
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    TS: Well done on run this morning especially with a tired body.Not heard of a Pedegg so will google it later.

    Very wet and blustery here as well but something in the air as a very tired body ran 65 minutes over a different route to see if it would pick me up.....nope torrential rain did not help but I thought of Mick and just got it done.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Active rest day here after a tiring day at work, so just a short easy run. Didn't even notice the weather so I guess that it wasn't too bad!

    Wordle took five. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Ale, Dave, WP & TS!  Well done all on week totals.  You are putting me to shame.  Glad the blister got fixed WP.  And snap on the 'Pedegg'.  Sent me off to Google too.  Might need to find one myself, though foot spa sounds better.

    Short, slow local run here this morning.  Almost a duplicate of TS's effort yesterday:-  6.28 km (3.9 m) @ 6:49 (10:58 m/m).  Short & local due to two appointments mid-morning.  Slow due to insufficient sleep, tired body, and hills (EG 100 m) + ...  I'm sure I could come up with a few more excuses.

    Had intended long hill run yesterday morning but various family issues intervened.  Volunteering at parkrun on Saturday so I can see my total for this week being even more deficient :(.
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    I missed out on the pouring rain :)

    Pedegg is wonderful!
     I think modern sports socks, as opposed to the old pure cotton ones, are so efficient at wicking away moisture that they dry out the skin, certainly do on my feet, and I end up with very hard and cracking dry skin around the heels.
    A quick plane around, fine sanding and then an application of an aloe based cream and I am good to go for a while longer :)

    yes, well matched as I also did 102m of climb :)

    I will be joining you in reduced mileage this week as I have a series of meetings around the country which will mean very early starts on the road.

    I did walk to and from the bank and barbers this morning!

    Hash this evening and back to one of the favoured venues, a local micro brewery, which has an attached bar :)

    I say "micro" but it has become a very popular brewery indeed and has expanded production considerably over the years so it's always good to support a local success story!

    Wordle in five

    Bit of a calamity on Wordle this morning as I pressed the wrong button on a cookie pop up and wiped my streak tracker :/
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    edited February 2023
    TS - hash venue sounds appealing!   What a shame re the trees . . .   
    WP - good couple of outings there, after blister issue & deluge to contend with. Good work to take inspiration from Mick !  
    alehouse - good kilometrage!   
    NZD - you were still out there !  
    4.5 miles easy yesterday, 10.5 today. My friend dropped me 7 miles away from her's, enroute to an appointment, the idea being we'd arrive back at same(ish) time, and enjoy brunch. However, she'd forgotten that she had a brunch date with friends :) so whizzed off again as soon as she'd returned. Instead of simply driving home, I decided to run 4 more miles to bag an 11mile double digit run.  Fortunately, the loop I chose came back round to my car at 3.5 - legs and body really tired for last mile or so . . .   still, its in the bag.
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    NZD: the food spa is amazing and needs to be used more.This one massages and has bubbles and a heats the water and a timer.

    Found a pedegg and have one winging its way to me as in the winter I suffer with hard skin under my heel and cracked skin sometimes.I have always used running socks so maybe that is the issue.

    TS: Enjoy the hash and micro brewery tonight it sounds like fun.

    Dave: a good run with a double digit after a mix up with arrangements.

    78 minute run this morning  early doors and hard to get out of bed but out I got.Still slow but picking the pace up slightly.

    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    edited February 2023
    Dave: Good going on another (genuine) double digit day. Some of your runs do seem a little complex though.
    WP: Good news re pace picking up
    TS:  I trust your hash was up to expectations. 

    Longer run here this morning, 10.14km @ 6.46, EG 222 m, HR 128/146.  Double digit? :) .  Suspect Ale would run this with a 110 average HR!
    A little surprised pace was only marginally faster than yesterday.  Felt fresher at start though calves initially a little stiff.  I guess the additional vertical meters took their toll.  Included the same route as yesterday but extended further into hill suburbs.  Last 1.5 km a bit challenging, especially the uphill half.   
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    My HR wouldn't have been that low if any hills were involved, NZD! And today's run almost proves the point: just over 6k, ave HR 113, maximum 128 twice, on gentle hills. Average pace 6:06 per km, with the first k being ultra slow, creaking like an old man, quite possibly due to yesterday's exertions: work then 50+ minutes including 3x 2 minutes approximately, the approximately due to a large group of geese and swans on the water park path. Then my hour of stretching, being Tuesday.

