
Shades Marathon Training



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    Ian - I think he's got life membership to the race.  
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    Ian - after you'd asked that question, I went onto the entry list just to see if you'd snuck an entry in  ;)

    5 miles this morning, missed the torrential rain and was quite pleasant conditions.  Plus, with the clocks changing the streetlights were on earlier as on this route I have two roads that I have to try and negotiate in near darkness.   Not much bounce in my legs, my weight is back to normal and I feel fine, I hope in a couple of days I'll be feeling fresher.   I haven't done much, if any, hilly runs lately, so Cornish will be a challenge.   But I'm looking forward to it.

    ION Abingdon sent out an email with a survey, haven't done mine yet.   But they posted on FB yesterday that they've had complaints about the cut off and it seems the complaints may have come from those that were disqualified for being over the time limit of 5:15.  I don't often post on FB but I did this time as their rules couldn't have been clearer and I knew what I had to do if I wanted to be in the race results.  Thankfully most of the FB posters also supported the race rules.   I run in many races with time limits and Abingdon had the clearest instructions re the cut off that I'd ever seen.
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    May be an image of text that says 2023 IRISH LIFE DUBLIN MARATHON ENTRIES the 2023 Irish Life Dublin Marathon will available from 9am on Thursday 3rd November Midnight on Wednesday 16th November available one entry per person will accepted 10 per lottery entry will be refunded admin charge lottery entry fee will against the entry fee not successful redeemable entry email SMS Friday 18th November will have until Midnight Thursday 24th redeem offer Any places not redeemed offered lottery the details which released closer two the date Irish Life Dublin Marathon organisers will also hold Athletics Ireland Good Age entries also Athletics Ireland National Marathon Championships
    Race date is 29th October 2023 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ian, I’m not sure about the ever present actually. I’ll drop a message to Chair about that shortly :) 

    I ‘forgot’ to mention the weekend’s marathon at the podiatrist but explained that I still have concerns. This one still thinks it’s more than likely PF as opposed to Baxter’s Nerve. He’s booked me in for an ultrasound next week and then, if that still shows as PF, he’ll put me on a course of 3 shockwave therapy sessions.
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    Big G - I wasn't sure about the ever present, I just had it in my head he has life membership, might have imagined it.  

    How could you 'forget' to mention the marathon  ;)   From what I read about Baxter's Nerve, that is usually resolved immediately after the injection, so it did look like you had PF.    That's good about the ultrasound and shockwave treatment, think that's expensive it you had to go private.

    Are you marshalling at Templer 10 this weekend?
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, I’m not marshalling this weekend. When they were looking for volunteers a couple of weeks ago I wasn’t feeling great, and I just felt if it was raining/cold I’d want to give it a miss. I’ve helped out at Totnes, DD and Heller though so it’s okay. 

    I think it’s fine me saying this, but Ladies 10k may not happen next year.  The owners of the caravan site that is used for the HQ are selling to the Caravan and Motorhome Club, and the thought is that they’ll not allow it. It’s not confirmed one way or another, but that is the current thought. 

    Torbay Half not happening next year either :( I did know about this as Chair and Torbay’s RD talk regularly and Chair warned me in relation to the club champs, but it’s official now. They do seem to be suggesting they’ll come back in 2024 though.  
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    Big G - right thing not to marshall in this weather, you do your fair share.

    I marshalled Templer 10 a few years ago when it was the old route.   At the roundabout Greenhill Way with VH and two policemen.   Freezing cold day.  As we had a fair time to wait between the runners going out and coming back we were able to keep warm in the police van.  :)

    Shame about Ladies 10k, love that race.   It's a great venue and probably impossible to replace.

    That's a surprise about Torbay Half, biggest race round here.  Would be nice if it came back with a nice course.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Chair had noticed the ever present hadn’t entered and he’s dropped him a message to check he’s ok. 

    Just had a blood test to check nothing else going on after my recent infection, and results are on Monday. Not expecting anything but it was suggested I get checked, so no problem. Also booked an asthma review for next week, and also covid booster for next week. 
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    I hope ever present is OK.   It must be quite a responsibility to run it every year as he is getting older, I mean that in the nicest way.

    I know him from years ago when we took part in track ultras.   I haven't had a conversation with him for a few years but last time I did he said he didn't do much running, more long distance walking so coming out to run DD can't be easy.

