
Shades Marathon Training



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    Big G - wow, that's some hill/cliff to climb after a long distance. It looks physically impossible.

    Are you training for the Tour de France? 

    Robert - yes, I read that about how long some of the union's have left to be able to pay strike pay.  I can't see the public willing to support the strikes with donations. 
    The NHS apparently have 50 million in their strike fund so they're OK.  It saddens me that union members contributions aren't put to better use.

    Rest day for you tomorrow then.  Hope you've got another jacket to be able to use on Sunday.
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    6 miles today.   Didn't wait for dawn as it was forecast to get colder, which it did.   OK where I live but got progressively colder on my run and the wet cars and roads were icing over on my return trip.   Not the best of weather for my recovering head cold.

    I'm so confused about what day it is, thought it was Tuesday today  :/
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    edited January 2023
    Robert, I had a plate of biscuits and all the stuff around me :) 

    Shades, that’s the toughest climb on Zwift. It was surprisingly busy yesterday on the climb, with people kicking off their new year I suppose. There are much shorter ways to get that though, without doing 80 miles first!  Zwift does also have Ventoux in the game, but it’s not has hard. You know Gobi, don’t you?  He’s a prolific (and very good) Zwifter these days. He’s done AdH in the game and in real life and says they’re comparable. He’s also gone up AdH in real life on a Brompton :) 
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    Big G - so when are you going to do AdH for real?  ;)   Not expecting you to do it on a Brompton though.  

    Yes, I know Gobi, forums and I've met him a few times too, when he used to run ultras.  

    Are you sore after yesterday?
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Quads are a bit sore, and I was ravenous after the ride, but otherwise I feel ok. It may sound strange but all the riding I did was on Zwift last year, with 0 miles outside. I know quite a few like that as well.  It’s not the same as riding outside due to bike handling etc not being needed so it is a different form of exercise, but it is one of those things I started through lockdown that probably I wouldn’t have if it wasn’t for that. If I did decide to get the bike outside it would need a full service as a lot of the bolts around the handlebars etc are corroded from the sweat. It’s fine for Zwift but you don’t want the handlebars falling off whilst going down the Haytor hill at speed!  Basically all I do for Zwifting is keep the chain and gears in reasonable order. 
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    Good lord, Big G - does your bum not get sore on a ride like that?

    With NYD parkrun yesterday, I decided I'd do my long run today as it's still a bank holiday (generally I dislike doing long runs on weekdays due to traffic - I hate having to stop to cross roads). Ended up running 14 miles and it felt pretty good for the most part. Aside from the first two miles, all subsequent miles were under 11 pace and I averaged 10:41 for the whole run. HR was high-ish (150s and 160s, though got up to 171 for the last mile) but some of that will be dehydration as I didn't take water on this run (felt fine though). It felt sustainable and cadence was better, too. I felt a bit more like my old self on this run despite carrying some Christmas ballast (yeah I gained a few pounds). 
    I've more or less decided that I'm not going to do any more slow recovery runs because I'm almost certain that's what's behind the drop off in cadence and stride length. Any recovery stuff I do will be walking or the elliptical where I can still get a sweat on without having to worry about heart rate.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Well padded cycling shorts help, Cal. :) 
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    Big G - you're not painting a pretty picture with the sweat encrusted bike 😉

    Cal - couldn't agree more with the frustration of having to stop to cross roads etc.  I'd much rather run at quieter times to avoid that.

    Busy morning, finalising my 2023 budget, can only afford 3 oversea's trips, rest of my races will be England and Wales.  As I promised to go to Longford I'll have to ditch plans to go to the IOM.   But all dependent on being able to get accommodation in Longford, there's only one hotel and at the moment I believe it's being used to house Ukrainian refugees.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-I don't know if that bike ride is impressive or psychotic 🤣
    Drove back from Llangollen today,ibhate going to cheshire oaks outlet village but as we were driving past we decided to pop in,glad we did,I got a pair of 1080's for £56 and a pair of Invincibles for £55.
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    Ian - excellent shopping.   

    Which version of the 1080's did you get?
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    edited January 2023
    Shades - Which overseas races have you got in mind? Yes I think the calf is the same issue as what I had a couple of weeks back from too many runs in low drop shoes. Was pretty well behaved today. 

    Big G - That’s as many calories as I had for my Xmas dinner. The social aspect of zwift does sound fun. 

    Cal - Nice long run

    Ian - Some good deals there. I find myself enjoying the invincibles more than any shoe by some distance at the moment. 

    18 miles along the river to London Bridge. Found the last third of it hard as was very underfuelled. Had no time for breakfast as busy with the girls and helping neighbour which was compounded by forgetting my tailwind so only had a couple of gels. HR was also high though so maybe I’m just not as fit as I think. Anyway it’s banked and no major niggles so we move on. The route is also what I would take for the new commute and that works out at just under 9 miles so doable 2-3x a week. 
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    Rcouture - that's a nice route, actually. Back in the 90s I worked in London Bridge during a spell when they closed the Bank branch of the Northern Line, so I'd walk along the river from Waterloo. Lots to see there with the Tate Modern, Globe and Golden Hind, amongst other things.
    I do all my long runs before breakfast so I guess I'm used to that. Your HR was probably high from dehydration too.

    Ian, that's a great deal. I like the Invincibles too. They are very cushy.

