
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    edited April 21
    Well done on putting Garmin in it's place on the intervals, TS

    In taper now, WP? Hope you have a good week. 

    13.4 km at 6:04 average pace on estuary track this morning. HR 132/142. Legs reluctant to go faster!  

    Just 30 km this week. Other things that needed to be done! 
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    Torque SteerTorque Steer ✭✭✭
    edited April 21
    the knee liked the intervals better than raking out patio joints and re- pointing them yesterday!

    Hope the blunt needle trauma has eased off

    nice way to end the week - a stress relieving 8+ miles - perfect :)

    Well after hard landscaping duties yesterday I wasn't too pleased to see Garmin' suggestion of 57min @13:10m/m pace

    But it was perfect running weather outside - bright sun, cold breeze, green beginning to show through everywhere so off I went.
    Noticable how everyone stuck to the sunny side of the paths as the temperature difference was noticeable

    57 min done and 4.68 miles travelled at 12:12m/m  with HR 122/133 helped by me avoiding the super big hill so only 80m of climb overall.

    Satisfactory - until I watched the London Marathon!

    However it brought back some great memories of times gone by

    Wordle in four

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    The site of the injection isn't too bad, TS; however am getting two very sore hip flexors which physio was a little concerned about. Not good for either gardening or re-pointing patios, two of which I could do with doing.

    Decent run today, NZD!

    Struggled to watch the Foxes match yesterday; too tense and we didn't deserve to win...but of course we will take it. 

    Wordle in three yesterday and five today.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    it would only rain if you attempted to go gardening!!
    Hmmm to the hip flexor problems - have you ben adopting an unusual gait after your injections?

    Foxes still top though - it's that time when any positive result is accpetable.

    NRD so far - early am meeting - may try and get out later.

    Worlde in four -after getting yet again "a valid word but is unlikely to a solution based upon what I have learned playing Wordle.."

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Wordle in three. Don't mention the Foxes. Big game tomorrow. 

    Hope that you get out later, TS!

    My "good" hip area is particularly tender and I think that it is because I have been using one crutch which has imbalanced things. Have been trying to walk normally for the past week which will hopefully help.

    Wanted to do a little gardening today but it hasn't stopped raining since the middle of the night! And brought in the plants that I put out first thing to harden off; too cold at a feels like of 5 degrees. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    TS That is how I feel watching LM memories of the past and no hankering to ever run it ever again.

    NZD Oh yes tapering this week .
    Sunday nothing felt ill and RHR elevated I felt pretty rough.
    Monday 5.5 miles easy but never felt easy at all.
    Today PT session

    Rest of week play by ear but nothing more than 4 miles.Travel Saturday,race Sunday ,home Monday.
    RHR is up again this morning so watching that.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    unfortunately the Boro didn't help you last night - more clenched muscles tonight!

    It's surprising how quickly the body adapts to different load conditions - and then causes problems

    Didn't make it out...

    Pre - race tension :)?

    you have done the training and are in very good shape - no problem!

    Speaking of that and the LM reminds me of the first time I ran it - full of it, setting a PB for a HM at the halfway stage, and then grimly hanging on up the Mall concentrating on working out the size of the pink aggregate used in the road surface as functions slowly shut down :/

    Didn't make that pacing mistake again!!

    Wordle in five - lots of choices
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited April 23
    Whilst Leeds were certainly the better team, yet again the major decision of the night went their way: clearly offside! Where is VAR when you want it? I think if a game is televised, whatever the sport, then technology should be used; the officials are put in a poor light if they don't get assistance. 

    Just some gentle stretching today, mainly of my stomach which is now 8 pounds heavier than it was 8 weeks ago. 

    Can't remember when Birch is back; Wednesday seem to be doing well without him!

    Wordle in three. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    feeling more secure this morning :)?

    Hash last night was a monster 4.86 miles over rural footpaths across delightful countryside in bright sunshine and cold wind .

    Suitably refreshed at the end by some perfect Wainwrights' IPA  - did it go down well!!

    Wordle in three

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    Torque SteerTorque Steer ✭✭✭
    edited April 24
    Birch could be whipping his speed group into action as we speak
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Won't mention The Foxes, TS. Still a long way to go.

    Sounds like a decent Hash in all respects!

    A few stretches done, plus a little gardening.  This pm am making a two minute video about Dr Hill, then a sponsorship meeting at Ronhill.

    Wordle in four.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    TS No problem....hahaha but training done.Ran 5 miles this morning and eager to get the race done and get back to training.

