
Shades Marathon Training



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    Hmmm - just looked up langdale mara - sounds great and a reasonable time to be taking some leaveimage, not to mention a nice Half for Peterimage.

    I could be like Mrs mac and enter him for lots of thingsimage

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    Elspeth - Langdale is Saturday 24th September, there's a half too if OH is interestedimage

    His success yesterday is purely down to him and you

    Alabama - that's the spirit.  Should be some good races around then too.

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    Totally eyeing up the inaugaral Maidenhead Half Marathon on 4th September. It's flat, which is so my cup of tea. I like a bit of that.
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    I will NOT be doing Langdale this year, either the full or the half image To close to Leicester for me as it always buggers my knees up
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    Why not Keith, it's your home ground after all! Don't suppose it would be good sub 4 ground though!
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    Elspeth - I did a sub 5 last year at Langdale, not sure how I managed that.   Stunning course though.

    I'm going to have to move to a bigger flat, I've been ever so naughty and just ordered 4 more pairs of running shoes, all Brooks.   Couldn't resist the prices £66.95 for all 4 pairs inc p & p.  I now have enough shoes for 2012image. M & M Direct have a sale on until early Wed morning

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    Not very useful for me alas as no GTS's in my size

    Els - Its fine if i'm not targetting any race as its a handy local marathon. Alas the hills bugger my knees up and i cant compete at full peak for several weeks afterwards

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    Not the best last minute preparation for a first race:
    Friday 2am phone call and off with terrified Els on first flight to Edinburgh. Difficult day. Returned by train/boat on Saturday (Els having missed her race). Late lunch followed by no tea (on boat, tired and not hungry) - bag of Maltesers!
    Suppose it is carbohydrate of sorts! image
    Boat in at 23:20, taxi home and chucked a few things together.

    Off to Stromness for boat to Hoy at 9:30 following morning.
    We (the latebookers) took the short crossing, pretty much direct to start of run, with registration in ferry waiting room. It was a beautiful 30 minute crossing on flat sea with views of the hills and the seals on the skerries. A short minibus ride took us the start - a line drawn on the single track road in the middle of a heather moor.

    The toilets were some makeshift screens for women while it was just the moor on the other side of road for men (although our minibus driver offered us the option of a return trip to "proper toilets" in Rackwick about a mile further down road).

    The main group of runners arrived by bus from the other end of Hoy (The Finish).

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    Hello allimage

    I have read back but my head is in fast spin so I've forgotten lots, sorryimage Just wanted to say massive congrats to OH, Alabama & bootsie for their weekend triumphsimage

    Elspeth, I'd say definately enter OH for things. he'll only thank you for itimage MrMac just loves it when I tell him what races he's doingimage

    Also, definately think a 'First to sub-4 challenge' should be set!

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    The Race
    Shortly after 11 (delayed by a traffic jam!) we were off.

    There was light rain at the start which got heavier then eased.

    As predicted, I set off far too fast and had to reign myself in a bit but still did first mile in just over 9 minutes. The first 4 miles are easy, undulating but mostly downhill.

    Drinking on the run was interesting - I ended up with the first orange squash all over my face (thank goodness for the rain) - I stuck to plain water thereafter. image

    The next 3 miles are remorselessly uphill and a few runners pulled ahead of me on this
    This included one of our young secretaries
    - less than half my age and weight I had told her - so no pressure

    I managed a steady plod on and up however but was happy to see the crest at 7 miles.
    I had a definite sense of "Home Run" after this halfway point. image

    An easy mile down at under 9mm pace followed by next hill. There was not too much changing of places thereafter and I kept with the same small group until the end.
    My minder (Els) had told me I could speed up after the halfway mark if I felt like it but I kept a reasonably consistent pace throughout (allowing for the terrain).
    A few more ups but shorter duration before the last "killer" hill (shortish but quite steep).
    A few took to walking here but I was quite proud I managed to keep going.
    The 13 mile mark was soon in sight with Finish line beyond.

    I crossed at 2h 12m 54s way better than I'd hoped or anticipated image

    (First) HM over

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    The Aprés

    I wandered around for a few minutes, a bit bemused that I had finished, jelly-legged but otherwise OK.
    Els's pals were all in showers (or beer tent) by this time although I met a few folk I knew. I then headed off to the much welcome shower and change. Met a guy who had been running behind me determined to overtake but had apparently been defaeated every time at every hill when I kept on chugging up (as he saw it).

