
Lucozade Sport Super Six: Wotsit (sub-4:30)



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    Intervals - done!

    Actually really quite enjoyed them.  How bizarre.  The poxy HRM is bonkers though, I think it worked at the start, then gave it up.  Maybe because its scared of the readings?

    Anyway, the vital statistics, for those who so like them go a little something like this:

    Distance: 4.36m
    Time: 42:16
    Pace: 9.40mi
    Average HR: 122bpm image 

    Our easy bits came in at about 11mi, our intervals 8.35mi, except for the last one, which was up hill and so was 9.3mi.  Not bad!

    Now I need a serious dunk in a hot bath.  Will try not to fall asleep and drown.

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    Well done on the intervals - really good running image
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    Hey Nell image

    I thought I should drop in and say hello, let you know that I am avidly reading this and cheering from the sidelines image Your pace is scaring me though, I'm still plodding about doing 12 min miles LOL!

    Fab work - keep going!


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    Sssshhhhh.... don't reveal my alter ego image

    Lovely to hear from you.  Long run tomorrow, so the pace may all be very different, not least because my legs *hurt* today. 

    Well done last night Alibugs image  Top pacing.

    Off to work, hi ho, hi ho and all that.

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    Hi Helen,

    I have been away coaching this week and am just catching up on the gossip here. The session last night sounds perfect - well done. Hope the cold weather has not made life too tough on the runs. It was -7 at a session I coached earlier in the wee!

    Anyway, I have been reading your posts and it sounds as though you are doing a fab job. You are allowed one scoop of Ben & Jerry's as a reward madam.......................

    Keep the long run relaxed this weekend. Remember it is just time on the feet as we build our endurance base. You can chat all the way round.

    Are you really a Sunderlan fan? I might have to suggest some harder training if so!

    Well done and keep up the good work.


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    LOL Wotsit - I'll keep your secret identity if you keep mine image Oooh it's all very cloak and dagger image

     I'm trying to pick up my running a bit more now - still suffering a little with with the plantar fasciitis so I'm tking it easy and am under my podiatrist's instruction to run/walk. grrrr. I'd love to tackle a marathon one day though, so reading this is very motivational! 

    Enjoy your ice cream image


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    Oh no!  Being told I am *allowed* to eat ice cream is a very dangerous thing.

    How big is a scoop exactly?  I shall save it for tea-time on Saturday, knowing my weekly long run is under my belt.

    Nice to hear from you Nick- I presumed you must have been off training.  I can't deny my football heritage, even if it leaves me open to the risk of harder training.  My father would kill me!  I was, several years ago, a very involved fan but ran out of time and opportunity for getting to games and its just not the same on the tv.  When I shout, they can't hear me.  Dreadful.

    YL - I love the idea of being motivational!  If only my GCSE students all saw it image

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    Excellent - are we all allowed ice-cream to celebrate Wotsit being so good??? imageimage

    So you're a secondary teacher too then?  I teach music 2 days a week for my sins (and they must be plentiful judging by some of darlings I have to persuade to reveal their inner musicality!!).  

    Good luck for the long run tomorrow, I've been 'asked' to go and help out at a rehearsal at school on Sunday which is messing up both my and Mr DGs running schedule!

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    DG - not secondary, no.  I'm not that brave!  I teach at an FE college - GCSE level and above.  I like them to have chosen to be there and to be able to eject them where necessary image
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    Pig, shall I flick some in your direction?

    The bit of me that is very very delighted at having got back to my pre-Christmas weight, which is a whole 9lbs below my pre-LSS weight, almost doesn't want to eat the ice cream.  However tomorrow I'll be smothering that bit and locking it in a cupboard.

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    Well done on the intervals Wotsit and hope the long run goes well tomorrow image
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    Brrrrr... that was chilly.  Did not get my clothes right today and while in the sheltered bits I was fine, as soon as there was a sniff of a breeze I froze!  Had to call Wickett from the end of the run, at Alibug's house, to get a hot bath ready.

    My leggies ache, though they did before I even left the house this morning.  I am wearing Wickett's compression tights, which keep falling down in a pleasing, though slightly irritating way.

     Its nigh on impossible to guage a run of 90 mins, I've decided.  So we ended up doing 100 mins, or 9.42 miles.  We did do it at a nice easy pace, did chat throughout and did walk up the bigger hills, which on today's route were quite substantial. 

    So, tired but pleased with today's run.  And just taking the children to Mum's house for the night, even better!

