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The Runner's World team


Edinburgh marathoners past and present



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    Sue nice to see you back.  I knew one wee blast of the Hoff would have all the girlies flocking back. image 

    Smiffie I'm over 6 foot I would kill to be able to lie full length in the overhead lockers in cattle class and pretend to be hand luggage. image

    Thanks for bringing up that rather espensive mistake from my last trip to Germany Smiffie.  Still not made a single sodding euro from it its been a total disaster.  I promise to try to resist the temptation of any pretty young Ukranian estate agents trying to lure me into their cars with a bag of haribo. I just can't say no to cute wee brunettes although it doesn't normally cost me quite as much as that wee bit of retail therapy. image

    Bags packed and ready for action.  Leave about 9am tomorrow for the airport.  image 

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    Auf wiedersehen everybody image
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    Hells bells its quiet when I'm not in.

    Bracing myself for a shocker tomorrow. Its going to be hot and my throat is getting worse by the hour. Almost no voice, cough starting and probable cold immenant. Think this run could do more harm than good image

    Other than that berlin is fab as always and I haven't done any I won't image

    C u aLl soon
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    Oh dear oh dear oh dear I've just ran my worst half marathon in 5 years. 1.38 was about 5 minutes worse than my worst case scenario from last night. Very bad day at the office has made me a pretty unhappy bunny. Too hot, don't feel great, couldn't get a breath when running at any sort of pace and some big clodhopping german jumped on my sore foot which I have been nursing for months and it bloody hurt. If it could go wrong it went wrong. Just as well smiffie isn't here she would have 'thraped' me again!!!! 1.38 (((sigh))) image
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    Afternoon all.

    Can always remember that your PW is better than my PB by about six minutes!

     Have been allowed to do some light running by physio, which thanks to the realisation that my new job is in fact sh*te and possibly worse than the one I left after ten years, has had me out running ten milers to deal with the stress and overall feeling of gloom that is starting every moring when I get up for work image

    Now if you excuse me, I've got to go and cry in the office meeting room. Only four hours until home time.

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    Hi folks I'm home!!!!!!!!!! image

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    Oh what a joy it was to be back to work today<  It felt like I was never away. image

    Not long now smiffie image

    I've comforted myself a bit after sunday's horrow run.  I reckon if I can run 18 miles OK I can run the last 8 as bad as I did on sunday and still get a decent time.  You have to pretend to find some postive don't you? image

    Nitey nite image

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    Good evening everybody image

    Still feeling absolutely rank image  Really need to get out for a run as my calf muscles cramped up last night and have been tight all day but soooooo congested I don't think I'd get enough air into my lungs to run further than the end of the road before grinding to a spluttery halt like I did on Sunday. image

    Dilemmas dilemmas.  After months of trying to get regular work lined up rather than the scattergun approach to getting bookings I've just got 2 offers from different pharmacies to add to the one I get regular work from already.  Thats 6 days/week.  Which one should I go for?  The one I have already is a real treck and pays less than the other 2 but I like the place and they have been really good to me.  On the other hand the others pay much better I'd leave half an hour later to get there and would be home by 6:30 at the latest rather than 10 o'clock some nights.  Even if I did balance the 3 things it would cut out 2 other companies who have been pretty good to me too in the last few months.  Oh I don't know what the hell to do.  Will somebody run my life for me please.

    Not even as long as when I  posted the last post about it not being long now smiffie. image

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    Morning all. Off to the land of wine and nazi collaborators - yes a weekend in Paris beckons for OH's 40th. Personally I think this is slightly selfish as the Glasgow- Edinburgh ultra is on this weekend image

    Have been managing to get some runs in although there is still a slight niggle going on, but hopefully all things are mending as they should be.

    Can, a question of work life balance Vs income may be a goood way of looking at things. No point killing yourself for dosh if you cant enjoy your spare time. You'd be amazed how quickly people forget you when you leave, so don't fret too much about that. Part on good terms and they will be more likely to help you in the future if you ever need it.

     Right, off to work on my languge skills. Anyone know how to say "The British airmen are hiding in the hay bales in the barn?" in French?

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    Good moaning,

    I was just pissing by your burn when I saw an oarman hiding behind the who.

    Have fun markk.  You should have done a Molly and picked the weekend with the marathon on. image

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    Guten Abend,

    Only 9 days till Patriots Day Smiffie imageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimage

    Had an ugly 20 miler today.  Wasn't much fun.  It wasn't as bad as my half last week but not very good. Still suffering a bit with the cold at least it seems to have cleared out my lungs a bit.  Got quite a nice week coming up.  5 1/2 days but in Dundee, I get a 75 minute lunch every day and finish at 5:30 every night.  Hopefully I'll get a fair bit of training in.

    Just bought my sisters mothers day present from her kids.  Sometimes you post things well in advance but they don't get to Australia for months.  Its shocking when that happens. image

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    I think this thread may be about dead. image Should we just put it out of its misery? image

    Nitey nite.  See you in the morning or if anyone else thinks of posting. imageimage

    I'll still image you though even  after this forum has gone smiffie image

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    Watched the Paris marathon here today and it's bloody roasting, possibly hotter than Edinburgh last year. Really felt for some of the folks we saw who were obviously suffering in the heat and was sure I was having flashbacks to last year....

