
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited August 2023
    Sounds like progress, WP!

    Are you able to do any strengthening work, TS, particularly of the quads? 

    Managed to avoid the rain on today's 69 minute 59 second excursion. Guess who didn't look at his watch near the end? Pouring now; gardening plans on hold!

    I thought that today's run was decent, particularly as much is off road. Garmin says unproductive again. Will take with a decent sized pinch of salt.

    Wordle in four. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    More drama, rushed into hospital with another fever spike. They have got me on antibiotics, hopefully I'll be allowed home ina few days. They have taken me off the chemo so maybe my body can recover.
    Oh to be back to pounding the pavement a.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Blimey, Mick - it never rains etc  . . .    continuing good wishes to you.  
    NZD - latest jaunt suggests mini-rest period beneficial.  Yes, will bite the bullet and enter the 10K - my son is entered, so might as well make it a family double participation  . . .
    WP - bad luck re Covid again! Hope you're out running soon; did you feel ok on the walk?
    TS - any idea when you may be able to try a run (or will you wait until you've had a physio consultation)?   
    alehouse - nice long(er) outing; pretty productive I'd say!  Good rain avoidance too . . . 
    Sat, Sun, Mon off here, so last week came out as 37 miles.  Started this week with a 12 miler this morning. Legs felt quite good; like NZD possibly benefitting from a mini-break. They had some squatting/stretching action yesterday, with a couple of hours garden labouring . . . .   
    oh, just remembered - in final year now of my age starting with a "6"  . . . . .   
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    that's rough for you - I am sure you will tough it out - keep strong!

    You will be ready just in time for winter :)

    One of my Hash friends is going through the most gruelling sessions for various cancers - lung, colon and thyroid - and he has just had positive news on two of them and the thyroid is being delayed as it's not important!

    I think we will let you round it up to 70 min :)
    Nice long run for you.

    3 days off?! How very dare you :)
    Pleased for you to start off with a 12 miler.
    You youngster  :)  is there a happy birthday due then?

    I have been doing very gentle slooow squats - only half way down with feet pointed inward and then outward to increase tension on the quads as well as  lunges and other stuff. Feels ok when doing them but soon stiffen up afterwards

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    pleased with a light fleece layer very early this morning despite sunshine.
    Usual jaunt out - not tempted to run until I have more definitive news - should be free to make appointments from the end of next week after the next consultation for Mrs TS.

    Wordle in three today - on a good run :) (not a clue!)
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    TS - yes, noticed cooler temps first thing & evenings now.  
    13c for my "speed" session today. Legs predictably tired and cumbersome after yesterday's long run.  5 x 800m done at not much more than steady effort.  5.5 with the jogging bookends.  
    Dave (yes, 69 yesterday)!   
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Sorry to hear your news, Mick. Thoughts with you. 

    Wordle in six, despite it being one of my go to starting words!

    Happy unbirthday, Birch! Catching me up...until next January anyway. 

    Another unproductive run this morning, with which I am quite content after yesterday's longer run. Just under 40 minutes for the record. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Torque SteerTorque Steer ✭✭✭
    edited August 2023
    Happy belated birthday  :)

    Beware of the '70s!

    5x800m on tired legs is good going - it's a hard distance to gauge pace on properly - the last 200m can be a world of pain!

    keep up those "unproductive" efforts :)

    Well I staggered out late last night to see the blue moon effect.
    Just as I got to a darkened area light wispy cloud cma ein and reather spoiled th effect :/
    As it was rather chilly and I wasn't really wrapped up I didn't linger too long and this is the best I could record -

    did a bit of editing on it!
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Seemed to be pink rather than blue!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Happy belated Birthday Dave....we both have big Birthday's next year,

    no moon shots here as too cloudy but did see it Tuesday night it was magnificent wish I took a photo of it.

     Five days since last run.I had walked nearly 4.5 miles yesterday and felt okay so thought maybe today but sadly a relapse and feel awful and PF is very low for me so on my triple meds a day regime to get it back up to speed.

    Then we have car trouble car has gone into immobolised mode due to OH dropped the fob and it coming apart.called RAC as just thought car would not start but sadly he can not sort it out as need 5 digit code that came with the car when new.We bought it three years ago third owner no code......so we need mobile locksmith! so ordered new fobs and batteries as nothing wrong with keys sort that out then call the locksmith......talk about a saga.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Hope your key cover is sorted, WP...and covered by insurance! 

    Pleasant enough day here today so didn't run until after lunch. Just over 50 minutes bagged...but a couple of "buts": I got very wet in the last km, and I had hoped to include some quicker segments today but one hamstring said no. 

    August: 186.05km = 115.6 miles, one parkrun, 31 days run. Second highest month of the year after February. 200 km would be good in September, although must be careful with niggles. Speed work would be helpful, also!

    Wordle in four. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Missed the moon! 
    WP - sorry to hear of relapse; hope the increased meds sort you out.  Car shenanigans very irksome, no doubt!  
    7 miles this morning, mainly flat. Back of hands pretty cold throughout; surely not time for gloves yet!   
    171.5 miles for the month.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Another decent month, Birch!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited September 2023
    A better run this morning, and officially productive, despite both hamstrings making themselves known, slightly. Always good when both sides complain rather than one!
    5.7k covered in 32 minutes, so 5:40 pace. HR was 120 though, reaching 132 when I was pushing a couple of sections. Felt comfortable. Ran on firmer surfaces than usual for the most part, probably explaining much of the quicker pace. 

