
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    edited December 2023
    WP: Never heard of 'medjool'.  Stuffed and coated in chocolate sound very nice though.
    TS: Glad to hear Mrs TS's cataract surgery
     went well.  And  a few creak free outings lately.
    Ale: Coasting to the finish line now.  You'll be pleased the weather is not so bad at the moment.
    Dave: Still on track for your 70,000 miles?

    W6D6: "30-40 min easy run".  Did a bit longer easy(ish) run locally. Planned on 10 km but started getting twinges in R calf just after 9 km, so pulled the plug at 9.2 km (62 mins). Included a bit of (slow) hill work (EG 133 m).  Tomorrow down as a LSR.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited December 2023
    Watch that calf, NZD! Remind me what date the half is, please!

    A friend's 500th parkrun so felt I ought to put in an appearance. Each km faster than the previous one and got round the 5.06k in 23:50, officially. Reasonably pleased on a cool day with a fair amount of wind. 

    Edit: just checked and that was my fastest parkrun since Jan 2020, and highest age grade since 2019!

    Need to average 5.3k a day now for the 2023.

    Wordle in three.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    can't believe that you didn't go shoeless :)

    Good return from your parkrun - that's a very creditable time with not very much faster preparation.

    well for once I agree with your scheduled outing, although in truth I would have preferred a rest day before your LSR tomorrow.

    30-40 min does not translate to 10K unless you go very fast indeed, it is only a turning over of the legs to keep them fresh for the next effort tomorrow of the LSR - far more important to do that well than to eke out another 2-3K today - naughty step!!

    I followed my own advice and had a rest day apart from supermarket shopping stocking upon the non-perishables before the hoades arrive over Xmas :)

    Wordle in five - too many choices
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Ale: Excellent parkrun effort.  As TS said, off little faster prep as well.
    TS: Admonishment taken :).  Yes potentially silly step. A case of trying to keep up with the Jones' (or at least not be so way behind Dave's weekly totals!)

    W6D7: "LSR". Done and dusted.  Per Ale & TS recommendation, kept this one shorter & though not in spec, ran the last 4 faster as TS suggested (next week is 'Fast finish LSR').  Total 105 mins = 16.3 km @ 6:27 ran as 8.1 km @ 6:42, 4 km @ 6:30, 4.2 km @ 5:55, all nicely exaggerated in the Strava pace plot below L :).  Ave HR 118, 121, 128;  EG 50 m, ~35 m, ~15m.  Apart from a spike at the start, good HR recording.  No calf issues, though R glute a bit tight (but stable) as it has at times been over the last few weeks. Keeping an eye on it. Despite the faster finish, body felt less stressed afterwards than after the 22.5 km effort last Sun.

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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    edited December 2023
    Ale: Meant to add, race day is 14 Jan. Adds considerably to the fitness challenge, coming straight on the heels of Christmas and New Year over Indulgences (and a family birthday), plus all the temptations on offer flying BC from NZ to Bermuda! Will need a lot more restraint than I have managed in the past. 

    Week total 54 km.

    Tomorrow = 'Rest Day ... Take today completely off. No exercise".  Will comply. 
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    very good - gold star this time :)

    I agree on the next LSR as well and then it's taper time - reduce distance, increase intensity.

    After my harsh admonition of NZD I didn't dare break into a trot this morning so continued by perambulations  :)

    However O do feel as though my time in running is approaching as the injuries are not really responding


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    On a brighter note I have finished my Xmas present to me :)

    took some filling!

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    unusual angle shot of my house - 

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    ... not really but a view from the Gardens on an unusually sunny day!

    Wordle in three today
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    TS:  And I thought I had a house/property maintenance challenge :).  Impressive diligence filling the wine rack so quickly.  With the right encouragement ...  Hard to make out most of the labels (probably due to lack of familiarity) but good to see a couple of Kiwi ones made the cut! 
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    it's hell getting the windows cleaned :)

    Wide range of geographic origin present and I like trying out some of the lesser known areas - but always have som NZ  whites on the go!

    Climate change is also affecting wine production in the northern hemisphere as well, not sure if it has had an impact down under as yet. England is becoming renowned for some very fine, and very expensive, white and sparkling wines (can't call them champagne!) which regularly outdo traditional production areas.

    Warm and moist this morning  - usual stroll .

