
Pregnant runners' club



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    Thanks! I think signing up for a race gives us something to strive for...Im doing a 11K race next week. This was nothing at one point but now I have to probably work at it..Ive never really gone past a 9K after I got pregnant..but i think it should be ok if i took a walk break in the middle...more than not being able to do it, I am a bit worried to put too much pressure on my uterus and cause any harm..(call it maternal instinct!) Lets see how that goes image

    All the best!

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    I'm sure you will be fine - if you just listen to your body and take it slow and easy, I don't think you would cause any harm. Oddly, I feel more confortable running sometimes than I do walking and the advice from my midiwfe and GP has been to keep running for as long as it feels comfortable as it's good for blood flow and it's what my body has been used to.  Hope your run goes well Sonita.
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    Thanks, Chispa! Yeah, i feel the same - walkign is harder than running for..I guess we are just used to running! Im looking forward to getting back in full swing when the baby is here image Another 4 months...
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    Sonita C - I'm sure you will be fine on your race - good luck. Just take it easy and enjoy the race atmosphere. I ran a 10k race at 26 weeks and although it was my slowest time ever, I really enjoyed it and got lots of applause from the marshals at the end which gave me a buzz! I'm thinking of doing our local 5k park run tomorrow as I miss races! I know I'll probably be last but it doesn't matter at this stage!
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    CRacer - who cares if you come last! You are running! That's the best feeling..not others! Thats why we run, isnt it? Its a high!

     Thanks for cheering - Im looking forward to the race...! I have no choice - I cant do it fast anyway so its going to be a waddle image

    Have a good weekend! And good luck to you! Have fun!


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    Hi Guys,

    Glad to see everyone doing well. Just hope thew weather starts to improve soon as getting fed-up of running on rain and very very string winds! image

     Just wondering if anyone knows if it ok to wear compression socks whilst pregnant (yep - the not too sexy knee high ones!) ?

    Good luck to all those who may racing/fun running this weekend. 


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    Hi Emz,

    I think they should be ok, one of the ladies on a forum I joined on mumsnet has been prescribed them (err can't remember what for though!), must be something pregnancy related!

    Really stuck for what to do on about our 5th consecutive day of rain - have been making a real effort to get out and do stuff despite the weather but I'm a bit tired now and I think I will save soft play for tomorrow!!
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    Thanks Kinsey. I'll try them on a shorter run first and see how I feel. Found that wearing pre-pregnancy helped my feet warm-up quciker, as always suffered bad circulation in hands and feet. thought this was suppose to improve once preggers, but appears not at mo, especially when it rather chilly out.

    I too am getting fed-up with the non-stop rain, and the very strong winds down here along the sea front image I have still been going out for my runs as trying to make the most of being able to run whilst I still can. Have found that once going, it actually a little warmer when it rains. The runs I have done in the rain have been shorter runs thoughimage

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    Hi Ladies! I'm a pregnant runner as well and aim to keep it going as long as I can! I'm currently 32 weeks, in my 3rd pregnancy (4th baby though - first pregnancy was twins), and managing 3 runs a week, about 5-6ks at a time... i've been devouring "running while pregnant" blogs (mainly US) for tips, ideas and encouragements, but enjoy this thread as well.  The best advice I've read is that every day is completely different so if you have a "bad" run, don't take it to heart and see how you feel the next day (or the day after that.) I find that SO true.  The other pain I seem to battle with is my ANKLES (and shins). They feel as though they are working extra hard (maybe the extra 11 kgs? hmmm.) and sore.  I've moved into my slightly more stable shoes (closer to motion control) to see if I needed more stability and that seems to have cut down significantly on the shin & ankle pain.  Look forward to hearing more from everyone!

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    You put me to shame Anna, although my pelvis wouldn't let me run even if I wanted to!

    I'm getting out for a walk most days but its flipping painful - I'm 35 weeks now and counting the days!

