
Paris Marathon 2009



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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    Results are up for my weekend race. Official time is 1:00:35 and 20th from 230 finishers over the 15k. The last guy I passed before my wrong turn finished 1 1/2 minutes up the road. I think I would have been even quicker but it's hard to say. Really annoying that I missed out on a Vet PB because of a wrong turn image  Only consolation is that even if I'd finished 15th I'd still have been 4th Vet so no prizes missed.Can you believe that out of the top 4 finishers 3 were Vet's  image 
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    OO - you did well dont beat yourself up re wrong turning.  OMG being 20th out of 230 I would throw a major party... Being a vet doesnt mean you are less speedy just more experienced in getting to the end in a quicker time image  Yes I can believe the top finishers were vets...
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    OO:  It was obviously very poor signs that led to the wrong turn - not your fault at all, marshalling let you downimage  You really should be called "Road Runner"  having such a speedy time - boy did I love that cartoon!!!!image  Not surprised at all regarding the vets finishing in the top 4, Vets are the best - don't you think - dedicated, mature and just down right stubborn!!!  I would love to be in the top 115 of a race with 230, let alone top 20!!!  Do feel fell run would be a tad dangerous - take a sat nav system with youimage.

    NGUG:  Was the scary physios name "Helga" by any chance?  When they are no smiley people one tends to do as ones told, one knows that they can inflict great pain if one doesn'timageimage!!  Back to normal type now ....

    Howey:  have a fab time in egypt!!!

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    NGUG:  What race are you doing on 4 July? 
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    Blimey this thread is quiet now a days.. Fi - doing Self Transcendence 10 at Battersea Park some totally ridiculous time of the morning.  Not that bothered if I miss it really.

    No not Helga - but you've got her type right!  Bit of a scary mary - will be doing my stretches at lunchtime...

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    OO - yes, I've definitely got something post Paris still in my legs.  I did an interesting set of intervals tonight on a really hilly course round where I live.  One slow km then a fast one x5 ish (just under 11km total).  I remember when I was doing the training for Paris I was amazed that I could run a flat mile and just about maintain 4:00/km pace. 

    Well this evening, with hills, my fast kms were at these paces:

    3:47, 4:06, 3:58, 4:06, 3:58 - so I'm not upset about that, given that I don't even start my new training schedule until Monday. Might start to burn of those extra 2kgs and put a bit more muscle back on while I'm at it.

    image  I have to say, I'm looking forward to the summer and a bit more warm weather running, although I've already noticed that the evenings are getting shorter.  Aye, Christmas is coming....

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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭

    Tricky it's great you kept your pace. I've put on 3-4 kg since Paris, but it doesn't hurt me on the short distances. I have a theory that your body just reacts to marathon training 'ay up this lad's serious, better get skinney'.

    This thread is getting mighty quiet- just the hard core left..... 

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     Here's my fell run results so far.There is a differance in times due to weather conditions but it still shows i'm getting faster which is pleasing.The yes no's are for PB's.Last night i came 26th out of 75 male vets and 69th out of almost 200 in total.The really pleasing bit is that last nights time is only 30 seconds slower than last years PB and in far worse conditions.

    Sometimes i get disapointed in my running but i'm glad that these results show i'm improving.All the marathon training doesn't disappear.

    • 2007Race 6()00:36:170No
    • 2007Race 9()00:36:340No
    • 2008Race 2()00:34:1010Yes!
    • 2008Race 3()00:33:1010Yes
    • 2008Race 4()00:33:160No
    • 2008Race 8()00:35:130No
    • 2008Race 7()00:36:340No
    • 2008Race 8()00:35:130No
    • 2008Race 9()00:37:390No
    • 2009Race 2()00:31:4510Yes
    • 2009Race 3()00:31:4210Yes
    • 2009Race 4()00:32:250
    • 2009Race 5()00:33:380
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    Howey:  I should say you are getting quicker, your improvement from 2007 race 6 is nearly 5mins!!!!  Very impressive and well done you one your run last nightimageimage.

    Next race is the London Pride 10k with NGUG (hopefully) on 15 August - running round Victoria Park in Hackney with a load of lovely people dressed in various outfits,  I do feel the sights should be fab, could be an interesting raceimage.

