
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    Torque SteerTorque Steer ✭✭✭
    edited November 2023
    you are on course to be the new $6 million man - we will rebuild you :)

    Look forward to hearing of your progress to running again - but at those temperatures you may need to dig out your Yaks again!

    Is there any snow?  Or just cold?

    As I don't even have ear buds your recommendation could be a bit tricky!!

    Actually I found some more features in Settings which I have now utilised - amazing what one finds when rooting around in the software instead of just sticking to the basics!

    well done - another good month's work and with days to spare.

    I have lined up my alternative pressie already - wall mounted wine racks!

    Now I have the serious work of deciding what to fill them with  :)

    Mice & men indeed!!
    Still a good LSR under your belt and a new table to boot - so it's not all bad :)

    As Christmas is coming - 

    I have found the optical scanner to be ultra reliable on my Garmin 255 -scarcely missed a beat since I got it - it does nag me though :)

    Yesterday brought brilliant sunshine and crisp cold conditions so I finally got the garden tidied up a bit - four 1m3 bags of leaves and debris bagged and taken to recycling. I can confirm that a 1m3 of dry leaves weighs a lot less than 1m3 of wet ones.
    Also put a cut on the lawns as it was finally dry enough to take the weight of the mower - they looked a lot better this morning after a hard overnight frost white coated them!!

    Usual shamble around testing my hamstring, which strangely gave me no excuse to stop gardening yesterday, but immediately started naggling today.

    Wordle in three yesterday and four today 

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    A decent, if skewed, week, NZD! Good that it is banked! And I'm sure that you can find 13k over the next few days!
    Re surfaces, a mix of shale and grassy river banks, in the main, plus some muddy paths through woods. Even in summer the latter has a little give to it. 

    Longish stretch followed by a gentle 44 minutes took me just over 50k for the week. 

    Wordle in three
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Just a quick check in.Arrived Friday and settled in well.
    Yesterday  long run 7.5 miles on coastal path. 
    Today I found a cycle path by canal so an hours run.

    Terrible news the race I was marshalling today  never happened.The company gone into liquidation  with all runners money. Run afan run but changed names from tough runner. Sadly company that took over Tenby..

    They had races all over the country and runners lost there money.
    Wordle in three.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Two solid runs in already, WP.  Well done.  Pretty tough - going into liquidation just before the race & everyone losing out like that. Presumably some had already made travel arrangements and accommodation bookings.
    Another decent week total, Ale.  Other than for a double LSR, it will be very rare for me to match that, even with my current training programme.
    TS: Starting to sound as though a $6 million bionic rebuilt of your hamstring may be in order :smile:!  Lots of leaves involved in my weekend gardening efforts too.  Both the windfall ones (thankfully dry) and hedge & tree trimmings (green. At least better than wet!).  Also have the advantage of a large green waste pile under our pine trees, so wheelbarrow loads, not 1m3 green waste bags to drag around.

    Scheduled rest day, which I used to recce a couple of local sports fields and map out potential (flat) 'speed repeats' course options.  Not even the slightest temptation to test out any speed bursts though :smile:   A slow waddle around each was the best I could manage after yesterday (3.14 km @ 7:05, HR 110/118, and 3.55 km @ 7:03, HR 112/120). 

    The first one checked (Victor Eaves in central Orewa) is only 3.9km from home so reasonably handy. Outermost route (~900 m) is half concrete path, half grass (part of which is a bit rough).  After yesterday's LSR, legs were over concrete & not too happy with that option.  Ditto the outer ring around the cricket field (all concrete path).  Final option checked here (~440 m innermost ring) is all 
    short grass, just outside the cricket field boundary line. Good firm, well maintained smooth surface.  Only issue there is it looked a bit formal, encountering a sign halfway around saying 'Ground Closed', and a groundsman in the distance.  But it is all unfenced public ground & is handy.

    Second is the sports field besides the Millwater parkrun start/finish (mainly soccer in winter, cricket in summer).  About double the distance to get to the 
    parkrun start/finish ( :( ), but can cut that to 5.3 km if drive to my usual estuary track start point and run ~3.5km to the sports field as warm up/down.  Outer ring is ~1 km, roughly triangular circuit around two cricket grounds + softball & athletics areas.  All hard packed, short smooth grass.  The local athletics club has an 8(?) lane 400 m (grass) running track marked out in the NW corner (only in summer).  Apart from distance this is probably the better option, with good running surfaces on the shorter & longer routes, and the adjacent estuary track providing additional options. 