    Not sure how I ran up to 30 weeks first time around - think being younger obviously helped image

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    Hi ladies,

    I had some horrid pain in my lower right groin and had to stop running. It was either a swollen lymph gland or some muscle/tendon. But i could hardly walk although the scan ruled out appendix or hernia. I was on anti inflammatories and antibiotics for a week and the swelling and pain;s gone. What a scare! I resumed running yesterday, perhaps only about 4K. Im 24 weeks now and i hope i can continue regularly...

    Good luck to all!

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    Hi everyone. I've cut my running down dramatically in the last few weeks as my pelvis decided it couldn't take it any more. Was running 25 miles per week til 29 weeks, then down to 20 until 33 weeks. Now I'm managing one three mile run a week (plus gym and spin class). I'd love to be doing more but I know I'd be in agony and it's not worth it. I'm 35 weeks so hopefully not too long before I can resume running properly. Well done to all those still going!
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    I am 22 weeks, and at the moment managing 5-6 km a week. My SI joint is clicking loudly, and I am also noticing I need some support for my bump. I've had a look online and most support belts look too chunky. Has anyone found a support that is comfortable?

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    Kakatin, I came on here to ask exactly that!  I'm 23 weeks and running 5-6kms, 2-3 times a week. Also cycling and doing yoga. Loving running though, esp now the weather is getting better but my bump feels like it needs support. I've been getting stitches in the round ligaments - when that happens, I walk it out. I think a bump support would help with that. Any suggestions? Not found anything googling. Thanks

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    Um, think we found the basic mothercare one was okay but not massively comfortable, not sure if anyone ran in it though, I'm sure it was only a few pages back we were mentioning it so if you have a quick look it might help...

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    Hi everybody,

    Finally some good weather image  Glad to see everyone is still doing ok and managing to get out running in some way or another. I'm now 23 weeks and still managing around 18 miles a week quite comfortably with all my other bits and bobs on top too (daily walking to work and back, spinning and circuits). My bump only just starting to make an obvious appearance, so unable to comment on the bump support issues I'm afraid ladies. Still haven't any maternity clothes as still in my size 8's! Have brought a couple of items in a size bigger to keep me going where they are beginning to feel a little tight in this heat, especially after eating. Think I'm going to explode all at once towards the end! lol image Dissapointed I have yet to buy some bigger bras though image Have invested in some more supportive ones for running though (as feel heavier), so thanks to those who recommended the Primark sports bras - great value and support for what they cost.

    The only issues I do have is hayfever image which I can do nowt about and tighter calf muscles of which cramp really bad in the mornings. Not sure if anyone else has experienced this being worse in pregnancy? I have started to use the compression socks when it not too hot which do appear to help, and have ensured I eat a bannana most days as this apparently helps (potassium wise) for the cramp and of course energy, as generally more tired now too. I guess the calf issues may be due to a slight change in my gait now I am starting to bump out more?? I'm also experimenting with sipping some Powerade as well as water after my runs to make sure I keep properly hydrated in this hot weather and to see if the extra electrolytes in the drink help with the tight/crampy calfs too.

    Happy sunny running to all


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    Hi all, hope you are surviving jogging in these gales! I am nearly 23 weeks now and still running about 20 miles a week and commuting on my bike no probs. Started pre-natal pilates too which is great! Lots of insomnia though, I wake up at 2am thirsty, then at 4am desperate for the loo, then get distracted by watching the baby having a party in my tummy!!

    ANYWAY, I just wondered if any of you have thoughts on jogging buggys? Initially I thought I would try to run when my hubby is home, so I can get some me time. But actually, having the option of jogging when he is at work would be great. Trouble is jogging buggies and city buggies have little in common, I think we might have to get 2...Have any of you bought/considered a running buggy? 


    Kate x

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    Hi DottieD,

    Glad to  hear you all well and still getting through the miles.