    Wordle in five. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Torque SteerTorque Steer ✭✭✭
    edited September 2023
    modern cars :/!!!

    I see that NHS is bringing forward the at-risk Covid cohort vaccination by a month so it's building up - take care and don't push it, post -viral fatigue is to be avoided!

    what - clear skies over your way for the moon:)?
    and a "butt" pain to go with the other "buts" -  a good month notwithstanding for you - getting close to target.

    you should stay out later.

    Great month's work - you will be ready for your 10K on that base.

    Now a target to set for it :) = particularly as you will have an AG competition with your son!

    Some of alehouse's weather here today - drizzle and a bit more at times but ok in my trusty Gortex.

    I walked much of the way in company with the dachshund owner  and he was telling me about a treatment that his dentist (!!) carries out in conjunction with a doctor where blood is extracted, treated in a centrifuge to extract platelet enriched plasma which is then injected back into the site of musculature joints to speed regrowth and healing of damaged tissues.

    He had his shoulder done and the improvement was substantial.

    All sounds  a bit dodgy, particularly the dentist bit, but I will investigate!

    wordle in four today - took about 15 secs!

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    Dave: A race with your off spring sounds a great challenge.Decent total for the month well done.

    TS: I am not pushing it as since relapse just a mile walked both days.RHR dropped but has since jumped again.

    The dentist part does sound dodgy but sounds like the blood spinning but could be wrong.

    Wordle in 5 today.

    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Don't get me started on modern cars fobs due to arrive today so maybe mobile locksmith on Monday as not paying weekend rates.Long arms and short pockets syndrome :D
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Even at weekday rates I expect your bank account will suffer damage, WP . . .  
            hope a restful weekend provides an energy boost.
    TS - "interesting" treatment!  Hm, not sure about target - I haven't parkraced since February, so no idea really where I'm at.
    Good start to September, alehouse
    Tricked myself into an 8 mile month opener this lunchtime. Out and back course; had intended turning around at 2.5 miles, but was feeling reasonable, and enjoying scenery (rural section), so carried on adding and eventually turned at 4.  
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    Another 6.4km banked. Seemed quite gentle yet garmin said it was productive and moved the VO2 up a point.

    Wordle in three.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Road efforts here - very warm work.  Rest tomorrow, so 39.5 miles for the week.
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    sub-45 min? Depends on the course and how many of Sheffield's  hills are encountered.

    Nice trick to pull on yourself :)

    after a while Garmin starts measuring against gained information so it recognises your thresholds more accurately

    Lovely morning here - the softer sunshine of September giving a nice golden glow to everything - used to love running at this time of year.

    Contented myself with a walk through the Valley Gardens and encouraged some of the runners in the Junior parkrun - one young chap said "thank you sir" so I must be looking very old!

    Wordle in three yesterday and four today
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    Some great training going on especially Dave great miles for the week. :)

    Ah bless the youngsters and how polite;-)

    I agree September is a great month to be running.A glorious 26 both yesterday and today sadly only a mile walking both days but feeling a little perkier today.But RHR and HRV are noting showing it in the data just yet.
    But I did watch the big half in London on the BBc sport website......no poilers incase you have not seen it.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Forgot to say car is working once the new fobs had the gubbins put in and new battery the car worked-yay without spending money on the mobile locksmith :)
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Good news about the car, WP! And don't rush things!

    Yes, a very pleasant day here, also. 20 degrees when I ran. Fairly gentle but productive according to the watch. Brought up 49.3k for the week; if I had known I might have run a further 700 metres!

    Wordle in four.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Just over 70 minutes. A bit laboured. The slightest incline was a bit of a test! 

    Wordle: just.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    good news about the walks - and the car!

    very remiss of you to miss that extra 700m
    It must have been preying on your mind to do 70min today!

    early appointments so nothing done so far 

    wordle in four - another word in the run of words using double entries!
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    alehouse - your 49.3 in similar vein to my 39.5 miles - though I was aware of the 0.5 mile shortfall on Sat, but was I felt too warm to add it on!  
    Good new re no moblile locksmith fees, WP - and pleased you're perkier!
    TS - no prospect of sub 45, sir :) January's 10K was 48:55, followed by a 23:11 5K parkrun in Feb.  I'd be happy to be around 48 mins . . .
    Developed a headcold yesterday. Didn't feel too bad, but decided not to do my double digit Monday, settling for a very steady 6.5 miles. Felt overdressed in Tshirt over a singlet which would have been sufficient.  
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     :)  - no good hiding your  improvements under a bushel!

    Head cold just now sounds ominous - late season hay fever?

    Sultry warm out there - waiting for it to cool down a bit before lawn cutting!
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    Or that is how this new strain of Covid started be careful Dave.

    I predict 47 minutes;-)

    30 degrees here and pleased to report a short little jog was had 32 minutes trying to keep HR out of red zone.....Fastest run for route out of 4 efforts crazy I expected slowest.

    GNR next weekend I see.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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