
Mums Running Club



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    oooh, CM - poor you with your back. I feel for you as its not funny. Hope the osteo can sort you out and get you pain-free as quickly as possible! Take it easy tho...

    Am feeling much brighter, thanks CM. I suspect much of this is due to the fact that DH is currently taking a couple of months out of the job market so we can spend time as a family. Its really nice to spend time together and I'm so lucky that we're really sharing looking after Megan 50/50 so am getting a bit of time to myself altho have to say I haven't yet been hugely productive with this "me" time (must really get christmas sorted out, am beginning to have slight panic about it!).

    However, currently have my mother-in-law visiting from Bermuda so thats a bit of a strain & stress at the moment. Thankfully she isn't staying with us, but likes to come round every afternoon around 3pm, sit and look at megan, have us feed her and then and since DH can't drive I end up having to take her back to her B&B every night after we have dinner which means I'm not getting to bath Megan or do the 7.30pm feed (which is my favourite feed with her). Have another 2 weeks of this to go... so may be back on to moan some more in due course!

    Didn't make it to the gym today - figured since the gym is located at the largest swimming pool in Edinburgh it might be a bit of a zoo on a Saturday, particularly in the changing rooms - so am going to head there Monday morning instead in the hope it will be a bit quieter. Went out for a charge about with the pram and ended up buying Megan's christmas present Bubbles the Cat Doll. Spent about 20 minutes trying to decide whether a monkey, mermaid or cat would be best - they were all so cute that I could have taken them all home, didn't like to think of them lying all alone in the shop!!!

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    PS - pregnant tummy was hairy but was very fine and light hair = girl

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    Thick, dark and very scary hairs on belly - boy.

    CM - poor you, hope the back gets better soon. Co-codamol is good stuff though image

    JP is desperately trying to roll over at the moment! He's nearly there, but can't quite do it yet, which seems to be annoying him somewhat... Took him Xmas shopping today, which he thought was great - he slept the whole time! Managed to get quite a bit done, which was good.

    I have succumbed to Ben's lurgy! All I want to do is eat, so I'm trying to eat lots of fruit and veg. It's not that bad though, just irritating!

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    Hello! Gosh - I didn't realise how long I hadn't been here for - there seem to be weeksof posts to catch up on.  No particular reason for my absence - just general busy-ness and DH being on the computer a lot in the evenings.  Last time I had a quick scan through I had loads of things to say to people, but didn't get round to posting so everything's moved on now! But a few random replies, if anyone's interested:

    TB - I found it a hard to remember to get the breastpump ready each night - but luckily now mrbob does it as part ot tidying up after dinner which is reallu helpful

    Minks - I was going to suggest doidy cups to you - found them good with son1 (although a bit messy - only put a little bit of drink at first as they can be flung easily.  With both my older 2 I did 'cold turkey' from bottles at 12 months which worked for us - took maybe a coupleof days.  Also made sure they had lots of milk in cereal, sauces, yogurts etc. to compensate as they never drank so much from a beaker as a bottle (although son1 was still breastfeeding morning and night at 12 months, so I didn't worry too much with him)

    MM - fantastic to hear about your clever boys!Congratulations on their first steps.

    CM - sorry to hear about your back - hope it gets sorted soon.

    RE: 2nd/3rd pregnancies - I've found each subsequent pregnancy easier - I think it's like 2nd/3rd children - you are more prepared for it, and you have to keep going anyway as you've got the children to look after.

    Was very excited to receive my  FLM acceptance letter last week - and also relieved to see it looks like it's possible to defer if necessary. Running is going OK - up to about 18 miles this week, and have done a couple of 8 mile long runs, but it's certainly making me more exhausted than it used too. We'll be getting the bay jogger out soon too, JT - so we can compare experiences.

    Sure there was loads more to say but it's taken over an hour to write this as I keep being called away, so had better press the submit button quick! Hope everyone else is well (just remembered about your purse, AP - sorry to hear you had such a nasty experience)

    sb x

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    Just realised I didn't mention Eddie at all in that post! whooops! He's really well - daytime is a bit erratic sometimes (on Friday he slept for a total of 30 mins - eek - but I think that was because he was too excited at being in London - I took DD and her friend to the V&A as they had an inset day and Eddie was fascinated by everything, especially looking at people on the tube - you can get away with it when you're 3 months old!) but nights are still pretty good on the whole - we have the odd hiccup but it generally only lasts a night or two.  We've been doing baby massage and postnatal yoga, which we've both been really enjoying and I'm planning to start taking him to some music and toddler groups soon as he really likes being around other children. The time is just whizzing by - I can't believe he's 15 weeks already!
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    We steered well clear of Oxford Street on Friday - DD and her friend were desperate to go shopping after visiting the V&A, so we chose Covent Garden as a more buggy-friendly option -  I still spent a lot of time waiting outside shops for them though as it was impossible to manoevre inside.