    The results were already being printed out but stopped just before my time. Likewise the certificates and medals (everyone finisher got a medal on this 25th anniversary run). Soup, tea and hot dog and exchanged times with a few of Els pals all of whom had done well. Several got medals (real ones this time) in their age group. Still no certificate - had I dreamt it? had they missed me coming over the finishing line? Eventually it appeared and I relaxed with medal around my neck.
    Sun now came out and it got quite warm (for Orkney)image

    Off to the beer tent for my congratulatory (single) beer where I was greeted by the lady behind the bar
    "Oh are they giving medals to everyone today?"
    Me (crestfallen): "Is is it that obvious"

    Prizegiving  then socialised a while before bus took us for our ferry, most of the way back down the race route .I think that this was actually a bonus of being in the late bookers' group - a lot better to see all the hills after the run.

    More sun as we lay on the grass waiting for the ferry. image

    Another lovely trip back with the seals across Hoy Sound in idyllic conditions to Stromness and short drive back home (to proud Els!)

    No blisters and nothing more than a general muscle ache after (and still fine today) much to my surprise.image

    Back to busy day at work with earlier than usual start, missed lunch and working on til gone 7.

    On call now and just being called back in to Maternity!

    Back to reality

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    PS the 5k on Thursday by the Orkney Athletic Club is billed as a "Fun Run" so nothing too serious (although one colleague uses "Fun Run" as her example of an oxymoron)
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    elspeth fay wrote (see)

    Hmmm - just looked up langdale mara - sounds great and a reasonable time to be taking some leaveimage, not to mention a nice Half for Peterimage.

    I could be like Mrs mac and enter him for lots of thingsimage

    Hmm - have already been looking at Kayaking in Skye at that time
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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭


    Great report.  Well done.

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    mowzermowzer ✭✭✭

    OH - fantastic report image. I think you're hooked on running now,  just don't let the 5k put you off - 5ks are definitely the worst . Instead of the triathlon, or aquathon, perhaps you could invent an event to include running and kayaking image.

    LMUH - Poppyline is 26.9 miles.

    Shades - job is going quite well thanks.But I get a bit confused with all the different shopping cards, vouchers and coupons. Hope the shop's profits aren't too much down for last week image.

    We have quite a few swan families on our two local rivers. However this year they all seem to be single parents! I've only seen one pair and they didn't have any cygnets at the time. Other cygnets (even a group of 8) seem to only ever have one adult with them, whereas last year there were always two.

    Don't know about a sub 4 - that's quite a bit faster running. When I knew I was on for a PB (but definitely not below 4) at Bungay, I still ran as hard as I could as I kept thinking 'This might be the fastest I EVER go'.

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    Excellent report OH - and a well executed race too!

    mowzer - we seem to have less swans and cygnets this year too.

    Mrs Mac - you ok?

    Beautiful morning here - and I have a turbo session this morning and swim this afternoon - typical.

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    Keith - aren't there any other suitable shoes in your size.   I don't wear GTS's all the time, it's good to have different shoes especially when training hard.

    OH - congratulations again on your race and a wonderful race report, I think you really enjoyed yourself.

    Mrs Mac - entering Mr Mac for events is only a kindness in offering to do the paperwork for him, isn't it?

    Elspeth - I think you would love Langdale

    mowser - I'm sure Asda can suffer a few pence on a voucher or two

    I agree on the PB running, I always feel that I wouldn't be able to run that pace again.

    Lovely morning today, humidity has lifted.   First hilly run since DDimage

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    Shades - No idea what others are suitable. Have used Mizuno Wave Nirvana once in the past
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    Keith - i check between the RW shoe reviews and Ransacker website to see if shoe models are suitable for me.   I already know that the Brooks last are suitable for my feet, so just check what the spec of each model is
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    SHADES wrote (see)

    LB - exactly how a long run should feel like, how's the training going?

    Yes, a couple of doubles just to get you used to running twice in one day will sort you out.

    Training is going fine thanks Shades but I'm grinding them out rather than enjoying it, mostly because the weather here has been SHOCKING since April and we've had two day of sunshine in two months. VR says I'm fickle - and she's right! My speed is poor. I'm finding tempo runs hard but I'm uninjured and thankful to be running pain free. I've put over 20lbs on in weight this year so it's more difficult to run with the extra lard (which I'm working on getting off now)!

    OH - what a great race report! You sound like you are so bitten by the bug! And such a good time!

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    Morning all,

    Seems the Orkney folk have been hogging the thread yesterday, oopsimage

    Mrs Mac - you sound a bit stressed, hope it's just pre race nerves and all is on plan for the weekend, must take some organising including all your bits and pieces and support teamimage.

