
New Mature Runners Thread



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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    Morning everyone,

    HS - I'm off to see my Mum again on Thu and will be staying over. I've already been thinking I'll have that smothered chicken again. I've also been thinking I'll take my gear with me with the intention of going for an early-morning walk before driving home on Fri. Having failed to get up in time twice now, I'm hoping it will be third-time lucky. I see you did a different parkrun to the one you originally planned to - shame about just missing out with your WAVA score. And well done re this morning's 4.5ml run.

    I sat up too late last night catching up on 'Traitors' (I record them during the week). So no early-morning walk today. However, yesterday I did get up and out and managed the fastest walk I've done for some time - 15:29mm pace equivalent to just under 3.9mph - I was trying to lengthen my stride and walk faster, so it obviously worked.

    Margaret and I are planning to head to Croome for an 'amble' tomorrow morning. I may get up and do a fast early-morning walk beforehand .. we'll see. 

    Book Circle this afternoon - we're discussing "Old Rage" by Sheila Hancock. Rose can't make it as it's her birthday and she's being taken out - she apologised and said she wasn't able to get into the book. In response, Val posted "it's not so much a biography really as a diary giving the authors views on an event, namely Covid". Frankly, this is bollocks. The book is full of reminiscences about her childhood, her early life and her family and tales about her time working in theatre and film plus much more. I shall have to try hard not to lose my temper. The book is much more than an opinion piece about covid, which only starts being mentioned 60% of the way through the book. 
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    WtnMel, I hope that your mum is making good progress?  Enjoy the smothered chicken, it is probably healthier than the steak. 

    I haven't been watching The Traitors. Well done for yesterdays fastest walk for sometime.

    I hope that it won't be too cold for your and Margaret's amble in Croome tomorrow, and that you will manage to fit in an early morning  walk before the amble.

    Your Book Circle this afternoon sounds as if it could be "interesting!" Try not to lose your temper.

    I ran a hilly 6.33 miles on roads this morning with Sarah H. It was really cold, with a biting wind.
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    HS - unfortunately, the progress my Mum is making is very slow and erratic at the moment. Margaret and I enjoyed a slow walk around Croome yesterday. It was far quieter than the last time (Boxing Day) and although it was only 4-5 degrees, we chose to eat our lunch outside in the fresh air. I did manage an early-morning walk yesterday as Margaret cannot walk very fast these days so I needed to have 'a bit of a blast' to get the exercise I wanted. I didn't lose my temper at book group on Monday - Val was much less voluble about the book in real life as opposed to her whatsapp message. Well done re Monday's 6ml road run.

    Yesterday afternoon, I finished shredding the leaves and bagging them up and they're now round the side of the shed where they can rot down and all being well, we'll have lots more leaf mould by this time next year.
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    WtnMel, I'm sorry to hear that your Mum is only making very slow and erratic progress. Well done for yesterdays walk around Croome yesterday. That was good, being able to sit outside to eat your lunch. I'm glad that you didn't have to lose your temper during the book group meeting on Monday.

    Well done for shredding and bagging the leaves, where they will rot , and hopefully provide more leaf mould by the same time next year.

    I met up for lunch yesterday with Alice, who you you may remember I used to run regularly with. She was with her  younger daughter Rosie who is now 4 years old. We are going to start meeting up again more often, like we did in the past. Her eldest daughter Maddie is now 10, where have those years gone!!

    I ran 4.23 miles this morning with  Sarah H and Julie. This included the run out and back, and 6 hill reps. It was bitterly cold and I wore my track suit bottoms again. I feel the cold more now that I'm older🥶
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    Very cold this morning, minus 5 degrees with wind chill 10 degrees.

    I ran a solo 4.1 miles on roads.
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    edited January 18
    HS - I saw my Mum earlier this afternoon and she was much better .. not coughing as much or as badly .. and she was much brighter generally. I didn't stay as long as I expected as Mum said she wanted a little sleep before they brought dinner round (she's says they wake her too early!). So I got to the hotel early and was able to get out for a brisk 4ml walk this afternoon before it got dark. There wasn't any choice really of where to go - so I did an out & back route from the hotel and because of it's position, it was uphill for the last bit. Well done re yesterday's 4ml run with Sarah H and Julie. And today's solo 4ml run. I remember you mentioning Alice in the past so I hope you can meet up more often in future.