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    Excellent running there Wotsit. Hope the legs weren't too tired and achey today.
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    I could have sworn I posted on this thread yesterday regarding my hilly run... ?   I was thinking about your intervals and thinking of maybe trying a couple. The run was much hillier than I had remembered and I walked lots of steep steps and didn't do a single interval but wondered if intervals improves your speed because your CV fitness gets better at tolerating it (in which case my repeated steep sections would have had same effect?)  or if it's the legs ability to go faster ? 

    Today I'm (hopefully temporarily) injured with very stiff sore achilles which just goes to prove my earlier posts regarding speedwork andinjury - even thinking about it causes me injury!

    Well done on the run Wotsit. Do you rate the compressions tights and can they be compressing if they are falling down ?

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    Pig - you posted and I replied on RW.  Not sure about intervals & CV - perhaps Nick will shine some light?

    I think your achilles is telling you not to run up hills.  That must be it image

    The compression tights seem nothing short of magical.  Yesterday my legs hurt so much they radiated pain up into my stomach.  Today they are right back to normal.  They only fell down round my middle - the perils of borrowing silly men fit clothes.

    Oh, the ice cream was glorious, by the way.  Yuuuummmmmm

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     Hello wotsit

    wots this im reading you should be running up the hills and resting coming down perhaps i should be coaching  youimage

    Well done your training seems 2 be going well one week down 15 to go

    c u soon

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    OMG!  Don't say that, it makes me panic.  If I *could* run up hills, then I would.  Nah, actually, I wouldn't.  Sounds like very hard work image

    The husband and I have planned to do Hellrunner in November but I'm not very good at running down steep hills either, being a big chicken and not blessed with buckets full of coordination, so it might well be the slowest race of all time.

    Are you twitchy to get going with your proper training yet?  How is the back?

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    And, jumping on the bandwagon, my thoughts at the end of Week 1.

    Am delighted with my first set of proper, grown up, intervals, despite the fact that my legs hurt like demons afterwards.

    Overjoyed at seeing the scales still moving in the right direction - and perhaps (because I am very shallow) even better, people noticing the difference.  And me noticing it in my running - hooray!

    Nervous about keeping momentum going for another 15 weeks, espcially today because my small boy is poorly.  If I need a kick, you'll all be ready with a boot, right?

    Week 2 beckons with the promise of learning to run at marathon pace.  Am hoping this doesn't involve my falling off a kerb as I'm so busy watching my garmin...

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    Fantastic running Wotsit - you're making brilliant progress!! 

    Mr DG has done Hellrunner twice and some of the downhills are scary - I hate going downhill so I won't do it (honestly its not all the waist deep, freezing cold, muddy, smelly water that puts me off image) but he has really enjoyed it!!!

    I've just managed 5 miles in 1 hour and 7 minutes - think I should go and join a slower thread!  However, it was on a dreadmill and I'm pretty sure it is very unaccurate at slower speeds!!!  (That's my story and I'm sticking to it!).  Still, it was running for over an hour so hopefully a step back to proper fitness!

    Wore the HRM back to front and it read my heart rate at around 150 all the way through the run - so thanks for the tip Mouse!

    Hope your little boy gets well soon Wotsit.
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    Well done Wotsit, just caught up on the last page of posts.  The intervals sound like they were excellent and well done on the long run, despite being cold in some parts of it.

    The training with Ben & Jerrys sounds marvellous, I wonder if we should persuade RW to get the super six sponsored by Ben and Jerry in future.  I'm also about to start googling for a tub sized scoop for you so your scoopful will be nice and substantial.  (I'm thinking along the lines of those huuuuuuuuuuuuuge wine glasses that you can get that are the size of the bottle!)

    If the HRM is no better around the back than at the front, what about trying to pull it down a bit further?  Also, it's not something really silly like a flat batter in the strap is it Wotsit?  (Apologies if stating the obvious/patronising somewhat, I'm not sure how old it is.)  Glad yours worked better though DG.

    Super that the weight is still heading in the right direction, having lost a few myself I can only concur that a few lbs off feels sooooooooo much better when pounding the streets.

    Looking forward to reading about week 2.

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    Mouse - in future?  What about now?  I could have Ben & jerry stops as well as the Lucozade ones around the course.  Actually, can you have a scoop waiting for me at Mudchute?

    I'm going to have another go with the HRM tonight, after seeing if I can 'acquire' some electrode gel from work.