    Weather vile here also - thought I'd managed to pick a sunny spell for my run just now, only to have the heavens open again 5 mins in.  DD came too, which was lovely, but I'm now sitting here in soggy clothes waiting for her to finish in the shower!

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    MinksMinks ✭✭✭

    CM, hope you're OK.  Having hurt my back earlier this year I do sympathise as it can be quite painful.  Hope the osteo is able to sort you out. 

    Well, got soaked on my long run this morning for thethird time this week.  Went out last night for an easy 4-miler and it actually didn't rain on me (it rained yesterday afternoon while hubby and I were Christmas shopping, but stopped by the time I went out).  This morning it was incredibly windy as well as wet and I thought I'd probably have a really bad run, but for once I managed to keep to a reasonable pace and (also for once) the wind seemed to be on my back for a lot of my run, so did just over 10 miles.  Had my brother and his wife over for lunch, to the happy news SIL is pregnant (7 weeks).  They've only been married 3 months so very exciting!  Baby is due mid-July.  I loaned SIL my "What to Expect When You're Expecting" book.  My mum is really made up - think she'd given up on ever getting any grandchildren, then like buses they all arrive at once!

    My shopping trip to Oxford Street on Friday was totally unsuccessful.  The aim was to buy new clothes and I failed spectacularly.  Last winter, when I was pregnant, there were loads of jumpers I really liked but I didn't buy anything because I wasn't sure whether I'd end up as small post-baby as I was before.  Wish now I'd stocked up as this year's fashions just don't suit me.  Everything is quite voluminous and most of it drowns me.  I managed to buy two long-sleeved white basic Ts from Gap and that's it!  Luckily we did better with the Christmas shopping yesterday afternoon - we went locally and were only out for an hour and a half, but got four people's Christmas presents and part of Kit's (a shape sorter whale which he can play with in the bath - it shoots water out of its spout so he should love it!)

    SB, will try Doidy cup.  Kit is definitely losing interest in his milk.  He only took 3oz at 2:30pm then woke up starving from his nap this afternoon.   He wouldn't stop crying because he was hungry, but he'd done a giant poo and I needed to change his nappy as it had squished up his back.  He wasn't impressed with this.  When I eventually gave him his bottle he guzzled the first 3oz then lost interest - had 5 in total then another 1oz while he sat in his bouncy chair (needed to park him somewhere while I cleared up from lunchtime with hubby).  I put the rest of his bottle in his baby rice and carrot concoction, which he wolfed down.  Then he ate half a banana.  Got him undressed for his bath and he wee'ed all over me!  Babies!  Funny - I barely noticed babies before I had one; now I just think they're adorable!

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    lots of light fine downy hair in a mohican standy out style - girl!

    This post is going to be a bit me me me so I apologise in advance! However, congrats to Sequin!! 

    Had a bit of a week.  Saw MR on Wed am which was lovely and thoroughly enjoyed the mars cake inspite of your mum's comment! but got home (thank goodness didn't go to see my folks after all) and took a call from my friend who lives right beside me to say her mum was having a heart attack and she didn't know what to do.  Part of her worry was her baby girl as she had no expressed milk handy and she won't take formula.  Luckily I had 6 bottles of expressed milk in fridge so I ran over with it for her husband to use as he came straight home from work.  Very sadly her mum didn't make it, she would have been 62 two days later.  My friend had just moved back to Edinburgh 3 months ago and one of the reasons was to be closer to her mum.  Her mum had been ill 10 years ago and had 2 bouts of open heart surgery then but after 10 years you start to get blase about it and think that she's going to be ok.  The funeral is next week and instead of going, I am helping out by looking after her youngest daughter who is only 5 weeks older than Louise.  I'm a bit depressed by it all as I used to be round at her house all the time when we were younger.  We went to senior school together. 