    Where is everyone these days????
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    Are you glad you never joined in Markk seeing it was THAT hot.  How is your French getting on.  Were the lessons from worth the money?

    Its a week today smiffie imageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimage

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    Good moaning everyone. Another roasting day here though I hear it's been ate nice back in Blighty. Can although I did feel a wee bit emotional watching all those folks yesterday, I was glad not to be the poor soul with the tracksuit bottoms on...must have lost a stone by the time he finished...
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    Good ovening Markk

    Read this very carefully I will type this only once. image

    I saw a bloke run last weeks berlin half in 31C with a wind jacket, running tights and wooley gloves.  Not some strange bloke who had never ran before. A bloke in pen A with lots of runners who I was feeling a bit intimdated about standing beside!!!!!  I don't think he grasped the concept of Celcius and Farenheit and the difference between 31 degrees of each. image

    I've just entered the Sydney marathon in September.  Entries opened last night and I'm only the 45th person to put my name down. It was very nice having my big sister's address in Australia to use on my race entry.  To use an overseas adress would have cost me £50 more.  Not really sure what this extra money would pay for as I have to pick up my race pack from an expo.   It was a bit less stressful than smiffie's Boston application. image  On the subject of Boston where will you be this time next week you lucky lucky lucky lucky woman. imageimage

    Marathon week in Boston starts now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! imageimageimageimageimage

    But I wont be there imageimageimageimageimage

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    I wish I was there  - or had a chance of ever going again!
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    I know Sue it is absolutely fab.  Even a horror chicken pox affected struggle for 26 miles didn't stop the whole week being incredible.  Dear Jim L Fixit could you please please please fix it for me to be smiffie for the next seven days so I can run the Boston marathon again. image 

    Oh to be good enough to be able to go again.  I think those days of running even close to Boston qualifying times are long long gone. image

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    I've just heard that Basile Brush is awfy no well and has been diagnosed with a serious irrregular heart beat. image

    Basile says he is very worried but is even if his body starts to fail him he will still be able to laugh ha ha ha ha b-b-boom-b-b-boom. image

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    6 days to go smiffie imageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimage
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    6.8 miles in 45:07 up and down the long hill up to Monikee.  7:16/mile going up for 3.4 miles and 5:59/mile coming back down for exactly the same distance.  Pretty pleased with that after I had a longer than expected 5.5 miler last night when I followed a squiggly path across Barry Buddon which popped out a lot closer to the Carnoustie end of the camp than it did to Barry station than I thought it would.  image  Thats 32.3 miles in the last 4 days.  I never run that much. image

    Here's a wee question for you Markk what with you being one of those army types that used to frequent Barry Buddon for a bit of warm weather training every now and then.  How long do they wait after they put the red flag up before they start shooting.  The other week it was down when I started a run but up when I came back tuller way.  Call me a big woose if you like but I don't really like people shooting guns, firing mortars and throwing hand granades at me when I'm running, image

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    Evening all. Another crap day at work and I am starting to think about looking for something else as this isn't funny anymore image Add to that it's 22:54 on the clock and I still have work to do image

    Can red flags should be up before firing commences. If you hear a rifle crack and no flags, either there isa snipper at work in the Barry area , or someone in the miltary (including RAF and Navy, who also are know to shoot at things with rifles) has f**ked up big style. Ranges are for the most part very well controlled and adherance is strict, so I'd be surprised if the flags were not flapping in the breeze. That and they post look-out in case some donkey decides to go for a run in a live firing area image

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    Sorry to hear your job is still pish.  There is nothing worse than leaving a job you hate to go to another one and amazingly find its even bloody worse than the one before!!!!! There may be a non - military sniper in the Barry area if I post any more messages on here like a few of the ones I did on here a few months ago. image I know they always put the flags up before they start shooting I just have never known how soon after they go up they start. Its a huge skelp of ground you could be in there for hours!!!! image

    Anyhoo nitey nite image 

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    Good evening everybody image

    Five days to go smiffee!!!!!!!!!!!!! imageimageimageimageimage

    Having a really nice week. Not done so little stress free work for a long time. Really must work on getting this holiday cover on a regular basis. I even had time for a picnic at lunchtime in camperdown park. image

    I really fancy doing a bit of stalking at the weekend. I believe smiffie is going somewhere quite nice. imageimage

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    The Boston marathon non-qualifiers convention convenes for its annual meeting. image

    I'm not bitter that I'm not going gain this year honest. image

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    I think I've just about exhausted videos of the marathon now smiffie to try to get you in the mood.  I'm onto Boston the band now image

    Nitey nite everybody image

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    Not sure when you're heading off to Boston but have I good one.  I really would love to do it again.................
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    Bon voyage smiffie my favoutitest Boston Qualifier of 2011.  I am soooooooooooooo jealous imageimageimageimageimageimageimage

    Missing you already imageimage

    Go on have a wee sing you are ACTUALLY going to the place where everybody knows your name. imageimageimageimageimageimageimage

    Please can I come and borrow your number for a few hours on Monday morning? image

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    Hi all

    Have not been about lately .what's been happeneing.A couple of weeks back I did the first 2 days of the UKCC coaching course so have been doing assignments,coach and athletics profiles attending coaching sessions etc. Just like being back at school again.

    Anyway,bring on London !!!!!!

    Catch you later

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