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    ATMATM ✭✭✭
    Hello, chums image

    Well done, H. You must be getting younger!I hope you have a fab time in t' Egypt. *It's a bit like Egypt up here at the moment.Really hot and sunny. In June. In Scotland.Gasp.*

    No races for me, F and OO. In fact, no running. Still doing exercises. Achilles is improving but it's not right...even though I'm trying to kid myself.I'll go back to the physio in a couple of weeks.I really have to get out by the start of July or resign myself to volunteering at the September race I've entered image

    Meantime cycling's the thing. In this weather, it's a pleasure. Nothing hard...just miles of sightseeing and a few faster runs up the track at the side of the dual carriageway.

    'Getting a strange sort of tan..including the sharp sock-line image

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    ATM:  know what you mean about the strange looking tan, I look very heathly from the mid chest up wards, and from mid thigh to ankle.  The bits in the middle are very pale!!!  I'll look very odd on the beach in a bikini, white feet, brown legs, white midrift and chest, brown shoulds and face!!!!!  with that vision in your minds I will now leave you all!!!!!image
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    ATM - tell me more about your Achilles pain.  I had mine operated on last year.  Perhaps I can pass on some tips for you.
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    ATMATM ✭✭✭
    Thanks, TD.

    I had problems with it about 15 years ago...way before I started running.Had treatment..electro-therapy, I think, rest, exercises etc.Since taking up exercise, I've had niggles..but this time the pain was sharp and debilitating when I did anything like aerobics or,err, walking down the stairs.I think Paris started it off.I haven't run since then.Currently on a regime of exercises to strengthen the tendon, and stretch the calves, but frustrated with the speed of progress. But there is progress.
    It's been a c*** year for my feet.Pod clearly thinks the game's up. * I had operation on feet 41 years ago. We're working with poor material here..image*
    How did yours start and what happened next? Operation? Eeekk...
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    Greetings comrades.

    Had a rethink on races for the remainder of the year and sent off my entries for:

    Birchwood 10k, Birchwood, Aug 23

    Great Yorkshire Run 10k, Sheffield, Sept 6

    Wistow 10m, Selby, Sept 13

    Horsforth 10k, Leeds, Sept 27

    Harewood 10m, Leeds, Oct 4

    Great Cumbrian Run, half, Carlisle, Oct 25

    Lancaster Half, Lancaster, Nov 8

    Abbey Dash 10k, Leeds, Nov 22

    Anyone else doing any of these?

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    I'm doing the great yorkshire run Rob.The route is fast with the race starting in the city centre towards Hillborough stadium,under the stand and then back to town.There's a bit of a hill brfore the finish but it's nothing really.The staggard starts help keep it from getting too crowded.

    Sorry to hear your still injured ATM.Have you tried e-bay for new legs?Keep your chin up girl.

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    Can you get me a new hip on ebay whilst you are at it ATM??  Actually feeling much better this evening but physios exercises i suspect mean that I will have glutes the size of mountainsimage Fatbottomed girls taking on a whole new meaning...

    Leeds Rob - nope all up North - you have far more races up there than we do down South image

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    Must sort of run parallel to the A61 Howey?  Sounds a good one.

    NGUG - we have a fair few, though they're spread over a pretty big area geographically.

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    Leeds Rob - part of being down South I guess..

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    Leeds Rob:  looks like you've got a busy 3 monthsimage

    I'm same as NGUG, not that many races down south and being in Essex you have to drive for 3/4 of an hour before you can actually make any head way to a place!!!   I've got:

    London Pride -10k: 15 August (with NGUGimage)
    Wolverhampton 1/2 marathon:  6 September
    Windsor 1/2 marathon:  27 September (with Ed - number one son, his first ever raceimageimage)
    Am entered for dublin on 27 October but very unlikely that will do it due to costsimage
    May do the Norwich 1/2 at end of November not too sure will see)

    Another sunny but breezy day here, have fun you all.

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    Ooh ATM, doesn't sound great.... I started running in about April 2006, maybe once a week. One morning in October that year, while my missus was away for 9 weeks on a training course and I had to get the dog exercised every day by going running early in the morning), it was pretty cold as I got going, and I just noticed a pain by my heel.

