
Lucozade Sport Super Six: Wotsit (sub-4:30)



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    You know, there is something missing round here.  I can't quite put my finger on it....

    <looks under the sofa, in handbag, in toy box>

    Hmmm... SueC and Meg have Liz, Fatface & BellyBoy have Steve.... isn't there supposed to be a coach around here?

    <taps watch impatiently>


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    DG wrote (see)

    I just learn to love the mess!!  When I get the hoover out the children all ask who's coming for tea!!!!

    She never invites ME for tea......image
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    Wotsit - sorry, I thought you were one of 'them' (image) but now I remember that you stayed with your family in November.
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    Fabulous coach Mark

    That would help me around a marathon

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    as would i! but you have never asked image
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    Sounds like a good run last night Wotsit - well done on ticking off the first session image

    Bad news on the cleaner front - hope you find someone suitable soon.
    pud - we lived in that part of Worcester too (post-mud) but are now further West.
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    Thanks Mark. ish.

    Sue, that might be worse, thinking I was one of them! image

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    Hey now! Easy on the slating the Southerners! Though I've lived north, south and middle, so can I just summon whichever suits me best that day?
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    Goosey, of course you can.  Being hoiked around the country has to have some benefits.

    Howz the foot today?

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    Whew! For a while there I thought everybody was going to post their potty training schedules.
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    I have held back Eva...... but if you want me to just ask image

    I did 6 miles yesterday  - rubbish speed and will be watching your intervaling with interest

    Have you ever had injuries from speed work Wotsit?

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    Eva - surely you don't mean this this thread should be limited to the minutae of my running life as opposed to my 'real' life?  Pah.

    Injuries from speed work, Pig?  I've never really done speed work.  The girls and I have tried on numerous occasions but we've ended up doing one interval, going 'ooh, that was rather hard' and then spending the rest of the run discussing it in order to avoid having to do another. image  I'm going to be doing to majority of my training with Alibugs and hopefully will drag her out on Thursday eve to do intervals.  Its 5mins jog then 5mins controlled discomfort (isn't all running controlled discomfort?) times 4.

    Actually, when Nick appears <waves magic wand> perhaps he'll clear up the whole pace thing.  I'm rubbish at guaging it on a basis of talking, given that, unless I'm dying, I can talk fine at most paces.  In most places.  At all times, to be honest. image

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    You kept that a bit quiet!  When were you going to tell me about these intervals - after the first 5 mins jog maybe? Too sneaky!
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    Well placated there young Wotsit, and very diplomatic too - given you need somewhere to stay when you're on these London jaunts for some training sessions or other I believe you're doing image

    Went back to work today, foot hasn't been as bad as I feared it might though am still limping like a lame horse. But the pain seems to have shifted to a different place which I'm hoping is a good sign and I am now going to heal quickly through the power of positive thought. Oh yes. But I'll see how it is tomorrow as the real test as it's so far been much worse the day after I've walked on it. Ho hum.

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    I could kiss you for that post because that's my view of intervals but 'I always get injured when I do speedwork' does sound better   (and have some truth image)
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    Ali - that wouldn't have been enough notice? image 

    Goosey - fingers crossed for tomorrow.  The recuperative power of going to see a Doctor?

    Pig - maybe you run too fast? 

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    Good luck for the intervals Wotsit (and Alibugs!).  I have a clean lounge now as just removed the Christmas tree, so just finished hoovering up after it!  You can come round now if you want to LB!! 

    Planning a run in the morning, will have to see if it defrosts a bit and then decide if roads are OK, or whether I'll have to settle for the dreadmill again.

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    Wotsit I'm assuming you mean too fast during speedwork ?

    I did a hill session with club once and was 'quite good' in a relative way...... I am in the slow group and on the hills I kept up with the faster group but then couldn't run for a week because my knees were wrecked

    Another speedwork session and I was paired with the fastest runner for a relay type activity (to compenstate for my slowness as demonstrated during the preceding intervals) and since it was a short burst I gave it some and surprised everyone including me but couldn't walk the next day and my shin splints flared preventing running for a while. 

    Are you using HR to guage effort for speedwork? 