    Drama  here two Welsh air ambulances landed at local high school about 1/4 mile away.Turns out someone has stabbed two teachers and a pupil.Road sealed off school in lock down and residents warned to lock doors but they have arrested someone.
    I just hope everyone is okay we are a small community and pretty scary that is going on here.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Back in early hours Friday.  Felt pretty cold when we stepped  off the aeroplane at East Mids! 
    5 runs of between 5k & 6k in 15 days away.  Singlet and shorts.  Double long sleeves and gloves here since.  
    Shame about the lard gain, alehouse - I've gained a bit (more) on hols.  
    Sounds an excellent hash in all respects, TS
    Disturbing news indeed, WP. Hope your tapering week is on track.  
    No speed group today - was invited to make my debut as a babysitter fpr my 10 month old g'son, so my V70 chum took the session.  That's four weeks off!  
    6.5 miles Sat, 9 Monday (including a very steep downhill of about 0.75) which resulted in sore quads, meaning yesterday's 6 miler was a cumbersome affair.  Over an hour pushing buggy this morning will hopefully have eased things.  May do a short trot later; we'll see.
    Footy - looks good for Foxes now - never in doubt  ;)   Table looking good for Mags too, given injury problems this season.   As for the Owls - yes, quite remarkable that we're out of the bottom three after spending all season in there. Just 3 points from first 13 games, so have taken 44 from 31 under new manager (with pretty much same squad). But as we know, its the hope that kills, so trying not to hope too much!
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    A good start to shedding the extra lard, Dave. And congratulations on your first baby sitting session. They'll come thicker and faster from now on in.
    WP, sounds like you are all set up and ready to go for your HM.  Disconcerting about the stabbing.
    A couple of decent runs TS.  4.5+ miles appears to be the new norm 👍.
    Sounds like you are keeping well occupied Alehouse. Abandoned the second crutch yet?

    Estuary loop with 8 strides on Tue (8.3 km @ 5:59). ANZAC day here today so a longer progression run this morning: 8 km @ 6:14 (HR 121/132), 4 km @ 5:22 (138/151), and final 1+ km recovery @ 6:01. Total 13.2 km @ 5:57.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Dave: How was the debut babysitting?

    NZD: Is it ANZAC biscuits as well? Decent run distance.

    Three miles this morning nice and easy as RHR is +6 so watching it carefully.Another three tomorrow and two on Saturday and that is me done.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited April 25
    Take it easy, WP!

    Welcome back, Birch

    A couple of decent runs, NZD!

    Not a lot to report here apart from I, too, am baby sitting. Had a call at 7 this morning to say Salvador was ill and wouldn't be going to nursery, so could I...etc etc

    And also about an hour ago we had a complete whiteout: thick carpet of hail covering everything. Soon melted but the temperature dropped from eight down to four. 

    Edit: Wordle in four due to having the first two letters in the wrong order.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    so you have been flashing your tanned limbs around eh :)?

    Watch out with that pram pushing  - bad backs can result!!

    very nasty incident indeed :/ Really worrying when so close 

    You have just got to keep it under control until race day - some nice stride outs is all you need.

    very tasty back to back sessions and certainly pushing the envelope with that mid session 4K

    We also have, unusually, an ANZAC Day here as well- 

    "The ceremony at Stonefall Cemetery has been organised by Harrogate International Partnerships, in recognition of the background to Harrogate’s twinning with Wellington, capital of New Zealand. It commemorates the 23 New Zealand and 97 Australian aircrew and service personnel who gave their young lives and who are buried at Stonefall, many miles from home."

    Well not the 4.5+ miles norm but a sedate 2.75 miles in 32 min with HR 122/130 - cold out there, just in time for the Spring Flower Show to start!

    Not talking about the football
     - that was a must win game last  night:/ 

    Wordle in three - i Had all five letters after two but had difficulty squeezing them into a word!

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    where will your video be run?
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Video is part of the University of Manchester's Bicentennial Hall of Fame. Initially I understand to be shown at a Sports' Dinner on 3rd May. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    a lot of life to cram into 2 min!

    Well Garmin seems to have Friday tagged as interval day - 15 min warm up, 6 x 1min at 8:45m/m pace, 3 min jog recoveries  and 10 min cool down

    Managed that ok

    averaging 8:15ish pace with HR 128/140 so not unduly stressed

    Lovely morning for them - bright sunshine, clear blue skies, very cool breeze!!

    Wordle in four - denied yet again when I selected a word and got the ".. although a valid word it is not one that......"

    Garmin has rearranged its reporting page - I shall have to experiment with it!!

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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Alehouse: Alas the perils of being grandparent.  Hopefully not a contagious illness 
    WP:  Just one last two miler to go ...  Hope the weather works out.
    TS: Very good interval session - timing to perfection.  Does your watch beep at start and end of efforts, or are they based on a set distance on a track?  Track presumably flat?

