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working at it slowly



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    Well thats it - oh so very nearly home time... I can hear my bed calling!!
    Catch up with you all later...
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    Hope u had a good night shift! And a good sleep! What do yo do?

    Good luck all of todays runners.
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    Pippi LSPippi LS ✭✭✭
    Water now comes out of the taps and not throught the ceiling!

    Went out early-ish ... and did 10 mins twice, plus 5. Lovely - spring has sprung - blue skies and daffs. first time out without a fleecy top - just long sleeves.

    And it won't be long 'till summer comes, now that the boys are back in town ...
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    Trin1 did brilliantly at Wymondham, I was very proud of her!

    'twas really lovely meeting her and her family

    oh, I did ok too
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    XBXB ✭✭✭
    Well done Yeo and Tinity1. Need more details,though!!
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    Well done Yeo and Trin1. You can't leave it like that though. We need to know how it was!!
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    I did 1:57 exactly, I went off too fast (better than 10m/m) and paid for it at the end

    I'll let trin tell youy how she did, but it was a lot better than she expected!
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    Brilliant Yeo. Was the weather in your favour?
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    nah, it rained for the first half of the race, but was nice when it stopped!
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    Well done Trin,

    That was brill and I bet you felt good as youu ran through the finish line.

    Worth all the hard work.
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    the marshalls were brilliant, weren't they

    people who stand there, getting wet and freezing cold, and cheerfully encourage the back markers who are keeping them from a nice cup of tea are the real race heroes in my book

    actually I liked the mug, but I got a WAC medal on New Years Day :o)
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    Hello everyone

    Well done Yeo and Trin1.I bet you're both chuffed to bits. Are you as knackered as I am?

    I've just got back home after my race, which I did in 1hr43.04 (I'm suffering from post race amnesia at the moment, but that was my time within a second or two either way)

    I can't believe I ran that fast. It certainly turns the 10min/mile barrier into someting which is beatable.

    My next race (in 2 weeks) is just a 5k.

    I'm sure that will be a very different experience (theoretically I should be running a lot faster- according to the Macmillan race pace calculator I should be capable of a 29.37min 5k)

    The goody bag was really good, with a long-sleeved Tshirt and lots of other stuff. Also the post race buffet was brilliant- there was loads left over at the end.

    Hope everyone who wasn't racing has had a good weekend.

    Happy plodding

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    Pippi LSPippi LS ✭✭✭
    Well done! Was this the race you entered confusing M for K Trinity? Must have been fate saying "You can do it!"
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    Well done TFF. That's a good time, you must be well chuffed with yourself. Sounds like everyone's had a really good day.
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    A round of applause (or 3 cheers) (or American-style "whooping") (or whatever knocks your parrot off your perch) for our champions today:-


    Well done, guys!
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    Great stuff TFF!

    Just waiting to see how the Reading guys did
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    Hi I'm back from Reading, apart from the rain hail and snow and freezing cold it was brilliant.
    You can see may report on the Reading Thread, I met loads of forumites there. I did 2hrs 30mins which is around 11 minute miling, but more importantly, my legs don't feel too bad, which makes FLM a goer!!!
    Well done all on their races today, hope you are all feeling as good and satisfied as I am!
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    Brilliant Caren. You deserve to feel chuffed!
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    WELL DONE, Trinity1, Yeo, The Flying Fifer and Caren D! - I'm so proud of you all.
    You've spurred me on for my 10K (not for ages yet) - I've got a lump in my throat - just reading the thread!

    I bet not another mug will be used in the houses of Yeo and T1!

    C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S -
    P L O D D E R S !

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    Congrat's everyone who ran! Your all fantastic inspirations! :) THANK YOU!
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    Well done Caren D on your half marathon.

    Good luck with the rest of your FLM training.
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    Thanks all for your kind words, I've had a good night's sleep and am feeling good!
    My shins are a little tender, but they've been worse.

    This running lark is an incredible experience! You get to meet people from all walks of life with all levels of ability, everyone is friendly and encouraging, I don't know of any other activity/sport where this happens.

    Over the weekend I met people for the first time, even though I felt that I knew them(that was weird), some finished in times like 1h30 or less, others more than 2h30, yet everyone was treated as a winner!

    I only wish that I had started sooner, still, I am enjoying what I am doing now, and it's great to see some improvement no matter how slow.
    Have a good day all
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    XBXB ✭✭✭
    Well done to all racers. Inspiring performances.

    Who's next up for a race? Is it me? Next Sunday in Blackpool? A mere 10k!! I'm on a gradual taper - 10 miles yesterday; 4.5 today then a couple of 2 milers then nothing until 11:00am sunday.

    Happy day

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    Wish I'd found this forum before this weekend. Anyway, I've been training for a short while with a great friend who's managed to drag me out on the road a few times :)

    Anyway.. finishing time for Reading half: 2:05:44

    Considering the snow (omg!!!) I am very pleased with that :)

    Well done to anyone who managed to get through this "changeable" weather!!
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    Well done, Dan.
    Not sure exactly how long you've been training, but it sounds as though it's paid off.
    Mentally, how do you feel today? Hopefully you're walking round with a smile on your face!

    Anyway, good on you.
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    Morning everybody,

    Well done Caren and Dan D. Great acheiviements!! especially in carpy weather.
    Everybody who has raced this weekend has been inspirational.
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    I've really only been training for a short while with a lot of problems (pulled my hamstring in Jan, and an ankle sprain mid Feb!)

    Fortunately I'm the right build for running, so I'm quite lucky really.

    Mentally I feel great :) I only did this run because someone at work told me last year that I "couldn't do it".. so I've taken great pleasure in showing them my time and medal. But to be honest, the greatest bit of it was the training. I didn't realise how much fun it could be to run! I had chronic asthma as a child, so to go from 50 yards to 13 miles without keeling over is something that I'll never forget :)

    I'm looking at the 10k run in August now, and definately doing Reading again next yr (lets hope we get some nicer weather, eh?!)
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    Brilliant Trin, Yeo, TFF, Caren and DanD - well done! Was thinking of you yesterday but couldn't get onto a PC to find out how you'd all done! (oh dear, that sounds a bit obsessive .....). You up next XB!
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    hi Dan, that is excellent

    Trin, I've found our pics!!!!

    they are actually on page 2 of te 20 mile pics. I'm going to see if someone on Plodders can do a link
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