    It never went away. Running became more and more painful and the achilles was constantly stiff. Managed to complete the training and my first marathon by October 07 and went straight afterwards to see the doc and a local physio. Had 3 months of treatment and nothing improved, physio was non-plussed.  Saw a consultant and he gave me orthotics to wear in my office shoes which I argued about with him, saying that they wouldn't work and did not deal with whatever the root cause of my problem was.

    Got a recommendation to see a 'super-physio' from a friend. Said physio diagnosed a chronic problem and that I should see another 'super-surgeon' (these last two guys work on top european cyclists, football players etc) so thjey were in a different league ('scuse the pun) from the people I originally saw. X-Rays confirmed I had a Haglunds Spur (protusion on heel bone which was rubbing the achilles tendon). First tried a treatment called shock-wave therapy which was bl**dy painful but ultimately didn't work out.

    Had an operation in April 2008 where they chopped off the end of my heel (this injury probably has been around since i was a teenager and it was only the intenisty of my running as an adult that 'found' the problem).  Apparently there was lots of calcification of the tendon which is one of the reasons it was very infexible and I never seemed to recover, even with stretching and rest.  So in the op, my achilles was chopped up pretty good too! Anyway, two months of leg in plaster or solid boot, 5 months of physio (no ultra-sound or that kind of thing), just massage and exercises. Some false starts with running again, then the Paris marathon training.  (This is why I got shin splints after 2 weeks of training - the sudden increase in running was a bit too stressful for my legs).

    Earlier this week I began to feel like the injury is subsiding now but I still feel a bit of stiffness, expecially after hill running. But, compared to the pain I felt 3 years ago, I'm so glad I got it fully resolved.  What I have learnt from this is that doctors always seem to prefer to do conservative treatments and not fully address the root cause of the problem.  They always hope it will go away without doing something drastic. If rest and conservative treatment don't deal with the problem, then you have to go for it and get it fcompletely dealt with (preferably by an expert). You only have one body and one life, so make the most of them.  Good luck m'dear.

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    ATMATM ✭✭✭
    Arghh...TD. Don't want any bits chopped off!I've already had op',both legs in plaster..I've got c*** feet.I've got hammer toes. And they're webbed...lol..But, you're right. Must get someone to look again..I've rather ignored it because it took me so long to recover from the blisters...which started with the orthotics...which were to deal with a problem that had gone by the time I got the pod' appointment...

    Shoot me now.

    No, wait. Got to see the Sub-4 Team win those T-shirts, first.

    Still alive, Jon-B?
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    Your right Rob it is up and down the a61.

    We need a photo NGUG.

    I can't believe you can walk up right with those legs ATM.

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    ATMATM ✭✭✭
    * I'll get me violin....*
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    ATMATM ✭✭✭

    OK. I'll stop.

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    imageATM - my bro didnt need bits cutting off like ends of heels ewwww.  OMG Tricky that sounds image you are a total hero running Paris so close to having all that done..   My brother-in-law has webbed feet - swims really well as a result what was that series with the guy out of Dallas??  Man from Atlantis??  No wonder you did a tri definite advantage girl - LOLimage  image  Still really into the idea of a tri myselfimage

    Howeyz - umm not sure I am ready for that...might have to take a few tips from Tricky the video expert...image

    Hard session with Mick pt  tonite - actually found I whined at him at one stage - god he beat the hell out of me.  No slacking girl just because you have an achy hip and cant run image  He's being v' good n reviewing my program tonite to check I am not overdoing it on the hip stuff.  Almost physio type of stretches on the hip.  Got to get this sorted now.

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    Jesus ATM just posted my post re whining and it came up with yours - image
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    Just rushed out to buy a race picture or two.  It's incredible how I managed to run the whole race with one working leg and just a stump on the other side....


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    The wet look on the running shorts was because I'd just doused myself with a bottle of waterwhich at the time made me feel good.  For the following two hours though, it was very unpleasant.  Lots of shaking and shivering!

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    Where did that other leg come from in the second pic?

    That's me out of here now for a couple of weeks.Hotel near the airport tonight and then off to T'Egypt in the morning.See you all later.image

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    Cool Hoyeyz - have a great timeimageimage
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