
Shades Marathon Training



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    Cal - well at least you won't have to worry about driving home  ;)

    Keith  - usually colder up your way 🥶

    Ian - hope OH's knee niggle eases quickly. 

    I mentioned a few months ago on here that Marc Scott was running his marathon debut at Seville.    Will be really interesting to see how he does,he's been running really well.  Not sure if Mellor can get the Olympic qualifying time, it's very tough now for the British men.

    Hope the long run goes well. 

    Big G  - nothing like a bit of competition to get you motivated.  I expect you'll be up on Dartmoor tomorrow   ;)

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-I must have missed that about Scott,I agree with Mellor,the likes of Sesseman and Mohamad have overtaken him now.Seville say that GB have announced its their trial race for the Olympics,surely that would be London.
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    Ian - maybe Seville are saying that due to the number of British Olympic hopefuls that have they have lined up for the race.   London will still be the British Championships, as usual.  But it's leaving it late for Olympic qualification, if a runner has a niggle or a bad race not much chance of squeezing another marathon in before the closing date for the qualification.
    I think Seville is a faster course than London?   

    Edit: UKA have announced there will not be a marathon trial event for 2024 qualification
    Interestingly, the selection meetings are held on 19th Feb (day after Seville) and 22nd April (day after London)

    No run for me this morning, the roads/pavements haven't dried out and we have a heavy frost, disappointing as I got up intending to run.   I can see the ice on the pavement just looking out the window.  I can't run comfortably thinking there might be ice and a tiny slip will be the worst thing for my sciatica.  Hopefully roads will dry up today and even though another frost expected might be OK tomorrow.   

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    edited January 7
    Shades-Yes Seville is definitely faster than London.It says that performances prior to Feb 19 can carry a higher weighting than after,so it looks like they are pushing athletes to Seville.
    They can select 2 athletes after Seville,in the men only Emile Cairess has beat the QT,womans will be a lot harder as 6 have already beat it.
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    Let's hope some of the men can get that qualifying time at Seville.

    World record debut marathon for the women at Dubai, 2:16.  She held up her adidas shoes for a photo at the finish.

    Men's winner 2:05 in his first marathon.   

    It's a fast course, the best road surface I've ever seen for a marathon, very flat too.   The miles of long straight roads would do my head in though.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    We also have ice today so no running for me sadly.I am fighting off a cold/virus and RHR +10 so not a bad thing really.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Has anyone seen anything from Callum Hawkins?

    Just under 10 today, and the majority on trail. Can’t believe I’m saying this but I’m actually enjoying the trails!!?  Got a new pair of much better trail shoes - New Balance Hierro, which have the same foam as 1080s but with a vibrum outsole, and I got the Gore-Tex version. They made a massive difference to my grip on the trails so very happy with them. 1800ft today - just ahead of Brian again overall, but not sure if he’s running today. 
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    WP - hope you're not going to be poorly again.   Bad news on the ice for you too.

    Sun is out here now but still ice on the pavements. 

    Big G  - Callum Hawkins seems to keep a low profile.   Haven't  heard anything about him for quite a while, has he retired?

    New trail shoes sound great. 

    I expect Brian will be out later   ;)
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Quick look at Hawkins PO10 shows he was racing XC in October.His PB is only just inside the QT so he'll need to be at the top of his game to qualify.
    Icy here,going to run this afternoon and hope the ice clears a bit.
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    Ian - I think Hawkins PB was set some time ago.

    Ice here is just about gone now, no sun and very cold.
    Hope ice clears soon for your run.
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    I'm glad it's not icy in London. I saw a little frost but it wasn't enough to make things slippy, thankfully.
    I decided to tackle 12 miles today, which didn't quite go to plan due to my questionable decision to try and run up to Crystal Palace, which is a hilly route.  On reflection, it was probably foolish to attempt it when I am still fatigued from the midweek 10, which was the longest run I'd done since Dec 11. My legs were already tired going up the first, smallish hill, so Christ knows why I decided it would be a good idea to continue in that vein. By the time I made it up the long hill to Crystal Palace, my old friend anxiety* had kicked in so I noped out of crossing the road to the park and decided I'd do a (mostly) out and back instead. Which was OK except I felt like I'd done 20 miles when I got to 10. I still pushed on for another 2 because I'm stubborn like that. I hope I don't regret that later.

