
Easter Bunny 10km



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    <<<DB9 enters thread with usual calming influence>>>

    Calm down everyone, few deep breaths!

    It's not going to hurt and you will get a pb.

    Remember I am in total awe of you running a marathon...10Ks are simple for you. You just have to move out of your comfort zone for a small amount of time and you'll be home....
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    Yes I have to remind my brain of that - it is only for a relatively short time. the speed I run a marathon at doesnt require anyone to be in awe of me!!! lol
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    Oi - Marathons are a serious business, don't be so hard on yourself :)

    Running a fast marathon in say 3 hours is an accomplishment - but they are only on their feet for 3 hours, runners taking 6 or more hours are out their for an awful long time and deserve respect.

    It's not how fast or slow you run, but going out there and doing the best you can on the day. If you get to the end and feel up for a 5k straight away, then maybe you can feel a bit disappointed in yourself - but if you give it what you have got, then be rightfully proud of yourself :)

    A final point - I guarantee that if I were to run FLM next weekend, then you would beat me big time. The event itself is testament to the serious training commitment in the weeks leading up to the event.

    <Boff gets of his soapbox...>
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    <<<assembled crowd applauds>>>
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    But Boff I usually finish a race wishing I had done a bit more or feeling that I could do it again!!
    Except Longleat! First time I think I almost gave it everything.

    I love the running but have never been competitive even with myself. My sense of achievment is actually completing despite of myself!
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    Personally I will be very interested to see what time Boffin manages to complete the 10k as I know exactly how much training he has done! :-)
    Also, I will take the opportunity to advise you that you may need to run this 10k faster than usual if you want your egg.
    Apparently someone in their wisdom is putting me on egg-handing out duty at the finish.
    As I am a world champion chocaholic, running fast is advisable or all you will find at the finish is a fat, bloated Sweetie with chocolate all round her face!!
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    But arent you carb loading anyway Sweetie?
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    mmmmmm! How great marathon training would be if chocolate counted for carb loading!!
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    You shouldn't be finishing every race flat out and anyway post race euphoria shouldn't be confused with having gas in the tank!!

    I ran <40 at Salisbury and I was so "over the moon" I ran screaming to my children that were watching - but I was flat out on empty - you ask RD!

    You'd beat me in the marathon if I stood shoulder to shoulder with you next week.

    But I'll be watching you.
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    Yes but I would only beat you because I have trained. You wouldnt think of entering any race you hadnt trained for?

    Post race euphoria? Never suffered from that!
    Usually post race - wish I hadnt walked that bit I am sure I could have gone quicker there! etc
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    Hey I wondered what's the chance of showing up on the day and just paying the £8 or £10 and running, would be my first race but the other day I ran from Beanacre (Melksham) to Bath along the Canal so should be able to do it :P
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    I think if you check on the site it says there are entries on the day so should be ok
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    Yes Andrew eotd

    Rio - you shouldn't be getting doubts. You're in super condition for the marathon and YOU WILL achieve your goals that day.

    The Bunny is just a walk in the park. Treat it like a normal 6 mile training session, chunk it like you would the marathon. My guess is that you'll get to half way in under 30 and go on from there.
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    WEll I am going to give it a really good go but keep in mind that London is on the Sunday!
    I will achieve a pb of that I am sure!

    Those mind devils want shooting!!! lol

    The stupid thing is I often run better in training than I do in a race?!
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    <<<puts arm round shoulder and looks into eyes>>>

    "this is just a training session"
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    Ok I believe you

    Off to practice now. have to keep thinking that all the way round I suppose - and it is kind of true for Monday anyway
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    Let me know how you get on.......
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    Sorry just emailing to disable notifications ...... Im getting loads!!!


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    Me Too Although I just went on a run to see how fast I could run 10km did it in 46 minutes flat, probably can improve on that tomorrow.
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    WrintyWrinty ✭✭✭
    Welcome onboard Andrew good to see that there are other Wiltshire folks on the forum. I ran through Beanacre yesterday as I cobbled together a ten miler from Shaw into Melksham and along the River Avon out to Lacock returning back along A350(big mistake as strong headwind and heavy traffic) then through Beanacre and Whitley to home. The whole thing through in 73mins feeling very heavy legged and tired.
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    Beanacre Rules I happen to live just off that dodgy a road, the traffic is terrible but we just got a 30mph speed limit. Need to find some offroad routes in exeter when i go back to uni.
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    G'd evening all.

    Struggling to take a positive out of my trot out tonight - just a 3 miler in 20.00 - feel lethargic and that's prob due to the cold I have but hammy feels tight.

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    SeelaSeela ✭✭✭
    Hi DB9. Just done the Yeovilton 5k (which is the second half of Monday's 10k bunny). Set myself a mental target of 23 minutes and did 22:59.84. Last10 metres was a desperate sprint for the line.

    The k splits varied by a max of 7 seconds and most were within 3 of each other.
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    Morning all.
    DB that is an ok time for 3 miles. Remember that your body has been through a lot these last few weeks and you are now pushing it quite hard. It probably is telling you to back off again!
    The 10% rule is there for a reason.

    Have a rest day and you will be ok. Even more important if you have a cold!

    Mutual hammy rubbing on Monday?

    Mak that was a great time! I went out for my run over the mountain last night 5k in 33 mins. Not a record for me but it was very windy and even running down hill felt like running back up it!
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    Yep I know - I'm doing exactly what I said I wouldn't but knew it was exactly what I would...if that makes sense...

    We're going to look like a pair of disorientated Eskimo's on Monday with all the rubbing..hope I deliver the weather!!

    MF - flying! Good pacing too. Not sure what to go for but think I'll get thru the first 5 and then see how I feel. May be using you as pace man.
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    The forecast this morning says that monday is going to be the best day of the weekend!
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    Yeah, that's sorted, that's an easy to arrange.

    Making sure there's a 70% dark chocolate egg for a pb...that might be beyond even me!
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    Its ok! I have one egg which will last me ages anyway so I am ok.

    have to get a pb to make sure there are eggs left for OH. He wont be happy if I miss out on one!! (Bribery!)
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    Yep, you need to get there quick Rio to stop Sweetie carb loading!! ;)

    ...Oh, and mustn't forget the Boffettes!

    News from the top... the eggs are in, ready and waiting:)
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    ok so I have no option but to go sub 60 then!! Hmmmm

    (hope hamstring and back hold out)

    (of course they will be just fine! managed Caerphilly mountain yesterday!!! - note to self!)
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