
working at it slowly



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    Now, THERE's a confession, Melds image

    Daffs, I hope you do skip the swimming tonight. You sound tired, and the beta blocking problems aren't helping. Don't push yourself into the ground.


    Podds, I hope you've been home for HOURS by now! After your titanic efforts at the weekend, PLUS exams, you really do need a long evening to rest up.

    Nogs, Nogs Jnr is really an impressive fella. This is deffo a day when the WAIStersons are doing us all proud!

    I'm remembering what it's like to have kids around all the time: my efficiency plummets! So nice to have them about, and I want to have a chat with this one, and a walk with that one, and feed up the one who's hungry, and admire the one who's working and...and...and.. By the end of the day I haven't done half the things I ought to have done! But in another few weeks they will be gone again, so I have to enjoy them while I can!
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    Dr DaffsDr Daffs ✭✭✭
    Aw chuggs what a lovely tribute to your kids image

    Meldy - you're looking forward to going to work for a rest?!

    I went to Slimming World - and lost half a pound image (most impressive after the amount of cake and lack of exercise this week! image). Left to go food shopping and (maybe) swimming, realised the time and that I wouldn't fit both in, and decided I'd be better off sitting in the meeting.

    So I did - and I won Slimmer of the Week image So a shiney sticker, and a basket of fruit - good job I saved the shopping trip! image

    NOT going swimming though - but I *will* do a bit of pilates instead.

    In a minute.
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    woo Hoo Daffs.  Well done.
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    FootpatherFootpather ✭✭✭
    Chuggy, I absolutely agree with you. Housework and things can wait, shared time is so important (and wonderful). Your family always sound like good company too.

    Podds, you take care of that leg. We don't want you incapacitated.

    Spence, you are an addict to running! Better than a lot of other things though (ask DL's mum).

    Nogs, now that DOES sound like a plan. I'm sure HL won't object even if she does see through your, ahem, plan. The speakers on my pc have become dodgy but if team Waisters are impressed with Nogs Jnr then so am I.

    Poor Daffs, you really do sound off balance. You need some cheeriness in your life. BTW, have you finished that cheerful living course now?

    Sluggie, well done to SB. Chip off the not so old block!

    Meldy, you deserved the lie in. I got an email entitled 'Britain's Top 10 Ironmen' (or something like that) and was disappointed not to see you mentioned in dispatches.

    Right better go and pick FP Jnr up from Guides.
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    I wonder why FP is getting emails about IM ??   image

    Chuggs, you know if you ever want to have a houseful to feed and cater for once the chuglets have gone home you do know you only have to ask !!

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    DLDL ✭✭✭

    Oooh Daffers - slimmer of the week - the incredible disappearing woman - wooo hooo

    Meant to say Noggs - I got a kindle for Christmas (unexpectedly and unasked for and very generously from my brother) Have enjoyed it on the rare occasions I used it. My trouble is people know I like to read but don't know I have a Kindle - have a bookcase of books to get through. Also OH knows I have a Kindle but panicked on my birthday not knowing how to 'wrap' kindle books and deciding the real things are much more shareable. It came into its own on holiday as I only had to pack one slimline book but had 10 to choose from. Again only issue was I don't have a fancy case so keep mine in a jiffy bag - I quite like it, but HL might like a nice wrapping to keep it safe.

    I have been to Wagamamamamamamas  - life is good

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    Well done Daffers!! Being able to eat lots of cake and STILL get slim is deffo my idea of heaven image))))

    FP, shame about the speakers cos Nogs Jnr really was pretty impressive. Cool and relaxed despite having managed an overnight revolt by some of the worst prisoners in NZ. Of course we all know where he got his composure... image))

    DL, your account of the Kindle is what another friend told me yesterday. She likes reading BIG books, the 500 page kind, and loves the Kindle cos she can have a long book but it's still so light. You might be onto a winner prezzie for HL, Nogs!
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    Hi all

    Thanks very much for the welcome, I'm content to stay on the treadmill for the time being as it isn't so hard on my knees and I also want to build up my stamina.

    I managed to run the whole 30 minutes today which pleased me very much, my aim is to continue that for the rest of the week and next week very slowly increase the pace. Not sure if I mentioned last week but I'm currently running at 7.5kph but hope to get up to around 9kph in due course.

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    SpenceSpence ✭✭✭

    woo hoo well done Daffersimage

    I still can't get Nogs linky, link to work image

    I've been snuggling a 3 week old baby, very sweet image even nicer to be able to give her back image

    Anyone watch the programme on the Waltons sextuplets ? What a lovely family image

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    M...eldy wrote (see)

    Chuggs, you know if you ever want to have a houseful to feed and cater for once the chuglets have gone home you do know you only have to ask !!