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    that is bad news indeed both for you and for lots of others with other races affected as well.
    A brief search showed lots of maladministration going on....

    a goodly weekly total - 50K is a nice round number

    I see the old fox in the box was doing it for the Foxes again :)

    that was a proper recce :)!
    Keep off the concrete - it is the worst possible surface to run on as it has absolutely no give in it!  You may recall alehouse's experience on holiday recently and I can back it up.

    Either of the grass options look fine - the marked out track will give you precise distances and it's always nice to have a fixed finishing point. You may even find some other runners to join up with on it.

    Good xtraining from you as well over the weekend!!

    Driving rain, sleet and other stuff to do thankfully this morning!

    Wordle in five
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    I agree with TS on lots of counts today! 
    Concrete: not for me.  Grass or cinders if possible.
    I'm happy with 50k! 
    I'm also pleased with and for the Fox in the Box!
    Wordle in five also.
    And I agree with foul weather! Lots of negotiating puddles including holding onto the railings next to the river; no wonder the road is called Ford Lane. Anyway 76 minutes d&d with M78. Shorter distance than last week, yet longer time. Totally down to the conditions with today being a tougher run. 

    Hope Birch  is ok.

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Yes, ok thanks, alehouse!  Just had a week off posting, for one reason and another.
    Good weekly and monthly miles being bagged (NZD,alehouse) and good outings from WP.
    36 miles here last week; no double digit, but both faster sessions done.
    Good to hear things looking up for Mick.
    WP - unnerving dog incident - I wouldn't have liked that at all. A shame re your race . . .
    NZD - those locations look good for the prospective speedier running.
    alehouse - are you back on the ale after tooth meds?  
    TS - eye procedure sounds unpleasant . . .  hope the hamstring improves soon. As for backs, mine was gypping a bit this morning (and right elbow too); I also was manhandling a very heavy green bin full of wet leaves after a session of sweeping and clearing!  
    Really horrible weather this morning, 3c and heavy rain. Got myself out there, but a return to extensive water lying on roads and ankle deep mulchy leaves if I tried to avoid said "lakes"!  Poor kit choice (due to lack of available leggings, so in shorts) meant that my legs, together with hands/fingers, were very cold the whole run. Upper body thankfully ok due to double long sleeve tops + jacket.  Managed 6.5 miles, but was one of those runs where it just isn't enjoyable - of course, once showered and fed, then it's great to have bagged it!  
    Wordle in three.
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    Good to hear from you, Birch! Very similar run to me, today: the road sections were as wet as the off-road, with leaves hiding who knows what. And a decent week again last week!

    Did manage to visit the alehouse for a couple yesterday evening, but taste buds are not quite right. Hasn't stopped me eating everything in sight!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Weather sounds awful for all you northern lads.  Definitely in my 'other stuff to do' category also TS, so well done Ale & Dave for getting out in it.  Thanks for the comments on my course recce. Yes, will stick to the grass for speedier repeats unless washed out at some point. 

    Strava HM training plan alternates hard and easier weeks, with today down as a 40m - 50m easy run rather than the tough progression run last Tue.  Not that I am closely following the plan, more just the general concepts rolled in with TS & Ale's suggestions.  But was happy not to attempt a progression run two weeks in a row!  This morning more in line with TS's "
    Tuesday - mid run easy 10K ish", run as estuary + 3x around the 400m athletics track midway (net 62 mins, 9.66 km @ 6:28, HR 123/145).  As a test I 'sprinted' (4:05 - 4:40!) the main and back straights the first two times around (4x ~100m).  About all my legs could manage this morning.  Not quite "3 x 3 minutes" let alone "5 x 5 minutes", Ale!  Did feel nice running on grass (estuary track all concrete).

    Tomorrow definitely a rest day (Wed = g'kids).  Thursday down as 'Tempo'  (TS and Strava).  50 - 70 mins at tempo pace (Strava) might be a challenge but hopefully will be up to it by then ...

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    nice to see a consensus :)

    well done on your outing - character forming!

    good to see you back and nice to see your efforts over the week didn't fall off either with two faster sessions included plus xtraining in the garden!

    I would try and find some surfaces other than concrete for your longer runs - it really is the worst for a lack of resilience. Tarmac is a lot more forgiving - I have the figures somewhere for relative hardness but concrete is about 10 times harder than tarmac/asphalt, but that of course doesn't transmit directly into stress on the body as shoe cushioning and adaptive gait limit its effects.

    Dug this out

     even that is probably not quite accurate now as some synthetic track surfaces are awful to run distance on as they are tuned for sprinting and fast times over short distances with little resilience.

    Anyway a good introduction to faster stuff - best to take it cautiously while muscles awaken to new challenges.

    Enjoy your rest day with g'kids!!

    typing this before a trip to hospital for a poke in the  eye with a sharp needle:'(

    wordle in four

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    Ouch to the poke in the eye, TS

    Will read the surfaces article later, thanks. 

