
Shades Marathon Training



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    Hi everyone. Shades, just wondering if you got my email asking for a training programme? image
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    Fractured cheekbone and concussion for Voight apparently.

    Hoofin - Shades doesn't get to post during the day usually and often has a backlog of 100 e-mails or so - no harm in checking though! I'm sure she'll be on later to sort you out.

    Bridget - I'm sure you can do it.

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭


    Some of my symptoms are the same, some are better.


    The drawing pin incident was a week before my marathon.  I was really pleased that I wasn't using Nikes because I would have had to get a new pair as most of them have air in the soles.

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    Thanks for the info LMH, that's alot of emails! I'll be patient image.
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    Mr. Bump - I saw that crash Voight was in, looked nasty and he was very lucky.

    Watch the highlights tonight  peeps if you didn't see the live programme today, it's a good'un! 

    Sparkly - Of course you can do 4.30 for a marathon! Look forward to seeing you at DD! 

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    James - LOL at the shoes, they look so funny

    Bridget - you know you can get that sub 4.30 so we look forward to seeing you at DD next year, it's an amazing race.

    hoofin - I'm going to do my training emails tonight, emails are up to 307 this morning, haven't looked tonightimage

    Mr Bump - good for you looking into the OU degree.

    Busy day at work with the auditor, he's not coming in tomorrow so I can get on with my other work

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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭


    I feel the same about the Virbram shoes.  The H Streets I got a few years ago only cost about £25-£30.

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    Training emails all doneimage
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    Mr BumpMr Bump ✭✭✭

    Mrs Bump is upset.  She had a "heavy breathing" phone call this afternoon.  Not good.


    Shades - I've got to do something different.  Learned today that individual targets are going to be introduced by November.  Oh, joy.  image

    VR - Don't spoil it!  Looking forward to it already!  image

    Little Miss - I think Voigt got off lucky.  Yes, descending at 30mph (or even 40mph image) is dangerous, I agree, and if you go down it will hurt.  It looks like Lance is going to ride next year, but the rumours are it will be for this new team.

    Flossie - I would NOT ride on the painted road lines, that's not just because you might fall off, but because you are too far into the gutter, which means you have nowhere to go if a car gives you no room.  I generally ride about a metre away from the kerb.  (I bet motorists hate me).

    HY4 - Yes, I'm looking at local and cheap races when I next do one, although the offer is still there for me to pace you to sub 2-hours when you're ready.

    Sluggie - Cake stops are always a good idea on a bike ride.


    Here's those videos I promised you:-

    Jens Voigt's crash. Yesterday.

    Fan brings down leader (1999 TdF, Alpe d'Huez)

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    Could I have a copy please? Doing a 10K and 1/2 Marathon first but would love to see what training you suggest for the full monty.
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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭

    Mr Bump,

    Thanks.  There's a half in February or March in Portsmouth (first time running of the event) which is £29 which I have my eye on, however I've promised Chris that if I do it will be a training run & not a race.  I don't know if he believes this or not.  I know the entry is step however when you take into account diesel cost if I was ready to do the Coventry Half it would work out very similar.

    They mentioned that crash on the live coverage today but didn't show anything & said something about putting it in the highlights programme tonight.

    EDIT.  Just checked the entry fee & it's £14 for both affiliated & unaffliiated runners.

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    TM - you need to find a post by Shades and e-mail her through her profile, you can't send attachments via RW e-mail.

    Mr B - have you decided what you'd like to teach and which age group?

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    hope to...hope to... ✭✭✭

    Mr Bump - thanks for the links.  Cant bear to watch the crash again!

    HY4 - they didnt show it live, I believe because it looked so terrible.  The highlights tonight, showed how lucky he was.

     The rider that got taken out by the spectator should have been shot.  Can you imagine if it brought the cyclist career to an end.  Bet because he was looking through the camera he didnt realise how close he was.  Did the rider get awarded the 'time back'.?

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    Mr BumpMr Bump ✭✭✭

    Little Miss - I don't know for sure that I want to teach, but it is the best idea I've had.  History would probably be my best bet as it is something that interests me a lot.  However it would be some years in the future.  At present I can't go for the OU degree yet as there are tutorials every 3 weeks and my evenings are simply not free due to Mrs Bump's job.  In the meantime, I'm not looking forward to individual targetting.

