
Shades Marathon Training



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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    That’s good news Shades. 
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Those new Alphas are nearly £300. I was tempted into buying the first version after getting my sub-4 as I thought they'd help me with my GFA. Unfortunately this was 2020 and they are still in their box, unworn.  :D

    I did 10 miles today - longest run since I've been ill (in fact I've not run more than 5 miles since that). I was happy enough with it as most of the miles were below 11 pace. I seem to be over the illness - I just need to get shot of the weight now.
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    Cal - well done on your longest run for quite a while.   Good you're now well again and can focus on your training. 

    Smart move to stash a pair of those shoes away in preparation of your  GFA attempt. 
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Shades: three pairs £2.99 for running socks and comfy what a bargain.What a good day run and gym session!

    Big G Thanks re-telling your story with Rotator cuff I hope it has gone away never to return.

    Big news here I can finally get my sports bra on the normal way after 7 months :)
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    WP  - yes, I  might pop down to  Aldi tomorrow to see if they have any more of these socks left.  So comfy, I wore another pair to the gym today. 

    That's great news about the sports bra.  A sign you have indeed recovered 🙂

    I might try another run tomorrow morning if I'm not crocked after today 🤔 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Cal-Well done on the run.
    I managed to finish a little early so did 9m Inc 2 of my hilly loops,solid enough with no dramas.
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    Have decided to defer my next run until tomorrow morning, consecutive days might be a bit too much right now.   

    No aftereffects from yesterday's run and gym though.   :)
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    12 miles on the trails at Haldon today. I did the Forest Flyer route 2.5 times, which included three treks up ‘The Hill’, which is a mile long and steep. Enjoyable run out. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    The Hokas have arrived from Sportsshoes so I’ll try them next week. As an aside I went through the list of orders on the site and there was a pair of Nike Peg 40, which I don’t remember ordering. Thinking it was a mistake, when I checked there is indeed a pair there, unworn. OH very often says ‘you don’t need anymore shoes’ and I think, for once, she’s right (although I have ordered a better pair of trail shoes as these ones are really bad, and I’m hopefully going to do a bit more trail with Simon B’s group, so these ones will be recycled). 
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    Big G  - you're certainly clocking up the miles this week. 

    You might find the Hokas good on trail surfaces too.
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    Big G - I’m on my 3rd pair of Mach 5, having also gone through 2 pairs of Mach 4s. Love them. Light and not ploddy, but stable. I can’t wear them on consecutive days though due to the low drop. They look nice for real life too. 

    12 miles earlier including 6x1km with 3 min rest. Similar paces and HR as when I did the same workout last Friday which is ok. Will probably do a more typical continuous tempo next week and come back to this afterwards. 20 miler planned for this weekend but will go super easy.
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    Keith M StuartKeith M Stuart ✭✭✭
    edited January 5
    Hmm the portaling in London is amusing on Zwift. Leaving central London it takes you down onto a tube line essentially then pops you out in the Surrey Hills for Box hill and others. Coming back is a bugger as you have to essentially ride UP the escaltor/stairs bit. Still Stage 1 done and not dead yet ;)
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Sounds promising,hope tomorrow goes well.
    Rcouture-I have a 20 tentatively planned for Sunday,its been a while.
    7 today after work,definitely starting to feel fitter and my HR backed that up.
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    Ian - You’re motoring. What are you thinking re Seville? Reminds me I need to reach out to see if I can defer. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Keith, that is amusing seeing central London basically linked to Box Hill on Zwift. But the elevation is accurate for Box Hill. 

    Shades, yes, I’ve done a few miles. A nagging doubt hoping I’m not doing too much, but I’m feeling okay. Still doing all my stretches etc, but very aware it could come back at any time. It’s all nice and easy pace, and of course a lot of (fast) walking on the hills, and I think the break from the constant running due to the hills is helping a bit too.  

    Brian (Winding Paths) and I are swapping places for 1st and 2nd at the moment. I feel I’ve done quite a lot although of elevation one of my runs was flat (NYD parkrun), but he is only just behind me but has done 8 miles less. I think most of his is off road.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Made a late decision *not* to do parkrun, which is the first time in weeks. Instead doing an easy ride on Zwift. Reason being I’m standing all afternoon as I’m going football with a friend, and although foot is okay, don’t want to do too much. Hoping to get out on the hills tomorrow as I suspect Brian will be ahead of me again later today.  
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    Rcouture - I thought you used the Mach, good to hear you have good reviews on them.  Might look at a pair for myself.

    Your training is going well.

    Ian - nothing beats the HRM stats confirming that feeling when your fitness is improving.

    Big G - there are always doubts with training and injuries, too much, too little.   If it feels right then do it, you've been patient and cautious for a long time.

