
Shades Marathon Training



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    Yeah, the issue is a I need a new bladder - the correct one for my vest has been out of stock every time I've tried to replace it (last one sprang a leek). I've got the water bottles for it but having the weight at the front instead of the back seems to result in neck chafing (I've got the scars to prove it) though I can wear more layers as it's colder.

    Going by your run, I think I got off lightly with some drizzle!
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Rcouture-Basically the same as the others,as long as you're not feeling drained after your runs them you'll be good to carry on.
    Shades-We had a little rain but nothing along those lines here.
    Big G-At the start of the week it was pretty sore after my 10,I decided to go back to my stability shoes for most of my runs and I've managed 2 runs with no lingering pain.My pace has gone through the floor though,it's probably been 5 years since I've been running this slow,it's hard but I know I need to keep at it and eventually it will get better.I was pretty down about it on Tuesday but have picked up again.
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    Cal - I don't have a hydration vest, not sure I could cope with the sloshing sound.   

    I hate carrying water but I can honestly say I'm really pleased with my bottle belt from Sports Direct, definitely the best I've ever had and the least annoying.   It takes a big bottle but I often use a smaller bottle and that fits well too.    Has a decent sized pocket for food/keys

    Karrimor | X Lite Running Belt and Bottle | Bottle Belts | SportsDirect.com

    Ian - oh that injury is really annoying and persistent.   Most important to be pain and injury free first, you know the pace will come back.
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    Ian - Good news on the pain free run and that things are looking up. Presumably the stability shoes are a bit slower than normal trainers as well?

    20 miles through Richmond Park and Thames path. Horrific conditions honestly with rain the whole way and at times quite heavy. Windy too along the Thames path and I got my socks wet early and they stayed that way throughout as so many unavoidable puddles. I’m not the biggest fan of winter running 😢. The flip side is that conditions meant I kept it slow and I took a ton of fuel this time so felt pretty good and no niggles. 
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    Rcouture - well done on the 20, always good to bank a long run in crap conditions in case you get them on race day.

    Shades - Elle used to use that belt from Sports Direct, I’m not a huge fan of sports direct stuff but that’s an exception 

    Cal London ultra would be a great race and ticks lots of boxes.  Well done on the long run

    Big G assume the collection of the old mattress was an add on service? 

    Ian hope you can get by on the slower pace runs for the time being, is the effort/ heart rate the same as your previous faster pace runs? 

    East Hanningfield marathon

    an early start time 8:30am and a 6am alarm with a few snooze buttons activated.  I left a bit close for time and started a few mins late, made matters worse my watch rebooted itself recently and I forgot to add the gpx file so had to upload that before I started.

    I had set myself some goals, last year hit 13 miles 2:35 and finished in 5:55.  I was aiming for 5:30.

    the course was wet and boggy as expected but the weather was kind.  Hit the 1st checkpoint at 6 miles and didn’t stop, got to 13 miles in 2:24 so a fair bit ahead of last year, just before the 2nd cp my hamstrings were tight (caused my lack of s&c and the energy zapping mud) had a little sit down at the 2nd checkpoint at 15.5 miles before grabbing some food and walking it out.

    the feeling passed and was able to play a bit of cat and mouse with some runners for a few miles   Before losing them before the final checkpoint at 22 miles.

    feeling strong I just wanted to get it done, I remembered the cow sh!t farm field where I slid all over the place and had muck half way up my shin and much of the final miles were tough going, managed to over take a few more runners but didn’t see anyone in front or behind for the last 3 miles.

    Completed the course in 5:34, a 21 min improvement on last year…. Official time 5:37.57 32nd place from 97 finishers 
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    Fantastic, Rob! I wouldn't fancy sliding around in much and cow plop, personally,  but you do you.

