
Shades Marathon Training



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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, yeah, I saw that about race number 1. 3 marathons in 3 weeks seems a bit of a long shot at the moment, but we shall see. I didn’t request it, but I did have a brief discussion with her earlier this year, as I was considering the race for my 100th, because at the time things were a bit up in the air with P&O and getting to Belfast. I can’t remember how I had an entry now exactly as it must have been a deferral, and then when I confirmed I was going to Belfast, she deferred it again, even though that was very, very close to this year’s race, which was very kind of her. 

    6 miles today, at an early (for me) 6:30 start. I was dressed up quite warm and although it was nice to be out, it was painfully slow. 

    I don’t know the ins and outs but there has been some issue at the Zwift club I’ve been riding for, and a load of my teammates have left (I mean, about 40 have left). It’s odd as it’s highly unlikely I’ll ever meet any of them, but we’ve got to know each other so I’ve left as well, and we’ve joined a different team and can still riding together at TTTs.  It all happened when I was away but I think the guy who organises the teams was getting fed up because the old club were leaning more towards organising just social rides, but he’s not interested in that (neither am I really) so he joined a club that is more race focussed and the racers followed him. The new club seems really good as they’ve a phone app where you register your interest each week, and it’s really easy to use. 
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    Big G - didn't you have a deferred entry from 2020.   The event was cancelled in 2021 too.

    I'm sure you can manage 3 in 3 weeks and fortunately NDVM is the last of the 3 and you wouldn't be looking for a PB there.

    I'm looking at Belfast for next year as for once it doesn't clash with NDVM, need Halstead to announce their race date before I make any bookings.

    Virtual politics at Zwift.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, regarding the Portuguese pastries, we went down to an area called Bellem, especially because there is a place there where they were invented. Estimates are they sell 20000 a day. We went in and it was very busy but we got a seat, and trays like this were being regularly produced, alongside lots of other stuff. The pastries were warm and totally gorgeous. Very well priced too - they could probably have hiked the prices up as they’re so well known, but everything was very affordable in there.  It’s called Paestis de Bellem if you’re ever down there :) 

    I think maybe you’re right. In regard to races as with lots of other things, Covid has made the last couple of years a bit of a blur for me, but probably I had an entry for 2020. 
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    They look delicious.

    You will see them in good bakeries for sale in this country but haven't tried them so don't know how they compare in quality/taste.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, there’s a cafe near me that do them. Actually, before we went, Lidl had some frozen ones that you bake in the oven, and they weren’t bad at all. But obviously the fresh, still warm ones over there were great!
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-Glad you had a good time away.
    Shades-I've been looking at next year,I'm done for the spring but nothing planned for the Autumn yet,mainly because of the wedding and India.
    I am going to redo my list of races I want to do and I might see if any are next autumn.1 was Moscow so I can cross that off the list.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ian, in the past I have spent a silly amount of time looking at marathons in each European country, and daydreaming about visiting each country for an event. I stress ‘daydreaming’ - it won’t come to reality!
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    8 miles this morning. Painfully cold. A chap I’ve seen in the common a couple of times pulled up for a chat. He started pointedly asking me why I ran so slowly, whether I had an injury and that he could give me some workouts if I wanted 😀. The tone was clear that I wouldn’t get anywhere plodding about.  I cba to have a debate so just said I enjoyed it and was nursing some injuries. The cheek. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Rcouture-Should have asked him what his best time is,likelihood is its a lot slower than you 😁
    Big G-That would be some club to belong to that,probably is someone who's done it though.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Rcouture, I occasionally had some funny looks from a couple of local runners when I was HR training, as they ran past me whilst I was plodding along doing my own thing in training. I thrashed them at my local Half and the Tri club’s 5K though :) 

    Ian, I do know of one person in 100MC who has done the European countries. I don’t know him personally though, but I expect there are others. Doing the US states is apparently a thing too - I think I’m right in saying that Foxy (Enigma Running) has done that. 
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    Big G - love the 'training' with the Lidl custard tarts before heading for Portugal and the real thing.  :)

    Ian - maybe not the right time to do Moscow marathon 😉 

    I expect there's quite a few in the 100mc that have done numerous countries on their marathon travels.   If you really want to splash the cash there's a 50 states running club which you can join when you've done 50 marathons in 50 states in the USA.   A few of the UK 100mc members have done that too.

    A bit closer to home and a lot cheaper the 100mc club used to give awards for marathons in 50 counties of UK and Ireland.  I achieved my 50 counties quite a few years ago. 

    Rcouture - what a cheek.  Obviously not an experienced runner.  😡
    I bet you could wipe the floor with him at a race.
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    I could definitely go for a cheese advent calendar... One of my running friends has got a beauty advent calendar with a different product each day, which she has been using and posting photos of. Not a bad idea.
    Glad you had fun in Lisbon, Big G. I remember going when I was 13 (my folks and I stayed in Estoril but had a lot of day trips). It's a hilly part of the world, I think - I remember Sintra was up a big hill, too. Not sure what the races there are like but not flat, I'd imagine.
    TR, excellent job. You must've finished close to one of my club mates as he ran 2:56, which was a nice PB for him.