    Last night we went out as a neighbour was turning 50 and a surprise party had been organised and most of the street attended.  It's very neighbours here!  It was fun but after 2 glasses of wine I said that's me but of course someone bought me a third and I drank it.  Felt pretty grim at 6.30 when Lou woke up.  She chatted away to herself  for 45 mins and then I made Andy change her whilst I went and did my usual express before feeding her.  Bit annoyed really cos it meant I skipped the gym and I could really have done with it.  Making myself go tomorrow night instead and I will do 10K on t/mill to punish myself.

    Lou rolled onto her side for the first time yesterday and I missed it - just found her on her side!  She did it again today and then blew me a raspberry - so much advancement (word?!) in one weekend!  She had her first taste of formula this weekend too.  She'd been waking earlier and earlier and I'm sure she's just hungry, not least because she feeds really badly now, staring about and arching her back all the time trying to look about so we decided to give her formula to try to make her sleep longer.  Plus I do actually have to stop b/feeding by January so I can go back to work!  She scoffed it.  I don't think she cares what she has if it is in the usual bottle and it's white then she'll eat it!

    MR commie pool not bad on a sat!  I know you were going to use gym but if you fancy a swim I can tell you that at 10am on saturday there was not one single solitary soul in the main pool.  Obviously when you go though it'll be the total opposite!  Though I have noticed a trend of it being mobbed in baby pool and pretty darned quiet in the big pool. 

    Finally, ages ago someone, I forget who, was asking about scratch mits for older kids.  Was reading practical parenting and they mention www.little-protechtor.com which might be a good idea.  They sell things called Scratchtites which go over arms and hands and they stop your child damaging their skin even if they scratch.  No idea if they work!

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    Sorry about your friend EF x

    Our new trick for the weekend is blowing raspberries with a mouthful of food.....fun!

    Both refused thier bottle of expressed milk earlier (like you EF had one too many glasses of wine last night so thought I better not feed them myself this morning!) and they both turned thier nose up which was odd... tasted it and it was sour even though just defrosted so had to chuck the entire stash in my freezer just in case it was all bad!  Gutted!  No ill effects so far -   worried i have poisened them!

    I am such a wimp...tried to go out for a run on several occasions over the wend and bottled it every time cos of the rain!

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    Sorry about your friend's Mum EF.

    No hair here at all.

    Thankfully hetty they do grow out of the food raspberries!! ;o)

    I am having a bad time with the boys at the moment. I am totally exhausted all the time, think it may also be the time of year. They are teething badly with the dreaded molars, so waking at night and grumpy by day. Both desperate to walk properly so clambering up my legs all day fishing for my hands to help them walk. Both not progressed from the 2 or 3 steps they took on friday. I would say H is more steady though, J tries to go too fast and falls over, trying to run!!

    The non stop whining really does get me down. J is also becoming very naughty. When do they start to understand they are being naughty. I can see he understands no, but thinks its funny. I am worried about xmas with decorations etc. Any tips about what not to put up and what is safe. I was going to put the tree in the play pen, but this means can't use the play pen!!!

    Sorry bad week at the office. Not running today as so tired and supposed to be racing on sunday!! Shame really as nice day.

    Positive side we got loads of shopping done in cambridge on sat, surprised really wasn't that busy. I am with you Minks not really into the new style clothes. I am bigger than I was but still don't like being drowned!

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    Hey, chin up ladies, it is hard work (and I can't even imagine what twins must be like) but I must admit that with my Harry now at 2.5yrs, life is ALMOST back to normal (with the exception of last weekend when he spent 36 hours throwing up everywhere!)

    Sorry to depress you MM but I think the whole "understanding naughty" thing is very much dependent on their individual development.  My Harry has been very slow to speak and as a result we have had many many tantrums and frustrations (on both sides).  We are coming out the other side now though image)

    The big question is (if) and (when) to go for number 2 (or 3+).....

    And is it OK only to have 1?  Most people I know look absolutely horrified when I say I am not that fussed about having anymore babies - as if its some sort of crime to have an only child.  Having had a terrible pregnancy (pre-eclampsia from 16 weeks) I am terrified about the risks.

    Anyway, onwards and upwards - I just got my FLM acceptance letter through and am now trying to work out fitting in training with work with toddler.  So certainly no new mini-Hegs until after April 2008!

