
Sub 3



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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭

    Plum.. welcome aboard.  I'm one of the thread old codgers too (54). On the face of it your recent times would suggest around 3:10-3:15 to me.  I've done the The Harewood 10 miler and I reckon it adds about 4-6 mins over a flat course.  I think TR's advice is spot on, you need to be doing a greater proportion of running for a full marathon.  Good luck with your next campaign.

    CD.. congrats to junior.  Bet there was an interesting selection of bikes!

    Good turbo & lido work by the sound of it TR.

    Filthy day up here, heavy rain coming down sideways with the wind & quite cold too.  Got out tonight with a few hardy clubmates to clock 7.2m.

    Gobi.. my Mum often cooked liver for me when I was a nipper, still enjoy it!  It does seem to have become quite trendy in certain restaurants along with another of my childhood faves - beetroot!

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    Wardi - Have you tried beetroot juice? Its foul, I forced it down myself for days in the hope it might super charge my marathon running. All it did was give me a dodgy stomach and provide fairly entertaining trips to the bathroom.

    Good luck to anybody running at Chester or Liverpool this weekend.

    Only a week to go until Abingdon and I am getting really excited, everything has seemed to work out well in the preparation for this one so as long as I refrain from doing anything stupid I hope I might be on for a decent run.

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    Bit more info as to the current state of the geriatric :-0

    Monday is track night speedwork with the youngsters, can easily put a 10k recovery run in in the morning on the way to work but I do like the hard work in the evening and would like to be able to give it my best


    Wednesday morning is currently longish tempo run now up to 16k at about 4.3min k's building hopefully to 20k at 4's by Christmas (sorry about the metric stuff am running with a Saffer image) this will however shortly move to Thursday due to work commitments. I shall then hopefully run lunchtime with some of the youngsters at work for 10k steady at lunchtime on Wednesday




    Saturday league cross country 10k at my top end


    THOUGHTS, suggestions, laughter all welcome

    Oh and Harewood was a bit of an anomaly, not making excuses but had paced a sub 20 5k for a friend on the Friday evening and raced a 35 min 5 miler on the Saturday as I had planned running round Harewood with a friend and it didn't happen so the competitive edge took over ...... I blew up at about 9 just before the 2 upflats at the end and was passed by what seemed like half the field image
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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    Plum - looks like enough running, esp with ~20k on Weds morning. If you make a couple of those 10ks 8 to 10M it would be great. Weds does look like a hard day though. Doesnt leave you with much bike and swim though.

    Wardi - glad to be out in the rain rather than on the bench though ! Great stuff. 

    Did some easy miles earlier, I smoked myself a bit y'day and have the Solent 1/2 on Sunday

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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭

    Plum - agree with TR, think you could run a good marathon off that. Although it looks more like a running training plan with a bit of cross training than a tri training plan (which I guess is fine for the few months up to VLM).

    In the cross country season I try to ride to the race, run the race and ride home again. Usually that means a couple of hours of cycling with a tempo run in the middle, which is a nice session. Depends how well you want to run in the XC though!

    CD - thanks for that. I think I climb as well on the TT bike as the road bike, so might go with that. It looks like there's a couple of miles of flat per lap where the TT bike will be quicker. I was always planning on doing it but had been holding off - then I realised it might be nearly full. Sub-2:50 is doable I think - maybe about 1:32 of running, 1:15 cycling (seems slow but probably realistic looking at previous results) and a bit in transition.

    Just over an hour of spinning followed by 4M on the treadmill last night - legs felt a bit better after that. Then 5M easy this morning.

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    Padams - I was thinking of doing that for tomorrow's XC.  It's around 25 miles away though.  I don't know what the team captain will say but there's enough faster club people going that a little off my time won't make too much difference to the team score.

    1:15 is a decent target for the bike at BB - I've managed quicker than that once (last year) and you're a better biker than I am.  Ignore Wayne Smith's times, he's an animal on that course.  what looks like flat on the map or profile is undulating but fine for a TT bike.  It's all about the second run though, I usually do 44-45 for the first run and drift over 50 for the second, you'd think I'd have learnt by now.  Keep the second run closer to 45 and you'll have a great time for sure.