    Just as well to get all the medical checks done.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, I don’t know him, but the one time I did Chelmsford marathon he called out ‘Go Trotters’ or similar as I crossed the finish line. Unexpected as I was miles away from home but I recognised him and we had a brief chat. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ever present has just entered…. :) 
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    Big G - perhaps he was secretly hoping it would be full 😉

    Re you seeing him at Chelmsford, he runs for Essex Casuals I think.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Glad to hear ever present has entered.That’s some record.
    Shades-I think we  mentioned this last year but I'm really not a fan of how Dublin do their ballot,it seems wrong for people who don't get in to pay a €3 admin charge,if they get 50k,that's 150k,no ballot system costs that much to run,if they want to do a ballot,that should be built in to their costings.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ian, it’s a great record as you say. Just the thought of being that consistent, avoiding injury, illness etc over all those years is something I’ve not been able to do over my short time being interested in the DD!
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    Ian - I don't think it's just to cover costs, it's to stop time wasters entering such as London get.   

    The costs would be similar to the admin costs we pay for online race entry.   When a race uses an online race company there's often a charge to the runner entering the race and then another charge which the race pays for.  Fees are well in excess of 3 euro per entry, I've been treasurer of a marathon with online race entries.

    I wasn't sure at first when I read about this method but now I think it's a great idea, eliminates time wasters.

    They don't get 50k entrants.  Race limit I believe is 26k, only 15k finishers this year, don't know how many were deferred re Covid etc and DNS'd.   Ireland is struggling with race entries as we are here.  I expect everyone who enters the ballot will get in, that is until race entries pick up again.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Not sure if anyone was considering Brighton marathon, but possibly hold off from entering. I’ve seen quite a few people advising against entering, as the company are apparently struggling to pay debts. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    edited November 2022
    Shades-My complaint with them is that people who don't get in also have to pay the €3,I'd have no issue at all if they charged €50 and it was refunded fully if you didn't get in,and it comes off your entry fee if successful as I agree there are lots of time wasters in ballots.
    Big G-I have heard on a podcast Brighton are 1.2m in debt and haven't paid the prize money for the last 2 years.They are blaming covid which obviously added to their issues,but in 2018 they were 700k in debt,2019 800k,2020 1.6m(covid) 2021 1.2m so not a business going the right way,all numbers courtesy of companies house.
    They also ran the Ragnar relays in the UK and it was cancelled permanently no refunds at all.I wouldn't touch them with a barge pole.
    7 miles after work,couple if crappy days as we have a bad bug going around at the minute so lots off sick so needed to get out to clear the head.
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    Big G - Cheers I’d seen that story when I was looking at potential spring races. If they can’t afford the cash-flow to pay a couple of years’ winnings, which should be a minimal part of their overall budget, I suspected they didn’t have much of a chance of surviving very long. 

    Rest day today. Don’t think I need it as bug is clearing but that was the plan so stuck to it. I’m really looking forward to a couple of months of rebuilding my base. I know I’m a saddo but I’ve limited interest in even entering shorter races at this stage. I also need to start putting in miles as I’ve too much time on my hands while not working. I spent this afternoon consolidating mine and OH’s pensions and enjoyed it 🫣. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ian, strange isn’t it - the Brighton race has never interested me, probably partly because I’ve heard bad things about them over the years.  I think I did briefly look into it one time and was also put off by accommodation costs, and haven’t looked since. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-I've edited my original post with some numbers,not good reading.
    It's never struck me,mainly because it's so far,and races along the front are not at the top of my list unless they are close.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited November 2022
    It's not just prize money owed, there are others to be paid apparantly.
    They introduced a 3 or 5 yr membership which gave expo avoidance and number in the post, plus other perks, so some folks are only a couple of years into that. The folks of Brighton really embrace the race and turn out in force, so t's a popular race to run as its very well supported. Main downside its at the mercy of the weather. The South needs big races too, so i hope it continues.
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    Ian - but at the moment all ballot applicants do get a place so no money lost.   I'm not sure if I'd be comfortable paying say 50 euro up front without knowing if I had a place.  And that could end up costing us more than 3 euro if exchange rates had changed between payment and refund.   Of course it can work the other way, I made £5 profit when a hotel had to refund me when they accidentally charged me when I booked.

    Hope you avoid that sickness bug.