    Rcouture, well done for toughing that one out. I was glad I went out earlier and only had a bit of drizzle to contend with. 
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    Great run Rob! Big improvement over last year bodes well
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-I hope the pace comes back but I can't see sny light in the distance yet.
    Rcouture-Well done on the 20,toughing it out in that weather is good going.
    Yes the stability shoes are slower,I think 10-20 s/m ,but I'm currently about a minute behind.
    Rob-Well done on finishing in those conditions, I have to say your report doesn't tempt me.
    I managed 16 today to bring up 40 for the week,just went the park and did loops,lots of runners down there today,still slow but happy to get it done.
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    Rcouture - testing conditions for a long run, well done on doing 20 miles in that.   Not pleasant having wet feet for so long either.

    Robert - wow, that's a very good course best especially with all that mud and losing a few minutes at the start line.   A great start to your year.   :)

    I'm not a Sports Direct fan either but have had some great shoe bargains from them.  If you spend over £100 and have the goods delivered to store then they give you a voucher for the value of the carriage, £4.99.   So using the voucher I picked up the drinks belt for a fiver, bargain.

    Ian - I guess you'd stopped using your mild stability shoes and were just using the Invincibles and 1080's?   I know I nag all the time but you should be rotating multiple shoes of different models/manufacturers including mild stability shoes.   I wouldn't advise doing any long runs until you've gone 3 or 4 weeks with no discomfort from that injury.  Don't worry about the pace difference between the stability and the other shoes, training pace is not relevant, that pace difference will disappear as soon as you put on the faster and/or race shoes.   This injury is in danger of turning into a long term chronic injury if you don't let it heal properly.

    How are the legs today?   OK for a recovery run?

    8 miles for me today, colder this morning, just a little light rain.

    Hair cut this morning then going to get the data transfer done on my new phone, which arrived on Saturday, even though not scheduled for delivery until today.

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-I think it is already there,I've been having it off and on for a year now.I actually said to OH on Monday if I didn't have tokyo I'd take a month off now and just rest it,the problem is I don't know how long to take off,I have had 2 weeks and felt great but when I run it starts again.I'm probably going to take quite a bit of time off in May and June,and see if it improves.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Robert, yeah, we paid a bit extra for them to take the old mattress. We could have done it ourselves in the van, but probably it would have ended up being chucked in the garage for a couple of weeks before getting it to the tip, and we just thought it was best to get rid of it on the day. Well done on your marathon, sounds a tough one, and a good time/placing too. 

    Ian, sounds a hard one to manage. Blasted injuries!!  I had a conversation with my OH when we were in NL over Xmas as she asked me if I was sad to be missing the Dutch marathon I’d pencilled in, on the day I did the parkrun instead.   I said ‘not at all’, as I’m not chasing numbers at this stage, and I was really happy to do that parkrun. It’s funny how priorities change as if I had been chasing numbers probably I would have done it and got around it, but not really enjoyed it. I hope you get on top of yours soon. 

    As for me, we had the joys of Ikea yesterday. It’s a big store with lots of parking, but the car parks were totally full. Not exaggerating but it took us 15mins of driving around to finally get a spot. Inside it wasn’t too bad because it’s so large and lots of space, but the restaurant was very full and very busy so we avoided that (and bought a Dime cake home, instead :) ). I know weekends can be busy there, but I’ve never seen the car park like that.  There was a popular 10k race in Exeter and OH and I had thought about going to spectate, but the weather didn’t look to be great so we didn’t, but I saw a couple of runners I knew in Ikea who were pleased with their times. 

