
Shades Marathon Training



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    Ian - sorry to hear the leg is still playing up.  You're rushed off your feet work wise at this time of year so good idea to back off the running to 3 times a week for now.

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    Rob - Hope the bug passes soon 

    Big G - Nice run

    Shades - Is that curry with the Turkey you had? I love me a turkey/goose curry. Best part of holiday leftovers. 

    Ian - Bad news on the leg. Very jealous of your Tokyo trip, should be fantastic. Are all the details sorted?

    8 miles this afternoon. Couldn’t go earlier as out at a lunch. Combination of wine from said lunch, persistent ice and feels like -5 made for an unpleasant run but there we are. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-We have been crazy the last couple of months,due to cost of living mainly,our sales are up over 30% since July,and we have come from a big base.
    Rcouture-I have most things sorted for Tokyo,just need to plan a little more around my free days as I have 4 free before the race.
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    Shades Essex and Halstead marathon date in their website 14th May 2023
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    edited December 2022
    Ian - that's good news re the increase in sales.   I'm sure the trend is the same down here.   They've started building a new Aldi at Kingskerswell now, about 3 miles from me.   :)

    Rcouture - at least you got the run done, no sympathy re the wine though  ;)

    No, I don't usually curry the turkey leftovers.   I chop it up into portions and freeze it.   The breast meat I'll eat as more roast meals or sometimes stir fry.  The rest is portioned and as I usually have soup for lunch, I microwave a portion and chuck it in the soup, which makes the soup more filling and also increases the protein as I'm still trying to stick to 30% protein every day.  I love turkey and can quite happily eat it every day.

    I made yesterday's curry with chicken thighs.  When did a quick taste it was a bit too spicy and had to reach for the water, but the time it had cooked for longer and with some rice it was just the right amount of spice for me.  I got hot less than 5 minutes after starting to eat it, it was very warming.

    Robert - thanks for the good news re Halstead, we were right guessing the date.   I did look at the website a few days ago.

    I have run today. :):)  Felt so good to be out running again despite the 'feels like' of -8 today.   Sharp cold wind which has dried out the roads/pavements so only a couple of icy patches usually at junctions to avoid.   Only just over 5 miles, but that's about my limit before my legs start to complain.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Very cold on my morning walk with Tigg first thing. Roads totally dry so it would have been fine for running here. It wasn’t a strong wind, but what wind there was was very cold. 

    Zwift race this morning was very enjoyable. I won’t be able to do next week’s but all being well I’ll do the week after. 

    Final bits of stress this afternoon with making sure Dad is fine whilst we are away, and then driving to Dover tomorrow. Hoping to get a run in before we go but I’ll see. 
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    Big G - not allowed to take your bike/Zwift to NL then 😉

    Hope all plans re your Dad goes well so you can relax and enjoy your Xmas.

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, sounds silly I know, but if we had the room, I would take it the Zwift stuff!  But, I am hoping to get some runs in over there.  When I was there in the summer I wasn't able to do any running due to my foot, but I can now, so that is good.  I really enjoy running in new places, so looking forward to that.
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    Shades - Great that you were finally able to get out

    Big G- Enjoy NL

    8 miles this afternoon. Meant to be 10 but had a calf twinge so thought I better call it. I know what it is too which is annoying as I’ve worn my low drop trail shoes all week due to the ice whereas I am religious about swapping daily normally. Anyway just a 1-2 on the pain scale and can’t feel it post run so hopefully minor. Happen to be seeing physio tomorrow which is handy. 

    We are off to Senegal on Sunday for 10 days to see family. Today it was a ‘feels like 35’ over there so I’m interested to see what a 40 degree swing in running conditions feels like!

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-Have a good trip across.
    Rcouture-Sounds amazing,I'm off to Anglesey on Sunday 🤣
    7 miles today,went a different way and there was lots of ice so won't be going that way for a few days,looks tropical on Monday,showing 13° now.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    RCouture, enjoy!

    I think I may have mentioned but there was a genuine Black Friday 2-4-1 deal on the Kitbrix bags. I don’t need both so I put a post on the Tri club Facebook page and got half the cash back so I’m pleased with that. 
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    Rcouture - you should speak to Andrew Wallace - he's just come back from visiting family in Australia, where it's summer. Saw him on Tooting Common this morning and I think the cold was a bit of a shock for him.