    I finally got round to ordering myself some Paramo waterproof walking trousers on Tuesday. I've had a Paramo waterproof coat for a few years and it has been really good at keeping me dry. And I've been meaning to buy some trousers too - but it has taken me years to get round to it. Anyway, I ordered them on Tuesday and they arrived today (Margaret texted me to say they turned up just after midday). Worryingly, I had to order the next size up than usual (40" rather than 38" waist) so it will be interesting to see how they fit when I try them on.
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    WtnMel, It's good to hear that your Mum is much better now. Well done for Thursdays brisk 4 mile walk. Hopefully, I'll be meeting up again with Alice and Rosie again in a couple of weeks time.

    I seem to remember quite a long time ago that you bought a pair of waterproof trousers, but I'm probably wrong. Not so good going up a waist size. Hopefully, with more brisk walks and golf matches, you will be able to lose the couple of inches. 

    I ran a solo 7 miles this morning, including 5 1k laps round the 1k grass and gravel track in the forest. Gale force winds are forecast from this evening until Monday morning, so I might have to have a couple of rest days.
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    HS - on the contrary, you have a good memory! I bought some waterproof trousers from Craghoppers a while back, with a view to wearing them when walking and also for playing golf. They're 'okay' - but they're not particularly well tailored and don't fit that well. Unlike these new Paramo trousers, which having tried them on, are well tailored and a much better fit than I expected. They seem to be slightly elasticated so if I should manage to lose a few lbs, I can probably tighten the belt. But I noticed Paramo sell trouser braces which might be a better bet! Well done re the 7ml solo run - I don't blame you for having some rest days with the forecasted strong gales.

    My right foot has been a bit painful the last day or so. I think it was self-inflicted because while I was out in the garden, I wore my old walking boots with 'normal' socks rather than padded walking ones. I think I probably put undue pressure on the toe joint. It seems better today though, so I'm hoping I'll be okay to walk in the morning.
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    Hello Folks.
    I haven't been on here for years so just seeing who's still about.
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    WtnMel, I'm slightly amused by the thought of you walking wearing trousers help up with braces😁

    I hope that your right foot is ok now and that you were able to go for a walk this morning?

    Welcome back Damien! I recognised your name on the email. I'm afraid that this thread is just about "hanging on" There are just 4 of us now, Aquarius,  WtnMel, 00 who joined recently and myself. Are you still running? I don't do many races these days, but try to parkrun every Saturday. 

    I ran a very slow 4 miles on roads this morning,  still feeling the after-effects from yesterday's solo 5k. 
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    Yeah I'm still running.
    A few years ago I said that I wanted to get the park run time to 24mins, In the last few weeks I have managed 22.39 which is a massive boost for me.

    Nice to see that there is still life on here.

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    Well done Damien for your 22.39 parkrun time. My parkrun pb is 22.08 set way back in 2016 when I was 65.
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    Thats a great time :)
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    Thanks Damien 👍 

    A 5.23 miles road run this morning with a running friend. 
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    edited January 22
    Afternoon everyone,

    HS - my foot seems better today (been out for a slow walk with the coffee & chat ladies). I agree .. braces and walking trousers might look an odd combination. Though I did see on the Paramo website some walking gear that was a bib/trousers combination a bit like cyclists sometimes wear (salopettes?). I just figured if I did lose a whole lot of weight, some of their braces might mean I could still make use the trousers if a belt didn't really help. But lets be honest, its probably quite unlikely! Well done re this morning's 5ml road run.

    Damien - hello .. long time, no see. As you'll gather, there's just a 'hardcore' of four of us these days keeping the thread going. Well done for reaching (and breaking) your target time for parkrun.

    As mentioned above, my foot pain seems to have gone now. So I'll try and do an early walk tomorrow morning. Hopefully on Wed as well because I'm heading to Tring again on Thu to see my Mum, I may not be able to fit it in before I go.

