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    hey wagoneers! how's it going? what have I missed?? image
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    Hello Elle!

    Great to hear from you. The wagon went off the rails completely for a few months, and has only been re-activated in the last couple of weeks. How's the new job going?


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    LSR tomorrow PW...depending on how I feel...

    Marshalled at Stubby race on Sun and Mr FF helped too....he was actually making and handing out orange squash to sweaty runners and met some men from my running club without going all green eyed!  Wonders never cease!

    Elle...dahling...how are you...any more thought about Meon??? You haven't missed much on here...I think PW felt sorry for me monologuing image

    Study day today...taking it easy so my legs are fresh for tomorrow!

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    Have been on the wagon since just after Xmas. Back running/cycling and gym. Feel much much better for it. I am slightly anxious though which I understand is a side effect of giving up the booze. Been drinkign since the age of 15 and I'm now 33. I'd be amazed if there were no side-effects.

    What effects have others noticed when they gave up (apart from more cash...)

     Anyone quit for good? I'm thinking about doing that as I'm fed up of missing life because I'm hungover or feel down because of lack of energy etc.



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    Hi Slappydo....

    Not sure as i'm no where near ready to go on the wagon! I went teatotal for two weeks once and struggled to sleep for a bit...and people annoyed me more....so I started drinking again.

    There were a couple of forumites who were teatotal who used to post on this thread but they haven't been around for a while but I do know they bestolled the virtues of tea totalness lots!

    At the end of the day you have to do whats right for you.  I'm sure one day I will be a lot more controlled with my drinking.  Perhaps as my marathon training gets more intense...who knows.

    PW: Did my LSR today...16 miles....woop woop..

    <does a little boogy around the wagon and beams with pride>

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    Hello Slappydo,

    Unlike FF, I find I actually sleep much better if I'm on the wagon (after the first couple of nights).

    Buns, SW, where are you?

    FF - well done on LSR - hope it really was S, you gazelle, you! 

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    It was indeed PW...9.45min mile pace!

    I agree with you PW...after first two or three nights I actually slept a lot better...but the first few nights were hell....must indicate a problem

    <she says as she slurps her shiraz>

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    Hello FF,

    Well done - but that's my idea of "quite fast really" image

    have lost 2 lbs this week!

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    Yay! I'm on the wagon! Been on for 23 days now and don't seem to miss it. For January and February I've given up chocolate, alcohol, caffiene and crisps. And I haven't missed any of it. Although there is that I don't want to give up for good element, but I certainly don't want to go back to drinking all the time. Probably going to struggle next weekend mind as its a family do and they will all be bemused and sceptical about the no drinking. Why don't people get it - I just don't want a f**king drink!!! I did the Nottingham half marathon and didn't drink the week before much to people's annoyance. How selfish am I... wanting to be fit, healthy and rested before running 13 miles?! How rude! image

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    Hi Misfit,

    I know what you mea. Most of...well, actually, all of my friends love bevs so social events are difficult. Jan is easy as everyone is skint and don't really want to go out.

     I find a new energy when I don't drink.. Went to a pub the other day and had a coffee. I used to think people that did that were extremely boring (or French) but that's a pretty narrow view to have.

    Drinking or deciding not to is one of the very few things in life we have control over. Most of the other stuff is luck and chance.

     How long have people on here given up for?

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    Hello all!

     PW - job's going really well thanks! Can't believe I've been there 6 months - it's flown by. My colleagues are lovely too - for my birthday they gave me vouchers for the local running shop image

     FF - I think Meon might be a bit much for me - still trying to build up those miles after no running for a month due to illness before xmas. Definitely want to do a race with you sometime soon though!

    Hello to SlappyDo and Misfit!

    SD - I haven't actually given up image but I do try to keep things in moderation (sometimes more successfully than others) and I'm having a booze-free February which is something I tend to do every year.

    It was such an effort to get out for a run before work this morning - wet and miserable. Hope it's better for tomorrow's 7 milers!

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    oh and well done on the weightloss PW! I'm trying to lose a few pounds myself (damn Quality Street tin over xmas...)
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    I like a coffee in a pub... but some of them make the most revolting brews!

    Soda water and lime is ok (and people think you have vodka so they leave you alone! image)

    Grrr ...at work missing the daylight and the winter sun. I'm eyeing up grey clouds as we speak... can it just hold off for a few more hours, come on... No sleet and rain please for me so I can get out and do my bit! 

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    I've given up until April 6th.  I found that we just got into the habit of having a bottle of wine each every night and it just became a habit, the pile of recycling outside was just depressing, first couple of days I was a bit twitchy about 7pm but now I'm fine (thus far)
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    I'm nursing shin-splits at present and forgot my trainers today so can't use the work gym...