    I am 25 weeks now and also managing to get in plenty of miles with walking to work, circuits and spinning. Am hoping to do some pre-natal yoga and some swimming as and when I have to reduce my running a little. Like you, am also suffering insomnia and starting to feel me my little one move more and more each week.My hayfever is a bit of problem as can't take anything for it, and have noticed that I have got more tightness and cramp in my glutes and calves. Probably effects of hips and things softening and changing in the pelvic and lowe ab areas a little. Maybe a little change in my centre of balance now I am actually starting to get a bump at last! Have put on only a few pounds too, which may be aenough to make a difference.

    My hubby is very supportive of my running and always will be. So like you, plan on running when hubby home and at work. We have decided that we will have to get two buggies -  a running one and then one suitable for more everyday purposes (shopping etc). From my research so far, I  think this will be the only option, as some of the proper running specific buggies are not suitable for those under six months, as require baby to have head support and only foward facing. We're therfore going to get a decent second hand one as have loads of quality used baby equipment shops where I live. This will tie us over for the first 6 months, which like you, will be the coldest/wettest months now anyway, and then continue using it for general puropse. I will obviously have to run when hubby at home during this time - evenings and weekends like I do now anyway. Will obviously do lots of walking during this time with spinning, circuits, swimming and yoga hopefully. We have decided that running buggy wise, we are going for the BabyJogger UK Performance model. Looks awsome, has good rating and reviews and seems reasonably priced for what it is. I've found it can be brought for about £260-275. Didn't think this too bad considering they can be in it until they are four years, and it suitable for both road and off-road. I should have been doing an off-road marathon today, but have deferred it until next year, so have to get back running some how or other! image

    Many of my friends and family have spend on average £600-800 on buggies etc, not running ones either! When we added-up the cost of the two buggies, with a car seat on top, can still do it for around £500! image Just depends on if your happy to have a decent second hand one for the first 5-6months and general/everyday use, or if you'd prefer new. I personally am not a lover of buggies anyway, never have been as find them very annoying - however, realise it a must in some format or other image

    I hope this helps. Not sure if anyone else has previously used the BabyJogger UK Performance model, or maybe a different one althogether. I'm sure we are bound to get some repsonses and recommendations. Check it out and let know what you think. I think it very me and can't wait to get one.My hubby said he not so keen on it as said it looks like a paralympic wheelchair. He, however, is not a runner like me, so don't care what he or anyone else thinks image

    Emz x

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    Hi Dottie,

    We are definitely going to buy a running buggy, but mostly a used one online (on ebay, etc.). The prices for new ones are very steep, and in my opinion, a complete waste of money. So we are researching this. Also, these are more sturdy than the regular ones (larger and broader wheels, and multi purpose). I think its a good investment, but try to get a used on e online.

    Im reaching my 28th week and feel my little angel move a lot. Runner baby image Im not running as much..perhaps only about 8K a week..i wish i could do more but then i get bloated after every run or need to pee all the time. I try to walk and climb stairs more. I cant wait to get back on the road in full form.!

    All the best!

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    Great, I will have a look at the Baby Jogger thanks! We are gettting soooo much second hand stuff from friends, definitely not worried about buying a second hand jogging buggy...will have a hunt on gumtree and ebay!

    Emma, I was told by GP that the drowsy Piriton is fine to take in pregnancy if you need?


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    Hi, just discovered this thread & it is great to read and hear of other pregnant runners.   I am only 10 weeks so very early compared to most of you but I would like to continue running for as long as possible.  In my first pregnancy I was told to stop by my midwife after a small bleed (which turned out to be nothing major) so I am keeping my fingers crossed I can keep running and exersising (I also do an outdoor fitness class 2x a week).  I have a couple of questions that maybe some of you can help with.  This year I trained for and was meant to run the London marathon but had to defer my place due to frustrating tendonitis.  Deep down I am hoping to keep my place and do it in 2013, but this will only be about 14-15 weeks after the baby is due (although I had my first 10 days early).  Is this a way too optimistic/unrealistic goal?  I was hoping to keep fit during my pregnany then start running again 2-4 weeks after birth (obviously as long as all goes ok).  Would love some honest feedback on this.  My pace has slowed down already as I've founf myself becoming breathless already (I also already have quite a bump!) last weeks 5k park run was 28 min something instead of my normal 25-26 min but I am just enjoying the running.  Also do you need a specific jogging buggy?  I was hoping to use my Britax vigour plus 3 wheeler for running (I never tried it with my first but it's great for off-road dog walking!) What are the advantages of a babyjogger?  Are they lightweight? Thanks for any help.