    A full complement of 7 of us at the coffee and chat this morning. Four of us met at the usual time of 10:30am and walked around the park (1.5ml) before heading to the cafe. Two others met a bit later and did a shorter walk and joined us for coffee. The last lady just came for coffee. She's a bit scatter-brained and for some reason, turned up at 11am, despite the whatsapp message stating 10:30am! I've no idea why she suddenly got the time wrong! :)
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    edited January 23
    Hello Damien that is indeed a good parkrun time- pb's are great, especially when you have been running for years. You too Hillstrider- in fine fettle for your age 👍
    WtnMel I'm please your mum is improving even if slowly. I see you like Traiters too. I am really bugged by all the plugs it is getting on the bbc, even on the radio. I think the BBC abuse their no ad status by constantly plugging their own programmes- very annoying if you are a regular listener. OK rant over 🤭
    Back from a few days in Manchester visiting our daughter and doing a ton of DIY on her new house. We also did Alderley park parķrun (one of the few open in the ice conditions). I must say I loved it. It was trail and an undulating snowy course- treacherous but great fun. The v60 record was a bit soft, and in spite of the conditions I managed to take it comfortably in exactly 20 minutes. I also had a lovely Sunday run from Didsbury right into the centre of Manchester- about 14 miles round trip. I'm home now and getting blown about relentlessly in the storms. Hope you are all coping....
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    AquariusAquarius ✭✭✭
    Hello all,

    I’m still having physiotherapy on my right shoulder (I’ve another appointment tomorrow) but I am managing to get some runs done, although some are on the treadmill due to the current high winds. I think the shoulder is slowly improving, but still starts to ache after about a couple of miles. Unfortunately it’s so easy to aggravate  the injury, a simple movement reaching for something can put me back to square one, similarly typing - which is why this will be another short post.   

    0054 I’m not a fan of Claudia W so don’t watch Traitors, but I couldn’t agree with you more regarding the BBC constantly plugging their own programmes. It has the opposite of the intended effect on us. When there is yet another screening of the same programme clip we reach for the channel changer until the “ad’ is over. I think WtnMel needs to write another of his letters to the Radio Times. Sounds like you had a busy time at your daughter’s house. Well done for setting a V60 course record of  20 mins at Alderley, I bet it will be a while before that one is broken! 

    Glad to hear your mum is slowly improving WtnMel, and I hope you find her well when you visit on Thursday. Good to see you are getting some walks in despite this awful weather. Reading back I see your Book Circle have been reading Sheila Hancock’s autobiography, I haven’t read it myself but I saw her being interviewed by Amol Rajan a couple of nights ago, I was surprised at how engrossing it was. 

    HS I remember Alice (and Rosie), it’s nice to have a catch up over lunch with an old friend. As you say it’s surprising how times flies over. Is Alice still running? 

    Welcome back Damien, great parkrun time! 

    It’s been another busy week for me with my grandma hat on. Firstly babysitting our “lively” grandsons on Saturday, looking after a poorly granddaughter on Monday, then later today I’ll be collecting the grandsons from school. Their parents are away on Sunday night so we’ve agreed to have the boys for the day and overnight. This will be the first time they’ve stayed overnight with us (and Monday morning will be our first time doing the school run) so I’m a little apprehensive how it will all go. :#  
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    Aquarius, I've seen on Strava that you are still managing to get some runs in.  I hope that tomorrows physio will help to speed up the healing! 

    It was very nice meeting up with Alice and Rosie again. Alice is getting back into running, and is doing some work outs in the gym and on the spin bikes.

    You certainly have been very busy with the grandchildren. I hope that Mondays school run goes well.

    This mornings run was 4.86 miles fartlek with Sarah H. She is getting faster these days. I'm still doing parkruns most Saturdays.
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    A nice bright morning and I ran a solo 4.10 miles on roads. I felt much better than expected after yesterday's fartlek workout. 
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    AquariusAquarius ✭✭✭
    HS Do you do fartlek runs very often? I've tried them myself occasionally but somehow they don't feel right for me, probably too unstructured. I see you've put in another good week of runs, are you training for anything specific at the moment?

    I'd intended getting out early for my run this morning as I wanted to fit in 7.5 miles before my physio appointment so I could see how my arm and shoulder felt. It was so dark though that I had to wait a bit before it was safe to go out (my route has some sections not lit by streetlamps), in the end I managed to squeeze in 6 miles, including a 1.5 mile uphill stretch. As expected my arm did ache after a while. The physio did quite a lot of work on it, including ultrasound, and also sent me some videos to help me understand what was going on. I certainly got my money's worth because instead of the usual 40 mins she worked for over an hour on my shoulder and sacroiliac, as well as my usual hamstrings tune-up. There was a lot of interesting information regarding the relationship between shoulders, hips and sacroiliac which I wish I could remember now, but it sounded pretty impressive at the time!
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    Aquarius, we don't do them as often as the hill reps and intervals, which we alternate every Wednesday. They aren't really structured, we just put the increase in pace as and when we feel like it. 

    Well done for this mornings 6 miles, including a 1.5 mile uphill stretch. You certainly got excellent value for money from that hour plus session with the physio. I hope that it has produced positive results! Have you made another appointment?

