
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    TS- Glad Mrs TS is safe at home upstairs .May the hill work begin.

    Sorry been quiet but not in the mood to run or post but I ran yesterday for an hour.Today is -7C so have jab at 11am so will see if I can run post jab.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Torque SteerTorque Steer ✭✭✭
    edited January 18

    walking up a 20 storey building would certainly help the step count :)

    January blues :/
    Hope the sun shines on you today

    Thanks everyone - Yes Mrs TS is settled in now, just have to get that bell off her when she wants attention :)
    Only eight flights done so far today...

    Went out early whilst she was still ensconced in bed - probably a mistake!
    The hard crunchy frost of yesterday had melted in the very bright sunshine yesterday and then promptly froze again to give a lovely sheen of ice to all pavements.  Grass was even worse!!
     2 miles was enough and pleased to get back home in one piece - and with muscles aching in strange spots from maintaining balance.

    Should have read this first

    Wordle in four but so many choices after two with four letters completed!
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Well done keeping upright, TS!  Pleased all went smoothly for Mrs TS.  
    Sorry to hear of the low mood, WP. Well done on the hour yesterday.  
    -3c this morning, so same gear as yesterday. Out and back 7 miles, beautiful sunny morning, only downside being the return - running directly into low sun. Could have done with a cap or visor!!   Legs ploddy after yesterday's session.
    No wordle yet - three yesterday.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Same route as yesterday, so another 7 miles bagged. 3c rather than -3c, so double layer not triple 🙂  Wordle in four yesterday & today.
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    running before dawn alleviates the sun bit - but it also increases the ice risk :)
    Still sounded like a good outing for you though - clear skies and sunshine is what we all need at  this time of year.

    Underfoot conditions were a little better this morning and a positively balmy -3C so I splurged out on 2.5 miles in the usual 12m/m pace with avHr at 123 at a more workaday level.

    Wordle in four today

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    A struggle yesterday: very icy where I don't recall ever seeing the same! Kept run short and easy.
    A struggle today: visited GP and returned with antibiotics and steroids. Kept run short and easy. 

    Wordle in four yesterday,  three today. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Sitting in plane on tarmac at Zurich waiting to take off on return flight to London after 5 hours of meetings this morning /early afternoon. Snowed overnight but generally sunny today so quite picturesque.

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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Great article, TS . . . .   
    Kudos for the predawn run!  
    Sounds a bit concerning, alehouse - but you ran . . . ?   
    Nice pic, NZD.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Yes, I ran,  Birch. Average HR 107. One of my GB team doctors approves. Gentle exercise keeps the air moving around the lungs, or something like that.

    Busy, NZD, but hopefully not too busy to miss parkrun!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Road efforts. Lacklustre. Back in shorts, though . . . 
    39.5 miles for the week (rest tomorrow).
    Wordle in four.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited January 20
    Another decent week, Birch, particularly in view of the weather.

    A lacklustre 20 minutes here...as planned!

    Wordle in four. 

    So, NZD, parkrun?
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    sounds like you are proper suffering with that medication!
    Keep it very easy - as I keep saying to Mrs TS, who of course, ignores me!

    oohh so close to the magic >40 miles marker - go on, do anther 0.75 miles :)

    A very good week nevertheless

    I liked the principled stand where he refused to hand back his bronze and get an upgraded silver as he felt the guy had been wrongly disqualified

    hope the plane got off and wasn't ice bound on the runway which happened to me once at Munich airport.
    The cold air slid off the Alps in the distance and hit the airport and suddenly everything was thick with ice. Quite scary!!!

    NRD today - don't think I will quite make the 40 mile park tomorrow, may make 4 :)

    Wordle in a lucky three today
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Impressed by the icy -3C running efforts TS, Ale and Dave.

    Showing +2C here in London early this morning so deciding whether to do a parkrun without cold weather gear was struggle. But ultimately thought I better do to avoid reputational damage here 😁. Did don a long sleeve thermal under shirt under my running top (& gloves of course). Then headed to Mile End Parkrun.

    Alas, body & especially my quads quickly started complaining that they hadn't fully recovered from the half marathon 6 days earlier, so not a flash time (27:12, 12 sec of that before crossing the start line). Cold wasn't too bad. A few patches of white frost on the track. Total 12.8 km including running to and from my hotel in Tower Hill.

    Just arriving at airport en route to Singapore this evening. 
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Well done for toeing the line, NZD, and that time was fine in the circumstances! How long are you in Singapore?
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Ah, started the above earlier this morning but only finished it on the way to the airport, hence missed 3 posts.

    So Dave 0.5 short of 40 miles (so far) and TS a 'tad' short too 😁. Well done both. Good to see you are still managing up to 2.5 miles, TS. Hopefully you can keep nudging that up in good time. And Ale, good to see you are sensibly taking it easy. 
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    bon voyage to hot Singapore!

    Still a good outing at parkrun and yes your legs would play up after a HM and a long flight!

    I hope you claimed the furthest travelled  visitor spot in the pre run introduction?

    Well I looked at Garmin recommendation for today and it said base running - 40 min at 13:10 pace so that was alright - I would always be faster than that.

    After 10 min I checked on stats and saw that I had another 40 min to run on the countdown so I had obviously misread the 50 min for 40 min!!

    ah well carry on and did the 50 m for an exact 4 miles with avHR126 and a max of 137 as I held quite a bit back on the hills which totalled 91m of climb in all.

    So at least a 4 was achieved if not quite Dave's 40 :)

    Wordle in three - only one word left after my first two said the Bot 

    Back to tax returns :/

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Wordle in three, also. 

    Sounds a decent outing, TS! I'm still on a restricted diet (i.e. short runs and very little alcohol). Hopefully a longer run tomorrow with my M78 neighbour. 35.81 for the week...kms unfortunately. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    TS: Great step up. Well done.