    Well I managed a giddy 4 miles this morning  :)   Had better control of the HR too until I came across unexpected ice.  Ice and cyclists on pavements are guaranteed to send my HR sky high  ;)  No ice where I live, was cold, 'feels like 1', but about a mile into my run, there was some slippery patches, ground still wet.
    But run was OK and I'm hoping I might go for a run tomorrow too.

    Did I mention I love my Aldi socks, so comfy  :love:   I walked down to Aldi yesterday and rummaged in the shelf looking for my size of socks until my arm was sore.   Managed to find 3 packs.   :)

    Might go to the gym later if I'm not sore.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Great news on run Shades and socks.We don't have an Aldi near us sadly.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Big G - xpost.   Wrap up warm for the football.   

    I remember when I was a football steward, so so cold, standing there.  I couldn't move either as I was behind the goalie.  I gave up the job as I couldn't handle the cold.
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    WP - have you got ice today?    

    Lidl often do good running/fitness stuff too
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-good news on another run. 
    Rcouture-I'm not sure yet,I'll see how the mileage goes the next few weeks,in my head I'm thinking around 3:15 will be a target area.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Indeed they do I have to pop in later for broccoli so will see if they have some socks.
    No ice today although cold temps 1 degree but the sun was blinding I could not see clearly when running I needed my sunglasses.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Ian  - that's a very reasonable target.   I take it your OH's training is going well too?

    WP - I  was out before the sun was up today.   Sunny here now and it's slowly drying up the roads and pavements, which we need as frost forecast for the next few days.

    Decided not to go to the gym today as a little achy after my run and I do want to run tomorrow. 🙃 
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Shades, good you're getting back at it. Ice eh? Nowhere near that in London. Just damp. And no sun, unlike WP.
    Big G, shoe amnesia eh? I was just having a clear out under my bed and found an old pair of Nike Frees that I once ran marathons in but are still in good enough nick to be worn to the gym. 

    I did go to parkrun today - originally my intent was to travel but it's now pretty hard to find one in easy reach that doesn't involve trail or grass. I'd basically have to go to the coast, or somewhere like Milton Keynes or Maidstone which are a 2 mile jog from the station (which I don't want to do in this weather as I want my warm coat). So I decided to go back to Lordship Rec (Tottenham) for the third time as it's all paved, relatively flat and an easy tube journey (two changes but both involve walking from once side of the platform to the other). 
    Unfortunately I wasn't feeling it today so 28:40 was my slowest time here. I ran slower and at a higher HR than on NYD so I think there was quite a bit of fatigue from the 10 miler on Thursday (my longest run since being ill).
    I am doing my 250 next week so I'd like to do something more fun for that and in a more rested state, I think.
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Oh I should add I have entered the Bacchus wine half marathon in September. My first booze run.  :D
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    Cal - I'm sure I'd have shoe amnesia too if I didn't enter my shoe purchases on my spreadsheet when they arrive  ;)

    I guess most of the parkrun courses are at their worst right now with mud and/or surface water. 

    I guess that half marathon is like the Medoc marathon, fancy dress etc too.  I'm sure you'll have a great time. 🥴
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    It's the British version, yes. It's around Denbies Vineyard (where Mole Valley parkrun is located). Which is very hilly. I imagine it'll take me quite a while and I'm rather interested to see if I get tiddly. 
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    I was going to do park run this morning but i could tell my kitchen flat roof was white with frost so opted to loiter in the warmth in bed on the laptop. Was fine my one was cancelled cos it was slippy on the route which is not surprising as it's been a tad wet recently so being it is sorta in a valley and tree lined rarely dries out quickly.
    Not actualy ventured out at all other than going shopping as it was still a tad cold and frosty when i got back and then i got sidetraccked with James May in India on amazon then saltburn.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Until this week I'd say her training was going brilliant,but she's had a bit of a knee niggle so having to manage that this week.
    Another nice run today after work.7 miles and nice to back yesterday up with another low HR run and feeling easy. 
    Long run tomorrow, need to get some of these in or these short easy runs won't mean anything.
    I see Marc Scott is having Seville,along with Mellor,I'd imagine a lot will be going as its probably the best place to get a Paris time.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ian, nice running. Seems things are clicking into place for you.  I saw somewhere that Samantha Harrison is running Seville.

    Went to see Exeter City and they won, so that’s good. Did an easy hour on Zwift this morning and foot feels fine as I’m typing this so the aim is to get out for a hilly 10ish tomorrow. I am writing it here to encourage me to do it!  Brian did a ridiculous 8 miles with nearly 1500ft earlier, off-road so he’s pulled ahead again. 
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