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    I have one more duathlon this year then the race bike will get put to bed and the commute and training rides on the mountain bikes and winter hack will take over. Doing Alpe next year rather than going really long so can afford the cut back as long as keep the hills in the rides

    It is really a run based program with a bit of tri tickover built in, A couple of decent swims and  bikes will hopefully keep these fitness levels up over the winter, I have filled one of the "spare" sessions with a boxfit class for the aerobic and core help it should give and will fill the other with a longer slower weekend run.  I have not put my bike commutes in as getting much beneficial out of them can be unpredictable at times and I do like to try to have some purpose to each session rather than just churning out gash miles. I can just as easily run in

    Going forward then.....

    Mon                           1 x speedwork session
    Tue/Wed Morning   1 x 10 miler at  ????
    Thursday                   1 x 20k at something near max
    Sun                            1 x LSR building to ???? by Christmas

    Then we can review progress and set a realistic target for VLM hopefully and focus the speed/distance stuff a bit better....... seem sensible?

    Then I shall leave you alone for a bit

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    Hello to those who recall me from earlier in the year, this is my first look at this thread since late April for 2 reasons:
    1) I was determined not to do another marathon after running sun 2:45
    2) I´ve been injured since London and still am but having physio

    I just checked back in whilst on a conference call and some of you may recall that I live in Barcelona and ran the marathon here last year as a training run.  I´m happy to answer any questions on BCN marathon (although many others on here have done it) or the city/hotels etc etc (Gran Torre Catalunya is best for the marathon being 300m away from the start and the expo and is right next to the Sants station which takes 30 mins from the airport on a 10 journey ticket for about €8.

     As for my running, jogging a little and got a couple of 10k´s in the plan, might do BCN marathon for a bit of fun, but need to get the sore heel sorted first

    Thanks to all those who helped me for the 6 months up to April, I´ll try to pop back in to answer any Q´s on BCN and listen to the cracking advice on here

     Cheers - TJK

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    Obviously Plum ghas an alter ego for work to hide from his boss......image  he may have blown his cover
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    Was looking at coming to Ballbuster but not now as I have parked the bike early to rest my leg. Talking of the leg it is improving but it is taking a lot of rest to make gains. Feeling like I have been on a 6 week taper.

    3rd non running day in 6 days today ahead of an attempt to run 4 days in a row including another MP effort at the Swindon half.

    TR - sometimes you are far too organised for someone without a love of spreadsheets/GPS and racing shoes. What colour washing machine should I get ?

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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    Plum - Keep the Tues or Weds 8M easy paced, also make the Thurs 20ish km easy for now too, its about building a base and getting to Christmas uninjured, you already have speedwork scheduled for a Monday. I would aim to build the long run up to 2hrs easy running by Christmas (or a bit before). 

    Gobi – White of course !  Still havnt got a spreadsheet, GPS or racing shoes indeed but I will be donning my technical Xempo T shirt on Sunday ! Looks like that leg is needing more management, time for a big decision after Sunday ? If we were running on the same course I could try and keep up ! What time are you hoping to do Sunday ?

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    PhilPubPhilPub ✭✭✭

    I can't bloody wait to be fit for duathlons.  The Ballbuster's been on my to-do list for a while but given my current state of injury, the race title looks more like a warning than anything else.

    At least I've got one side of the training up and running already.  Have now managed a couple of half hour sessions on the bike in the gym this week, with a little more resistance the second time, and last night a little longer on the turbo with a genuine ten minute 'hard-tempo' section to try out the hip on higher resistance and rpm.  Hardest part of the session was getting on the bike - right-side entry only!  But it appears that pedalling is no impedence at all, if anything it makes the hip feel better.  So I will be venturing back onto the velodrome tomorrow morning.