    Funny you should say that Melds........the same thought runs through my mind that staying at chuggy's must be like staying at an all inclusive spa type place with all the cossetting image

    Didn't watch that one Spence - watched the Terry Pratchett programme instead and found it absolutely captivating but it's bound to spark huge controversy...........one of those subjects where feelings will inevitably run very high........

    Have been icing leg for 10 mins in every hour since I got home and it's easing off a bit so will try not to overdo it tomorrow - will give cycling a miss and will try to stay off it as much as possible at work too and then in the evening might do a little turbo or something if it feels ok or rest again completely image

    I like resting..... imageimageimage

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    morning each.

    A day with the hapless boy James in Oxford is lined up for me today.

    If I have any energy left I may wander out the the club TT tonight.


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    SpenceSpence ✭✭✭


    I am on a school trip here today.


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    morning all

    a huge well done to SB

    and another for Daffs - losing weight on cakes AND beta blockers is def a remarkable achievement

    My students get their results ratfied tomorrow, of the 5 BSc students, 4 of them will get 2:1 the other will get a 2:2, not bad for cramming a degree into 9 months and some of them have not studied for years. The two MSc students will also come out with flying colours.

    yesterday was a mixture of job 1 and job 2, so today I'm staying home this morning to get on with a bit of job 2 then go in for a meeting at job1, It gets a bit confusing at times this.

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    Dr DaffsDr Daffs ✭✭✭

    Sue - are you having a premonition?! (or did you just mark the exam paper? image)

    Morning the rest of you - glad you're having a rest Podds!

    Best dash - York today <yawn> and we only had one weetabix left - eek!
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    SlugstaSlugsta ✭✭✭


    Welcome back, Gary, you are doing really well. Don't make the typical newbie mistake of trying to do too much, too soon though, as that is a surefire recipe for injury.

    Great weight loss, Daffs. Well done!

    Sue, it is really good going to cram a BSc into 9 months, they must have really good tutors image.

    Have a good trip, Spence, I hope the weather is kind to you.

    Podds, I vote for no turbo this evening, you don't want to go ino 'Twerp carrying an injury.

    A day of pottering for me. I need to pick up MS's tux, go to the pharmacy for the stuff they didn't have yesterday and have my legs waxed (you will prolly hear the screams!). Then choir this evening and we are almost good to go image. I have almost decided not to take my lappie with me. There is internet access on board, but it is very slow not free, so I think it wll be better to leave the comp at home and not risk getting it damaged.

    Still thinking of the Westies, cellulitis can be hellishly painful image.


    WAIST well xxx


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    XBXB ✭✭✭


    Well done to son-of-sluggy.

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    DLDL ✭✭✭

    Morning all

    When I left yesterday it was cold, grey and rainy. I packed accordingly. It's sunny, warm and not a cloud in the sky. I am going to be mighty toasy all day.

    Wooo hooo Sue's students - can you get me one of those MSc thingies for me please - let me know how much I owe you.

    (((((Sluggie))))) although as it's self inflicted I'm not sure you deserve them. Waxing - just the one question - WHY??????????? and you think I'm barking image

     Podds - resting is the new exercise - I should know - I've been training hard at it for months

    Happy Tuesday one and all

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    Morning all

    Leg still sore today image but not as bad as yesterday...........yet! 

    This job is determined to finish me off - 1st the elbow RSI and now the leg !!

    Laters - exams to set up image

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    <<hands sluggy the t-tree oil>> its supposed to help with the soreness  image   I have my eyebrows waxed and that is enough!

    I would also like to put my name down for Chuggy's Spa Holiday  image

    woohoo Sue for your students - you must be proud

    Sunny in stoke too DL, I'm risking putting my washing outside so no doubt it'll rain later!

    I plodded again, went on the more difficult route and found it tough but ok. 

    oh well another day at the NHS coalface

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    morning all

    wow your students must have a great teacher Sue image

    waxing doesn't hurt! I do mine myself

    Daffs - presuming you didn't swim last night? just not worth it wth all that walking involved - sounds like you need to be a bit kinder to yourself for a while . well done on being slimmer of the week!

    talking of which, my colleagues are doing well with SW now - the one lady has been doing it for years and hasn't actually lost any weight - well, I'm afraid I told her like it is - if you eat industrial sized tubs of pasta for lunch its not going to happen - she's taken it on board and is now losing. I know I shouldn't really poke my nose in but couldn't help myself!

    managed a little plod this morning - just 3 miles - could someone please kick me out of bed a bit earlier?

    and the results of my race were up today - I like to see how I did in my age category (old biddies group) and I came 3rd out of 22 - well pleased with that image

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    Morning all image

    Podds, sound like you need to rest a while. You too Daffs. Here's a footstool and a cuppa each.