    Off to visit a friend and her newborn 7 week old today.  My husband has given me strict instructions not to come back broody ;o)

    Hegs x

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    I got out for a run on saturday, very muddy, but thoroughly enjoyed it.  I slept in till 10am then when i got up, hubby took Isla to the shops with him and i had breakfast in peace, pottered about, did a bit hoovering, putting clothes away then went out for a run, by the time i came back from my run it was lunchtime and i really needed a shower so hubby gave Isla lunch as well.  Going to make the weekend run a regular thing as i've only been getting out about once a week up until now.  Going to aim for at least two every week, one at work lunchtime and one at weekend and other runs when i can fit them in.  No weight loss and boobs not shrunk really since stopping feeding two weeks ago.

    Saturday night Isla woke up at 1am and we couldn't get her back to sleep, tried teething gel, calpol etc but nothing worked.  She stopped crying as soon as i picked her up, but started crying as soon as i put her back in her cot, by 3.30am we gave up and we took her into bed with us and she slept fine !!  She woke up again at 1am last night, but went back to sleep herself the third time after i picked her up, not sure what was wrong with her, maybe molars are starting to bother her like MM's two boys, or maybe something to do with her measles vaccine on thursday, although they said any reaction would probably be 5 to 10 days later.  Apart from not going back to sleep there's been nothing else wrong, no temperature or rashes/spots.

    She is cruising the furniture still and will walk if we hold her hands but not quite ready to do it by herself yet. 

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    EF - sorry about your friend's mum. How awful for her when she's just moved back up here as well.

    And its always the third glass of wine that gets you... 10K on a treadmill sounds like suitable punishment as its so very dull on a treadmill (some smart computer boffin should come up with cgi/animated runs that you could watch on a screen whilst on the treadmill, make you feel like you are actually running outside, or even better someone should get a camera and follow George Clooney when he's out for a run, I'd happily watch his rear for 50 minutes).

    Made it to the gym today - however it seemed to be Chinese 50+ group morning at the gym and I couldn't get near a treadmill for wee chinese women and men! All very surreal. But it did eventually quieten down and I got onto the treadmill. Managed 3 miles in total, did the first 2 on a walk/run combo then did some weights and finally went back and run a mile. Not the most dazzling gym performance but it is a start!

    JT/Minks - when you went back to running, did you feel it in your groin/scar at all when you were running? My groin feels a little achey when I'm running and wondered if this is common after a section?

    Righto, off for a quick shower then must get out with the pram - its a dry and sunny day here in Edinburgh so want to make the most of it!

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     MR - my groin on the left feels achey after running - am trying to monitor it but it wears off normally after a day or so.  It used to ache a bit before this pregnancy - but I'd had 2 c/sections before I ever started running, so don't know if it's related to the section itself, pregnancy in general or just me.
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    EF - so sorry about your friend's mum. (())

    I'm still snivelling away here. Bit annoyed yesterday as I'd planned a long run, but there was no way I was dragging myself out in the wet and cold! Hopefully I'll be OK to run tomorrow.

    Bought JP's cotbed at the weekend. He's now too small for his carrycot, so it was a case of having to! It's going to take 4-6 weeks to come, so he's in his travel cot for now, which he loves cos it's got a vibrating mattress and music/lights. I was a bit worried he might get distracted by all the stimulation and not sleep, but he's fine.

    Hope everyone else is OK on this very miserable wet day - wish I was in Edinburgh if there's good weather, MR!!

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    not even made it to gym tonight now - hubby so late home and couldn't face going and having dinner at about 10pm so am going to spinning tomorrow and then abs class and then will do a piddly 5km on treadmill instead. 

    did someone say what a chicken?  hmm.  I am rather wussing out I know.   I promise to do 10K on the mill at some point this week!  Rather think I might do it on Thurs post funeral babysitting as think will need to clear my head. 

    Hopefully pledging it on here will make it happen! 

    think my friend coming round tonight anyway, we're trying to find her something to wear to the funeral that is not black as she doesn't think her mum would like that but that equally isn't bright red or anything.  It's a tall order cos it's got to be in our wardrobes and it's got to fit!

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    Sorry, didn't get round to posting again earlier.

    EF - sorry to hear about your friend's mum - it sounds like you're being greatly supportive and I'm sure it must be helping her to get through a horrible time. Don't beat yourself up about not getting to the gym this week with so many other things to think about at the moment.

    JT - finding things to threaten my 5 yr old with that a) I will carry out and b) will make an impact on him is virtually impossible! It does so depend on the child - my daughter generally had to be told once (or at the most twice) not to do something and she didn't- with DS1 I do feel like I'm talking to a brick wall a lot of the time.  I really try hard to do positive parenting,and it is the most effective way to get him to co-operate but it can get very frustrating (I'm hoping Eddie might be more like his big sister!). Luckily though I know that DS1 is mainly only naughty at home and is terrified of being told off at school, and a lot of the time he's very lovely and great company when he's with me.

