
RW Marathon FLM Beginners - Kerry



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    No you didn't kill the thread, it's just taking everyone 1/2 hour to read it!

    Very inspirational though - Thanks
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    Inspirational stuff EP. That's the sort of thing we like. Shedender. Are you still around. Long time since we caught up. You are always on the forum so late these days.

    Must email you soon. Hope Hatfield is OK. Have they built anymore tunnels under it lately?
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    Wow !!
    That brought a tear to my eye and a lump to my throat.
    I'm inspired
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    Evil Pixie,

    It's reading postings like yours that gives me the faith to keep trying. You are inspirational.

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    Hello everyone!!

    Thanks so much for all your support - it is very much appreciated!!

    I'm envious when I read of everyone elses running endeavours. I'm not allowed to run yet but can do non-impact exercise such as cycling, swimming etc until I lose weight. I do an hour cardio at the gym from Monday to Friday, then something different like walking or cycling on the weekend. I can't wait until I can start plodding with the rest of you :)

    These forums are great and very inspirational - it amazes me to hear of so many people that have taken up running for the same reasons as myself...

    Good luck to all the other runners training for FLM next year (or any event)... hope to see you at the start line (or @ 18 miles if you're not running)!!

    Thanks again to everyone - take care...
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    KiliKili ✭✭✭
    Hey good luck Kerry I'm envouis of you. Would love to have the guidance that your getting. I dont s'pose there's any chance of getting the diet sheets they have cooked up for you. The one thing that always holds me back is getting the nutrion right so if you have the data in email format I would appreciate it.

    I'll buy you a big cream cake after the run, Honest

    EMAIL: adaly@jerseymail.co.uk just in case

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    I restrict how much I run still too because I'm still on the heavy side (BMI 25)

    My local pool does deep water aqua aerobics. Can highly recommend it! Lots of running in the deep end and good all round workout. Keeps the interest going doesn't it.
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    mine was 52%... well it was last time it was measured which was a while ago now... hopefully it will be under 50% next time I go... this should make everyone else feel very proud of there BMI's... :)
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    Good luck Kerry!!!!...What you are doing should be inspiration to everyone!.....Hope the training goes well for you.....
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    wow... 44.53... I know that sounds really bad but it's heaps better than 52!!
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    brillianT! you're going in the right direction!
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    KiliKili ✭✭✭
    Yeah me to Evil Pixie- any chance Kerry of getting the diet plan
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    Oops, sorry... I wasn't ignoring you I was just trying to find my e-mails from Keith... he hasn't given me any diet plans as such, but because I have such a lot of weight to lose, he has suggested the following... actually I'll paste the whole e-mail cause it's quite entertaining!! (Sorry Keith if you didn't want everyone to know how cruel you are!!)... actually, this site just complained about the size of this message so I will post his e-mail in bits...
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    Part 1 - The journey begins...

    Hi Kerry
    Thanks for the information on your training and personal stats. I should
    point out at the beginning of this journey that I am not medically qualified
    in any way. What you will recieve is best advice based on my experience and
    knowledge. If you have any doubts about any aspect of the proposed advice or
    training schedule please consult your doctor.
    The good news is you have good blood pressure, cholesterol and heart rate.
    Firstly your situation is not unique. Its perhaps more extreme but not
    unique. So that gets rid of any feeling sorry for our selves. Secondly the
    only way that you are going to be able to run safely (without injury) and
    enjoy it is if you loose weight. The worst part of any training routine for
    me was trying to loose weight. It requires a complete change of eating
    habits, routine and determination to exercise and see it through.But the
    good news is once you have made the changes and start to see the results it
    gets easier.Whatever way we look at it we only have ourselves to blame for
    being fat! The question is simple. Are you totally 110% committed to loosing
    weight or will you creep into the chocolate cupboard when nobody is looking?
    As I am not in this project to waste my time or put you through any
    unecessary anguish I need you to answer that question truthfully for
    yourself and me.

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    Part 2 - You call that a diet!!