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    Rcouture - it hasn't taken you long to get back to the long runs after your time away.   I expect your HR was a bit higher due to rushing around before your run.   Not good to do long runs fasted.  If it happens again take some cash and you can always buy a snack mid run if you feel you need something more. 😋

    Connemarathon Ultra, Longford and Frankfurt.
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    Shades - I wouldn’t ever do more than 7-8 miles fasted normally. I did consider buying a snickers but very little was open today along the river. Speaking of Frankfurt/German marathons, the charity I entered for Berlin still haven’t got back to me to confirm after about 5 weeks despite confirming with a mate who entered at the same time which is a bit weird. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-I got the v11,wore them today.
    Rcouture-I love the invincibles,just seem to recover well from them.
    10m today when we got home,all good on the run but leg was pretty sore after.
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    Rcouture - being a bank holiday not much chance of a freshly made doughnut either 😢 

    Better chase up that Berlin place.

    Ian - haven't tried the V11's and you're the first person I know to have done so.  

    That's annoying about the leg, I don't suppose you've had time lately to keep up with the rehab.
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    Rcouture - hope the new job goes well today.   I'm very envious, I used to love starting a new job, I really miss that.

    8 miles today, very wet and very windy, but lovely and mild so I really enjoyed it although couldn't keep my HR down battling into the worst of the wind.   I had a really good run though.   Lots of traffic today, the world seems to be back at work.   

    Big G - you might have trouble getting Tigg out the door this morning.   ;)
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    I do have a pair of V11s here, but not tried them yet as I got them just before I was injured I think. Same with the Streakflys, as they’re still unused too. 
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    Big G - will be interested to hear what you think of them when you get round to using them.   I've just started using my last pair of boxed V10's, that's 3 pairs in current use.    I no longer race in the 1080's but do like them for training.   I have been looking at shoes, purely research  ;), the V12's are holding their price so far.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Rcouture-Good luck on the job.
    Shades-There doesn't appear to be much difference between the 10 and 11,might go again once the Jan rush is over and see if they have more available.
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    Ian - re the V11's, that's good.   What about sizing?   Many had to go up half a size for the 1080's.   I understand the V12's are much roomier.

    When I was in Dublin I intended to go into a running shop and try on a pair of the V12's, just for sizing purposes.  Unfortunately, by the time I got near the shops my feet were soaked from the heavy rain so unable to try any on.
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    Ian - Good price on those 1080's! Really like my pair.
    14 miles this morning, will be back to my Weds double days tomorrow.
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    Steve nice 14 miles

    Ian great bit of shoe shopping

    Shades 3 great overseas races, I’m still undecided on Silesia.

    Rcouture hope the new job went well

    Cal well done on the long run

    4.6 wet and windy miles this evening before my first spin class for three years, instructor nearly fell off her bike when I showed up.

    have marathons 36-39 all booked in, just waiting for halstead to open entries 

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    Steve - good to see you're still getting up at the crack of dawn to do your training.   :)

    Robert - I have already put Silesia on the list, however, easily removed if you decide not to go.

    Impressive going back to your spin class.   I booked Pilates for yesterday and chickened out and cancelled.   I am going to rebook for next week

    What are your 36-39 marathons?

    I'm waiting for Halstead to open entries up too  :)

    Rest day for me today.  I woke early as usual so was in the gym at 6:30 am and did a 75 minute session on legs and glutes.   Gym was fairly busy, good to catch up with a few folk that I've not seen for agers.   They do have some new members joining, instructor did 4 inductions yesterday and has another 2 today.

    Went onto Aldi for food shop, nice array of fitness stuff on offer, bought a pair of weight training gloves.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Looks like you’ve got some plans coming together, Robert :) 

    I had a rest day yesterday but did about 90mins today and Monday on Zwift. I’ve got my 2nd shockwave session this afternoon.  
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    Shades I was surprised that there weren’t many at the gym yesterday, the influx of newbies hasn’t hit.

    Big G not sure how you spend so long on the bike! One spin session and aching.

    rest day today, few aches and tightness after spin.

    2023 plan

    8th Jan - East Hanningfield
    19th Feb - Hockley Woods Trail Challenge (6 hour loops)
    12th Mar - Cambridge Boundary Run
    23rd April - St George’s day challenge
    14th May -Halstead 
    28th May - Fox ultra
    9th Jul - Essex 30
    17th Jul - FVC
    1st/8th Oct Silesia/ Dorney Lake
    22nd Oct Beachy Head Marathon

    may consider stort 30 the week after BH, speaking with ATW they are still looking at Wendover Woods again so would consider that potentially.

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    Rob - That’s a rich looking plan. Puts me to shame as not got round to signing up for things. 

    New job been a real shock to the system after 3 months 😂. Lots to learn but colleagues seem sensible at first glance. Managed a run before heading to work this morning and will try a longer run commute tomorrow. First clear benefit of this job is that I start at 8:30-9 like normal people as opposed to the 6:45-7 from the last 15 years. Not sure yet if I’ll run in or run back most days. Latter is better in terms of managing work clothes etc…
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Rob, in fairness, spinning is pretty high intensity stuff isn’t it?  I do most of my Zwifting in Zone 2, with the occasional race where it’s really hard work!

    rcouture, great news about the job and the run-commute is workable for you. 
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    Rcouture im a nightmare for making plans, in the past I’ve regretted as by the time races came round I had changed my mind.

    Glad the job is going well, the people are the important part as you spend so much time with them.

    Big G, spin is pretty intense, I was ready to leave after 10 mins and spent the next 30 mins watching the clock! 

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