    * I have experience anxiety going up hills a couple of times, which I suspect may be related to an incident from a field trip in my teens when I lost my footing going up a snow-packed corrie and started to slide down. The last boy in the line managed to stop me. I don't know what would have happened had he not, but I doubt it would have been fun. It didn't overly traumatise me at the time but I do wonder if it has now had some effect. I also suspect my anxiety is worse when my legs are a bit heavy and wobbly from fatigue as I trust them less.
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    Cal - I don't think your stubbornness does you any favours at times.   IMHO you need to be kinder to yourself. 

    Are you still going out on your longer runs fasted? 

    If so you really need to fuel up with a decent breakfast.    It does you no good mentally or physically to run fasted, in fact detrimental to your training and your wellbeing too. 

    Hope you've recovered OK now.
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Thanks I'm fine. My issue is this. You know that old parable about having two wolves within us, good and bad, and the one that wins is the one you feed? My two wolves are lazy, self-indulgent child and strict sergeant major. I don't like the first one being in control (because it's hard to get out of that mode once I'm in it) so I often default to the second one. The problem is determining when a need to take it easier comes from a place of need because my body is not up to it or because the child would rather sit and play computer games than go out into the cold, because Sergeant Major Jones treats them both the same.
    As for the breakfast, I don't eat before running because of reflux, unless it's a race or parkrun and I am awake and able to eat minimum three hours beforehand. Even then I can be uncomfortable or throw up in my mouth during the run.
    Once I start doing longer runs I'll take gels with me, which I can tolerate (usually).
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    edited January 7

    20 miles earlier around Richmond park and the river after the eldest’s junior parkrun. Bitingly cold to start but warmed up with the sun and there were masses of runners around Richmond. There seem to be a lot of these newer casual running groups these days in London, such as tracksmith and other smaller ones. It’s nice as seems to attract folks who might otherwise be intimated by the more traditional clubs. Pleased that I kept it nice and slow and had another trial of these huma gels. Stomach seemed ok this time but difficult to gauge anything as was in zone 2 throughout.  Due to last long run on Monday, that’s 69 miles in the last 7 days which is excessive and risky this far out from any racing, especially with speedwork thrown in so I’ll wind things down this coming week. 
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    Cal - perhaps you need to find a happy medium between those two wolves to get the best from your training. 

    Get up earlier before your longer runs and eat.  Gels are just a spoonful or two of sugar.   You won't get a GFA time without fuelling properly  and that means starting your longer runs well fuelled.  You would also recover more quickly too from your longer runs. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Got my long run done this afternoon,temps went up to a balmy 3° so the ice had gone.
    20 done,felt surprisingly strong throughout and happy with the pace and effort.
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    I already get up early. I have had days where I've decided to eat but then my run gets delayed until late morning/lunchtime and I lose the willpower to run and either end up not running or doing a shorter run than planned. So that ain't going to work for me. 
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    Cal - I only mean on long run days.   During the week, runs up to say  8-10 miles you'll be fine to run fasted. 

    Rcouture  - well done on your 20 miler.    That's impressive mileage you're doing.   Pity you haven't got a suitable (local) marathon to do sooner, Manchester seems a long time ahead.

    We've had quite a few of those ad hoc running groups too, some attached to gyms etc. setting up in the last few years.   

    Despite EA's attempts to attract more runners they actually seem to be driving them away. 

    Ian - well done on your 20 miler too.   It's 3 degrees here but with a feels like of -1.  Bitterly cold wind.