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    Now, I have a HRM, but I hate it.  Either I am the healthiest person on the earth and a total lightweight with regards moaning about how hard running is, or it lies.  Last time I used it, my HR averaged 101 bpm including going up a big hill!  I will try again, maybe.

    DG - you don't love the extra excitement that running on an icy path gives?  Will I or won't I split my head open.... image

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    I did run outdoors this morning and it wasn't too bad - had to run a bit on the grass to avoid the new ice rinks though!  

    I too struggle with HRMs.  Apparently my HR this morning was between 48 and 83 BPM which I know is not the case!!!  It often seems to give pretty random readings as I've had heart rates well into the 200s and I don't think they're right either!!  Occassionally it works and gives sensible readings.  I think it might be cos I only use water for the contacts and keep fogetting to buy the proper gel stuff.  

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    Try putting the strap on your back instead of on your front and see if that gives you better contacts.

    Mrs P - I have heard other people say they get injured with speed work.  I've read Candy doesn't do any.  I've a funny feeling Crashie isn't a huge fan either - ask him on the Worcs thread.

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    Thanks Mouse - I had thought I'd heard someone mention that before.  Wonder if it was you...?

    DG - ice has all gone here.  That'll make tonight's run a lot easier!  Oh, apart from the intervals bit.

    I went back to pilates last night, after a few weeks off (too much life getting in the way) and cor, I certainly knew about it!  I'm feeling the ache already this morning and it normally doesn't kick in till 4pm.  I may be shuffling like an old lady by then.  Even worse, I bumped into one of my work colleagues who was coming out of the previous class as I was going in and who looked all lovely and relaxed.  When I left I was pleased not to have carpet burns on my chin from hitting the decks.

    This week I shall be virtuous and keep up with doing my spine curls to keep my back lovely and supple ahead of starting building up the miles.  I will also not be feeding the children, so they don't get any heavier over the next few months.  Priorities image

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    I have woken planning to check MHR properly but RHR is up by 11 so I'm ditching the run. Now the odd thing is that the other day I really wanted to ditch the run and the RHR failed me by being OK and this morning I woke looking forward to a run, but took RHR because of sore throat/headache and interest in this as it's new to me and it was up ?

    Your HR sounds improbable to me Wotsit since mine leaps up to 80 just on sight of my shoes and I can get 100 just fighting my way out of the front door

    Thanks Mouse - I am nervous since I'm sick of recurrent injuries. 

    Wotsit - I was doing that pilates dvd you sent me every Monday with eldest until Christmas hit and then it erm... well.... I'll get back to it 

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    I took my RHR in bed this morning because of all our RHR conversations and it's gone down a bit, it's 54 now. 

    I changed the battery on my hr strap and can't get the garmin to pick anything up at all now. 

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    My bike computer needs to 'do something' to recognise the transmitter when battery has gone right down..

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    Evidently completely wrong about Crashie and speedwork - sorry Crash.  Something I am mis-remembering from my mara training.

    Thanks Mrs P - I had a twiddle with my garmin and found a rescan button and it's found the hr strap.   I have a heart after all. image

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    Pheweeeeeee image

    I had my defibrillator ready 

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    Glad to hear you are, in fact, alive Mousers.

    Tonight I will attempt to wear the HRM on my back, well lubed (I had no idea there was special lube, thought you just spat on it!) and see how I go.

    Its intervals tonight - 5mins easy, 5 mins controlled discomfort x 4.  The girls are coming with me, so I don't speed off in fright down the dark roads, wimp that I am.

    In non-running household type news, joy and celebrations abound here - our garage fridge/freezer, which I had just filled with healthy new year food is working again, having given up the ghost in shock at the temperatures over the last week.  It was just getting to the point where I'd have had to ship everything out tomorrow as it was starting to soften up, but now its whirring again image

    You'll all be pleased by that, I know.  Well, Nick and the nutritionist might as it'll prevent me from eating the tub of Ben & Jerry's that I've hidden in there.

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    enjoy the intervals wotsit.  i have a club session tonight so i have NO idea what that will involve image

    and hooray for the freezer!!image

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