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    Ok, so having discovered the mum's running club on RW it appears that yes, running the VLM just 3.5 months after due date will pretty much be impossible.  I'm gutted as that was my chance of a guaranteed place having deferred this year through injury- and I've raised over £2,000 for a breast cancer chairty (was inspired to run after my mum was diagnosed when my first child (now 2) was only 2 months old).  I am gutted now, not sure what to do, will keep running and maybe just keep applying through the ballot year after year until I get lucky, but can't help thinking I've let everyone who sponsored me down (not to mention my mum). image With regards to the running buggies, apparantly you can use the out n about nipper from birth, but how do you use it for running like this?  With a car seat?  Same for the Qunni speedi, do you use it with the car seat?  Obviously if they are new-born/young I'd stick to smooth paths/roads, but to be honest I did some quite adventourous off-road buggy walks first time round and the car seat seemed fairly supportive! Advice still gratefully appreciated on how to approach the maraton (or lack of it! 

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    Hi Emma A, it might be worth getting in touch with the organisers of VLM to see if they would let you defer again seeing as you have raised that much money, or perhaps the charity you have raised it for could help?

    I think you are right, 14-15 weeks after giving birth might be a bit difficult, massively depends on your fitness and how the birth goes but most of us would not have been in a position to consider that kind of challenge at that point although some mums have definitely rebounded from birth and got their mileage up more quickly than others.  Good luck with finding a solution!

    I also think you probably would need to use the car seat for when the baby is tiny to make sure it gets some support.

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    I agree with Kinsey.There will always be lots of marathons to run..image

    Im reaching my 28th week and i find it very difficult to run now...the pressure in my lower ab builds up tremendously when i run over 5-10 mins. Time to stop and just walk and do other weight exercises?


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    Thanks very much for the advice, much appreciated and taken on board,image

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    Just to let you know I had Benedict yesterday morning at 9am, short labour, only about 5 hours all in all, and just used breathing, Tens and then a bit of gas when I pushed him out which was VERY quick!  Have put the birth story on the Mum's running Club thread if anyone wants the full story!

    He was 9lb 2oz and was awake lots yesterday and asleep lots today!  Not looking forward to tonight, but am looking forward to getting out running in a few weeks!

    Good luck everyone!

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    Congratulations, Kinsey!!! This is great news! I have 2.5 months to go...getting a bit too heavy to run anymore...! Enjoy running again!


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    Congratulations Kinsey! Hope everything is going well!

    I know this has been mentioned before but is anyone running is a pregnancy belt? The one discussed earlier in this thread doesnt have good reviews, 


    Its so bulky! I tried it on and it was a bit of a faff so I didn't buy. I'm 26 weeks now and bump is still quite small but very noticeable in lycra! It feels a bit bouncy when running now nd I would really liek to give it a bit of support...dd



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    Hi ladies! New to the thread, just found out I'm expecting baby number 2 image anywhere from 5-8 weeks along don't know yet :-/ I am just looking for tips / advice on keeping running as long as I can whilst I'm pregnant? Has anyone found any good websites or books with decent up to date advice in them?

    Thanks all - happy running x
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    Niki, congratulations! Run as long as your body can take it, but go slow and with min impact...Try to avoid trail running..the road is better...more even...I stopped once i felt the pressure in the lower part of the belly. Sure, there are belts, etc. But ive switched ot walking and climbing stairs...Just dont stop being active...People say that we will get back to our running schedules very soon once the baby arrives...Im reaching 31 weeks....my first one and definitely scary image

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