
Shades Marathon Training



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    Mamafox - this morning's incident just enforced my opinion that it's not worth the risk running when icy.   The unfortunate man was only taking his dogs for a walk.

    I hope the person hired to help you works out, so you can have your run time every day.

    TR- you were lucky not to be too poorly, you've recovered well.   Hope your wife makes a full recovery soon and is only breathless for the right reasons.  😉

    Emmy - thanks for the link re GPS.   I didn't realise there was a problem but my recent runs have been aborted due to ice so I wouldn't notice.  I did have one morning when Garmin didn't pick up a signal so I just set off on my run and then it was OK.

    Cal - exciting your club mate is taking part in that Hoka 100k.

    That's a good long run today and a great week's training.   Funny the difference changing the schedule makes.

    Big G - I reckon you've worn that tyre out, you must have done a fair amount of miles on Zwift since you started.

    Gym was good, not too busy.   I've been booking in on the less busy mixed sessions.   Mixed is adults and juniors, so many places are allocated to juniors but not many of them book in so overall less people in the gym.
    Think I might have picked up a niggle on my run this morning in my foot.   Had a little pain now and then when running, didn't really concern me but walking to and from the gym it was very sore.   Have slapped some Kinesio tape on it.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, the reason I went into Halfords the other day was because I'd ordered a tyre to be used on turbos (they're basically harder and wear a lot better on the turbos, but can't be used on roads).  So I went as far as getting what I needed, but I don't actually fit the blasted thing and I now regret my laziness!  If I do upgrade, I would probably get a direct drive turbo, which don't use bike wheels at all.

    Hopefully the tape will do the trick on your foot.  I don't want to jinx it but I did realise earlier that I haven't thought about any niggles for a couple of runs now, which is a good sign, but as I say I don't want to jinx it!  It's at this stage I'd usually give up on the stretches/strengthening but I'm going to try and keep it going.  It may sound strange, but I just kind of forget to do them, and then fall out of the habit.  It's odd as I obviously don't forget to run, or eat, or drink, but I do "forget" to stretch although maybe that's just because I don't enjoy doing it!
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    Big G - can you set up your Zwift to generate electricity, you'd save a fortune on the electric bill.

    That's what most folk do, when the injury stops hurting and normal training resumes they just forget about the promise to continue with the rehab.

    This was posted on FB today.  

    I would like to thank the lady that helped my dad after he had a fall whilst walking the dogs around Teigngrace early this morning. My mum who rushed there is eternally grateful. He is in a&e awaiting an X-ray as he has a suspected broken ankle. 

    Thank you so much for you’re help! It’s greatly appreciated.
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    Cal - Great 16-miler. Are you just going to keep ramping up long runs now?

    Shades - That’s lovely of them to send that message on Facebook. Broken ankle isn’t ideal at that age but could be worse I suppose. 

    13 miles for me on a similar route to Cal’s. Not much to report aside from my ongoing irritation at folks taking up too much of the pavement which is annoying at the best of times, let alone in a bloody pandemic. Call me grumpy but groups of 5-6 people clearly not in the same household just ambling about in a line with no care for others does my head in 😡
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    Slowly, Rcouture - might do another 16 before moving up...see how the old bod reacts.
    I know what you mean about people. It wasn't bad when I went out - 7:30ish so hit the Thames Path just after 8. I've found most places a lot busier after 11 so I'm trying to avoid running then (if we get more ice/frost then I will have to do my runs later, mind you).

    Shades, nice to get that message. I've always thought spin studios should hook their bikes up to the mains...
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    E mmyE mmy ✭✭✭
    That's such a lovely message, shades!
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    Big G - you could just buy a spare wheel and cassette and keep one with a turbo tyre on, easy to swap then if you want to take the bike out and much cheaper than a new turbo. 
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    LMH, thanks, that is definitely an option and I'm considering that.  I did check out the prices of cassettes a few days ago and they're affordable.  Trouble is my turbo is an old one (I think it's probably 10-12 years old) and isn't "Smart".  I used it as a cheap start just to see if I liked Zwift, so a "smart" trainer would be the next obvious upgrade if I wanted to get a bit more out of the game.  But what you said is a consideration, or even a cheap 2nd hand bike to have set up on the turbo all the time.  I'll keep having a think about it though.  

    Nice message there, Shades.

    RCouture, we have the same here.  So annoying, but an early morning run usually avoids most of that so I'm lucky in that regard.
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    edited January 2021
    Rcouture - I share your frustration about people wandering around with no consideration to others when out running, never mind the obvious meeting up of friends/groups that isn't allowed.