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    EF sorry about your friend's Mum. Thank you for the link.  I asked ages ago about scratch mitts and someone gave me a website, spirit of nature, since then someone else has asked.  I have bookmarked thepage.

    JT you are such a teacher - don't suggest a threat if you will not carry it out.

    MM We had a no issue with James at the weekend.  He is usually very good with 'No' or when his name is said in the ' teacher tone'.  However he kept going for our living room plant (3 times in total) - He was told no, usually enough.. but went back to it.  I lifted him away playfully - wrong thing to do as this turned it into a game so he went back again.  Next time I lifted him away (apparently he was laughing away) and I put him down on the rug and went and sat on a chair!  He stayed there, stopped laughing, waited... then went a different direction and gave his teddy a cuddle so I went and joined him again.

    We are getting a real tree as usual and are going to have it in the living room, not in the playpen.  Probably because I am so stubborn and people all say 'Oh, you can't have a real tree now' so I will.  Maybe I will learn after he pulls it over, I have to say that I think it is unlikely though.

    Just watched the Not bonding with baby programme.  I felt so sorry for the mother and wee girl.  I think it was very brave to admit there was an issue but positive that things can be worked through.

    I have an entry form for my old club Boxing Day run.  It is all filled in but not posted as I don't want to get too cold - now who is the biggest Wuss! 

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    Sorry to interrupt but wonder if anyone can give me some advice.

    My 'daughter-in-law' had my grandson, by elective c-section on the 16th November and has just been diagnosed with post natal depression.  My son is taking a mixture of paternity leave/holiday till the end of December.

    What can I do to help?

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    mrs g - sorry to hear about your daughter-in-law.  i had PND as well - it presents in lots of different ways so it's difficult to know what to suggest.  try talking to your son and finding out what would make his life easier.  for me, i needed someone to take my son away out of my sight and earshot so that i could cry and then sleep.  i was b/feeding which meant he couldn't go very far, but it did help when i couldn't hear him crying.

    but your son should know what will help him to cope.  and if you can help him by doing practical things for him, then he will be able to focus on his wife and baby.

    good luck.  if you want to email  me, please do.  i might have some more ideas if you want to share a little more about what is going on...

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    EF - so sorry to hear about your friend's mum.

    MR - glad things are improving for you.

    JT - how is sleep / feeding going?

    mrs o - sounds very much like teething to me. jacob does night-time yelling and settling only when hugged. he did it twice on sun night which was the first time ever. he's fine by day though but i do think it's his teeth because his gums look really awful again.

    mm - sorry to hear things are hard. that clingy walking but not quite phase is awful. jacob was unbearable at that point. it WILL improve. and i can sympathise with the naughty thing. jacob's thing is to rattle the fireguard, which he knows he's not allowed to do. he turns around to look at me while he's doing it because he knows he will be told off. it's difficult to find a way of telling him off which makes him realise he's done something wrong when he is expecting you to tell him off anyway. i have actually given up with trying to make a point with the fireguard, and i just pull him off it and sit him down. even if he doesn't feel like he's being told off, eventually he gets bored with the routine and stops doing it. until the next time...
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    my back is much better. i managed to see the physio yesterday who said it's the sacro-iliac joint and probably went due to poor core stability (did anyone say pilates?) have exercises to do and am going to see osteo tomorrow for some clunking.  not going to manage any running though.  grrrrrrr!
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    Thanks CM. The fireguard rattling occurs here too. We have a new tv cabinet arriving this week which should resolve some of the issues (J removes the sky box and dvd player off the tv stand cables and all currently, have coffee table in front and pilates mats but he get through them now. He can also now climb up onto sofa which brings even more issues!!! H is naughty but tends to get led on by J, most of the time he is pretty good.

    I am sure once they can walk things will be much better. Just wish I could myself in half at the moment, a problem am sure many mums of twins suffer from. Am finding the days harder now than when they were small. But we battle on!!!!

    Pilates CM!!!!

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    Thanks cragchick. Maybe its a Joshua thing?!! Don't worry about winging it feels good to moan and its nice to get sympathy.

    They were at childminders today so have been working, and had me time. They were good fun this evening, so that makes up for it.

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