    Take care, WP!

    Looking forward to hearing about today's speed session, Birch! I need more of yesterday's type of run. Are you going to the National xc?

    Hash, TS? 

    Wordle was a failure yesterday, but four today. 

    Got wet on this morning's run, and even wetter walking to the tram, on which I now sit as I head for the opticians.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    No speed session, alehouse.  Awoke feeling unwell - maybe the lack of energy at the end of yesterday's run was a symptom . . .  stayed in bed until 3pm, sleeping on and off. 
    J is running at the Nat XC, but I'm not travelling.
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    .... back home now - long day.

    you need to sort your diary out - or is it just a way of getting longer runs in without  committing yourself to it beforehand :) ?

    Sorry to hear you have gone down with a lurgy - hope it's not too serious or long lasting

    double digits indeed - we are imperial on here, although alehouse lets the side down on occasion  :)

    That was a hilly run indeed with that sort of altitude gain so it is no surprise that your time and HR reflected that. Good base training though.

    interesting encounter on the run with large feathered friends :)

    Swans can move quite quickly when they want to - or want to attack someone - so your speed sessions were well timed!

    Hash last night was pretty good - some quite speedy bits in the 4 miles covered as I had some younger members for company ....

    Venue was even better with a new PA on - Roosters Variation On A Theme: Ernest  a very, very easy drinking ale and as I wasn't driving , I did :)

    Another early morning meeting tomorrow so I may miss out again on a run unless I can get myself in gear .....

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    Dave: You must be under the weather I hope you start to pick up soon. :)

    NZD: That sounds like a tough route well done.My HR is never as low as Ale's ;)

    Short on time this morning as Gasman due 9am so out at 7am for an hours run get back to see gasman van in street .....this was just before 8am good job I did not run longer than I did.So I was darting around making space and putting things away . Poor kitten ran away to bushes and hid all morning. 5.5 hours they were here but all sorted.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Edit function here a bit temperamental - lost everything after a second edit attempt :(.

    Ale: HR avg of 113 for 6 km @ 6:06 is good.  Suspect mine would be about 10 higher for the same effort.
    WP: Seems to have worked out well for you.  Got your run in and the gas work done an hour earlier than expected.  An hour run pretty good going for a 'short' effort!
    Dave: Hope that does turn out to have been just 'lack of energy' and not some nasty winter bug.
    TS:  Yep, these youngsters help keep us oldies on our toes.  Sounds like the re-hydration afterwards made the effort worthwhile.  Will skip the (Jurassic :)) imperial vs metric bait.  Had written a few paragraphs of recollections of the change over here about 45 years ago but lost it all attempting an edit.  Maybe one day ...

    (Intended!) easier 8 km around the estuary this morning.  Didn't quite work out that way - 8.1 km @ 6:11, EG 39m.  HR avg though was 128, the same as yesterday :(.  Legs certainly knew they had had a good workout on the hills yesterday!
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    I moved to Kms when I realised that I was running the same time for a kilometre as I used to run for a mile! 

    Birch, hope you are feeling better!

    Met up with some ex uni runners for lunch today, so 3k easy beforehand and 6+ after. Good chat. I was much the youngest with the others being 77, 76, 76 and 75! None running but two are cycling at least a hundred miles a week.

    Wordle in four.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    it's strange - I use metric units every day but when it comes to running and pace I cannot get to grips with it 

    Good pace there over 5 miles  :) - just as well I have a calculator that does imperial/metric conversions otherwise I may have shortchanged you!

    gasmen arriving early?!!

    a run well fitted in

    how's things?

    LOL - I moved to Km ..... 

    6K after lunch was impressive! the laggards - not running now at those ages.

    Yesterday morning had an intensely bright sunrise which woke me up, despite blackout blinds, at 0600 so I headed out for a shamble before setting off

    Unfortunately I looked at the Garmin suggestion for the day - 10min warm up, 2 x 18 min at 9:34 pace, 5 min recovery - tempo it called it!