    I was going to rest today and run tomorrow but tomorrow will be minus temps so I thought I'd be better off running today in case of slippery frost. Still, I did find myself questioning that decision during the run as I found it tough and I'm not entirely sure why. My legs felt pretty good yesterday but not today. I was well rested and went out later so ate beforehand, and yet I spent the whole running feeling lead-legged and feeling like I couldn't quite get enough air (I wasn't out of breath so I put this down to the fact the air was very cold...either that or I've developed asthma in my old age). 
    My pace was actually quicker than it felt (I was in a hoody so not looking at my watch) so perhaps it's that, too, though I wasn't running by any means fast. But either way, not a very enjoyable run.
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    Cal - I've heard good reports about Lisbon marathon.  It's a train journey to Cascais to the start and is flat and fast, alongside river and sea.  October I think.

    We've got minus temperatures for the next three mornings, just hoping there's no ice.   Lots of runners are affected by the very cold air. 

    Is your vertigo/dizziness getting better now?
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    TR-That's another great time,yourself and some of the other guys here are a big inspiration,at times I think I'm doing running fast I see what you guys do and think it's not over yet.
    Legs were a bit sore today but I went out for 7,if they stay at this level I'm OK.
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    Not really, Shades - it comes and goes. I should probably see a GP but probs won't get an appointment any time soon. At least it doesn't affect me when I'm running. 

    Good stuff, Ian.
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    Cal - good it doesn't affect you running. 

     Not something I've suffered with but even with meds I believe it can be a slow recovery.

    Ian - legs?  Is it both legs that are troubling you or was that a typo?
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-No,just the left leg.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Ian - i had to stop for a while in 2016/17 due to injury and arnt quite what i was, but agreed you can keep going ok in your 50's. So plenty of time for you yet to keep improving. Consistent running year round is what helps.
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    Ian - phew, that's good.
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    7 miles this morning.   Bitterly cold, heavy frost but roads/pavements dry to run on.   My legs were struggling to function after 4 miles but I'm trying to get my mileage up so didn't want to cut run short.  Feels like was -5 when I went out.   
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Had a tough race this morning in my new team colours on Zwift. 2 laps on a hilly route is not my preferred course, but I held on and finished in the team without getting dropped, so I’ll take that. I haven’t ridden since last Wednesday so it was quite a reintroduction to Zwift, as I didn’t have time for an easy ride yesterday or the day before. 
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    10 miles this morning. I’d forgotten that I’d arranged to run with my now ex colleague who’s a neighbour. I’m not normally a fan of my easy MAF runs with others but we ended up chatting away throughout and I stayed nicely in zone 2. Cold but sunny and stunning along the Thames. 
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    Big G - not keen on hills even on Zwift ? 😉

    Rcouture - not easy to stick to your desired HR when running in company.
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    Was hoping to do 7 miles this morning.  Very cold again, -3 with a 'feels like' of -7 according to the weather apps.   But I didn't find it so bad this morning, maybe because there was no wind.   I decided to start my run with a lap through the town so should I find it too cold in the latter stages of my run I could shorten the route home.   Set off on the main road through town but had to stop 4 times in the first 5 minutes to negotiate the ice on the pavements, caused by the salting again, doesn't appear to be any grit  :#  Then onto the main road out of town, narrow pavements here and had to turn back after a minute due to ice again.   Headed back towards home and then did 6 laps of a little park near my home, perimeter roads bone dry here and safe to run on, very little traffic.  But of course being Devon, not flat, park is squarish with 4 sides. 1.5 sides gentle uphill, 1.5 sides gentle downhill and one side flat.  Mentally couldn't do more than 6 laps, ended up with just over 5 miles.

    Gym later
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    I went out a bit later, after walking the dog first thing, and it was still very cold when I went out. But I wrapped up in leggings, gloves, hat and my new jacket and I was quite toasty and enjoyed the 6.5 mile part countryside/part seaside run out today. 

    I’m pleased I’m not down at Plym Trail this weekend though!
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    Shades - What’s your next race again?

    8 miles this morning. Unpleasantly cold so the common was deserted which I like as it feels even more like you’re in the middle of nowhere rather than the city. Have picked up what feels like the umpteenth bug again but so far it’s just a head cold, HR/HRV are fine and no one else at home is ill. Hoping it passes quick as have planned 17 miles tomorrow morning. 
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    Big G - takes ages piling on all the kit for a run in this weather.   Never mind the amount of washing which has doubled.

    I'm going to wait for daylight tomorrow and should be able to do my 7 miles without any icy stretches, away from the salted roads.

    Although Plym Trail is sheltered I still wouldn't want to do a marathon in this weather, at least there is the village hall there and hot drinks, neither at RED's usual location for their races.

    Rcouture - my next marathon isn't until April, Great Welsh.   I may do a half in March.   

    When is your next race?

    Hope that cold clears quickly, at least you can't blame the girls this time 😉
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    Shades - Ah yes you don’t race in winter. Is that due to temps? 

    I’ve a half at end of feb as a tune up for Barcelona. I’d considered some shorter stuff but would rather focus on base/marathon training as time is going to be tough to find from Xmas onwards basically. I may even revisit that half and find one earlier since as it stands it’s exactly 3 weeks before the mara which feels too close to me. Maybe I’m being too pedantic as usual though. 

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    I know we all know about low HR training, but here is a good interview. 

    I hadn’t heard of him, but it’s with Gareth King from NI who went from 3:36 to 2:27 in the marathon, and has also won distance records for NI, and he’s 42. He talks about the importance of base building and how he added some speed work when he plateaued, and diet, etc, and he mentioned HADD in passing too. It’s quite long but I enjoyed it. 
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