    Wordle in five
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    .. just loved this extract from an article

    In other vehicle/athlete-interface news the Mexico City Marathon descended into farce after about 11,000 of the 30,000 participants were disqualified for using cars, bikes and public transport to skip sections of the course. This year set a new standard for the scandal-blighted event, which disqualified 5,806 runners in 2017 and 3,090 in 2018.

    you pays your entry money and then fork out for a bus ride!!
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    W7D2. "80-90 min Longer progression run ... last 20 min at HM pace". Kind of made it except a pit stop required just before the last 4k ☹️. Mis-hit pause button so included in the timing.  Helped HR a bit but not so good for the legs. Actual running time & distance ~90 mins, 14.6 km. Last 4k @ 5:15 (2.1 @ 5:11, 1.9 @ 5:19).  Second to last km a bit of a struggle!  Alas can't see anyway I could maintain that pace for 21km :(.  
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Oh, one other thing in the spec for this morning: "This longer progression run should be fun! Make sure to smile a lot throughout it, especially the final fast portion.:smile: (Yeah, right!)
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    Asthma still giving e problems PF is low and not climbed as yet.
    So past three days easy 50,56 and 62 minutes run.Very slow as well and going out at 7am in the dark and wet was not pleasant yesterday.
    PT today last one for a few weeks and then January will be hit and miss as G goes in for surgery on Foot and his partner has there second child.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    maybe just enter the Mexico City marathon - no problem smiling there :)

    Good run out - don't worry about the HM pace just yet, still training to do!

    Must admit it does get harder to raise race pace as one gets older. I always took it for granted that an average training pace of, say 7m/m would translate into sub 6m/m pace for a HM but latterly it was 8:30m/m to 8:00 min race pace!

    anything in particular triggering the asthma?  My friends normally get it when the temperature drops considerably but it's been very mild - so far.

    You have done well to run through it over the past few days - and in the dark!

    It was dark and very mild out there very early on as I had an 0800 Teams call - sat there drinking my hot choccie and munching on a warm crumpet much to everyone else's displeasure - or jealousy!!

    Wordle in four
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    Foxes doing well !!

    hope that parkrun hasn't knackered you?
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited December 2023

    Not entirely a happy Fox, TS! Second game in a row that two goals have gone in at the wrong end. Fortunately we got three. Anyway I believe we will avoid relegation.

    Thinking back to Saturday’s parkrun and the way forward in particular. So, first of all, and most importantly, don’t get beaten by a 7 year old running 23:16. Not even his best with a recent 22:33. And if he ran in a straight line rather than turning around trying to encourage his minder he would be even quicker. Wonder if he will still be running in 60 plus years time?

    First km 4:49, then 4:47, 4:46, 4:38, 4:35 and a further 50 metres. The first km was the toughest and was gasping: need to get used to running more quickly and also to include a warm up that includes something at close to race pace. And stretch as part of the warm up.

    HR was 144 average, and 156 max. Given that I rarely see more than 128 ish I need to get into that zone where I feel comfortably uncomfortable. Must include some faster running soon whilst avoiding injury, and also add in more hills.

    Weight: could do with losing half a stone. Have lost the whole of two pounds since last January, although did go up by half a stone post covid and have managed to take that off.

    Shoes: ran in ordinary trainers, so race shoes of any description should take a few seconds off. 

    Clothes: wore long sleeved top plus t-shirt over. A vest or even a t-shirt would shave off a few seconds.

    The weather: cool 6 degrees plus a breeze can't be the quickest of conditions and I would prefer a still 18 degrees!

    Must continue to, and increase, the frequency and volume of stretching and strengthening. Easier said than done, of course!

    No ill effects from parkrun and Sunday/Monday/Tuesday I ran 6, 9, 7 kms to take me to needing under 60kms over the next 12 days to get to 2023. Wonder how Birch is faring with his challenge. 

    Wordle in four three days in a row.

    Another case of wine has arrived so need to sort that. The display won't be as impressive as TS's, although I do have a 24 bottle rack for the reds, and a wine cooler for the wines and beers. Very handy at this time of year!



    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Good 3 days work in the circs, WP!  
    Love the breakfast, TS . . .  
    Nailed on for you, alehouse!  63 miles required here - should be ok.
    Aplologies for awol last few days; been a bit hectic - main thing being mother having to be admitted to hospital from care home. All "ok" now - she shold be discharged in next couple of days.
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    Hope mum is ok, Birch. Worrying times.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    edited December 2023
    Dave, good to hear your mum is 'OK' and hopefully good to be discharged as planned.  Best wishes.