    Oh yes - from a pure logistical point of view (free track bike storage) it appears I will benefit from re-joining my old cycling club, and I've already decided I will be getting a racing licence and racing on the track next season.  It's all looking rather ominous.  image

    Hiya Plum!

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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    TR - regards the leg, todays rest was a proactive choice so I am actually hopeful of a good weekends running and pretty confident that a really easy last week shall see me start Snowdon with a sub 3 effort in mind. It would however be nice just to do 1 good week of training next week if I can.

    1.20 ish I think should be possible on this course as MP effort. Depends how long the warm up is and how I feel after about 4 miles.

    I may even back off at the parkrun tomorrow although having won the last 2 I have done thoughts of a hat trick are there.

    Edit - actually have won my last 3 park runs :¬)
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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    good stuff PP - must be nice to have something you can throw yourself into at last

    Gobi - good plan. mmmmmm, not sure I can keep up Sunday then, cant see myself being 80 min fit.

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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    I ran 81 at New Forest even stopping twice with cramp and jogging the last 100 metres at 9mm :¬)
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    TR - Hardly that fast and low enough in volume so nothing much taken out. I've learned over the years that the speed will come once the endurance feels easy. I think the biking is really helping but I'm not sure why or how. Perhaps some of you cyclists could explain to me why it would benefit me.

    For example, why does cycling up hill hurt so much?? I feel I am pretty decent on hills (running up them) but boy does the lactic build fast on the bike.

    SL - Cheers dude. I like running in the dark and shitty weather. I always think of that Ron Hill quote about him believing his competitors were in bed whilst he was out blasting a 20 miler over the moors of the Peak District in the foulest of weathers.

    Good advice being offered as ever, most of it hitting home too.
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    Welcome Plum think you and I wll be the oldies of the thread. image

    SJ I to have taken to biking and have enjoye doing 2 mini tris late summer. I find the biking up hil not to bad its running up hill I have the problem with!

    Have had quite a good first week FLM training.

    Monday 0 image work called me in early just when I was about to go for a run.

    Tuesday 6 miles easy AM, 2x2mile PM with warm and down

    Weds 12 mile club run in 1.29

    Thurs 5 mile easy

    Fri rest

    Sat first xc race of the season this PM. Will do 2 mile warm up 10k race, then 2 mile warm down

    Sun 13 easy run planned.

    Good luck to all those racing today.

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    Well Chicago is forecast for 80° tomorrow. Also I think I'm coming down with a cold, I think I've messed up the carb loading, I've been sleeping badly, and seemed to spend all yesterday carrying heavy bags up and down stairs. Can still feel some of the niggles. Plus training hasn't gone well anyway. So that's all my excuses out of the way in advance...

    Bib 1765. Just want it to be over now.

    Good luck to any other racers this weekend.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    FR - sounds like a typical build up. You might never get a chance like this again. Make it happen dude, be a "can" not a "can't" !
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    Lev_Lev_ ✭✭✭
    Good luck FR and all other weekend racers.

    In the spirit of my endless list of questions, do any of you run with/have experience of using heart rate monitors? I have one with my v basic Garmin but didn't use it at all in the build up to Berlin. Did for the first time today as I thought it might be worth building it in to some training. Not really certain what zones I should be training in though and so (as ever) grateful for guidance/hints/tips.

    Used it today on an 11m run (broadly 3m @ 7:05 - 3m @ "tempo" of 5:55 - 2m @ 6:50 - 2m @ 5:55 - final bit @ 7:05 again). HR averaged about 73% heart reserve rate; the tempo sections were at around 155-162 bpm, so somewhere between 80-85% HRR.

    Any thoughts?

    As ever, feel sheepish for plaguing you with questions. One day I hope to be able to give more back to the forum...!


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    FR- Have a great run tomorrow. YOu've done the hard work. Smash it!

    Good luck to all other racers this weekend/

    Wardi- Ran last weekend so I'll take your luck for dealing with my hangover tomorrow! Did my 15m this morning after the rugby. 