    As for my PF, it seems to be getting better. I did a bit of driving yesterday and there was minimal discomfort, which is good. I’ve got the final of the 3 treatments on Wednesday, so I’ll see what they say, but unless they strongly suggest not to, I’m hoping to do parkrun (plus the 1.5 miles each way) on Saturday. But I’ll wait and see what they say before deciding for sure as I can feel it is not totally, totally fine, although it is much, much better, which is amazing really. Hopefully they’ll say to restart as long as I keep up with the exercises, but we shall see. 
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    Ian - that's taking a big risk, waiting until May/June to take some time off.   IMHO you'd be better easing up now, no long runs, no races until Tokyo.    You've done a few long runs before Christmas which will help.   You know you're not going to PB at Tokyo but you're experienced enough to be able to get round in a fair time even if your training until the marathon is minimal.   Much better to stand on the Tokyo start line injury free and undertrained than still carrying the injury which you'll then carry onto London too.

    Big G - I paid quite a lot for the carriers to take my old sofa when delivering my new one, but in comparison to the price of the new one, negligible really.   I would have had to hire someone to take it to the tip. 

    I know how you love shopping at Ikea!!  I had to look up Dime cake, recipe on the internet if you want it.   Looks lovely.
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    Cal - I'll see if London Ultra could arrange some cow plop for you, I'm just glad I managed to stay on my two feet.

    Ian - East Hanningfield is very different from your majors quest  ;)  whatever you decide hope you get to Tokyo injury free to enjoy the experience and the city.  I had a two nights stopover to Fiji it's a unique place.  Have you considered deferring London?  If a professional suggested complete rest?

    Shades - I refuse to give in to Sports Direct marketing tactics of getting you in the store, I'll only end up buying something I don't want.

    Big G - usual guidance following pf is to gradually rebuild increasing the load, hopefully you'll be okay for parkrun.

    Back a bit creaky this morning, need to use this evening for a uni assignment as left it a bit late! Will try and get out this evening for a short shake out.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Today is a great example of why I'm struggling to decide what's best,Monday I ran 10m and was really sore all night and the next day,yesterday I ran 16,went bowling and jumping around playing table tennis last night and I'm fine today,there seems to be no pattern to it.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    I did about 3hr45mins on the bike today. I had a rest day yesterday so glad to get back on it today. 
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    Robert  - I can wander round Sports Direct and not buy anything and not be tempted either.   Our SD shop mostly stocks chav's gear.

    Ian - that injury is weird.   If it doesn't clear up maybe seek a diagnosis.    It does sound like it could be a nerve problem as it's intermittent. 

    Big G - that's a long session on the bike. 

    Phone all set up. Very quick process now.   Of course the only app that won't work is linking my Garmin.   I have had awful problems linking it in the past so I've just given up,  I can plug watch directly to PC for now. 
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    Shades been a while since I’ve been in a SD shop, not going to rush back.

    Ian is it anything to do with speeds or effort of running?

    Big G good stint on the bike

    5km recovery run this evening has had to drop a key round to a friends, hips seemed a bit sore but okay once moving.

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-I'll look to get to a physio again,I got annoyed last time as they just massaged it and gave me some exercises to do,seemed a waste of a few hours each week.
    Rob-No obvious distinction,it actually feels a little better running faster as I run smoother.
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    Robert - handy to combine a recovery run with a chore to do  :)   You've been recovering well from your recent events.

    Ian - maybe a different physio if you can, it's a diagnosis you need not a massage.

    8 miles this morning, light rain and strong breeze.  But we've had a lot of rain and I couldn't avoid the puddles and ended up with 2 very wet feet.   I've now got 3 pairs of shoes drying out, just as well I have an extensive wardrobe of running shoes  ;)

    Still can't get Garmin to pair with new phone.  Garmin thinks it's already paired, with old phone I guess, and could only get to go into sync phase once and then it failed.  When I bought my old phone I think it took 30 tries before it connected and I was doing everything correctly.  It's not urgent, just annoying.   :#
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    That does sound annoying, Shades. Mine's not paired with a phone - I just plug it straight into my PC. There are occasions when it takes a few tries, though.