    Reasonable article below. OK, entertainment value not on par with the Mexico Marathon article.  Not much new for most here, but worth a quick read?  My main failing is in the strength and stretching department :(.  Of course, prior to start of my HM training, were a lot more failings!


    Rest day today; 60-80 min speed workout tomorrow.  That is the session where the spec is well beyond my capabilities as discussed previously.  Will aim for somewhere in the middle of Ale's 3x3 - 5x5.  Not certain I will achieve that at 4m/km or even 4:30 pace though :(  
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    edited December 2023
    Ale:  Plan has a 'Speed Workout' session down for tomorrow (Strava's version being "5-6 x 1 mile at Speed Pace, 3 minute recovery jog between each").  If 'Speed Pace' is even 4:30 m/km (let alone 4:05), it is outside my league :(.  

    What pace should I be aiming at for your suggested 3x 3 mins - 5x 5 mins session?

    Or am I misunderstanding what they intend by 
    'Speed Pace'?   Maybe at a push I could manage 3 - 4x 1 mile at 5:00 - 5:20 pace.

    I assume for a speed session I should be aiming for faster than that?   But it would need to be shorter as per your suggestion.

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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Should have added - also interested in others views on this as well. 
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    As this seems to be your first session of this sort I suggest something like 4 X 3 minutes off 90 seconds, NZD, and would be happy with 4:35-4:45 km pace. Personally I'm not too sure about the prescribed session being introduced this late in the schedule. Wonder what others think. And don't get injured!

    Today's run is delayed as am overseeing workers at my daughter's building site!

    Wordle in five.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
     NZD - 5 or 6 x 1 mile repeats are, in my opinion, too much, especially, as alehouse says, at this stage.   
     Hope you got out, alehouse.
    5 x 800m here;  4.25 miles with the warmup/down. 8 in the group.
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    Easy run today around 69 minutes and fastest this week.Asthma still an issue as PF not climbed as yet so hoping it does soon.

    Dave: Nice workout and distance I like 800m reps and 400 m.Hope Mum is doing well.

    Alehouse: Hope you got out and ran.

    NZD:Do not get injured but seems late in your schedule for this session and too long in my limited book.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    edited December 2023
    Thanks for the suggestions everyone. 

    Targeted Ale's '4x3 off 90 sec' recommendation though fell short even then. Reps a little longer (770m - 800m), but so were the gaps, and pace down.  Intended driving to the park to do the workout but autopilot kicked in and I ended up at my normal estuary track start point!  Hence 4.4 km easy run (hill aside!) to get to the park.  Struggled to reach pace in first rep on grass & also getting tightness in glute, so switched to the estuary concrete pathway for the latter three reps [800 m @ 5:01 :(, and 3x ~770 m @ ~4:47].  Was intending one more but didn't feel up to it after the 4th rep. Waited till HR dropped close to 100 before starting each rep, which resulted in intervals increasing from just under 90 sec to 4 mins between reps 3 & 4!  Obviously in need of more speed practice ...

    With run in and out total distance 12.05km.

    To be fair to Strava/McMillan, there were two similar sessions scheduled in earlier weeks but there was no hope of me reaching anywhere near their targets.  The first I instead ran 12x ~100m reps, most on the 400m grass track, and the second two weeks ago I missed due to other circumstances here (parkrun the following Sat as a 'substitute').
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    I wouldn't be too disappointed with that session, NZD...but watch that glute though! And everything else! You will, naturally, develop all sorts of twinges in the lead up to the race; imaginary of course! 

    Just over 30 minutes both yesterday and today; today was on roads as I was concerned about all the debris from the wind on my off road routes. Instead I had wheelie bins whizzing all over the place! Now only need 48 kms to get to the 2023k target for the year. 

    Wordle in three today.

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Good sessions of differing types, WP/NZD . . .  
    Plenty of flying debris here too, alehouse. I was running along the pavement by a road, when a loud crack was followed by a branch from adjacent trees landing across my path - fortunately about 10 metres ahead!   A very blustery 6.5 miles completed - lots of buffeting!   
    Wodle in three here also.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Ale & Dave: Well done in challenging conditions. Sounds to have been a little dangerous? 
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