    Cal - yes, definitely a wasted source of energy, spin bikes.  :)

    I'm taking a rest day today, foot is a little sore.   No swelling, just a bit of discomfort.   
    I'm not too bothered about taking a day or so off as weather wise it looks unlikely I'd be able to complete a full week of my training plan due to the weather.   I stuck my head out the window and we have that cold wind again, no ice on the cars but a little on the roads.

    Maybe I tweaked my foot when I was helping that injured man.    
    I had a message from his daughter, he's home now, broken ankle and a fracture in the leg which they're going to operate on.
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    That must have been a nasty fall if he broke his ankle and leg - good job you were there to help.
    Did my rest day walk...hamstring is quite sore but it has had a big week.
    Realised I have a 5 mile effort to do this week for the EA virtual road relays - joy!
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades/RCouture, I remember early in the first lockdown going out running and there being virtually no one around.  I took a couple of pics of Torquay, one on the pier which normally always has people strolling on it enjoying the scenery, and it was empty.  And running down the main road at a time where usually it would have been busy with cars.  Very strange times, weren't they, but great for us runners!

    Part of my aim is to get to 50mpw fairly soon, and try and keep that going from mid-Jan and through Feb, mainly at MAF.  I've just put a very rough plan in place where I run for two days and take a day off (I'm still a bit wary of my achilles etc), so it's 14 days in a 21-day period repeated and is 4/5/5-runs per week.  It's just very rough and if it's icy, or whatever else, I won't stick to it, but it's nice to see 8 weeks laid out.  I'm going to try and put some 2hr runs in there, as opposed to just 10-milers, but there's nothing really longer 2hrs in my plan at the moment.  If I can get pretty close to that over the next few weeks though I'll be quite happy and then maybe start thinking about the DD a bit more and upping the long runs after that when hopefully the weather may be a bit nicer.  We'll see how it goes, although I do feel I have a bit of a head cold coming on....!

    For my Zwifting, no plan as such and I expect whatever I do will be mainly easy rides.  In terms of hours, it's certainly increasing the numbers of hours exercise I am doing!  Last year I did about 440hrs in total (which really isn't that much when you think about it, about 18 days in a year), but in December I did 55hrs on its own, even though I only ran 123 miles and only started Zwifting on 8th Dec.  My highest month of running (July) was 48hrs.
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    Big G - That seems a sensible plan. You were doing more than 50mpw before your injury if I recall right? I was also thinking about my (absence of a) plan last night too. I haven’t had one since the initial Brighton postponement last spring and have just run at MAF aside from some very limited  confidence boosting speedier stuff in the winter ahead of races (both real and cancelled). From here I’m not sure I really need a plan since I am aiming to just run as much as I can at MAF and then zone 2 for long runs. I did about 37 miles last week after my break post time trial so will probably do 45ish this week and go on from there mainly via upping long runs and slightly upping my usual weekday 7 milers. I remain hopelessly hopeful that my end of March mara happens so will ramp up long runs to at least get 4 20 milers in and maybe a couple of tempo runs in feb/mar which do help my confidence. Does that sound about right?
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    RCouture, yes I was doing 60-70mpw fairly often throughout the summer, but that was around 2 runs per day some days, which I just don't fancy doing at the moment in the colder weather.  I was also just going to run at MAF as much as possible through Jan/Feb but I think being aware of days off may help me to not overdo it. I do have a tendency to "just run" and end up running 6 or 7 days a week, whereas at the moment I still want to be a bit careful with the achilles etc.  

    As for your plan, it looks good to me but others who are more used to drawing up plans may have other ideas.

    No running today but an easy 45mins on the bike earlier. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Cal-I was meant to be doing that 5 mile but won't be in the top 4 for our club anyway so no harm done by missing it.
    30 mins on the bike tonight,15 fast in a race and 15 easy after.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Well, we're back in lockdown, which I don't think is entirely unexpected.  Nightmare for those with kids, trying to juggle home schooling and work.  As for runners, we can still exercise, but looks like we're restricted to once a day again.
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    Ah but what is the once a day bit? I often walk to and from work which is exercise but if it ever deices i'd quite like to go for a run too.

    Anyway Happy New Year all

    BG - I er see you have started dabbling in WSW on fetch ;) You'll be onto Fethpoint and hide and seek in no time on top.

    Covid testing day at work today with 69 tested results supposedly by 11am tomorrow but the second courier only left near 5 and they were off soouth to Warrington. I got roped into sorting it out (not the actual testing the external company did that bit) and it went well enough.

    Tomorrow the more fun job of stripping the large amount of ice from the rear access road at work. Maybe we can get it back to a safe status but long term will need sorted to get the water to run off somewhere else.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Keith, OH and I were having a similar discussion.  Really not trying to push any boundaries but I reckon your walk-commute to work wouldn’t count towards your exercise, but that’s just my own thoughts. Yes, I’ve joined the WSW game :) I have had a look at the other games too, but that one caught my eye the most. 
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    That's great you could help that person Shades.

