
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    nothing to report this morning - took Mrs TS to a hospital appointment early on - and then waited 90mins!!

    Wordle in four today - a good word!
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    edited June 2022
    Yes, TS - I intend to continue with the yoga for a few weeks before I decide if its for me.
    rest day yesterday (not due to overenjoyment of refreshment on Wed)  :) 
    6 miles with chum this morning - we overtook a horserider, who, shades of TS and dog carriage, offered to hitch a trolley to her steed for us !!   Legs better today, so maybe the day off was beneficial . . .     
    edit - Wordle in six today - "phew" indeed, as the app told me !!
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Well done on run and refusing the carriage....;-) Not sure where I am but had a shorter run this morning as legs and body tired.Yesterday was 5.75 miles trying to replicate club route but over shot the lane.Good job i have good sense of direction.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    I think that I would have hitched a lift, Birch. Certainly the way that the legs felt today!

    Wordle: same as Birch!

    After a morning of gardening, 8.45k: had to force myself (sore hips, then when they eased around half way it was the turn of the hamstrings to complain). That will have to do as this week's long run.

    Tomorrow will be spent officiating at the County Schools Athletics Champs which I have done most years since 1977!

    Hope Mick is ok: not seen him this month!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Just over 6k this morning, pushing in parts. Now off to officiate. 

    Wordle disaster: had the last four letters in the right place then three fails to guess the correct first letter.  
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    better guessing here - Wordle in 4 !  
    happy officiating, alehouse; and good couple of runs, overcoming the grumbling body!
    well navigated, WP . . . .

    steady 5 miler this morn with chum; took in local parks & trails.
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    finding your way around - always good for a bit extra distance :)

    pushing in parts -good!

    oh dear on Wordle - I had the last three after two, last four after three and found the right one at five.

    a P&O run then - parks and open spaces :)

    I cut the lawns I once counted all the stripes and worked out that I walked over  a mile doing them = so that's me done!!
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    very breezy out here today - windy even - and not very warm but perfect weather for a high pollen count

    I sauntered/hobbled two miles narrowly missing the start of the junior parkrun - now that would have really depressed me seeing all those kids galloping around!

    Wordle in five today  - too many choices!!

    Ou est Mick as the Quebecois'  would say?
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    .... is a batting collapse on its way at Trent Bridge after all those runs :/!!
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    A mile walking when cutting the lawn! I must see how much mine is:-) Mind you next year they will be less as raised beds for fruit and veg is planned.

    Dave: Good running:-)

    Yesterday 3 miles laps of the Rec as body tired and seemed just right especially with the heavy downpour we had.
    Today Long run day last week 7 miles so this week I would have liked 8 miles .But once again legs and body tired.So told myself no matter pace or distance so off to cycle track and road on way back.I see a theme building as I came out of track took a left instead of right and ended up further than usual on strange road.But I know the way back although double checked with dog walker yep on right road.7.5 miles.

    Then boot camp in the garden strangely legs tired....I am going to swap boot camp to a Wednesday when a shorter run day.

    I am not a cricket fan but I always pass the youngsters practising on a Saturday and they play at the park so going to go along to watch them.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    WP - an increase of 0.5 miles on long run just the job, esp with boot camp to follow - good move to shift that to midweek!  
    TS - you could have a cricket match on your lawn!   
    Good that youngsters are out enjoying exercising/playing, whether cricket or parkrun.
    No collapse at the cricket, TS - though I didn't see any play yesterday.  No collapse from me either, as I completed 12 miles.  N was training solo, so I got to location early, to bag 4.5 miles on trail, then 7.5 in a stop/start fashion around the lake, whilst providing water & moral support as N trained.   Coffee & crumpets at her's afterwards, then home for shower, some more food, then off out for afternoon of music & rehydration - hence no cricket viewing!    
    Rest day today
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    good mileage and a gradual build up is fine

    it's a pity the house stands in the middle of the lawns - it's a bit difficult to run through the doors

    Splendid effort from you yesterday including very good support for N as well - multi - tasking of the highest order :)
    Well deserved rehydration!!

    I walked to the dentist and back after nothing more painful than my bank account being rifled!
    Whilst walking there I reminisced that I used to use the road for my mile sessions - 6 min on the slight downhill, 6:40 on the return uphill.
    Took me 22 min walking each way :/

    Wordle in four today 
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    The relative batting colapse is happening as I type!

    Decent day yesterday, Birch!

    Wordle in four, also.