    Will go tomorrow when hopefully it's even colder than it has been.

    Good luck with giving up RSR!

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    I've been meaning to give up for nearly three years now....I've managed about 4 weeks out of that three years....I'm usless...I'm hoping you lot will inspire me... I ran my best Great South after getting completely trollied the night before...I'm struggling for motivation!

    Hiya Elle...not to worry...there are plenty coming up and FF has found a more independent lease of life at the moment.  All entered and hotels booked for Snowdonia in October...yikes!

    Welcome RBR, SD and Misfit...Lime and Soda is FF's tea total tipple too!

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    hello all!

    *collapses onto wagon* I'm knackered! Went for a very slow 7 miler this morning but had no energy at all - felt pretty awful from mile 4 onwards. Oh well at least it's done now. Going to a party this evening but think I'll stick to the cranberry juice. I have a very rare day of doing bugger all ahead of me tomorrow and I don't want to waste it being hungover.

    How's everyone elses weekend going?

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    Well rain held off (almost!) and I beat my PB for a 10K!! Whoop whoop! Must be them lime and sodas!

    Perhaps now a nice glass of red to go with my dinner... no! Must. Stay. Strong!

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    Well done on your PB Misfit! And well done on dinner with no wine....was it ok? lol!

    FF went to a 40th birthday party and the shiraz was all running a bit freely....feeling a touch shakey today but its amazing how getting completely lamered makes you reassess your need to stop the drink.  I feel a new goal is needed...especially as I will be taxing my body with this marathon and plod training.

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    Yeah - no wine still. Doing real well. Went and did the Meltham 10k today, undulating? UNDULATING?!?! Bit of an understatement me thinks! Its enough to turn people to the lime and sodas!
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    Well done misfit....RIGHT!! FF will start off February with two allocated evenings for drinking only per week!!! Yeah...that'll work!!! I'm thinking Saturday and Tuesday nights!!!

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    Okey dokey...all going to plan so far...in as much as I drank last night...heavily...twas a Saturday!!  Its now 1815 on a sunday and I'm on the hot squash....and struggling....humpfffff!  I now this will get easier but Mr FF has already done a bottle and he's annoying me!
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    Hi there all new to forum,

    I gave up the drinking 3 years ago mainly because I felt that I was addicted and it was taking control of my life. I found it difficult, especially socially at first when at some point in the evening your mates depart the planet and take on a different persona and you kinda want to join them there.  I have been running now for two years plus and it has given the the confidence to say to myself (at the point of departure) right im off now theres better things I could be doing!

    Good luck to you in your quest!!!!

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    Cheers leonardo...currently I am sober as a judge and Mr FF has done two bottles of wine....and I want to stab him image
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    Ha Ha!! FF very proud she didn't have a dribble of vin whilst Mr FF polished off 3 bottles...and I didn't stab him or anything!

    <beams with pride>

    There is a foot of snow outside.....woop woop!

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    Three bottles - he'll be suffering from pickled liver if he's not careful. That's a dangerous amount of wine to drink in one sitting.

    Well done you!

    Did you go for a run in the snow? Or would it have been a wade?image  Bet LFA's loving it!

    Only a couple of inches up in Northants - nothing to write home about. But was quite glad to be working from home today. Mr. PW is on a train somewhere between London and MK - no idea when he'll be home. *sigh*

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    FF went for an eleven mile plod in the snow with ickle sis accompanying her on the bike as schools were closed!!!

    Yes indeed, three bottles.....wasn't pretty!!!

    LFA has not long come in from making snowmen in the back garden....

    Are you in Milton Keynes PW? or does MK stand for something else? Whats it like?  I may have to visit Milton Keynes soon.

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    11 miles in the snow or 3 bottles of wine I'm not sure whose the bigger candidate for insanity lol! Scotlands a very miserable and cold place at the moment ,so it was the treadmill for me tonight after a tough multi terrain half marathon yesterday! I hate the snow!
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    Hello FF,

    I'm in a village about 15 miles north-west of Milton Keynes, in between MK and Northampton. If you're up for a visit, maybe we could meet up for a coffee? 

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    Okey dokey PW....not sure of details or if I need to go yet but will let you know.

    Well FF is doing okayish on the alcohol front....only had one small glass of red last night, had three yesterday night and none the night before.  Back at work tonight so that'll be three nights off the plonk and I have to say my sleep has been of much better quality....but I've been a bit ratty....

    ...have to say thats probably because Mr FF is harder to live with when one is sober...lol!

    Training going well...I've run 114 miles so far this year...go me! lol!

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