    Thanks for the advice regarding pace all!  Well, it seems I'm definitely training too fast.

    Quick question if I may from you knowledgeable folk!

    Ir runner X (me) wants to run a race at 8:30 pace, meaning his easy and long run pace is (roughly) 10 minute pace.  How much training at race pace should I do a month?  I guess I must do some?, to get used to doing it during races.  Would you do one race-effort run a month, say? Or sets of race-effort miles within long runs? Should I do a weekly half marathon race-effort run instead of a Tempo run?

    Any advice welcome.

    I guess now there will be, realistically, no races for three months, it is not that important!

    Stay well all.

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Keith-Commute to work wouldn't count as exercise,even a run commute wouldn't.
    I still don't understand why people panic and come and hammer us everytime there is a lockdown,you'd think by now they'd realise we don't close.
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    edited January 2021
    Big G - well let's hope that this lockdown reduces the traffic again as it did in the March lockdown.   No more doubles for you but you weren't really planning any really.   Your plan to get back to full fitness looks ideal.   I checked the rules of the lockdown last night and no time limit on exercise just once a day.

    Keith - walking to work is counted as commuting to your job.   It's only because you record it on your Garmin and in your training that you think of it as exercise.

    Will you be working from home some of the time now?

    Ian - that's madness, have they been stocking up on toilet rolls again?  :)

    Quick question if I may from you knowledgeable folk!

    Ir runner X (me) wants to run a race at 8:30 pace, meaning his easy and long run pace is (roughly) 10 minute pace.  How much training at race pace should I do a month?  I guess I must do some?, to get used to doing it during races.  Would you do one race-effort run a month, say? Or sets of race-effort miles within long runs? Should I do a weekly half marathon race-effort run instead of a Tempo run?

    LTT - you don't actually ever need to train at race pace.   Training at any race pace is really hard to do as it feels an awful lot harder than on race day.   
    The most important part of your training is base training, a strong base which comes from runs at easy and long run pace.   This builds up your endurance, strengthens the muscles used in running and should help prevent injuries too.    Then you can then introduce speedwork and/or races if you wish.   
    This is a very good piece on base training

    What is “Base” Training? | McMillan Running

    I wouldn't recommend running a half marathon race effort in training especially if your weekly mileage is low.

    If we weren't in lockdown I would recommend racing at least once a month, but as there are no races I would advise using the time to build a strong base, that will make you much faster when racing starts again.

    My foot pain has eased really quickly, I did nothing yesterday didn't even walk anywhere, rested it most of the day and by the evening the pain had almost gone completely.   However I've not run this morning as I still have a little twinge now and then and don't want a reoccurrence or to make it worse.   Annoying really, as for the first time in a week the roads are dry and ice free, although we do have a frost, and I could have done my hilly route.  Hopefully with this lockdown I can do my hilly route in daylight next Tuesday as there should be no traffic.

    I had cancelled the gym for today because of my foot but was booked in for 4 days later in the week, probably going to be 7 weeks before I can get back to the gym. 😭 

    I am going to do a short walk today.

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    edited January 2021
    Shades, at least this time we don't have to go around cancelling stuff left, right and centre.  I don't know about you, but my diary is empty anyway.  Yes, 2 runs a day isn't in the plan at the moment but one run and a Zwift is making up for it for now.  Very annoying for you regarding gyms, and sorry your foot still has a bit of twinge.
    LTT, just one other thing about your post.  You mention your goal of running at a certain pace in a race.  It's great to have those goals and I think we all have them, but you can't really go into your training like that.  You should train at a pace based on the level of fitness you're currently at, and then your training paces will improve to bring in you inline with what your race pace goals are.  So if you're a 1:50 Half runner, the training paces to build a base are what were given previously.  I hope that makes sense.  It took me some time to figure out the whole "run slower to get faster" thing, but it does work.

    Torbay Tri club are getting themselves organised and are doing weekly Zwift sessions very soon.  Not sure how it's going to work as they're saying they're going to be on Zoom too (I only have space for one laptop in my cramped pain cave), but hopefully they'll get up and running with the soon.  They are doing a Virtual 10K time trial relay event in a couple of weeks, which I may do.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Is anyone else’s Garmin time incorrect?  Mine is behind 50mins. I’ve rebooted it, but it’s still the same. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-OH has a Garmin and that happens to her sometimes,think she syncs it via garmin connect and that fixes it.
    Shades-Yes,and pasta and tins,must be building their survival shelters again.
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    Big G - my diary is a vast wilderness too.   Only had gym sessions booked.