    Leaders just out of the water at Kona. Friends over tonight for dinner so will prob log on for the latter stages of the marathon. Great weekend of sport.

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    Lev - The best answer I can give is buy Jacks Daniels running formula.

    FR - Don't let yourself down, kick it hard and don't be shit.

    Great to see Wardi knocking out some good consistent miles.

    I couldn't get a pass for Swindon Half so did a 4 mile tempo instead, came out at 21.01, time to sink a few cans.

    Good luck Gobi and all other races.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭

    Have a good session & nosh tonight then Ode!

    FR.. it won't be 80 degrees at 07:30 when the race starts so you can take that off your list of excuses. image  Besides, all the more reason to hurry round - I reckon you'll be home before the tarmac melts!  Good luck fella, hope you have a cracker.

    Sorry Lev, all I ever check is resting HR.

    All the best for tomorrow TR, & anyone else racing. 

    Tiger.. a decent week there, are you on a 24 week plan?  BTW just to be pedantic it's VLM now, not FLM.  The course is now a sea of red instead of yellow!

    Thanks SL, it's great to be back to it after a long time out (as I'm sure you know!).  I'm a bit slow at the moment but just enjoying the comeback for the time being.  I'm keeping myself to 4 runs a week at present, tempting to do more but I was crocked for too long to take risks.  25m bike commute today in the rain, marshalling a 10k run at Bramham Park tomorrow which our club help organise with CRUK.  I will run home from there giving me about 10 miles.

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    FR hope the weather cools down for tomorrow and you get a good nights sleep and it all goes well.

    Ran first of the seasons xc races today in the North Midlands XC League. Course was 3 laps and roughly 10K.

    First lap took it a little easy and got into my stride. Second lap started to push on a bit and started passing runners. Third lap increased the pace as a mate from another club was behind me. Went up the hill on last lap and when over the top kicked on to open up a gap.

    Tried to pick it up for sprint finish put legs were now feeling tired as I have not quite got the mileage in them.

    Finished in 79th place in 39-57 very pleased with that. Passed people on the 2nd and 3rd laps with only one coming passed me at the end. He was a lot younger and had a great kick, leaving me with no chance.

    So first one in the bag and more to come. Really enjoy xc find it helps me with my marathon training.

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    Mr BoatMr Boat ✭✭✭

    FR: good luck and just go for it. The training's in the bank so enjoy the day don't dread it. Yes, it's going to hurt at some point but isn't that one of the reasons we do it.

    One week to go for me now. I'm doing a charity 10K on the seafront tomorrow. Hopefully all of the club runners around my level will be doing the league race at Gold Hill so I won't be tempted to go all out. Carb depletion starts from now so eggs and bacon for brekkie....no toast though.

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    Hi everyone.
    Good to see people are racing this weekend, and generall going good.
    After feelin borderline sick by thursday on friday (10th day straight working) had virtually written of my 10k this sunday but after a 16hour sleep and an easy 30 min trail run am really up for this tommorow. image good luck everyone this weekend. image
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    TmapTmap ✭✭✭

    Mange tout, mange tout

    Opening XC of the season and a fat slow struggle for me.  Still loved it though - love the banter with the other runners, love the mad fast starts, the logs, the streams.  Was, however, at least 2 minutes off the pace and out of the points, for the first time ever aside from illnesses.

    Problem with running with the dog is that it's not enough to get fit but it IS enough to make me hungry all the time.  Need to introduce some drastic changes and fast - a mid-week mandatory 14-miler and an obligatory 2-run day Sunday, for starters.

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    Anybody watching Kona......exciting stuff!
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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    Judging by the dearth of replies, Marigold, no... I was drinking beer with musos and have only just surfaced!

    Good luck to today's racers.
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    MtRMtR ✭✭✭
    Marigold: I was watching from 1am to 2:30am after coming back from a night out on the beers watching some local bands. Very inspiring and I saw your message, but I was too unsober to type a reply!
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