    Six miles this morning in the dark and drizzle. Feeling like I've been invaded by a cold (scratchy throat and sneezing) so didn't push it. Felt faster than it was but I think the darkness affected my stride length (plus had to dodge a few Christmas trees).
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    Ian - That does sound like a strange injury if it's so inconsistent!
    Shades - Yes, doing Newport, as we will stop in Wales after the marathon and have a few days at the coast.
    18 easy miles on Saturday and 9 with strides on Sunday to finish off my first 60 mile week in a while.
    10 with 5 at LT today, again struggled to get down to my usual paces, 6:54/52/54/53/26, last 3 miles my HR was 159/158/156, so close to my 160 LT HR, if that's where I'm at for HM pace, not sure what my MP is going to come out at on Saturday!
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    Cal - I plugged into my PC this morning and the stats have updated the Garmin Connect on my phone.   I only have Garmin connect on my phone to save plugging into the PC as when working it just updates as soon as I get home using Bluetooth.

    Back to jumping over the Christmas trees again!   Fortunately don't have that problem here, there's no street collection, I think some charities do a collection for a donation.

    Steve - Ian has done Newport and I'm sure he said flat and fast course.   I'm doing Newport too.   :)

    Still plenty of time to get back to your usual paces.   
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Steve-Newport is a flat,fast course,it starts in the town centre,then heads out in to the country going through a few small village.The only part I didn't like is going out to the transporter bridge about mile 23,its an uphill out and back,then a fast run to the line.
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    Shades - I'm pleased I can get out after the day after the marathon, one thing that I am aware of is that these marathons have been trail/ mud and more of a plod round than a run.  Will see how training goes, I may consider a half road marathon to get the race feel in the legs before Halstead.  Annoying about the phone, I find the app frustrating for syncing at times.

    Cal - our xmas trees get collected (if paid for garden waste) next Friday.  Good core exercises all that jumping.

    Rest day for me, also didn't bother with my Uni assignment yesterday so thats on the agenda tonight.
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    I’ve looked at Newport in the past and was surprised at how flat it is given the area. 

    6 miles this morning before work. Plan was to run back from the office but woke up at 4am and couldn’t get back to sleep so did some slow loops of a small local park. Just me and the foxes at that time which was nice. 
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    edited January 2023
    Ian - you make the Newport course sound so easy ;) but we all know it's not. 

    Robert - even though your recent races have been off road they can be just as tiring although a little easier on the joints post race.

    Good idea to do a half before Halstead especially as you're aiming for a time for the marathon. 
    Assuming Halstead are using the same event entry website as last year then entries for 2023 are still not open. I was using that website yesterday to enter another race.

    Have now managed to sync my Garmin with my phone. Didn't do anything different, just went through the same process and eventually it worked. Rest day tomorrow so will have to wait until Thursday to see if it works. 

    Rcouture - hope the foxes enjoyed your company this morning too. I haven't seen a fox here for ages, very elusive in the winter. 

    My Newport entry is carried over from last year, race was originally scheduled for October but they decided to move it to the Spring. 

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    Oh god I don't jump them, Rob - I'd end up chinning the pavement if I tried. I just dodge around them. 

    Glad you sorted your Garmin out, Shades.

    Steve, good mileage there.
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    Rest day for me today.   Just bumped into my old boss who I haven't seen since I gave up work seven years ago, nice to have a catch up.

    I'm pretty sure my Garmin has synced OK, keep getting messages, which I've now turned off.

    Robert - I've put February's race up too as I thought January looked a bit lonely.   Soon as Big G is back racing I'm sure we'll have some more races outside of the usual March-October range.

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, definitely not for the list yet, but if I’m able to restart running and it goes well, I may enter a RED event in February and/or March, as a long run/effort (ie not a race). But it’s just a thought at the moment and by no means a definite. 
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    Big G - hopefully you'll be recovered enough to do that.

    I can't face that RED course again, certainly not in the winter.   I'm very disappointed that they're not doing the Strawberry Fields events this year, lovely route and on proper roads, none of the monotonous short out and back tedium.
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