    I haven't got any races in the near future, except parkruns most Saturdays. I have entered the Exbury 10k which is in June, and the New Forest 10 mile in October. I will enter the Oakhaven 10 miles which is in November, when entries are open. This was cancelled last year because of the adverse terrain conditions.

    It's a shame that JB is unable to get back on here, but he does follow me on strava.
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    Evening everyone,

    OO54 - I have to agree about the constant plugging by the BBC of IPlayer and BBC Sounds. And the constant trails for other programmes. Its one of the reasons I record everything - so I don't have to put up with it. Not quite the BBC (though it used to be!) but I've been getting very fed up with the Radio Times recently. They seem to concentrate on streaming services and there are pages and pages of trailers for what's on them. The Freeview stuff is there - but you have to wade through lots of (to me) irrelevant other stuff. I don't know what the percentages are of people who just watch Freeview vs. streaming services. But I keep feeling like writing a letter to RT asking tongue in cheek, how much they are paid to promote things on Netflix, Apple TV etc. Okay, my rant over! ;)

    Aquarius - glad to hear the shoulder seems to be improving and that you've been able to manage a few runs recently. As you'll have seen above, I've been toying with writing to RT again - though not about the BBC trailing their own programmes. As you'll read below, my Mum seems to be improving. We enjoyed the Sheila Hancock interview and we also recorded the film they showed later that evening (Edie). Good luck with your having the grandkids overnight and doing the school run - rather you than me! I see you managed a 6ml run and had a good physio session. You probably wouldn't be allowed to but it would probably be interesting to record what she says rather than having to try and remember.

    HS - well done re the solo 4ml run and the fartlek session the day before.

    I'm in Tring again tonight - been to see my Mum this afternoon and she seems to have improved. Still needing carers coming in 4 times a day but she was much more 'with it'. The biggest problem is she is hard of hearing so you have to speak v-e-r-y slowly and shout a bit. I keep pulling her leg I'm going to bring my old hearing aids with me and pop them in her ears so she can understand us better! :)

    It's a small world sometimes. On Fetcheveryone, I post on a 'Flab Fighters' thread. I mentioned I was in Tring and one member of the thread said that's where he lives. I posted in response to explain Tring is my hometown but that I moved away in 1979.

    We had fish & chips for our evening meal yesterday (a little treat we have now and then). I didn't fancy two big slightly unhealthy evening meals one after another. So on the way here, I got myself a chicken & pasta meal and some mixed fruit. Quite a healthy meal compared to the usual beer, steak & chips and naughty pudding. I also got myself some instant porridge for the morning so I don't have the usual cooked breakfast either.

    And I made a point of bringing my sports gear with me and earlier this evening I went out for a brisk 4ml walk. This time, I headed in the opposite direction and walked around Tring. Much nicer than the out & back walk heading towards Aylesbury that I did last time.
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    edited January 25
    I'm glad you are on the mend Aquarius and running again but sad the shoulder injury lingers on. I have one too which feels like mild swelling next to my shoulder blade. It doesn't affect my running or swimming but aches when I sit back in a chair. A lot of recent long drives has brought it back when it was on the mend. Very exciting with those grandkids. I'm sure they will be very excited too at the prospect of having you on the school run. Hope it goes well. 
    I attended a funeral last week, a very close colleague I worked with for years. He had a massive heart attack playing golf and was only 59. Terribly sad for his family. 
    I used to be a big fan of radio 2 listening many times a day. But the recent crop of DJs, Zoe Ball, Vernon Kay, Scott Mills are awful in my view, compared to their predecessors like Ken Bruce and Steve Wright. Their shows are all about them, their fake love of everything, and their childish humour and hyper shouty voices. The show is obviously trying to target a younger audience- well the youngsters are welcome to it.
    As they say on Dragons Den 'I'm out'. And that's my rant over. 
    Pleased your mum is doing OK Wtnmel, she's obviously a fighter.
    That sounds like a fair number of races planned Hillstrider and a nice mix of distances. I have a 3000m track race this weekend in Sheffield. It's the first time I've raced on an indoor track, so should be interesting- 15 laps * 200m with banked corners. I'm a bit scared to be honest but will try to enjoy it. We will do a new parkrun on route to Sheffield but not yet decided which one. 
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    OO54 - I've not listened to R2 for years .. I even (shock horror) got bored listening to Ken Bruce when he did his quiz. I'm so unaware, I didn't even know who the DJ's were on there these days! When I hear about people having heart attacks at 59 it brings it home to me how lucky I am to still be in good health at 72. Thanks for your comments re my Mum. Hope that indoor 3000m race goes well - I can well imagine running on a banked track will feel totally different to being on the flat.

