
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Hope the appointment went well Alehouse
    Half is enough these days.
    Dave: Gloves it must be cold.Maybe an easy recovery day after speed work?

    No run today I starting to feel sick so made half a mile and came back.I just felt off colour.So filled Garden bin first collection tomorrow.I also have  the fruit soaking in sherry(three days) for a Christmas cake .I never made one at Christmas there will be no icing or marzipan so a rich fruit cake .
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Surgeon's opinion: in brief, no op, but that would be needed if tendon hasn't healed itself in 5 -6 months. Better than I had feared. If I were a young international athlete or footballer he would operate tomorrow! Hopes that I will be tentatively running in three months.  Always look on the bright side of life etc!!

    I'm still eating my cake from last December! I take a piece when I'm working.  Probably smell of alcohol in the afternoon.  And talking of alcohol,  in a pub near Euston waiting for my 6 45 off peak train.

    Wordle in four. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Admire your spirit, alehouse. 
    Another 2 hrs in pub before train . . . .  👍
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited March 21
    Pubs, not pub, Birch! Unfortunately one of the best pubs has been knocked down due to HS2.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    that's a long way to go for depressing news :/

    Such a shame - did he give any opinion on why the tendon had separated in such a fashion?

    Don't miss the train  :)!!

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    Thought I would give NZD a run for his money with an alternative sunrise shot - courtesy of the Lakes :)

    yup it was raining!
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    However it did brighten up in part depending which end of Ullswater one was at - these were taken from the middle of a very full lake

    within a minute of each from either end of the steamer
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    time for another excellent  dinner shortly..............
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Great pics, TS!
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Ale: May not be what you were hoping for but seems sensible advice. At least now you can glimpse light at the end of the tunnel. 

    Nice pics TS.  Pity about the weather.  Nice outside seating too.  Imagine it would be very pleasant sitting out there for lunch or early evening in summer.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Squally again this morning, with 40mph gusts.   7 miles on road. Tried some "efforts", but conditions not ideal, plus legs still not fully recovered. Seems it's true what I was told about the longer recovery needed for us slightly older athletes . . . . .    
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Well done on run Dave......

    Double yesterday as at Eye hospital  next to Country park that I used to run through.

    Today Long run 10.5miles in wet and windy weather.
    5 weeks till half marathon. 

    Wordle in five.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Good outings WP & Dave.
    Where is the half marathon WP?  Virtual or real streets? 

    Two & a bit times around estuary this morning (109 mins / 17.1 km).  The 'bit' being tacked on to match WP's 10.5 miles  :).  Legs a bit stiff (during and after) ... penance?!  Plus a couple of hours later xtraining (garden) later in afternoon.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Decent outing, NZD!

    Slight improvement to report. Slight. Will speak to my consultant friend on Tuesday, and physio on Weds or Thurs. 

    Was going to help at the Northern Road Relays yesterday but it was never going to be a day for standing around for eight hours on crutches so sent my apologies earlier in the week.

    Wordle in four the last two days. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    N ran at Wythenshaw, alehouse. Team 7th (Laurens Heyes & O'Neil unavailable) . . .
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    NZD: It is in Newport ,Wales they run a full marathon and first time for the Half and a 10k.It will be interesting I am not expecting much but nice to get one under my belt again.

    Well done on 10.5 miles;-)

    Ale: I hope it is a glimmer of hope.

    Today Progression run  and finally I nailed it 5 minutes warm up,30 minutes at 11.15 pace then 10 minutes at 10.20 pace and a cool down. The rec for the first 30 minutes then over to park for last 10 minutes as i run faster over there!
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    WP: Well done on fully nailing the progression run. 

    Agree, good feeling to get a half under the belt.  Newport route doesn't look too daunting.  Mostly flattish though I guess how 'easy' might depend on wind and rain on the day. 
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    NZD: It is always down to weather I find, as on 28th April it could be hot or wet and windy!! I don't know Newport at all but it looks a an easy course.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    "slight" - is better than none :)
    It must be a partial tear otherwise the muscle wouldn't work at all but the problem is getting enough blood supply to the tendon to facilitate healing.
    Sounds like a case for PEP - if you can find anyone to do it.

    HM - excellent. 
    Strangely I know Newport quite well - did the new bus station there and a proposed major development along the riverside and new retail units out of town
    It is indeed quite flat in and around the town so here's hoping for you

    Very good progression run from you and tidy distances too!

    yup - race recovery take longer :)

    brave - matching WP distance :)

    back again - actually back on Saturday evening after experiencing all the weather the Lakes can produce - sometimes in one day!
    Good break in a lovely hotel but didn't manage to sit out on that  terrace!

    Of course yesterday had beautiful weather and I bent my back into preparing the gardens - lawns cut for the second time and edges trimmed, couple of  beds dug over and deweeded and some serious pruning back of large overhanging tree branches.