    Speaking of, haven't run all week. Far too icy. I know some people are but I don't trust the ground when it's frosty let alone icy.
    I'm also thinking I'll likely DNS the race on Sunday - I've not managed to arrange a lift (it's in Guildford) yet and the weather still looks awful.
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    edited December 2022
    Big G - couldn't agree more about taking the opportunity to run in new/strange places.   One of the reasons I don't skip my recovery run post marathon, I've had some lovely runs in various places.

    Rcouture - does sound like the calf twinge is due to having to use the low drop shoes several days in a row.

    How are you getting on with the flossing exercises?   I haven't sourced a flossing routine to do yet, but it's on my task list.

    Wow, that definitely will be warm weather training in Senegal.   Hope you all have a lovely time and enjoy the heat.

    Ian - Anglesey is lovely, perhaps a bit chilly this time of year.    They used to have a good marathon there.

    Cal - I don't blame you for not attempting to run, it's just not worth the risk.   I didn't realise you had a race on Sunday.   It's not so much running the race in winter weather that's the challenge but the waiting around before that can be pretty grim.

    I was so pleased to finally get out for a run yesterday, I definitely had cabin fever.   I wasn't so keen when I got up this morning but although we've had a very heavy frost and it's 'feels like' -8 again I got ready.   Takes ages with all the layers to put on, 2 tops, lightweight jacket, tights, hat, buff, 2 pairs of gloves.  By the time I'd done all that I was in the mood for a run but when I got outside, I thought the downhill didn't look so good so headed off in the same direction as yesterday as I'd seen from my flat the pavement was dry and safe.   But I only got a minute down the road and the road and pavements were all frosted over as the road opened up and looking unsafe.   I switched off my Garmin and walked on the verge to the edge of the park where I had done laps last week, thought I would check the perimeter road by walking it, streetlighting is poor here but there are trees that usually protect the road from frost.  But I hadn't got very far and the road had ice on it, so reluctantly I walked home.   It is cold out there.

    When I was younger I used to count the days to Christmas.   Now I count the days until the frost and cold weather goes away.
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    Good to see you all running well! Not much to report here, built back up slowly after my ultra to run a half in September, but felt tough out on the course and came home in 1:26, when I was hoping for somewhere around 1:24. Just been ticking over with easy 40+ mile weeks, but started an 18 week P&D plan this week, which should take me to either Newport or Boston UK, not decided on which one yet.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Good to hear from you Steve. You’re still getting out really aren’t you?  5am-ish?

    8 miles for me today. Cold, but a really nice morning with clear skies and nice sunrise. Quite a hilly route, away from Torquay due to that blasted bridge, but really enjoyable. A couple of parts I had to tread a bit carefully where it was open, but generally it was okay to run on today. 
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    Big G - Sounds like a great run, the sunrises at this time of year really are spectacular sometimes.
    Yes, still getting out around 5am to run before work, which is easy to do in summer, but much harder when it's -5c outside!!
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    Steve - great to hear you're still running well and early mornings too.
    1:26 is a very good time, even if it wasn't what you were looking for on the day.

    I expect you've got another half planned before your spring marathon.

    Big G - good you could get a run done before your long drive.   Must have been the advantage of the sea breezes to keep your run mostly ice free today   Cars are still frosted over here.
    Have a good journey.
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    Shades - i don’t know if it’s the flossing or the hamstring focused strength work but I’ve not felt the funny hammy since. Re a routine I wasn’t aware there were other parts of the body where you could floss the nerve?

    8 miles earlier. Beautiful out and yesterday’s calf issue was non existent. I’m hoping to get out for a 20 tomorrow when it’s supposedly going to warm up to a balmy 5 degrees.
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    Rcouture - that's good the hamstring is behaving, the calf too.

    I need to do more research but I think the sciatic nerve is the one you'd be working on for the hamstring. 

    For me I think it's the femoral nerve which gives me twinges down my right quad.  I have also had occasionally a twinge in the outside of lower leg so will check that out too.  My mileage is very low and I'm not racing so haven't had any twinges for a while.  I'll find a few stretches, many we used to do on a regular basis in Pilates.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Dreadful drive up to Dover yesterday, with numerous accidents and very heavy traffic, I think at least partly exacerbated by the rail strike. But we made it to the hotel which is only 5mins from the ferry, so hoping everything on time today. We’re planning on stopping in Ghent on the way to NL, which is about an hour’s drive from Dunkirk ferry terminal.
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    Big G - that must have been a tortuous drive yesterday, hope the rest of your journey is much better.  