    Big G/Ian - I'd heard there were problems with Brighton, didn't realise it was that serious.   They'll go bust, no one is going to bail them out.  That explains why they didn't get their race permit, quite expensive for their size of race and I'm sure they'd have to pay upfront.   That's terrible they haven't paid the prize money, bet they've all had their fat salaries though.   Their situation reflects badly on our sport.  Another marathon lost.

    I've never done Brighton either, never really appealed to me as too expensive for race entry and accommodation.   I'm sure making you collect race number the day before put off a lot of runners.   They've changed that now, but too late.

    Rcouture - you don't have to do shorter races if you don't.   A shorter race will be more use close to your next marathon so you can assess your marathon training and potential marathon time.

    When you have the time to do admin, such as your pensions, it doesn't seem so much of a chore.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    TR-I didn't know about the 3 and 5 years, even harder to see how they are going to survive as those won't be paying entry fees so even less money coming in to a loss making business.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    I wouldn't have thought there'd be that many members though.
    Must add that the event brings in a massive amount of money each year to the local area (multi milions if i remember correctly), so I'm sure there would be an appetite to keep it going if possible.
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    TR - you've not had much luck with your planned marathons, now this with Brighton.

    The race may bring in a lot of revenue, partly due to hoteliers etc doubling the price of the accommodation available.   The race and the city have priced themselves out of the market and with the cost of living crisis runners aren't going to be prepared those sort of prices .    Brighton & Hove is a very rich and affluent area and popular with holidaymakers so won't suffer if the race folds.   Can't see the council bailing them out, councils are strapped for cash after Covid.

    When Tim Hutchings started Brighton Marathon, he and I had long lively discussions on this forum and by email about the price of the marathon, entry fees, parking, lack of t-shirt with a huge entry fee etc.  He, I believe, has no connection with the race now.

    Disappointing run this morning.   I slept quite well, RHR normal, felt fine but when I went to run just nothing there.   I don't have DOMS, legs feel good, just no energy.   I kept thinking if I go a bit further I'll be fine, but it never happened and at 3.5 miles I turned off my Garmin and walked the last 1.5 miles home.   Very disappointing, looks like I will have to DNS Cornish.   Cornish is one of my favourite marathons and there's no pressure re time.   I guess I still have some post viral symptoms from that bug I had.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Shades - shame you're still not 100%, I feel your pain as im still not back to the fitness i had at the start of Sept (pace vs HR)........he is still a director of grounded events and still involved on race day, expo etc.....I hear those points and agree that some look elsewhere now, I did it in 2019 and there were lots under 2.20 (won in 2.15 ish) and first lady was 2.35ish, those folks are gone, but its still popular with those that want a bigger race feel with lots of crowd support, those folks dont want to run Yeovil or North Dorset like we would........I saw North Dorset is set for Apr 30th btw.
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    TR - annoying thing I feel fine, eating, sleeping OK.   However, I do feel tired and when I look back on this week since I got home from Dublin, I've been very lethargic.   When I ran today my HR was very low and didn't have the energy to push it up a little.

    I think the pandemic was/is the final straw for Brighton to recover their financial situation.   Many races are struggling with race entries.   It's good that TH is still connected with the race, but I think the economic situation makes it difficult to attract financing/sponsorship even with his influence.

    I was chatting on the plane to a runner from Yeovil area and I asked about the marathon, he said he's heard nothing about it returning.  With Taunton going too, that's another in the South West to go.

    I already have North Dorset pencilled in.   Innes is very organised and a couple of days after this year's race she emailed with the date of the 2023 race, I see she has the race permits already on RunBritain.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    That’s frustrating, Shades :(
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    Big G - yes, it's very frustrating.   If Sunday was to be a warmish day I'm sure I could tootle round and enjoy the lovely course.  

    Not going to be awful conditions, but heavy showers and strong breezes and feels like 7 or 8.  I think I'd be cold and miserable, you know how cold it can be there.

    I'm feeling the cold today, have cranked up the heating and am on the sofa, I do feel tired.

    INON I hear the Exmouth 5k was a challenge as there was a storm, they had to shorten the course and only about 25 runners.
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    Rest day today.    RHR is raised today, not massively but out of normal range.   I still feel tired.   Did a Covid test yesterday, negative.    Had a very lazy day, mostly on the sofa.   

    Only thing that created a spurt of energy was receiving a £60/100 parking fine from the M4 services where I stayed pre Abingdon.   I did give the dozy receptionist my registration number.  Easy to appeal now so managed to get off the sofa for that.

    Will go for a short walk this morning, just for some fresh air.
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