
Shades Marathon Training



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    Keith - I'm glad the cat is back!

    Flossie - I hate feeling like a "target" for sales people of any sort and I always feel that car people are amongst the worst to make you feel like that. What they fail to realise is that I am sales trained from when I worked in the financial services sector and there's not a great deal of difference between selling a car and selling money as far as techniques go, so I can spot their bullsh*t a mile off and I'm not easily "closed" in a sale!

    I've not done any significant running for a week now.image I don't know whether to be really panicked by that or chilled because I have GNR on Sunday. Next week I have a pretty high mileage week with a 19 mile long run! It's the weekends that are causing me all this trouble - people keep getting married and even Mr LB's parents are celebrating their 40th anniversary! I guess we all have to fit running in around life - I'm just used to doing it the other way round! image Consequently my legs feel very strong and I'm hoping they remember how to run on Sunday. I've been doing halves for a long time now and I can't imagine I'll feel undertrained for this one, but I need to address my running next week and get back on the horse as it were...

    Flossie - I would probably use anthisan on the rash and take oral piriton or something like that, but if it's burning like hell, I'd smother it in sudocrem too! Sudocrem is magic for all sorts of stuff!

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    Cross post LMH - you have to fit FAR more in than I do to your life! You really DO put me to shame! image
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    Look down under online race entry to the left of your screen.......image

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    LB - you've been on that list for days, I didn't like to mention it!image
    You're doing really well with your training for Dublin and I hope you have an enjoyable run on Sunday.

    VR - I would never forgive you if you traded Jet in, he is the most beautiful dog with a lovely nature.
    Photo link comes up with error?

    Keith - glad the cat came home

    Elspeth - don't know if Kevin is running LN.  I haven't heard from him for ages but I did hear that he ran Kent Coastal Half with a hangover

    LMH - how annoying your Garmin let you down, amazing how we rely on them for the stats

    Just over 5 miles for me, bit fresher this morning, the weather that is..not me

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    I did notice LB!     Keith is no.16

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    I'm no. 1364image

    Flossie - hope that wasn't some Avon stuff that brought you out in a rash?   Sounds painful, hope it clears soon.

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    LB - You can do better than that - Go for no 1image
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    No 16?? i somehow doubt that unless its purely for posting yesterday?? SB has twice as many posts as me. I expect LB has at least 10 times as many posts as me too.
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    Ah a 30 day period well i suppose it 'could' be right then image 521st overall which is better.

    Just found the cat sleeping on top of my clean clothes the little tyke. Wasn't best pleased when i removed her but tough tit my clean washing isn't a bloody cat basket.

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    I think Keith has a point there.  i am 242 on the all-time list.  He must have been busy this month
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    Thats just it i havn't really its you lot are all slacking image

    How long was LB away int he last 30 days? She'd be higher else image

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    hi everyone

    my last M last october ....i arrived exuast i told tomy self stop ...that's enough with M... i train every week twice or 3 max. and long session too. After 1 year (a lot of HM and 10k ) my runner mates are training for next M on november . i want try again ... i enrolled for next M on March 2010 end i'll start with my long session training on december... i train at spare time and only saturday and sunday for long session training (family,work).... motivation now is good

    my schedule : (12 weeks training) start Dec-March ( marathon on 03/21)

    twice session training every week 01:30-02:00 no less

    1 time every month i try 03:00 (long session training)

    i usually train during the w/e with my friends of the team . 

    some advice....and good run

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    Enrico - send me an email and I will email you the training plans.

    Keith - well I;m sure the cat doesn't want to sleep on your dirty laundry!

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    I'm a lightweight, only no 1244, pathetic!

    Feeling tired today, could be all those long runs Shades has lined up for me. Thought I might get off lightly weekend after a marathonimage.

    Enrico - Welcome - Which marathon are you thinking of?

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    Hi runners

    Hi Elspeth...thank you for welcome ...

    Rome 2010 on 03/21 (my 4th M).

    this evening i'll train 30-40 mins .

    I'm waiting  same good advice from Shades for my planning training.

    good run at all

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    Enrico - I have replied to your email and sent you Level 2 plan, Level 1 is too easy for youimage

    Elspeth - if you are tired you do not need to do the long runs, I think I did say when your mankey toe and your legs have recovered from Sunday!

    Quiet here today...LB must be new car shoppingimage

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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭


    Good to hear your cat is back.


    I noticed that one.  I think LB was about 5th or 7th when I spotted it.

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    HY4 - LB is staying off the thread until she drops off the top 10..hee, hee

    right off for another run, back in the morning

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    Lol so no LB until Decemeber then image

    Shades - If the cat wants to sleep in thre dirty laundry basket she can. Will be easy to stop her escaping out the front door as i can shut her in the basket.

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    Shades - I have become so reliant on the Garmin, especially as much of my training is done to HR.

    Hi Enrico!

    I need more hours in a day - can't get by on any less sleep so more hours is the only way to do it!