    Glad that there weren't dental issues, TS!

    An hour, easy, with my M77 neighbour this morning. Lots of niggles but felt better at the end than the beginning.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    Hi All,
    Just a quick update.
    I'm still active, what with walking the dog every day and mowing my acres of grass. I seem to have my allergies under control but have assorted aches pains and numbness which although I can run puts me off.
    I'm going for a battery of tests in the coming weeks as the docs try to find out if there is anything wrong with me. So far the verdict is you are a fit and healthy 75 year old.
    On Wednesday I'm having a lesion removed from the top of my head. I'm told I will not be able to do any exercise for two weeks after.
    On Thursday I see the allergist to see if I'm am actually allergic to something.
    I have neurologist, echocardiogram, sinus scan etc still to come.
    After doing my own research I am still of the opinion that my issues are my body's response to the covid vaccination.
    Despite all this I don't feel unwell so hopefully my body will eventually sort itself out but I will not be having a fourth shot.

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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Mick: Really sorry to hear of all the aches and pains and tests.It sounds similar to Mr WP reaction to the vaccine and I know he is not going for the fourth shot either.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    ..see - I predicted it  :)
    There may be another today...

    well done on getting the niggles shaken out over that hour's run

    I think the next visit to the dentist will be a bit more "forceful" one of my back teeth is nearing the end of its grip on bone and will need to be removed.
    As I said to the dentist when he asked me how I was - "slowly falling  to pieces" was my rejoinder - and that was before examination!

    that is a lot of consultations!! 

     Hope they all turn out negative but it's the uncertainty that is the downer plus you just don't "feel right".

    It's very difficult for a doctor to understand the close understanding one has to one's body after a lifetime of sporting activity and that "feeling" one has when something is up even when there are no obvious specific symptoms.

    I have heard of a few folk having adverse reactions to the booster jab but not going on for as long as you.
    However having now had Covid I wouldn't want to have it again so it's all a balance of risk/reward.

    My third shot recently had absolutely no reaction on me at all but it's impossible to predict outcomes.

    The Hash tonight is from a localish bar so I may wander down and sit in it awaiting their return trying to rehydrate myself after temperatures are predicted to get to 18C today!!

    Wordle in two today!  Got the fourth letter in the first along with two others and there was no other combinations that could fir around the fourth letter so bingo - and no that wasn't the word!
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    I hope that you get to the bottom of the issues, Mick; unfortunately my consultations with almost all of your list never got to the bottom of things just over a year ago after the first jab. I kept being told that things would get better in time, and to be fair that has been the case. 

    Wordle in two today!  Got the fourth letter in the first along with ONE other and there were few other combinations that seemed to fit so bingo - and no that wasn't the word for me either, TS!

    Enjoy this evening's non-Hash!

    25 minutes or so run this morning prior to Tuesday's long stretch. Must do a little cross training in the garden as it is lunch at Trent Bridge!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    hope you're soon "right", Mick
    TS - increasing temps definitely means hydration will be in order !  
    alehouse - stretching . . .    should really take a leaf out of that book - 2nd visit to Yoga last evening - at the end of the session, instructor remarked "my, you are stiff, aren't you"  . . . .    anyway, 6 steady miles in pleasant sunshine at 9am today; "rural" loop with chum on tarmac & baked trail.   
    wordle in 5 here  :|    back to the cricket now !
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    .... batting collapse sailing into view  :/
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    ..... or perhaps not :)

    hadn't realised that they were playing 20 over cricket - had no one told Bairstow :)
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    C,ub night last night 5 miles with Henry who ran Man V horse day before and I ran 15 secs faster than last week.
    I am all signed up as Amman Valley harrier and have 5k championship race in 2 weeks.

    Today a rest day so walked 6.5 miles!! why did I do that;-)
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    5k race will be a good marker, WP, even if you have to walk it! Tells you exactly where you are and then you can work out what to do next! I should listen to myself!

    30+ minutes fartlek this morning to celebrate becoming a grandfather for the first time! Grandson born early hours! 

    Wordle was a struggle; my dictionary tells me it was not even a word!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Torque SteerTorque Steer ✭✭✭
    edited June 2022
    club championships - excellent news :)
    I was driving to Derby early this morning - 0600 - and there was a chap being interviewed who had won the man v horse race but apparently he didn't know he had for some time as he couldn't find out the times of the horses!!He knew he had won the man bit I guess there were women in as well.