    DG - re Hellrunner, I feel its something I want to have a go at once.  And probably never again.  I like its proximity to my in-law's house and a hot bath afterwards!  Treadmills are dreadful, yes.  I always run slower on them because I'm so scared of falling off image

    I have an assessed lesson today.  Given that I wasn't sure I was even going to be able to take the small boy to preschool after he was unwell yesterday I've not done quite the level of preparation I normally would.  Perhaps my video of an eyeball dissection at the start of the lesson will sufficiently freak out my assessor so that she just passes me regardless? 

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    stalked you down from another place image

    great to catch up on how the training and pre-training has been going the last couple of weeks Wotsit.   You're doing smashing.  And I'm gonna read this religiously in the hope of inspiration to keep with my training prog. and hopefully a bit of WL.

     good luck with the assessment this afternoon .. will be over soon!

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    Hi Helen, what a great first week - well done to you.

     A bit worried about the compression tights and you tripping over them as you run and they fall down. Yep I do think they are a good idea but they must fit properly and feel snug! 

     It cant be easy to start week one of real marathon training in sub zero conditions and you should be very proud. Yes you can have some more ice cream for later in the week - a lovely reward for another good weeks traning I hope!

    Keep the effort levels as discussed and dont get tempted to go faster or do more. These are still the early days and we are building sensible foundations. The harder work will feel easier next month and in March if we are patient now.

    So pleased you are feeling lighter and the weight is gradually dropping. This will continue as we keep the training and diet in focus. Little and often re weight reduction is sustainable and healthy. So eat well and train well again this week.

    Chat later, Nick

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    would be fascinated to read what diet/nutritional advice you've been given Wotsit image
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    Hairy Thistle wrote (see)
    would be fascinated to read what diet/nutritional advice you've been given Wotsit image

    i agree.  at the moment i am so hungry all the time, i think i may end up putting a fair bit of weight ON if i'm not carefulimage

    well done on the long run wotsit.  i had to delay mine from saturday to sunday cos of the weather, and even then i ended up cutting the road run short and finishing the miles on the treddie.

    love the idea of there being a selection of ice-creams at mudchute image

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    I'm just waiting for the nurtitional avice to come through - Wendy, the nutritionist, has just emailed asking for confirmation on some of the things I sent her.  And sadly telling me that my milky way marathon fuel strategy isn't a good one.  Boo, hiss.  Must ask her about the Ben & jerrys strategy...

     Will pass over the information as soon as I get it.  For the time being though, I'm logging my food via foodfocus, which is brilliant and helps me keep track of what I'm eating rather than estimating, which I'm rubbish at.

    Hairy Thistle, lovely to hear from you image

    Nick, I'll order my own compression tights, so you don't have to worry about tripping myself up.  In fairness, they weren't falling down that much, but I certainly needed another pair of trousers over the top in order not to scare the neighbours when bending over.

    So, tonight is a 45 min run with 2 x threshold blocks built in, with a 5 min recovery jog in the middle.  Am trying to decide whether to run with the joggers or on my own tonight.  Lovely weather for it - I miss the frost!

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    Did I mention before that I hate intervals?  Just in case I didn't, let me reiterate.  I hate intervals.

    They are done.  I am pooped.  Must slow down ahead of them and inbetween.  Did manage to sustain 8.33mi for a whole 10 mins, which is remarkable.  Kept it similar for the second interval, which is more more uphill, but got to 7 mins and started going 'just to the next lampost, just to the next tree, just to the phonebox...' etc  Then had to stop to cross a busy junction at 8 mins, and gave up.  I still got my wind back and finished feeling OK but, phew, that was hard.

    In better news, my HRM worked.  Couldn't find proper electroconductive gel but did use another more well known water based gel, suitable for senstive areas, which worked very nicely.  I recommend it.

    My bath beckons.  Wickett will be bringing me a gin and tonic while I soak.  He is a good husband image

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    Wotsit - KY Jelly works just as well as anything else!

    Don't even ask me how I know........image I still can't go in Boots and ask for it - I buy the dearer one! image

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    KY jelly would be what? A well known water based gel, suitable for sensitive areas? Geddit?

    I'm just a delicate flower. Oh and if you don't like asking for KY by name, definately don't aim for the cheaper one. Its called 'Lubricating Jelly', which rather gives the game away, I'd say.

    Tuesday tomorrow. I love Tuesdays. Its my 'at home with my boy' day aand a rest day. Embrace the inner couch potato!
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