    All of which left me quite  unwilling to bend the knee for a run today - they were already complaining about over use after a longer than anticipated route in the Lakes - so I didn't :)

    Birthday treat - a lie in!!
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    .. oh and another British woman runner excels


    100 miles and 55,000 feet of climb and descent on mainly virgin ground!!!
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    edited March 25
    Happy Birthday TS - sounds like you had a good break, notwithstanding unused terrace!
    Excellent efforts from NZD & WP - well done WP on the cunning plan to finish off at a faster location! 
    Hope the conversations this week are productive, alehouse.
    I'm getting grumpy with the weather gods now!  6c ("feels like" 3c) this morning, with persistent cold drizzle accompanying me through all my 10 miles.  Out and back to the local reservoir, which admittedly rewarded with a certain bleak beauty, but the run was a bit of a trudge . . .    
    ps - not complaining really - I'm sure alehouse would swap places!  
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    TS Happy Birthday.But what a day you had in the garden ! Sounds like a good break was had.How is Mrs TS doing?

    Fancy you knowing Newport so well I shall pay attention to details if I can with Bus station etc.

    Dave: This weather is very trying at the moment!

    An easy recovery run just three miles  for me.I have my cake in the oven and almost finished it has had four hours!

    I do feel 2019 I have a purple patch year and then Covid hit and it all went wrong for me weight gain and hard to run with Achilles etc but finally this year it seems to be coming good again.
    Talking weight lost 1.5lb this week making 15.5lbs since Tintin passed.I am in my 2019 running shorts and my wedding ring can go back on finger again.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Fabulous run by Jasmin an amazing woman.!
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    edited March 26
    Happy Birthday TS.  Impressive xtraining session in the garden.  These days I only seem to manage about a third of what I should on  weekends in the garden :(
    Good solid effort Dave despite the weather
    And well done WP on maintaining the weight recovery.

    Planned run didn't happen this morning.  Covid in the house for the first time :(.  I did get it a bit over a year ago but was overseas at the time and was well over it by the time I got back. 

    Spent most of the wee hours this morning taking OH into A&E, then onto an after-hours medical centre (comorbidities).  Not back home until ~5:20 am.  Now on antivirals so hopefully will be OK.  Alas, having spent several hours in the car and in close proximity at the clinic, albeit masked (plus a day or two at home before not masked) ...??  One son living here with us so an additional possible vector. Fingers crossed.  Of more concern, OH spent 2-3 hours in close proximity yesterday afternoon with her elderly and very frail mother (then later with the gkids, but not such an issue).

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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Forgot to add - now joined TS in the nursing dept.  Luckily for me though it should be a much shorter stint.  And likely not up to the same professional standards!
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    make the most of those days - they don't come round too often :)

    Cake will be impressive - are you going to feed it over the coming months?

    Oh that's a nasty set of vectors!
    Are you all vaccinated and up to date with them?
    We don't hear a lot about Covid here nowadays but it is still around and still a source of concern. I still see folk dropping out of accepted on-line meetings after picking it up and it is as debilitating as ever.

    We 'ave vays of making you better - in a German accent is my normal default nursing programme :)

    Hash tonight - or at least part of it as it is very local venue to me and there are several birthdays to celebrate - one of them being mine

    Wordle in four today continuing a run of the same - could have been nasty today with too many americanisms as a potential solution!!

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    some background to Jasmin's preparation and effort


    11-12,000 metres of hill reps or stair climber a week!!

    And no ACL in one leg - I won't ever complain about injury again!
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Great news re shorts and ring, WP!!  
    Enjoy the celebrations, TS . . . 
    All good wishes to Mrs NZD . . .  
    Weather gods smiled at last!  10c and sunny.  5 miles bagged at nice easy trot - long sleeves proved too warm, so had to be pushed up!   
    Wordle in four yesterday.
    ps - off to read to JP article, TS 
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited March 26
    Hope that the covid is mild, shortlived and doesn't spread, NZD.

    Almost spring like here for a short while. Birch. And would happily have swapped places yesterday!

    Happy unbirthday, TS. Enjoy this evening. 

    Had a phone call from consultant friend; he has organised two PRP injections on 4th and 18th April. Not sure what to expect, both short term and longer. Also wants me to increase protein and take a collagen supplement.
    Spent most of the call discussing the road relays as he ran a leg.
    Physio Thursday pm.

    Wordle in four yesterday and today, and I, also, was concerned about words from the other side of the pond.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    edited March 27
    Thanks all.
    TS:  Trust the Hash and birthday celebrations went well and there are no residual effects this morning!  Yes, all well vaccinated and up to date: OH and I x6 (my last one only 2 months ago, her's 5), son x3 or 4? 
    Good to hear the weather gods smiled at last, Dave (& Ale) 
    Ale: Thanks, yes, fingers crossed on all three.  A couple of PRP injections do not sound cheap?  Or covered by NHS?  Either way probably worth a shot.

    Slipped out for a circuit of the estuary this morning.  Benign weather but a touch slower (6:07) than similar run Thursday last week (6:04).  HR fractionally up despite the slower pace (128 ave vs 127) ...?  Hope nothing ominous there 🤞.  So far, so good (he says firmly touching wood).  Patient 'OK'. Hopefully the Paxlovid will kick in fully over the next day or so.  
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