    If the answer is yes then have absolute total commitment. If we have that
    you will be a changed person. I suggest the following. You weigh yourself at
    the same time every day and put it on a weekly report(more of that later) to
    me. You eat SMALL meals/snacks more regularly but you only eat good stuff -
    fruit,vegetables, salads and soups. You may eat controlled portions of
    quality protein( fish is good) with no fat on it. You can eat controlled
    portions of pasta,rice,potatoes and none sugar cereal like porridge or
    muesli.Semi skim milk and natural yogurt or fromage frais. No fat of any
    description, no cheese, no cakes, no biscuits,sweets,crisps, fast food,
    sauces,and absolutley (like it or not) no alchohol - it is wasted calories
    you cannot afford.I want you to drink lots of water - 3 litres a day. To
    make you feel better about this(not much) but because I also have weight to
    loose, and find dieting and giving up alchohol the hardest part, I will
    follow exactly the same diet and we will both start on wakening on Monday
    13th of October.I suggest you think carefully about your eating arrangements
    thereafter. From my experience it is better not to have access to temptation
    so throw out everything thats not in your diet. This sort of thing only
    works if you do not break your personal promise. Then you start to gather
    momentum and feel smug. But if you allow yourself even one moment of
    weakness then its gone. Every time you feel temted , think very carefully
    about what is more important, about what you want every time you are going
    to put something in your mouth. Also plan how am I going to cope with social
    commitments, my weekends away? Are they totally necessary? Can I keep
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    Part 3 - Where's the plodding??

    As for exercise we need to develop your energy systems and blood supply.It
    takes time and you have to be patient. We have to burn some of the fat you
    have stored. To burn fat requires you to exercise for longer at lower
    intensity. You are going to have to invest more time in your training to
    loose weight. Just to make you feel better - when loosing weight I feel
    hungary most of the time. We need to get you walking, swimming and cycling
    for an hour at a time. Can you ride a bike? How close is a park area or the
    river tow path. Can you use the gym. Although its boring riding a stationary
    bike or walking on the treadmill it is a good way of fitting it in to your
    day.Can you at luch time when every body else is thinking food? Start this
    routine with 30 minutes and we will build up to an hour. You need to get out
    at weekends for long walks. Get your body exercising every day! If you feel
    hungary/ tempted to break the diet - do something to take your mind of it -
    exercise. Go to aerobics, yoga classes. Do anything you can - low intensity,
    no impact. Put notes all over your appartment to help keep you on the
    straight and narrow. If you follow this advice I promise you will loose
    weight.You might not like me very much but you will loose weight and feel
    better.Be prepared for some dark moments and be prepared at all costs to
    resist temptation.
    Let me know if you are still on for this difficult journey? I will speak to
    you next Tuesday when I arrive back in the UK.

    Keith (better known as the DEMENTOR, from Harry Potter)
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    Is Kerry (the plucker selected by RW) reading this thread?

    Whatever, best of luck, Kerry Plucker!
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    Hi Evil Pixie
    I did get your e-mail - thank you so much for writing it - it really made my day!!

    I've been on the diet for just over 3 weeks now and have lost 12 lbs in that time. I find the hardest thing is drinking all the water as the only time I really drink water is when I'm exercising. It would be great if you joined the diet too - maybe we could start up our own version of weight watchers... I could give you a weekly progress report on my weight loss...

    I don't have a heart rate monitor yet - though it was going to be my next purchase. I'm OK when I'm at the gym, but when I'm out walking I have absolutely no idea what my heart rate is up to. Keith gave me a rough guide for working out my 'fat burning' heart rate which came out around 126 (from memory!!).
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    Hi Kerry!

    Just wanted to say good luck to you and keep up the good work you've done so far. Everyone on here is so helpful and full of ideas and tips.

    If you want some light hearted banter and mayhem just visit the Daily Plodding Thread you will be made most welcome.

    Looking at the posts made me check my BMI and am down from 34 to 30 which is still too high so maybe better wobble over to Porkworld!
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    KiliKili ✭✭✭
    Cheers Kerry - now I'm really cheesed off. I've done all that before, I knew what I had to do but hoped your ( cruel ) trainer lol had a nice easy plan, ah Cest la vie

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