    Brother from Perth staying with us this last week.  Have talked him into parkrun here at Millwater tomorrow morning.  Will be his second, alas with no running since the one we did together in Busselton (WA) back at the start of March.  Does have the excuse of having had a second son married off and a fair bit of travelling around NZ since then.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    No run for me and nothing till Sunday,My dinner did not stay in side me and feel pretty awful today so protecting what I have done so far.
    Looking forward to Sunday and getting it done.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    ... a bit of brotherly competition then?  Maybe he has been in secrete training :)?

    The Garmin suggested workout comes pre-programmed  with all the times and pace set and each pace session has an audible 5 second  time down to it so I can hit them on a rolling pace. Similar finish as well - 5 sec beeps.

    Garmin can also be programmed to do specific workouts and again the information will be displayed.

    I run these on a quiet, straight suburban road nearby which is as flat as it gets around here and I have the same common start off point. The recovery run after each gets me back to the start very nicely.

     Garmin always records them as flat but  I think there is a very slight fall in my favour!! 

    I am a bit surprised that I can run them so easily - but I always was a sprinter  and the distance covered, 220 yards, doesn't push the HR up too much at that sort of pace.

    No doubt they will soon move up to 400m and that will be rather more testing, knee notwithstanding...
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    WP - babysitting went well, thank you - nappy change included!   Hope your bug disappears quickly . . . .   
    alehouse - hail - please keep that to your side of the pennines!  
    NZD - good luck with your fraternal contest!  
    TS - yes, tanned legs were flaunted, but a week on the golden hue ( :) ) is fading. In fact, had to sport tracksters this morning, it felt so cold early doors.   Interesting (and moving) anecdote re the ANZAC tribute.   
    Splendid interval session there!   
    3 miles this morning here, in the aforementiond 5c. Yesterday I did another 9 miles, to add to Monday's run of the same distance, but it was a real tinman affair - don't think my legs had recovered from the hilly nature of the Monday one.  
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Yes, cool this morning,  scraping the ice off the car for the second day in a row. Had a last minute call to work. First time since Feb.

    Wordle in five.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Dave : Glad all went well with nappy change;)
    Some nice distances back in legs.

    Ale:Ice on car blimey that is cold.

    Off later today what will be will be.RHR +5 and sore throat but nothing to stop me running.
    Six years since last half marathon and on that day at lake V it was bouncing off the pavements rain for the whole race I have never been so wet.A  personal worst so hope Sundays goes well and I can report a good time was had.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    WP: Hope that sore throat disappears before Sunday morning.
    Dave: Some decent miles on the clock already. And well done on the nappy change!
    Alehouse: A day in the classroom coping with a bunch of boisterous juniors will not have been ideal for your leg? 
    TS: That sounds ideal for interval sessions.  Not aware of any similar functionality on my watch (not that I have dug into all the details), but I suspect it's rather too long in the tooth that.  

    At last managed to get back below the 25 min barrier at parkrun this morning (24:53).  Sights now set on getting back below the 24 min mark!  Alas, that might be a dream to far :(.  Only 7/331 by AG but at least made it 1/21 M60+ (sounds better than 1/2 M75=79 :) ).

    No competition on the sibling front. He played tennis regularly for many years, and now cricket.  But only very recently (at my teasing!) started a bit running.  Both at the Busselton (just under 40 mins) and today at Millwater (a bit over 40 mins), it was very much a slow jog.  His main aim to complete the full 5 km without walking or stopping, which he did.  Only manages about half a km at 'running' pace at home.  Except he did point out there were 2 behind him in his age group (M65-69) whereas I was second to last in mine!

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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    edited April 27
    Only single loop around estuary this morning (8.3km @ 6:01). Had intended an LSR but spent yesterday afternoon up & down a largish tree in the garden disassembling it (grown too large, too close to house). That, after the parkrun had left my legs stiff in all sorts of odd places earlier this morning so decided a cautious shorter run would be wise. Ironically didn't really notice the stiffness once I started running, hence the faster than intended pace.

    Week total 38 km. 

    WP: All the best for your HM in the morning. 
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    good luck - run strong!!
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    yup ladder work after running can cause strange twinges!

    Good to see your desire to put on a show for your brother helped the time :)
    I did like his quick maths on positions!

    Well in commemoration of the Foxes getting promotion, the Owls just about securing their position ( excellent effort over the latter part of the season) and the Magpies condemning the other half of Sheffield to relegation I went further than usual, despite delaying departure hoping for a break in the pouring rain - - unsuccessfully!

    5.2 miles done in 63:35 (12:17m/m) with HR 124/135 at a steady slog through pouring rain and huge puddles.

    This was a route that was my basic "get out of bed and run" go to for many years with times ranging from 35 to 43 mins so this was a bit of a come down buty pleased to be able do it.

    Wordle in three yesterday and today
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