    Mowser - what is your PB time? I reckoned that at Loch ness, that i wouldn't ever be faster than that.image I think sometimes it all works out on the day more by luck than anything else, even if the training has been good.

    Bit lazy this morning, catching up on all the weekends loss of sleep plus was in at work until midnight.(only from 10.30 though). But need to find time for a run amidst the housework.

    LB - glad training is going well. We've had rubbish weather too since End of April, one really nice dayand two reasonable ones! I hate speedwork. Actually i don't do itimage, nearest thing has been going to the track with A, I hate that too but it is good for him to run without obstacles but it's much nicer out on the open road.

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    Orcadians are permitted to dominate the thread! It's not a sentence you get to say very often! image
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    LB - do you think it's time to shake things up a bit in an effort to make it fun again? Maybe intersperse some swimming and biking? Hope you have the lovely weather that we are enjoying today. When is your next race?

    Elspeth - if you did I didn't notice image Speed work is over rated - I always break when I try to do any, hills are much better for you. You're spot on with marathon PBs as far as I'm concerned - it's all down to the day, the long distance triathlons are the same - you can have a great build up and an awful day.

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    mowzer wrote (see)

    OH - fantastic report image. I think you're hooked on running now,  just don't let the 5k put you off - 5ks are definitely the worst . Instead of the triathlon, or aquathon, perhaps you could invent an event to include running and kayaking image.

    Actually looking forward to the 5k
    - this is just about length of my usual quickie around Scapa Bay when I don't have time/inclination to do any more. I also often manage quite well in first few miles when running with the group (usually get told off for starting too fast!!). Els is running with her blind runner so I won't be last!

    There are actually occasional events involving running/cycling with kayaking. However I don't really do kayak racing - my kayaking is more the sea based equivalent of going for a long walk with enjoyment being prime aim. We tend to do a lot of exploring the intracacies of the coastline popping our noses in and out of caves passages and enjoying the scenery.

    elspeth fay wrote (see)

    Seems the Orkney folk have been hogging the thread yesterday, oopsimage

    Think she's trying to tell me to shut upimage
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    *waves*  Hello everyone, long time no type! 

     Life continues to be hectic, but wanted to get back to regular running, so thought I needed a challenge so started a marathon plan with a vague aim of Liverpool, but Mr DG has been challenged by a friend to run that one, and I simply can't see how we can both fit in the long runs, but we'll see how it goes. 

    However, I'm only in the second week and already I'm injured image  I've not done anything that much (a very slow 6 miler, with a couple of shorter runs in the week before).  Hip had been a bit sore, but nothing major, but on today's run it felt like a knife in my hip joint by about half way through.  Ended up walking home.  I'm so disappointed. Although I've not run regularly for a while I've been riding my bike, swimming and doing yoga as well as a few runs so thought I'd be OK, but guess its probably too much running too soon.

    Anyway, hopefully resting it for a couple of days will sort it out. 

    I've not read back too much, but hope to get back into reading all your news over the next few weeks! 

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     ill today.. got a stomach bug yesterday and it just got worse so off work sick today .. taking it very easy but a bit gutted really as was feeling so good post tri

    not eating yet but looking forward to getting back to normal

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    Hello DG! *waves excitedly*

    Nice to have you back. Hips are a pain in the arse. Yours sounds exactly like mine did when I robbed your handbag in the middle of VLM for paracetamol that got me through to finish the race! image

    It would be amazing if you could both do the marathon, I almost bought Mr DG a place for his 40th but I didn't want to push him into it! Great news he's going to do it anyway. I do understand the logistics of both trying to train at the same time though - it's hard. And you've got three kids not two to taxi for!image

    LMUH - I have been doing some biking but I haven't even been near a pool. Going to Center Parcs on Friday though but that's splashing not swimming! Fun though!

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    Boots - shall I make you some soup? image
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    LB - I did think as I was walking home 'How on earth did LB finish the marathon with pain like this??'.  Mr DG wasn't ever going to do a marathon, until his mate was doing it and now he's simply GOT to beat him!  I'm fairly ambivalent about it, really want to do London next year (fingers crossed) and as I will fundraise when I do London (would make my Dad v. happy!) it would be nice for it to be my first marathon on my 40th birthday (near enough).

    Bootsie - get well soon!

    Best get off to work then I suppose!

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    Initially, the pain was so bad I panicked. Then I started to cry. Then my mind started to work through the options which were a) DNF b) Hobble c) Stop panicking.

    I went for C mixed with a bit of B. I wasn't keen on A! image

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