    I enjoyed my healthy option meals last night and this morning. Not sure if it was the brisk 4ml walk yesterday evening, or the 2hr drive home today but Margaret and I were just doing the crossword and she told me to stop yawning! ;) I'm sure I'll manage to stay awake until at least 8pm :)

    Margaret has her younger son coming over for lunch tomorrow. I eat with them but then usually make myself scarce so the two of them can have a chat. Well, mostly Margaret wanting to have a chat with Ed!
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    Good afternoon everyone, 

    WtnMel, I haven't bought the Radio Times for many years. I buy TV Choice which is only 79p. It has all the freeview channels and Sky/Virgin/EE. It also has a Sports Choice page, which lists the various sports, games etc and their relevant channels.

    It's good to hear that your Mum is improving, and is more with it!

    I had fish and chips for my lunch today. Friday is the traditional day for fish eating. I think that this emanates from the bible, where we were forbidden to eat meat on that day. I may be wrong, but there is definitely a religious touch to it.

    Well done for yesterdays brisk evening walk.

    00, I'm sorry to hear that your shoulder is still playing up. Thankfully, it doesn't seem to slow your running down. Also sorry to hear of the death of a colleague, and at such a young age.

    I don't listen much to Radio 2, but I'm fed up with the commercial stations, the same old adverts, over and over again. I know that their premium services are advert free, but I don't think that you can get them on mains/battery radios. My local  station, Radio Solent is good, and advert free.

    I've just received an email from the Oakhaven race organisers advising that they won't be holding the Oakhaven 10 miles any more, due to clashes with other races, and lower race numbers over previous years making it unviable. It is a great pity, as all profits were ploughed back into the Hospice, where terminally ill patients spend their final days. My sister's husband died there.

    Good luck with this weekends 3000 metres track race on an indoor track. I've never run on an indoor track either. Good luck also with whatever parkrun you do on Saturday.

    No running today, but the Friday Farmers Walk, as usual. I won't be park running tomorrow, but doing a steady run, with 20 seconds efforts every 5 minutes. This is something that I used to do regularly, so thought I would try it again. Next week should be more or less back to normal, with friends returning from holidays etc.
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    HS - the main reason for getting Radio Times is the comprehensive details of radio programmes, specifically Radio 4 and the World Service, which is what Margaret is interested in. When setting up the recorder, I only usually look at the 'main' Freeview channels and gloss over whatever crap is on the multitude of other channels. I'm sure I could cope with getting the information I need from the weekend paper tv guides - the main thing stopping me from cancelling my Radio Times subscription is finding an alternative for Margaret's radio needs. I think you are correct with your theory of why we eat fish on Friday's (it's what I've always understood is the reason). That's a shame about the Oakhaven 10 being cancelled. Good luck with today's solo run.

    I didn't walk early this morning - but I think I may go into town after lunch to buy some stuff from Boots. That will give me a bit of exercise - and a good excuse to make myself scarce while Ed is here! :)
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    WtnMel, I can understand now why you always buy the Radio Times. Do you remember when there was also The TV Times?

    I hope that you got what you wanted from Boots. Will you get a crafty coffee ☕️ whilst you are in town?

    It was much colder this morning,  minus 3 degrees 🥶 I ran a solo 10k on roads alternating 5 minutes steady, 20 seconds sprints. A tough session !
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    A nice warm sunny morning and I ran a solo hilly 5.15 miles on roads. 
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    edited January 28
    HS - I thought the TV Times was still going? Not that I ever look for it! :) If I could find an alternative BBC radio listings magazine I'd cancel my RT subscription. I got what I wanted from Boots - but the town centre was 'heaving', not helped by there being a demo taking place to do with GCHQ (something to do with no union representation allowed) .. so even busier than normal. So I waited until I got home and had a cup of tea on my return. Well done re yesterday's solo 10k and today's 5 miler.
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    WtnMel, it's quite possible that the TV Times is still going, just that I've never been looking for it. 

    I've heard about the disquiet at GCHQ for the workers not being allowed to belong to trade unions. It's worrying how right wing this Tory Government is, but I don't want to get into politics on this thread. 

    Have you jokingly tried your hearing aids on your mum yet?
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