    And well done on the weight loss Daffs. I hit a 16lb loss this week. I have to confess it was the photos of the Lunnon WAISTermeet that drove me to it image

    Well done to Ma DL for deciding to quit the weed.

    Nice plodding Gary, getting up to 30 minutes is a huge achievement.

    Ooh, so close to cruise time Sluggie! Bet they have computers you can use if you need.

    Great result JFF!

    Right nose to teh grindstone. Will pop back when I come up for air.

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    SlugstaSlugsta ✭✭✭

    Yes, Berry, they do have computers on board. However, buying time is not cheap and they are very slow so I haven't bothered on either of our other cruises.  Well done with the weight loss, I managed to put on 4kg recently when I was back into binge mode image

    Jenni, I'm sure that your colleague is glad that you gave her the push she needed to be successful with the weight loss. Great race results too!

    Legs and brows tidied without any screaming. Either a) it really doesn't hurt or b) the industrial strength painkillers I am on really work.

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    Good grief - I need some industrial strength painkillers..............and it's nothing to do with my leg - more for my temper to dull it !

    Forward planning and meeting deadlines seem to be even more of a thing of the past here currently and it's me picking up the pieces and then when I have to use my line manager he's impossible to get hold of.............and he's leaving this summer and nobody is telling me anything..........

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    Sounds like an unpleasantly chaotic work situation image( And like someone said, you also need to REST as part of the training. You're welcome to come and camp here, although I fear this place is acquiring a reputation up to which the reality does not live! image))

    I missed the Terry Pratchet prog last night, but I think it's the one where he went to Dignitas with someone? I'm prolly prejudiced after years in the Flatlands, but it does seem disrespectful to me to insist that someone go on living in pain and without hope of recovery.

    DL, good for you mum. Giving up the weed is really hard, but it's DEFFO right. Having seen Mams go through COPD, that is really, really not the way you want anyone to end their life.

    Berry--16 lbs! Well done you! Between you and Daffs, the honour of the WAISter slimmers is riding high! (which is good, cos I'm deffo not going to add to our laurels on that one, not with the markets down here!)

    JFF, 3rd out of 22 is brilliant! You must be really pleased image)))) And well done for helping your colleague with the slimming. Sometimes it just takes someone with a bit of common sense to help you get over the hump.

    Snaily, noble effort with that run! Gold star for getting out there early, especially as you really must be tired right out after everything this spring, from Snaunty to the wedding.

    Sluggie, sometimes not having the internet is very relaxing, tho we will hope for a crumb of news now and then image) As for waxing---*UGH!!

    Sue, you obviously know your students well, and prepared them superbly for the exams image))) Hooray!

    Spence, what a lovely place to spend the day! We expect a full account this evening...

    Gary, well done you, being up to half an hour already. And nothing wrong with the tready if you prefer it, most of us just enjoy being outside. Just one thought: if you really are just starting back, remember it's really important to build rest days into your schedule. Three, max four, days a week of running is really all you want to be doing. Work At It Slowly and you'll get further, faster image)))

    The market just goes from bad to worse here. Apricots, peaches, nectarines, strawberries, tomatoes, lettuce, artichokes, avocados, peppers, shallots, beans, peas, cauliflower, asparagus, beets, radishes.... all local, fresh and cheap. I have become a compulsive jam-maker, since even with my unbridled greed I really cannot eat it all!

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    I like all of those things Chuggs image I'm on my way.........
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    SlugstaSlugsta ✭✭✭

    I'm happy to let someone else have the avocados and beets ...

    I have had a lovey chat with SB who is still on cloud 9. GF also got a first so they are well matched.

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    *packs bag and departs to chuggy land*
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    well done berry and daffs on the weightloss.  And JFF good advice for the work colleague, you'd be surprised how many people think pasta is the "healthy option" when the carbs are killers for weightloss.

    I go bread free most of the time and try to only eat it as a treat (especially with a chippy tea!)

    I missed the Terry Pratchet programme too, but I can see both sides of the argument.  They seem to have got it right in Chuggy land and I'm all for people having the choice, especially when faced with a future of pain.

    WAXING DOESNT HURT - no bloody way.  I come out looking like a plucked chicken!

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    <stands back and admires Sluggy's proud mamma look>

    Good news / Bad news

    Good news = I'm eating home grown strawberries image

    Bad news = about to go into a very boring and pointless meeting and am still not set up for tomorrow's big exam........

    Laters image

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    my post got eaten by a big red screen image don't suppose it was very interesting anyway!

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