    HTF - I don't remember whether the rider who was taken out by the spectator got time awarded.  He still won the stage and I would argue it is one of the hazards of professional cycling.  But yes, you're right, it could have been career ending.

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    ClagClag ✭✭✭
    BBS - thinking of you and your friend. That is sad news. You take care of yourself.
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    Mr B - when I did my OU course (60 point first level certificate) I never attended a tutorial - are you sure that you'd have to go?
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    BBS - So sorry to hear your news. Thinking of you.

    Mr Bump - Having read your description I'm not clicking on those links - don't think I'll get on a bike again! I did hit 30mph on the tri last year and that scared me silly!

    LMH - What exactly is it you do? I know you've been studying like crazy and its something medical, but I'm not sure what area it is you do! Sounds like you have your career progression sorted!

    HtF - Enjoy your holidays! Have you finished too now Flossie?

    Hugs to the ill peeps and hope you're all feeling better soon.
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    DG - mental health nurse. Poacher turned gamekeeper image
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    Mr BumpMr Bump ✭✭✭

    Little Miss - I'm going to check with them to see if the tutorials are essential, or if they can be done by telephone or e-mail. 

    As for "poacher turned gamekeeper" that's like me with hockey.  I was a bad boy who became a rather decent umpire!  image

    DG - As you probably saw, I reached 42.4mph last Sunday.  The road was a smooth 'A' road and I felt safe.  However, a couple of weeks previous to that I reached 39.6mph on a narrow bumpy country lane and that was scary - although exciting!

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    Mr Bump - Voight's video makes me squirm and what a stupid spectator taking photos in the second one and taking the leader out.  What a hero that guy was for getting up again, keeping his cool and winning the stage - didn't get his name as they were speaking Dutch/German.  See your point about keeping away from lines, but sometimes the roads are so tight in the country it's difficult to know where to ride on the road safely and some of the motorists get dangerously close if you are too far over.  I note that you are very interested in taking a history degree.  If you lived right out in the sticks and didn't have transport, but had online support that would be the way to go rather than having to attend tutorials - just a thought.  Hand on heart, I chose the Maths Degree instead of the Science Degree because have no time to attend residential school, but love Maths just as much as science - might still do combined degree, depends how things pan out.  image

    DG - yes, we finished last Friday, 17th July - don't know how we wangled finishing earlier than HTF?  image

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    I did go to OU tutorials for most of my courses but didn't bother for a couple where I didn't find the tutor helpful.  It didn't affect my grades as all you needed was in the course materials.

    Ouch after watching those vids

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    Mr BumpMr Bump ✭✭✭

    Flossie - This is easier said than done, but by your body language you have to try and be assertive in traffic - otherwise you'll just get forced into the gutter or off the road.  Yes, the cars do come close at times, but you have to try and hold your line.  OK, I've had some abuse shouted at me, and even had one white van driver pull over into a lay-by and get out and threaten me (I cycled past him, without even acknowledging his presence!).

    Flossie / Bridget / Little Miss - I need to find out some more about OU degree.  Their Open Degree quite tempts me, as I could combine History with, say, a foreign language for a BA(Hons) degree.


    I'm putting up a warning about this one, as this is not for the squeamish.

    This video is a tale of two stories.  For Lance Armstrong, it was the most incredible piece of avoiding action I have ever seen.  For Joseba Beloki, a star in the making, it was a career ending crash.  Beloki was in 2nd place overall in the 2003 Tour de France and in Stage 9 he was descending the Col de la Rochette on an extremely hot day.  The tar had melted in places.  His rear tyre came off the wheel due to (I think) his wheel rims overheating; or possibly due to losing control on melted tar.  It was a horrific crash.  He broke his leg in two places, and also an elbow and a wrist.  He never raced at such a level again, retiring two years later aged 30.

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    Mr. Bump - Ouch! Seen that footage many times, great bike handeling skills by Armstrong. my favourite Amstrong footage is this

    Great comeback after falling off!

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    hope to...hope to... ✭✭✭

    Okay - Im not looking at that one!