    And talking of surfaces, this morning ran partly the same route as yesterday and you wouldn't believe that yesterday there were streams and puddles. Not even any ice despite the car being thoroughly iced up, and it being around three degrees when I ran. 

    Anyway, another 7.5k banked. 

    Wordle in five, despite having four letters correct in two! Too many options. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Good outing there, NZD!  Adding extra midway always better than at the end, I find.
    Hope the hospital appointment went ok, TS. I think I remember that article - or one similar. I too will read later.
    Same here, alehouse. OH dropped me off (after we had to de-ice the car), 3c but no standing water or icy patches on point to point route. What a difference from yesterday - same temp, but today bright and dry as opposed to (very) cold and wet!  
    Wordle in three - as with TS, lots of options after two, but guessed luckily!  
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    well - even with one eye, and the other weeping, I could see it wasn't a penalty :/
    Both eyes crying afterwards!

    it's all adding up.

    point to point is always an interesting outing - knowing you have to get to a destination under your own steam and the distance is fixed!

    Eye treatment was "interesting" but hopefully has started to repair the leakage - still got a few floaters but otherwise ok.
    Repeat in a month...

    Decided not to risk an outing in some cold dry conditions here.

    Wordle in three - and that's about my screen time done for today! 
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    That decision was very difficult to understand, TS, and it can be no consolation that the VAR responsible has been removed from tonight's game. 

    Hope the eye settles quickly. 

    Cold and dry here, with the run below zero although in bright, low, sun. Out and back with the first and last kms easy and four or so in the middle at a reasonable effort...trying to get warm!

    Wordle in five. Not a favourite!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Speed group today. More ice scraping first! 
    Five strong, we completed 4 x 1k with warmup/down yielding a 5 mile session in total. Ice free paths, bright sun.
    Double gloves for me, and leggings too . . .    
    Cafe afterwards - coffee and almond slice went down well!  
    Wordle in four
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    Well done on the speedy stuff, Birch! Thought it might be too cold. 
    Are you at the big match this evening? 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Evening  all
    Monday speed work
    Tuesday rest as 24 virus and joint pain.
    Today longest run since before covid 107 minutes.It was -2 butas at Coast no ice.

    Tomorrow  looks tough -5!!
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Slightly chilly weather you guys are experiencing!  At least scraping ice off windscreens often means a nice sunny day to follow (or at least a few hours!).
    Good outings in those very chilly conditions Ale, Dave & WP.
    TS: Good to hear you came through the eye injection OK.  Not fun :(.  Yes, I agree concrete far from ideal but there are not many good options here as almost all paths locally are concrete. Hence only use shoes with good cushioning.  Estuary track has the advantage of mostly being a smooth surface - just a few patches where the pavement slabs have settled unevenly, resulting in trip hazards.  Almost all roads are tarmac or asphalt & mostly smoother surfaces but come with other hazards in the form of cars and car fumes, etc.  Orewa beach (~3 km long) can provide a good running surface at times, dependent on tides & sometimes, time of year.  Water seepage following heavy rain making it not so great at times though.

    Estuary + twice around outer perimeter of the sports field in Millwater (Metro Park) this morning.  Total 61 min (10.36 km @ 5:54).  Strava's prescription of 50-70 min @ tempo pace a bit beyond me at this stage :(.  Indeed, I suspect will be a tough challenge for me at any stage!  Only the two laps of the sports field qualified as full km segments at tempo pace (2km @ 5:25) though probably ~4 km in total were at tempo pace, with perhaps another 4 at moderate + pace.  Perhaps more a fartlek run?  Not that I fully understand what a fartlek run is!  

    Month total of 175 kms, an all time record for me!
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    Well done on the decent month, NZD: same again in December!

    For me fartlek is speed play, as per the translation, so a reasonable length run where one throws in a variety of different quicker sections: different speed, different lengths, perhaps hitting a hill hard, perhaps to the next turn etc. The term is often used in a different way where one can have a "structured" fartlek where more specific distances or speeds are tackled. I think!

    A very gentle run late morning on uncooperative legs.  Still hovering around freezing. The 5k brought up 202.85k (126 miles) for November, the highest month since September last year. "Only" 178.15k needed for the 2023 target. 