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    SHADES wrote (see)

    Quiet here today...LB must be new car shoppingimage

    Well.......... yes and no! I DID go car shopping at 6pm but I have actually been WORKING all day (yes you did hear that right) as a volunteer in our community cafe! I did 6 hours and I enjoyed myself! image I needed a snooze when I came home though - not used to actually doing anything constructive! I was quite popular in the cafe and takings were up 300% on yesterday, so I'm taking all the credit for that! imageimage I was also the only volunteer under 65!

    Keith M Stuart wrote (see)

    Lol so no LB until Decemeber then image

    Cheeky! image

    The car saga continues. The car I want to look at hasn't even been brought to the showroom yet because they were so convinced I would pull out of any sale, they didn't think it was worth it. When I walked into the showroom they all scrambled for safety but as I was in no mood to talk to ANY of them that was fine. Turns out the promised courtesy car hadn't materialised and before the steam could explode from my ears the manager had emptied out his OWN car and given me the key to his.image

    Which would've been fine except I appear to have broken it....image

    It's only done 1000 miles. It's 3 weeks old and the ENGINE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IS FAULTY light came on!image I'm pretty sure he doesn't know about it and he'll be made up when he gets it back! What IS it with me and cars?image

    Welcome to the thread Enrico by the way!

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    Keith - cheeky moggy and know exactly what yakking is especially in the middle of the night.  Flossette is always leaving her clean washing on the bed and Moggie irons it for her by sleeping on it.  image

    Sparkly - message me and I'll send the lovely book to you.  Think it belongs to Clag and hope I'm right.  image

    LMH - ooh! What a heavy training programme, no wonder you're not racing it yet.  image  Will nosh the antihistamines for a few days and see what happens.  Of course, did change my washing powder recently, but then it would have been all over body, so ruled that out again.  image

    LB - I am sales trained too in network marketing and door-to-door (not as posh as you, in fact quite hard round the edges really image) - spot all the cr*p half a mile off though.  image  It's good to hear that you've got lots of people getting married around you (lots of happiness) and a 40th to celebrate - enjoy them and enjoy the running.  You'll be fine and somehow, someway all us nutters fit it all in with family too - gaud knows how?  Have to go out shopping again in a minute to get stuff.  Sudocrem was used for Lucy's botty when she was a baby (I think, but it was 14 or so years ago!) and didn't know it was that good - thankyou.  image

    Shades - yes, it was Avon stuff.  You must be psychic!  It was their new whipped body oil (Signature Silk) - it smelt really lovely....  image

    Enrico - hiya and welcome *waves*

    Biked 9 miles (all round) in and out of work today.  The little boy that I look after in the morning was on his bike this morning as I turned the corner to the school.  Shouted to him:  "Ross, race you to school!"  He loved that.  Lovely lad.   image

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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭


    I'm just like that with sales bods.  My dad has switched broadband providers it & sounded as though they had added something extra at a cost which he didn't need.  He didn't see thru this & as a result has ended up asking more questions about it.


    Hi & welcome to the mad house.

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    LB - WORKINGimage - you don't want to get sucked into that  you know!

    Shades - think I'm just tired from travelling and not enough sleep. Felt really sleepy before JS tonight but ran 2.5 miles on my own and then just short of 6 miles with the group and enjoyed it (not fast though). So think I will aim for 14 at the weekend.

    Well my friend has decided to enter LN on Monday so I will be the slow one again this year! Not going to make the same mistake of running with her for the first few miles again though - I couldn't anyway at the minute!

    Flossie - The book is indeed Clag's.

    Clag - looked at the Moray photos last night but I couldn't find you - what were you wearing to run in?

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    elspeth fay wrote (see)

    LB - WORKINGimage - you don't want to get sucked into that  you know!

    You're too right I don't! image

    Even looked at a real job the other day, but it looked a bit too ideal! Working in the school Miss LB will hopefully go to, part time and term time only! I doubt they'd choose me after 11 years of not working, but I could do it with my eyes closed and you lot can give me a reference about my computer literacy as I spend all day on here! image

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    Flossie - Sudocrem is brilliant! I discovered it for the Mini LB's bums years ago, but we never run out now! Use it for allsorts! It even works on youngest Miss LB's coldsores when she gets them!

    I hope you feel better soon with the rash. I react to some Avon products and not others....image

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    Working is definitely over rated!

    Elspeth - does that mean you've got Monday off?

    Oh dear Flossie - not a good advert image Book was indeed originally Clag's.

    Nearly bedtime, Thankfully it's just an hours easy run tomorrow but as we leave for darn sarf soon after lunch it will still be a bit of a mad rush to fit everything in (bike packing, clothes packing, feed packing, Grace walking, shopping................). I'm sure it will all happen some how.

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭


    For some reason I missed that post about the volunteering & the car. Chris' reaction was hahah serves them right!  As for the volunteering fair play to you.

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    LMH - Think I missed where you're off to - another race?

    No - don't know about the Mon yet, didn't have time to contact HR today but should do tomorrow - though may not get a definite answer.

    Found my running companion from the marathon when I looked at the photos, she came in just 2 minutes behind me and must have disappeared while I was slurping juice and banana. Really good run and pacing for a first marathonimage.

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