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    Mr Bump - agree entirely about keeping your line and telling the traffic where you need to be with your body language.  When I get tired, that really goes wrong sometimes and believe that's when riders become most vulnerable.  Beloki's video is horrendous, you can hear him crying out in pain.  Lance is hard isn't he?  Very similar to that other video earlier on.

    You certainly could combine and get an open degree to your liking with the Open University.  If you phone them up, they're absolutely brilliant to talk to and they'll guide you through your thinking process to help you find what's right for you.  image

    Have just got back from Blandford.  Flossette telephoned me in floods of tears at 9.30 pm tonight.  On Monday, she had an accident in the swimming baths and didn't tell anybody.  Her back locked up tonight and she wants to play her double bass tomorrow because she's the only bass player out of the two that can do the pieces.  You know what it's like, teachers in charge aren't allowed to administer painkillers to students, so quickly got in the car with all the gumf.  Got her back to the dormitory, put some deep heat on her lower back (her sacroiliac joint looks as if it's locked up), gave her some ibuprofen and left some for tomorrow, took most of her luggage, tennis and swimming stuff home.  It may seem cruel to leave her there, but if she rests tonight she just might be OK for tomorrow and a car journey tonight would have done her no good in her current state.  If I get called back tomorrow to take her home, will have to brief our chiropractor before leaving and take her in for urgent treatment on the way home.  Fingers crossed this doesn't happen - Flossette can be very accident prone.  image

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    Poor Flossette, I hope that your first aid has done the trick, I absolutely agree with leaving her there.

    Mr B - if you do want to teach be careful what you choose to do your degree in as it could affect your chances of getting on to a teacher training course afterwards - someone else here may have more of an idea than me but I know when I did my first degree if you wanted to go on to a PGCE a certain percentage had to be in a core subject.

    How's the niggle Shades? Have you made a decision about Faversham yet?

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    Tark Malbot - you need to email me for a training plan

    Mr Bump - Individual targets sounds yet another nightmare issue to deal with at work and a waste of your time and their money.   Keep working on looking for an alternative career.
    Sorry to hear Mrs Bump had a horrible phone call.

    Flossie - hope Flossette is much better today

    7 miles for me this morning, nice run and thought it might be twinge free but about 100 yds from home on the return journey, achilles niggle kicked in again.   I think I will DNS Faversham as my concern is the hill on the course, it's a tiny hill but I will have to do it about 50 times so that becomes a lot harder on the achilles.

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    Flossie- i hope Flossette is OK this morning. The ibuprofen will probably make her a bit more comfortable. It would be a shame if she didn't get to play double bass today.

    BBS- That is very sad about your friend. A lesson to us all really that we should enjoy the small things in life and not get so stressed. It sounds as though you really need to re-adress the work/life balance. For the sake of your mental and physical health you should do something about it now. It sounds like you have recognised the signs in time. I am not a lawyer- i am a sales director for a pharmaceutical company. The blackberry is an evil device- i can't stop checking mine eitherimage I get about 10 e-mails per hour some days.

    I don't allow myself to work at the weekends- i am too busy with family  stuff anyway, but i do tend to work in the evenings after the children have gone to bed. I work from home and only go to meetings in the office a couple of days a week usually so there is no real distinction between work and home time. I can't complain because i have a great job that i enjoy but sometimes the responsibility and stress gets too much and i feel overwhelmed.

    Shades- wise decision about Faversham. Not sure i could run up the same hil 50 timesimage That sounds like a real test of mental stamina.

    I watched the tough guy race on TV last night- all that freezing cold water is my idea of hell. I laughed alot at the grown men crying.

    Bumpy- i am sure you could do most of the OU work at home in the evenings. Might be worth checking as you may not have to attend the tutorials.

    The children are driving me insane this morning- this post has taken me an hour to write because i keep having to get up to prepare breakfast/ sit them on the naughty step/wipe bottoms/find colouring pens/wipe up spilt breakfast/ etc,etc.

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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭


    Hope  Flossette's back improves quickly.


    Sorry to about you DNSing.


    I watched that also.  I did see it on the RW events list once and did think about entering it.  However after seeing it I'm really glad I didn't.

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