    Didn't hear them ask about visitors. Initially thought it odd but figured it would be because of the numbers there (472) and likely large numbers from other areas, given it is near central London. There were about 138 'first timers'! Then again perhaps I just missed it while attending the 'first timer' briefing? Running to & from Mile End through East London along Whitechapel Road was not the nicest part of the exercise. 

    Ale, just 2 nights here in Singapore, then overnight to Tokyo. Also only a few days.

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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    edited January 22
    Warm humid 6k after dinner walk along the Singapore River last night. More sweat than the Mile End parkrun! Almost none in the latter (too cold)!

    Skipping a run this morning - up too late! 
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    I am back after a difficult week my weekly mileage was 13 miles.But ran speed repeats which was 15 minute warm up, half a mile reps off 1/4 mile jog x 8 with 15 minute cool down.
    These are long reps or it seemed to me and as people and cars started to get busy at rec cut it short to 4 reps-I also never hit the pace needed for them about 30 secs too slow.I wish the workout was to HR rather than pace.

    Easy run for today after coffee.

    Weight loss 5lbs.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    running in strange cities can turn up some unexpected sights and places :)
    Poor etiquette in London - these southerners set a bad example.

    Your body won't know what's happening with all those weather changes at short order!
    Still only another 5500 mile to home!

    the latter part of your diet sounds really bad!
    Hope you are feeling better today

    if you are in the right HR zone the pace doesn't matter as you are inputting the effort. Half mile rps are difficult to pace as well as being hard!

    I was quite pleased with my knee's lack of reaction to yesterday's outing. However when I was making dinner last evening  I turned quickly to get cream from the fridge, it was a critical moment in making my mushroom sauce to go with the pork fillet medallions, and my knee didn't like it at all.
    Left me limping quite badly so I had to reach for some anaesthetic to go with dinner in the shape of a very nice NZ Pinot Noir.

    As a consequence I was a little improved this morning so did a little 2.25 miles in very blustery conditions, however nothing like as bad as it was overnight!

    Tree blown down in next door's garden, a very nice old ornamental cherry tree, but which fortunately fell away from our drive.

    I was amused by the story of the flight that took off from Manchester to go to Dublin but ended up in Paris because of the gales!!!
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited January 22
    8 x a half mile seems a very bulky session, WP, and 4 was a decent outcome!

    Went out with M78, joining him on the proviso that I could turn back, plus it had to be very slow. In the ended I didn't although it was. Just under 72 minutes, largely off road, and only 10.22 km. Was happy that I felt as bad at the end as I did at the start. Legs were a little jelly-like which is not surprising after illness. Meds seem to be doing their job though and have hopefully prevented anything too nasty. 

    Enjoy Singapore if you get the chance, NZD! Could do with a bit of that warmth, unseasonal that it would be!

    Wordle in four.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    good news on finishing feeling as bad as when you started - that's the reverse of the normally feeling worse at the finish as at the start!

    Your elderly companion (my age!) was very kind to you :)

    Wordle in five today - I mistyped my first word and ended up with a one chosen by less that 0.01% of participants, and what's worse, I didn't notice I had done so and was therefore missing a crucial vowel!!
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Good work with the four miles, TS - and bad luck with the cooking injury! Astute choice of medication did the trick, seemingly . . . 
    Decent enough parkrun, NZD, in view of recent HM and travel. Nice commitment too, getting out in Singapore . . .  
    Great to have you back, WP - and with a session!   
    Pleased to hear no turning back, alehouse
    Same here in terms of how my run felt. Hard work from the start, and remained so for the 6.5 miles, even though my point to point route was downhill/flat for the first 5 miles! Legs had the old "chainmail" feel.  This follows Saturday's "lacklustre" road efforts. So, in the diary, and pleased it is, but not one of my more enjoyable jaunts!   
    Wordle in three
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    Torque SteerTorque Steer ✭✭✭
    edited January 23
    done and dusted and in the book ..... result :)

    Could be a cut back period coming up?

    I too had the dead leg syndrome, though not through mileage, but perhaps staircase elevations may have caught up, so I ran the flattest loop I can find around here for 2.1 miles with only 25m of ascent overall and an AHR of 115 - needless to say I wasn't moving very quickly - the old dear with the zimmer frame thought she had a chance of a notable scalp at one stage :)

    Wordle in three
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    Dave: It does sound like you need a cut back week.

    TS:Glad old dear never took your scalp this morning.I think the staircase workout is affecting the legs.

    I know rain and wind but this morning went to a whole new level.Road flooded, wading through puddles of water but three miles done.It is PT day but his partner went into labour so rescheduled for Thursday but at 10am so I can run before hand.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Wet and windy here too. Got fed up of waiting for a break in the weather. Got out for 32 minutes of puddles. 

    Wordle in three, also.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Very wet here, but wind fairly moderate when I ran. Legs much better today for some reason. Felt relatively sprightly :)  
    Another 6.5 logged. Different route, mainly flat (last 0.75 uphill), mainly road, but there's a one mile section on level dirt trail through woodland which I particularly enjoyed. Only saw three others along here. 
    Very soggy when completed, but hot shower followed by a rare treat of sausage butty was restorative!   
    Wordle in five.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Swimming all around then! 

    Beautifully warm & reasonably sunny day here in Singapore 😁 (albeit a touch humid at times walking outside). Meetings all day so no run.

    Now in airport lounge waiting on 2am flight to Tokyo. Forecast there also good (for mid-winter!) - bright sun all three days, 9-10C though somewhat chilly nights (-2 to +2). Hopefully can get out for a run around midday tomorrow. Might also aim for a parkrun on Saturday morning before heading back home. 
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