
Shades Marathon Training



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    Cal - yes, I did mean driving.  Car clubs are short term car hire, by the hour, you usually pay a small membership fee and then have the use of a car at a reasonable cost. 

    I didn't realise you hadn't driven for a while, so perhaps not a great idea 🙈
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    edited September 2022
    We have pea soup fog here this morning, looks like autumn is galloping in. 

    Another rest day for me today, my RHR is up 10 bpm this morning, no reason that I know of but just being cautious.  

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Temp has moved back up 1° ,feels perfect now so the start should be good.
    Both of us are ready to go,OH is nervous as its the first time she raced a marathon rather than just run it,but it's a good nerves.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Good luck Ian, and your OH. 
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    Good luck to you and yours, Ian!

    Shades, it was very misty here too but eventually burned off. I managed to get through 20 miles though as you might imagine, my legs were not exactly fresh and bouncy, though I suppose that's the point. Anyway, 53 miles for the week. Now I can taper.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    I went out at 3:07 pace(40sec pb) it was a twisty course in places which threw GPS off a lot,at 10k it said 10.5k then by 14 it was back level so I just decided to trust my watch rather than the markers,got to 13.1 in 1:33:16 so on track and feeling fine,kept going well until 20 when I started struggling,wasn't really expecting it.My B goal all along was 3:10 so started aiming at that to keep the focus,got slightly behind pace with a mile so left so really tried to push,crossed the line in 3:10:04,really hope 5 mins isn't the cut off.
    It was a very flat course,plenty of water and iso drink stops,only negatives is its twisty with lots of little corners to break up the rhythm and again quite a few areas with cobbles,but overall its a fast race.
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    Ian - congratulations on your GFA time  :):):)

    Sounds like a good race.   Surely 5 minutes will be a comfortable margin ?

    Your OH is doing well too.
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    Cal - well done on your long run, I bet you're relieved to be heading into taper now, the work is done.🙂
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    Ian, great job for powering through.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Well done Ian, and your OH also. Great running, and both under the GFA times. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    edited September 2022
    Cal-Great long run.
    Shades-Yes I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't much of a cut off for London with the reduced racers.OH done brilliant,30mins under her previous PB and 2mins under GFA with a negative split again.
    I think I was running with a celebrity for quite a while,as everywhere we went people were shouting her name,even when they couldn't see it,I beat her though 😁
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    Ian - that's a phenomenal PB by your OH, and to get under her target GFA time too.

    Slap up dinner tonight for you two to celebrate a very successful day 😀
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    I finished 63/1117 Somehow moved from 77th at 30k,must have been lots slowing even more than me.OH moved from 578th to 434 in the last 12k,that's some moving through the field,shows the power of a negative split.
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    edited September 2022
    Ian - Great day for you and OH. Not that I’m an expert but seems like a crap system if 5 minutes isn’t enough of a buffer. OH must be over the moon. Is she eyeing another already or basking in the glow?

    Cal - Well done on the 20 miler. Enjoy the taper

    20 miles for me too with miles 11-19 at MP. Pretty happy with the MP block at 7:05ish /mile especially in >22c and a teeny but persistent uphill almost throughout. I took out the vaporflys for a spin and the hammy, cramps (or lack thereof) and ability to hold pace seemed better for me today than recent efforts with alphas and I’m now wondering why I set these aside in the first place. Suspect I’ll revert to them for Chicago given how well this run went. 60 miles this week. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ian, as a matter of interest, is/was there anything going on in the city, relating to the Vuelta? I saw a pic of the Grande Place in Brussels, in red, which is the colour of the Vuelta leader’s jersey as a Belgian won it yesterday. 

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    Rcouture - well done, your last 'work' long run done and done well.

    Re the GFA places for London, there's a cap of 6,000 GFA places, 3,000 for men and 3,000 for women so when entries exceed that number then it becomes the fastest first compared to your sex/age group.   Quite a few disappointed runners over the last couple of years since the cap was introduced.  For 2023 they're even suggesting that if your time is less than 10 minutes faster than GFA time then enter the ballot just in case you need the option of another method of entry.   However, it seems with race entries down since the pandemic it would be surprising if such a cushion would be required this time.
    IMHO the desire to run London will get a boost when this year's event is held, which is also the deadline for 2023 GFA qualifying times. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Rcouture-Another great run,you've had a really good build.
    Not sure on OH yet,I have a feeling she'll do more as she wants to do NYC in 2024 so will keep going.
    Big G-I haven't seen anything but tbh I haven't been looking.
    Shades-In 2019 there was no cut off,but they only announced the change in April and cut off was August,2020 it was 2:40 men and 4:15 women,then I can't find it but I don't think there was a cut off for this year's race or 2021,but obv a lot less races due to covid.The other unknown again is deferred runners from 2020.
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    Ian - I think they remove the details of any cutoff as soon as the time has passed to avoid confusion so applicants don't read what is old news 

    The number of deferred runners from 2020 is an unknown, as you say.  Other races have a much higher rate of DNS's from deferred entries from 2020, I wonder if London will be the same.