    Wordle in 3. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    edited November 2023
    Nice kilometerage, alehouse & NZD
    Good long run WP, esp day after feeling under the weather . . . 
    154 miles for the month here, completed with a very cold 7 mile jaunt commencing at 8:30am. As NZD alludes though, very bright and sunny despite all the car windscreens being iced over!  Course mainly runnable, just a couple of short icy stretches which needed care.
    At least running was a warmer pastime than sitting on a cold plastic seat for 2 hours last evening, alehouse!   Thought we just about deserved a point, over the whole game, but Foxes were comfortable for most of the second half. 1.5 pints of ale post game :)  
    Wordle in three
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    I meant to mention yesterday evening, Birch! Hopefully The Owls will now soar. The reports that I read said that they deserved the point.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Freezing run again this morning. Grey not sunny. Took a while for the legs to feel half-loose. 6.5 in the bag.
    Wordle in four. 
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    -7 this morning but as leaving early would be in the dark and no lighting so gave it a miss.Get home to -2 and ICE the bane of my winters so no running.

    Well done Dave!!

    Wordle in Three
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Plodded 45 minutes at a slow and icy pace. A bit tricky in places on the hard and rutted river bank. Around zero at 10 o'clock. A tired run but got done what I intended. 

    Wordle in phew!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Wise call again, WP!
    Dave: Well done on braving it. 
    Ale: 'hard rutted river bank' sounds even more hazardous than the weather.  Have experienced a few sprained ankles in the distant past ... (tree roots & ruts)

    After struggling to clock up even 4km at tempo pace solo on Thur (out of about 10 prescribed), decided I would do a parkrun, despite an LSR scheduled for tomorrow.  Needed to check I hadn't completely lost it. Returned a sub-25 for the first time since June.  Was so by just 1 sec(!) but at least it restored a little confidence.  

    Still aiming for LSR tomorrow morning.  Will take it cautiously but have done parkrun & LSR's on consecutive days previously without apparent ill effect. With g'kids on Wednesdays would like to stick with Sundays for the LSR sessions.  But also keen to do a few parkruns as 'speed/tempo' sessions.  Hopefully it will work out OK ...!  Running solo not finding it easy to keep up tempo/tempo+ pace over multi-km distances. 

    Interesting M75+ performance at Cornwall parkrun this morning (NZC's main stomping ground).  An 'occasional' parkruner clocked in at 21:16 (9th parkrun since 2012).  An impressive 90.67% AG.  Knocked more that 4 mins of the M75+ course record and only 1 sec shy of the M70-74 course record.  Also more than a minute faster than the dead flat Hagley Park M75+ course record.  Another case of an apparently 'out of character' performance though?  Excluding his first run in 2012 (27:29), his previous fastest time (2017-2023) was 34:16, set only a week ago.  Seems may be Australian (6/9 of his parkruns being there, remaining 3 at Cornwall).

    NZC has clocked up some very good parkrun times recently.  A bit slower this morning but four AG's ranging from 78.5% to 82.5% in Oct-Nov.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited December 2023
    Well done today, NZD. Just make sure that the LSR starts off gently. I would be fairly confident that the new Cornwall pr record is a mistake. Wonder if it will be corrected. There is a similar situation at one of my local pros where a 70 year old who had never broken 30 minutes ran 19! And the organisers won't change it. Stops one of my friends being the record holder!

    Too cold for pr here: -4. Even at noon when I ran it was -1.
    6k banked.

    Wordle in five.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Meant to ask how things are, TS. Up to watching this evening's match!

    And have Wednesday turned the corner, Birch?
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    LSR bagged this morning (138 mins, 20.59 km). A bit damp but enough to saturate.  And no, not sub-zero temp!  As per Ale's advice, started gently for first 8 km or so (~6:55 ave) with last ~7 km slightly faster (~6:30 ave).  R leg muscles a bit tight at times, and occasional niggles in L knee but don't think there were any significant residual effects from yesterday's parkrun.  Calves are rather tight now though after this morning's 20k, especially going up stairs or with legs in certain positions.  Will hopefully settle after day off tomorrow  ...?

    Cornwall Park is a three lap course.  I suspect the guy only ran two.  That would still require a higher average pace than his fastest parkrun in the last 7 years. Does not seem credible he came within 1 sec of the M70-74 record, held by probably the best M70+ parkrunner in the country, with a string of course records to his name. 

    Could well have been an innocent mistake.  Possibly mis-heard the number of laps required during the pre-run briefing (course has changed over the years and is now likely quite different to what is was back in 2018 when he ran there previously).  With my hearing problems I often hear 2 as 3 as vice versa.  Seems odd as the the sounds seem like they are clearly different but I now have to be very careful with those two numbers.  But yes, I doubt they will investigate or change it.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Oh, what a difference half an hour in a hot spa pool maked to tight calf muscles 🙂
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    edited December 2023
    Oops. Second sentence in first post should have ended 'but not enough to saturate.  !!!

    Plus a few more edits that should have been - as in when I changed' makes' to 'maked'.….! 
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