    Only part of the roads/pavements have dried out, just hoping that improves by the morning so I can get out.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Rcouture-That was a really good run today.
    Today brought up 55 for the week after a 54 last week.Last week in my current store and I've got an easy week so hoping for another good week.
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    Ian - some good consistent mileage from you too.

    Didn't take long for your store transfer to be sorted out.

    I have run  :):)  Cold wind, a 'feels like' -3, but thanks to the wind no ice or frost.   Just over 3 miles but I ran all of it.   
    I had a better night's sleep too, less discomfort from my sciatica 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    That’s great news, Shades. 

    Great mileage from you Ian and Rcouture. Things are ticking over nicely. 

    Cal, sorry you had a bad run. Hopefully you’ll feel a bit better in a day or two.  

    Brian didn’t go out for a run yesterday so I finished the week at the league, just!  46 miles, 5900ft. 
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    Big G - that's a great week for you, mileage and elevation. :)

    I'm getting my running mojo back, I'm looking at running shoes.....
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    edited January 8
    Always a good sign if you’re looking at shoes, Shades!  I’m blaming my lack of running as the reason I forgot I’d bought a pair of Pegs!  I too have my running mojo back, but personally I mustn’t get too carried away, as although foot is definitely manageable it is still not totally 100%. If I can do similar this week as last week (both distance and vert) I’ll be happy, and a couple of Zwift rides as well. Looking at Madeira, it is not going to be a fast time (even keeping in mind my current fitness) so if I can get around that unscathed, in terms of the foot, it would then be great if I could take a down week and then get back up to 40-50 in the run up to Tokyo.  There’s 6 weeks between Madeira and Tokyo, so with travel etc, if I can get a decent middle 4 weeks in, I’ll be happy. But it’s all a long way off still and I’m trying not to look too far ahead. 

    Ian, could you forward me your Madeira strava?  The website doesn’t make it look too bad in terms of elevation, presuming it’s the same course. It is an odd course - first section is basically 4 out and backs (I hope I don’t lose count!), and then second section is out and backs up and down 3 legs. Elevation doesn’t look too bad, but it’s not really a detailed diagram. What I mean is, it’s not flat, but not DD-hilly, is it?
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Hope that works.
    No it's definitely not DD hilly,in fact when you walk it,it doesn't seem bad,it's just a few short sharp climbs but they add up eventually.
    If you leave your hotel and walk away from the centre until you get to a roundabout with a statue that's basically the course.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-We work on 4 week rotas so that's usually the time these things take,got the new guy coming here today to start handing it over,bit sad as I've been here 5 years but that's the way it is,staff aren't happy I'm going which is always nice.
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    Big G - Madeira is a volcanic island and there's very little flat land.   Used to be one of the most dangerous airports as short runway requiring only the most highly skilled and qualified pilots to fly there.   A week before we arrived there, they had a crash and plane landed on the road from the airport, my husband's aunt was injured and died a few days later from that crash.    While we were there another plane overshot the runway and landed in the sea.

    Don't worry, they've extended the runway since then.  :sweat_smile:

    So I can imagine that for the marathon they've had to be creative to keep the course as flat as is possible.

    Three pairs of shoes ordered  :)
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Shades Good news on your run today and new shoes as well.

    My RHR dropped to +6 so all good to go when pull curtains back to ice I even went out to see the surface but sadly not.Never mind tomorrow is another day(PT day ) So hoping by Wednesday i can run and temps increase -4 today.

    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Yeah, I knew Madeira airport used to be renowned!

    7.5 hilly miles this morning to kick off the week. Tried the Mach 5s and I like them, although it took a while to get the laces right in the first mile or two.  Hopefully the new Pegs will have an outing later this week. 
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    Ian - good your staff think so highly of you. 

    Big G  - nice debut run in the Hokas.

    WP - bad luck with the ice.   It's only the bitter NE wind that's keeping us ice free for now.    But we've got a yellow warning for ice coming in at 3pm today, so tomorrow's run might not happen 😭.   Just have to wait and see. 
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