    Must be a logistical nightmare for London organisers until back to normal after this year's race.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Well run to you and your wife Ian. All GFA got in for this year, id expect it to be the same again as the GFA qualifying period in only 1 year nowadays. Plus you have a 5 min buffer, that puts m40 as 2.55.......the only possible that might affect GFA is that the champs start is now 2.40 instead of 2.45 so that adds a few to the GFA possibles.
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    TR - is the women's championship time unchanged at 3:15?

    RHR back to normal today, 8 miles undulating.   Very humid, high 90's again.

    Gym later.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    They took a picture at the end with your time,I expected to get an email asking for payment but they've sent it out free. Couldn't bend down and point like pros do.

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    Ian - great photo - will you be sending that in with your GFA application?   ;)
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    edited September 2022
    Great pic, Ian!

    Still busy with the Zwifting and fitting the gym in. 

    The podiatrist called earlier and I explained everything and how, generally speaking, I feel the foot is doing well, but every so often I do feel a twinge, out of the blue, and seemingly without any reason. I did say I’ve been wondering whether to try some running, and in some ways I feel ready to try, whereas a few weeks ago I just felt it would be too risky. With all that, he suggested keeping up the taping, and finding a ‘return to running’ plan to keep me in check for a while. 

    In parallel to that, the NHS contacted me, and I’d forgotten about that.  I got a call from their podiatry department and I was initially thinking they were calling me about Dad, but then I remembered I’d contacted them ages ago, and they were talking about me. Anyway, I do have an appointment with them this afternoon, and she did mention shockwave therapy is a possibility over the phone, but they want to see me first and there was no mention of timescales anyway.

    To be honest, I’m a bit worried about trying a restart. I know it’s still not 100%, but if look back through my notes at the latter part of last year and earlier this year, it was causing me some issues back then, although it was manageable. Maybe I’m wrong to expect zero discomfort?  But on the other hand I really don’t want it to flare back up again and me be back to square one. It’s a dilemma and in a way I was surprised the podiatrist said to try a return to running. 
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    Big G - that's good news that you've finally got an appointment with NHS podiatrist.   Another opinion and other treatments certainly worth trying.

    I can't comment on whether you're ready to try running again as having no personal experience of PF I don't know if you should expect to be twinge free before resuming running.

    Didn't Robert say he gets a twinge now and then?
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Some of the ‘return to running’ plans are depressingly low volume. IE, run/walk for 30mins, every other day. But probably that’s what I need to start with, and then I can easily abandon the plan if it flares up. 

    I’ll see what this podiatrist says and go from there. 
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    Big G - you're still fairly aerobically fit so if you are able to, say run one mile, walk one mile etc., you could be up to sessions of 5 miles in a week's time.   Subject to no real discomfort, of course.

    I've just booked my Covid booster  :)
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Well, that’s two podiatrists that have said to try a slow and sensible restart to running, the second one with no prompting from me whatsoever. This one was actually wondering if it was solely PF, and mentioned another nerve, Baxter’s Nerve. She said at the start, from how I was describing it, it was almost certainly PF, but just from where I was pointing currently, she was wondering about this other nerve. Recommendation was to use anti inflammatory gel in the area I was pointing at, and really keep up with the stretching, as I have already been doing. I didn’t mention the other podiatrist/treatment at all, so that was interesting. 

    So, I’ve definitely got the all clear to restart and recommended not running on consecutive days, to see how it feels.  I’ll probably restart Wednesday, as I have a very tough Zwift race tomorrow, and just see how it all goes. 
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    Big G - well that's very promising.   I've never heard of Baxter's Nerve, will have to Google it.

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-That's really good that 2 have the same opinion,hope it goes well for you.
    Boston opened registration today.....
    Shades-I'm on the list for early booster so just have to wait and be called,another advantage of being 50.
    All home now,just a quick turnaround.
    We've had a good chat and I'm really happy with the weekend,my best time since 2019,and OH got the time she deserved.I do think I can get a bit faster in Chicago so we will wait and see.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Shades - ladies is sub 3.14

    Big G - I've mentioned before thst i stopped completely for 4 or 5 months to get rid of PF, and only run short a few times a week for about the same again......I would work on yoga, pilates etc to get loose and atrong if i had it again. You cpuld check your bike shoe set up etc too, anything to change the loading etc
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