    I didn't have time for all of that, thankfully, so I did the warm up and 1 x 18min at near to that pace as I could get on an oval course which had a slight downhill/uphill on the long sides

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    .. then slowly ran home to cool down, even though it had been -3C, quick shower and then jumped into my car.

    5 hours driving left my legs stiff this morning so a steady, slow  5.1 miles done in 59 min was more than enough avHR only 123 and a max of 142 which was almost what Garmin had recommended - so it is beginning to know my body and limits!

    Wordle in 4 yesterday and today - although I am still gutted at losing my statistics  - not that I am competitive or anything!!
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    Wordle in four. Never look at the stats. Half on the laptop and half on my phone. 

    Don't think I would be able to walk after that long a drive, TS, so well done for getting out!

    48 gentle minutes here. Enough. Hoping to do a reasonable amount watching the national tomorrow. Ticked off the 100 miles for February this morning.

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    edited February 2023
    TS:  9:24m/m (5:50 in real units!).  That is a step up in pace, and HR maxing out at ~144.  
    Ale: well done on the 100 miles with 4 days still to go.

    Slow/med 14.7 km here this morning post-barcode reading at parkrun.  Included usual estuary track plus a few small side loops to bring up the 14.7 km.  Legs grateful for the rest day yesterday.  Did start to remind me they were still there after about 10 km though, then calves complaining more loudly over the last 1.5km.  No doubt they will remind me again tomorrow morning.  Longest run in a few years.  Very comfortable up to at least the 10 km mark

    Stats: 14.7 km @ 6:21, EG 62 m, HR 126, 93 mins 
    HR 121 over first 5 km, EG ~13 m  vs  132 over last 3.

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    Just dropped in. Very moved by Mick's predicament but even more so by his comments!
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    good day for xc country - dry and brisk!!

    Nice century there :)

    very good 9.14 miles - your legs will have felt that after the tough hills earlier in the week- your HR showed the step up in distance on the later miles.

    Hi John  :)

    well the car is packed and full of fuel - parking space booked at Wembley, tickets printed off  and an early start programmed in.

    Strange how many folk in Liverpool were wishing us luck when I was there on Thursday :)

    Wordle in six today

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited February 2023
    Yes, was both dry and brisk, TS! Ice on my car first thing!
    Bumped into a lot of people that I haven't seen for years, plus others that I haven't met before, thanks to wearing my Alehouse jacket!
    Parked about 2k away, which was wise as it took most people an hour to park! Massive queues.
    Didn't spot Birch jnr! Hope Birch snr is ok.

    Decent longer run, NZD!

    An hour or so of running; not sure of how much exactly as it was stop and start, or forget to start! Will put down the minimum in the training diary.

    Enjoy your day tomorrow, TS! 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Longest run for five years today, with just over 90 minutes.
    14.33km, ave speed 6:20 per k. Ave HR 113, max 124. Speed ranged from 6:50 for the first km down to a couple of 5:50s in the second half. Largely off road.
    Brought up 57k for the week. Highest for two and a half years.

    Wordle in four.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Seems i forgot to post Thursday 6 miles, Friday 5.4 miles, Saturday rest day so strength training .

    This morning boy it was cold -4c so 5.4 miles it is usually long run day but I felt tired so will swap to later in week.

    Ale: Nice long run!

    I also hope Dave is okay and just busy.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    WP:  Seems you have well and truly put the lergy behind you.  And out for 5.4 miles in -4°C!  That's well outside my running weather window.  Take care not to be too egged on by these hardy northerners.
    TS: Hope Wembley outing went smoothly even if the result didn't!
    Ale: A carbon copy of my Sat effort, except for one small detail.  My HR avg was 13 higher :(.  'Hills' might have contributed a bit, but ...  Well done.

    Slow/mod outing around estuary this morning - 8.14 km @ 6:06, HR 131/143.  Fastest km 5:43.  Pace felt comfortable despite avg HR 18 up on Ale's recent 6 km @ 6:06 pace (albeit with only gentle slopes).   Felt better after checking half a dozen past similar paced (6:06 - 6:08) runs around the estuary (Jan 19 - Dec 22).  HR avg today was 6 - 12 lower than the past runs.

