another hot one 35c today. I ran early 6k slow around the pond in the shade. When it is this hot I wonder whether it is actually worth it. The weather is supposed to break by the end of the week and then it will be just normal hot.
    Took my youngest daughter out to see the new house. We have windows and doors.

    This is a view of the back

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Looking good, Mick...as does the house! Is that wildlife in the foreground? You seem to be training well, despite the heat. Grey here all day but humid and around 21 degrees. Hotter here later in the week as well, WP.

    40 minutes fairly easy this morning. Bruising is coming out on my knees although the main concern today was a very tender hip. To be expected!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Mick, I like that :)  
    alehouse - 40 mins more than me today - I decided that a rest day would be best, after the 9 on Sat & 3 yesterday.  My legs actually felt "reasonable" - maybe the 3 eased them - but still just settled for a few stretches.  
    good luck with tomorrow, WP - and yes, still doing the exercises !   
    I see Tommy Hughes (now a V60) ran 16:11 at the BMAF 5K Virtual Relays . . . .  
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭

    The sensible hat is yours once more :) well done on rest day.

    Super time for 5k!

    Rest day for me as RHR up 10 beats and slept badly but went walking and reached fort William 95 miles all done! Achilles will be happy for the rest.....
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    WP - I believe that is commonly known as a "win-win"  - achilles has had a rest from running stress, but Fort William reached; well done!  Pizza to celebrate ?   
    ventured out in the heat this afternoon - one mile and a bit warm up, then 5 x 370m along Dam Wall (a local reservoir), then jog back along the 370m and the mile+  back to car, so 3.5 miles in diary, with the 5 "efforts" in there (these were just "increased effort", rather than "speed", but got the heart going, which was the idea). Knee ok doing this, but niggled when driving back  :/     running at 7:15am tomorrow, with "marathon mentee" - probably a nice chatty 5 miler.   
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    Hello all

    house looking good - I hope a tree gets planted for your dog!

    big/huge jump up in mileage - HM distance on not a lot is very impressive

    with you on the sore hip :/

    very restrained again - this could be catching - but sensible when one's body says "enough"

    well done on getting to Fort William - hope the weather is fine :)

    Stuck here scarcely moving.  Had a doctors telephone appointment and the thinks/hopes it is not a broken hip!!  Could be ligament/muscular/bursa problem - more anti-inflammatories and pain killers.  Didn't want to refer me to hospital just in case as infrection is not under control there.....................
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