    I woke up at 2 a.m. and got up and had a quick look out the window to see what the roads/weather were like.   Looked OK, light frost on the cars and the roads didn't look as bad as yesterday.   Back to bed and up at 5:30, all looked the same.   Put the washing on and made a coffee and in that time, it had started to rain/sleet and cars are driving really slowly up my road as rain is falling on sub zero road surface.  So not going to risk running today.  Thaw should start today  :)   Tomorrow should be able to turn down the heating too.   
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    Just as well I didn't attempt a run.   The rain has frozen and sheet ice on all of the road and the pavements.   A few brave pedestrians are tottering up the middle of the road looking terrified.
    It will stay like that until the thaw as they don't grit our road and we don't have a grit bin.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Torbay and Seaton parkruns have been cancelled this morning so sounds like it’s quite bad nearby (Torbay went ahead last week). 
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    edited December 2022
    Big G - it's a million times worse this week.   Sheet ice everywhere, virtually no traffic on my road now and hardly any on the main road.  It's as quiet now as when we had full lockdown.

    One pedestrian was struggling to negotiate the ice and looked quite frightened.  A police car came along and gave him a lift.

    I was hoping to get to the gym today but no chance of that.
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    edited December 2022
     Big G  - just as well you set off yesterday, it's carnage out there.

    Newton to Exeter road closed due to multiple cars hitting barrier due to black ice 
    Penn inn to Sainsbury’s from Torquay closed due to car on roof 
    3 buses in various places have come off the road.

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    Shades :we have similar conditions as well.It was like an ice rink outside on my patio as postie had put a parcel in garden storage bin.I almost fell over three times so decided I am not running.A bit disappointed as been ill for 6 weeks and today was first day RHR normal after being +38 butnot risking another fall.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    WP - that's scarily high RHR readings.   You must have been so poorly.   Good that you've finally recovered.   Another day not running will do you no harm and milder weather is on its way.  Don't mind the wind and the rain as long as it's warmer and ice free.

    I can only remember it ever being this bad before when I couldn't even walk the one mile to work because of sheet ice.

    This morning there are reports that some pedestrians are only managing to negotiate the hills on their hands and knees.   Others are taking their shoes off and despite the cold walking in their socks.
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    Shades: That is the way I am looking at it even if first day back is Monday.As about 9 weeks ago I fell and bruised my ribs.The illness was the worst I have ever had unable to get out of bed some days  with awful migraines but thank goodness I am better :) But I never thought RHR would drop again as so high for a long time.

    We have move to near the mountains so a first winter for us.But this is the worse winter in maybe 14 years I have never known anything like it.

    People are crazy to go out in this I told Mr WP I am not going to go out for a walk I value my bones too much.

    Can you do gym work at home even if a S+C workout?
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    I am glad you are on the mend, WP - that sounds absolutely horrible.

    Shades, not good!

    I have broken my running duck for the week by going to Wanstead Flats parkrun. It's one I've done before but it's one of the few that was a) running in London and b) I could get to on the tube. And there were a lot of other people there with the same idea. It's a flat, trail and grass two lap course but it was all on snow today and pretty magical. I found it quite runnable but a bit tough on the legs (probably from stabilising) and lungs from the freezing air, so my time was an underwhelming 30:34 - however, it was so beautiful I think it's one of my favourite parkrun experiences to date. (Picture was taken by another parkrun friend but I've borrowed it for illustration purposes).

    I have also secured a lift for tomorrow, god help me, so I'll be doing the Mince Pi run. But as it's laps I can do as many or as few as I want (I just hope the clubmate I'm getting the lift from isn't set on doing an ultra!)
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    WP - let's hope we don't get too much ice etc for the rest of the winter.   Can manage when it's the odd day or two but when it goes on for a long time it's awful.

    No, won't do workout at home.   I have some weights but nothing replicates the gym.   Plus don't enjoy doing stuff at home.

    I think a lot of people here were caught out by the weather.   The sheet ice didn't happen until 8ish and some were probably already out.   If I'd gone for a run it would have frozen while I was out and would probably have taken me a couple of hours to try and get home again.

    It's starting to thaw now but parts are still frozen, only seen one car use the road to our car park.

    Cal - must be a relief you could finally get out for a run this week.   All parkruns cancelled here today and they even closed the library too! 

    Good luck for tomorrow hope conditions are good for the race.
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