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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Good longer outings from NZD & alehouse; splendid "uptempo" by TS (plus good application to run after 5 hours drive(!).
    Good work WP - nice double (plus gasman chasing) ! 
    My bug lasted 3 or 4 days; no run Wed-Fri, managed 5.5 slow on Saturday, but very laboured & unenjoyable. Rested yesterday.  Not sure how I'd feel today, but 10 miles done. Mildly undulating route. Grey and dank, about 5c.  10 was enough, but didn't have the fatigued feeling of last week, so all ok.   
    Shame about the game, TS, but I hope the day went well other than the result.   
    ps - J 135th at the XC, alehouse - his highest placing.
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    good outing for you and a very decent long run to back it up and bring a good week to a fine conclusion

    chilly for you as well 
    I don't call strength training a "rest day"  :)  but that was a very good set of runs over the past few days.

    don't forget that we all have different HR profiles - it's where the effort lies within that profile that defines it - and things like hills intrude as well!

    It's often more accurate to compare %ages of WHR to see where one sits against another.

    You still have stepped up the mileage and backed it up as well with a nice run yesterday morning - or is that today  :)?

    Perfect day out on Sunday - apart from the result :'(

    We left early at 0700 after some ice scraping and were parked at Wembley pre booked car park at 10:15 - no problems at all travelling.

    wander round in bitter wind but well wrapped up with cunning merino wool base layer having a coffee and later lunch before finally ending up in the stadium in good time for kick off.

    Amazing atmosphere but in truth the game was a bit turgid and was always likely to be won by whoever scored first, forcing the other team to open up, and so it proved.

    Stayed until the end and our seats immediately adjacent to an exit on the half way line meant we exited promptly and ran quickly back to the car about a mile away - having a fit son and g'son helped!

    We were about the fourth car out of the car park and had a clear run home - back by 1015 in time to see the appalling highlights on TV!

    Will certainly use that car park facility next time...........  :)

    So I will put that down as a tempo run yesterday and a no run day today - resting up!

    Wordle in four today

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    Sounds like you made the most of the occasion, TS, given the result, a result which kept several of my family happy. Never managed to persuade them to become Foxes' supporters and they all became United fans at school. Fortunately not City with whom I had several disagreements when they became disengaged with schools when the money flooded in! Long story!

    Glad all is better, Birch! Found it really difficult to spot runners on Saturday with just a constant stream of speed for the most part, plus I was supporting a couple of runners further back in the field who I did manage to encourage. 

    I, also, wouldn't compare HR stats, NZD: we are all different! Not sure what my max is any more but it never gets very high, and haven't been over 140 in a long time. Perhaps I should make more effort. 

    Today saw just over half an hour after work. Brought up 194.75k for February so you can work out how long tomorrow's run will be. 

    Wordle in three. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Glad to see Dave is back feeling a little better with a double digit run.Well done on placing to J.

    TS: That was some day for all the family!

    NZD:You are building nicely up since back home.

    -4 with a feel like temp of -7 I decided although dressed in kit opened back door and thought no way I am running in that  and came back in.Temps are back to seasonal 4 degrees tomorrow.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    edited February 2023
    Dave: Good 10 mile outing post-bug
    TS: That was a long day, possibly in more ways than one!  Nice tempo run though :)
    Ale: Well done on your (upcoming!) 200 km month. Pace also up a bit over the last month?
    WP:  Wise call on the -4°(/-7°)C.  Tomorrow's +4°C should be a lot more enjoyable.

    Slower estuary run to rest legs this morning,  8.15 km @ 6:23, HR 122/135.
    Feb total 128 km.
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    another xpost - good to hear your are feeling better and doing far too much too quickly after it :)!!

    softie  :)

    I trust you are disowning them all?!!
    Taking my g'son was his final stage of indoctrination Even though he has never lived in the NE he has resisted all blandishments from others to turn to other clubs so he deserved his place at Wembley.

    mmm - tricky calculation there :)

    good finish to the cricket?!

    Steady run there this morning - sounds a nice vista running round an estuary,

    I think I shall call this a cut back month for mileage - at 82 miles it looks a lot better as 132km so maybe I will go metric :)!!

    Too many days travelling 
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Trust the requisite k's cpmplete, alehouse?  
    I'll adhere to the metric - 6 miles around the parks this afternoon (more dank greyness) yields 140 miles for the month.
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