    Just switched on my Garmin to check, I only use it for running, and time is correct.

    Ian - I really don't understand that mentality of buying up tins and pasta or any panic buying in this situation.   I can only hope it means that they'll stay at home instead of going out. I can understand the online shopping frenzy for home delivery slots as they have advised the vulnerable to shield again.  

    I am just about to go and do my food shop now, I normally go Tuesday early evening but as I haven't run this morning I'm going earlier.   But it's a short list this week, no stocking up. 
    I only stock up on running shoes  ;)
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    Big G - Yes my Garmin has been playing up but as Ian said, I synced it up via connect and it’s fine now. 

    The new lockdown doesn’t change much for us except we’ve been told my wife’s operation has been delayed due to the crisis in hospitals which we’d suspected but is obviously annoying. No date yet but likely in mid feb. Combined with both the girls now being at home and me at work and I anticipate she’ll rightly be tearing her hair out soon although she’s taking it all well so far. 

    Went out for 4 mile recovery run yesterday after my long run which is something I don’t normally do as I always rest after long runs. Unclear if I feel any better for it today to be honest. Question, inputting that half time into race predictors suggests a marathon time at or just below 3:30 which seems insane to me. But if we assume that’s correct what would be a sensible level of mileage to get there at peak (whether it’s for this March mara or more likely Brighton in sept)? 70ish? Also how many 20 milers? I’ve provisionally pencilled in 4. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    edited January 2021
    Shades-I don't get it either,I understand higher spends so you don't need to come out 3/4 times a week,we have just had to limit flour,eggs and pasta,not sure if anything else will follow.
    RCouture-I think the simple answer is the most wooly,the more miles you can fit in to your schedule the closer you will be to it,my personal experience is that you will need at least 50-60 to get close to the predictions,don't forget they are based on perfect training for the distance.Before 2020 I only peaked at averaging 45mpw and couldn't hit any of the predicitions,looking back I got 1:28 HM and and 3:14 Full,I think you will be not far off 1:30 in a half now which could translate to a 3:30 full pretty easy if you can fit the miles in.
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    Ian - Thanks that’s helpful getting a sense of your experience. Using MAF I’m confident I can get to that level of mileage. Life/time/injury will of course play its part but I always operate best when I have a target. Interesting that you reached those super speedy times on ‘only’ 45 mpw. I would have guessed you’d need much more for that. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Rcouture- I actually got to 1:24 and 3:07 on that mileage.I got to a peak of 70 and averaged 55 in the summer and was really looking forward to racing and seeing the benefit,once I get rid of this injury that is the target to get to again.
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    Rcouture - oh that's a shame about your wife's planned operation, I do hope the delay will be as short as possible in the circumstances.

    No matter how much training a runner does the first marathon is about dealing with the distance and the occasion.   However, due to Covid you (and Ian's OH) will be the most prepared/well trained marathon virgins that I've ever known.   But so much can happen in a marathon, especially the range of emotions and possibly pain, in a first marathon I would focus on completing the event and enjoying the occasion as much as possible without worrying about meeting any target time.   The only time you should be concerned with is not running too fast in the first half, doing that and you will have a miserable and painful 2nd half.
    So with a 3:30 prediction time from your half trial, then a sub 3:45 for your first marathon would be a very good result.   I would advise running a half marathon 3 or 4 weeks before your marathon, that will give you a good indication at the time what pace to run your marathon.
    Four 20 milers is plenty.   The weekly mileage needs to be whatever is comfortable for you and fitting in with the rest of your life, if that's 45-50 then that's fine.   There is plenty time in your preparation for subsequent marathons to look at higher mileage.

    Ian - fairly quiet at our Aldi, I could see the tin tomatoes and pasta took a bashing last night but still stock.   The cashier told me they were considering limiting number of purchases of certain goods and probably back to one person per trolley again.  I do think the one trolley rule is a good one.

    When I came home I saw my neighbour, the not very bright one.   She told me she was well stocked up and would never do any panic buying.   Then she told me was going to Sainsburys to get some toilet paper and kitchen roll as they might sell out.   😲 
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    Thanks Shades. That’s all very sensible though as I’m sure you’ve guessed, it will be difficult for me not to obsess over a time as I do about most things 😬. Having said that, I certainly respect the distance and after what is going to be well over a year’s prep time, I do want to enjoy the first one. I have a half booked for feb though that of course looks unlikely. I am going to look around to find another potential mara for April/May/June since my March one looks tenuous and I don’t want to wait till Brighton in the autumn so if anyone comes across any or knows of any available then I’m all ears! 
    Your neighbour sounds like quite the character.
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