    He also casually let drop that he normally raced over longer distances in the Lakes but only up to 62 miles or so!!

    great news - congratulations to you and the parents, of course :)!!
    Prepare yourself for years of illness as each new infection is brought to you - though hopefully your schooltime may have inured you to the worst of it.

    Like you Wordle a struggle in six today - I was reduced to listing out combinations after only having one letter in the right place and two floaters but I knew one had to go on the end as I had exhausted all other positions.

    It finally chimed with me what it had to be but like you I have rarely, if ever, seen it written

    Beer was "off" last night - just as well as I had the aforementioned early start!
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    edited June 2022
    TS: Henry said the winner was a great chap they had chatted on the course.

     Ale: Congratulations on your first Grandchild and to the new parents.

     I am looking forward to the 5k race I will be last i imagine unless the chit chatty group sign up as well.But a good marker my last 5k was 2019 I was fitter and faster so will be interesting to see where I am.Then another championship race two weeks later the 10k. Today 3.5 mile run it was hot 23 degrees at 8am and body tired so suited me.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Many congrats to you and all concerned, alehouse
    Straight into the club competition, WP, with the 5K & 10K double on the horizon; exciting!
    TS - maybe I need to put beer "off" my menu for a while - J is getting married at end of July; I tried my suit trousers on today, which fitted comfortably at the last wedding, 4 years ago. A very different story now - can button them at the waist . . .  but only just, and the belt definitely not required !    :#   
    Track session today, as I found myself there.  2 x (4 x 400m), with a 2 mile warmup & warmdown,  for 6 miles total. Legs tired (and left one slightly sore) now ! 
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    Lurker here. Good to see the regulars still posting and (mostly) running. We are down to 3 on the Matures thread (one of whom has stopped running) and a similar number on the My Last Run thread too.
    Sorry to hear of Mick's multiple health issues.
    I seem to be free of the hamstring problem, although I dont fully trust the bugger.
    My form is holding up in 5ks and I've done a couple of 10ks (long for me!).
    I did dabble in a bit of Maffetone training and bought a HRM but surprise, surprise it's not for me.
    I'm trying to move towards 80/20 training as long as my stints on the exercise bike count toward the 80!

    One little moan. The last 3 races that I've entered have all managed to mess up their (or more  specifically, my) results somehow. Ironically, my 230  parkruns have never had that problem.

    All the best!
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    he came across like that on the radio -said he had been so keen to run the race that he has just got off a plane from holiday and had his daughter asleep on his knee for most of the journey.
    A fireman from Manchester I recall - not that has anything to do with his ability to beat horses!!

    LOL at trousers - I have many pairs like that waiting for some circumference reduction.  Failing which the charity shop will get some very nice clothes again!

    Track sessions -  very good.  They will properly exercises muscles not keen to be activated.  That left leg soreness must be because you were moving so fast you had to lean into the bends :)

    thought that read as "lurcher "  first off :)
    Good that the hamstring is holding up but if the scarf tissue is not fully dissolved you are right not to trust it too much - no 100m sprints.

    HRM are good even if only to confirm what you have done and to illustrate trends in performance and training so stick to it - orders!!

    Maybe lack of practice in race results recording -it has been a long time since they were held on a regular basis.

    Pleasant 2 miles stroll in warm but not over-hot conditions this morning. 
    I will attempt to get a doctor's appointment later on - wish me luck!

    Wordle in four today - lots of choices.

    I came across an ideal Wordle word today in a report on the archeological dig on HS2 - "peplo" - the name of the brooch that Romans/early Brits  wore to hold the front of their tunic together at the shoulder :)

    Possibly came from the same Latin language root as yesterday's word - so be ready...
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Good to see JB continues his , er, idosyncratic (is that a word?) schedule  ;)
    TS -  I like the word knowledge.  You made me guffaw with the "fast" remark - though I may indeed be going quickly round the bend !!   
    out earlyish today for a flat 4 miles "leg loosener" around local park paths. Pretty warm .
    Off out for coffee now . . 
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    6k squeezed in after annual blood pressure check and before opticians. Faster than usual probably because it was warm and also on firm surfaces. 
    And then to meet the new family member! All seems well on that front. Hopefully photo tomorrow! 

    Birch, you didn't mention your left leg today, which is good. If you are right handed apparently the left leg does more work, so for example you will step up or down the kerb leading with the left. 

    Wordle was a struggle in five.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Wordle in five again. 

    Run shortly before it is too warm. 

    Salvador meets his grandfather: 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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